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Emerging infectious diseases threaten a wide diversity of animals, and important questions remain concerning disease emergence in socially structured populations. We developed a spatially explicit simulation model to investigate whether—and under what conditions—disease-related mortality can impact rates of pathogen spread in populations of polygynous groups. Specifically, we investigated whether pathogen-mediated dispersal (PMD) can occur when females disperse after the resident male dies from disease, thus carrying infections to new groups. We also examined the effects of incubation period and virulence, host mortality and rates of background dispersal, and we used the model to investigate the spread of the virus responsible for Ebola hemorrhagic fever, which currently is devastating African ape populations. Output was analyzed using regression trees, which enable exploration of hierarchical and non-linear relationships. Analyses revealed that the incidence of disease in single-male (polygynous) groups was significantly greater for those groups containing an average of more than six females, while the total number of infected hosts in the population was most sensitive to the number of females per group. Thus, as expected, PMD occurs in polygynous groups and its effects increase as harem size (the number of females) increases. Simulation output further indicated that population-level effects of Ebola are likely to differ among multi-male–multi-female chimpanzees and polygynous gorillas, with larger overall numbers of chimpanzees infected, but more gorilla groups becoming infected due to increased dispersal when the resident male dies. Collectively, our results highlight the importance of social system on the spread of disease in wild mammals.  相似文献   
The non-recombining nature of the Y-chromosome determines the non-independence of alleles between loci. The evolution of short tandem repeat (STR) loci in the Y-chromosome is the result of different factors such as differential mutation rates, mutation modes, gene conversion, selection and demographic processes. The degree of correlation between loci is dependent on the magnitude of these processes. The simulation of data is a routine tool used for testing hypotheses in population and evolutionary studies. The most basic parameters hitherto used in lineage haplotype simulations are the allele frequency distributions and mutation rates, assuming either full independence or linkage between loci. In this study we introduce use of the Spearman correlation coefficient to estimate the degree of dependence between non-recombining loci. Then, both the interdependence between loci and the allele frequency distributions at multi-allelic loci are incorporated in an algorithm for simulating haplotypes. We illustrate the method using published and unpublished Y-chromosome STR data.  相似文献   
The role of invariant water molecules in the activity of plant cysteine protease is ubiquitous in nature. On analysing the 11 different Protein DataBank (PDB) structures of plant thiol proteases, the two invariant water molecules W1 and W2 (W220 and W222 in the template 1PPN structure) were observed to form H-bonds with the Ob atom of Asn 175. Extensive energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulation studies up to 2 ns on all the PDB and solvated structures clearly revealed the involvement of the H-bonding association of the two water molecules in fixing the orientation of the asparagine residue of the catalytic triad. From this study, it is suggested that H-bonding of the water molecule at the W1 invariant site better stabilizes the Asn residue at the active site of the catalytic triad.  相似文献   

The conformations of the chains constituting the hydrophilic component of alkyl monolayers and bilayers are investigated by performing molecular dynamics atomistic simulations on these systems at different temperatures. Several monitoring techniques are used to reveal the chain conformations, including atom pair radial distribution functions, evolutions of the torsional angles over thousands of timesteps, frequency distributions of the torsionl angles and ‘snapshot’ plots of the atomic configurations. These methods consistently testify to the stability of the trans (fully extended) character of the strain-free alkyl chains up to room temperature. The chains retain much of this conformation even when the layers are compressed by the application of pressure, to which the chains respond by ‘folding’ at the ends attaching them to the substrate planes while maintaining directions which are mainly normal to these planes. A non-zero gap between the layers is also maintained. A pressure of about 50 kbar abruptly causes all motion in the chains to cease, resulting in a highly ordered lattice structure.  相似文献   
Bile micelles play an important role in oral absorption of low‐solubility compounds. Bile micelles can affect solubility, dissolution rate, and permeability. For the pH–solubility profile in bile micelles, the HendersonHasselbalch equation should be modified to take bile‐micelle partition into account. For the dissolution rate, in the NernstBrunner equation, the effective diffusion coefficient in bile‐micelle media should be used instead of the monomer diffusion coefficient. The diffusion coefficient of bile micelles is 8‐ to 18‐fold smaller than that of monomer molecules. For permeability, the effective diffusion coefficient in the unstirred water layer adjacent to the epithelial membrane, and the free fraction at the epithelial membrane surface should be taken into account. The importance of these aspects is demonstrated here using several in vivo and clinical oral‐absorption data of low‐solubility model compounds. Using the theoretical equations, the food effect on oral absorption is further discussed.  相似文献   
A mathematical model of photosystem II (PSII) events was used to analyze chlorophyll fluorescence transients in the time domain from 100 ns to 10 s after excitation with a saturating 10-ns flash, applied as a part of specialized illumination protocol, using preparations of a thermophilic strain of the unicellular green alga, Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick (using both intact and diuron-treated cells). Analysis of simulation results has proven that particular attention should be given to flash-induced recombination processes, including nonradiative recombination in PSII, while subsequent charge transfer along the electron transport chain of thylakoid membrane can be adequately described by a single reaction of quinone reoxidation. The PSII model was extended by taking inhibition by diuron of the electron transport in the acceptor side of PSII into account, which allowed simulation of fluorescence induction curves observed in the presence of this inhibitor. The model parameters were determined (stromal pH, rate constants of nonradiative recombination, and the initial reduction state of the quinone pool) which provided adequate simulation of experimentally observed ratios of the maximal and initial fluorescence levels (F m/F 0).  相似文献   
Eco-environmental vulnerability assessment is crucial for environmental and resource management. However, evaluation of eco-environmental vulnerability over large areas is a difficult and complex process because it is affected by many variables including hydro-meteorology, topography, land resources, and human activities. The Thua Thien – Hue Province and its largest river system, the Perfume River, are vital to the social-economic development of the north central coastal region of Vietnam, but there is no zoning system for environmental protection in this region. An assessment framework is proposed to evaluate the vulnerable eco-environment in association with 16 variables with 6 of them constructed from Landsat 8 satellite image products. The remaining variables were extracted from digital maps. Each variable was evaluated and spatially mapped with the aid of an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and geographical information system (GIS). An eco-environmental vulnerability map is assorted into six vulnerability levels consisting of potential, slight, light, medium, heavy, and very heavy vulnerabilities, representing 14%, 27%, 17%, 26%, 13%, 3% of the study area, respectively. It is found that heavy and very heavy vulnerable areas appear mainly in the low and medium lands where social-economic activities have been developing rapidly. Tiny percentages of medium and heavy vulnerable levels occur in high land areas probably caused by agricultural practices in highlands, slash and burn cultivation and removal of natural forests with new plantation forests. Based on our results, three ecological zones requiring different development and protection solutions are proposed to restore local eco-environment toward sustainable development. The proposed integrated method of remote sensing (RS), GIS, and AHP to evaluate the eco-environmental vulnerability is useful for environmental protection and proper planning for land use and construction in the future.  相似文献   
The adsorption and immobilisation of human insulin onto the bio-compatible nanosheets including graphene monoxide, silicon carbide and boron nitride nanosheets were studied by molecular dynamics simulation at the temperature of 310 K. After equilibration, heating and 100 ns production molecular dynamic runs, it was found that the insulin was adsorbed and immobilised onto the considered surfaces in a native folded state. The structural parameters, including root-mean-square deviation and fluctuation, surface accessible solvent area, radius of gyration (Rg) and the distance between the centre of the mass of immobilised protein and the surface of the considered nanosheets, were measured, analysed and discussed. The energetics of the studied systems such as the interaction energy between protein and nanosheet was also measured and addressed. The discussions were centred on the structural and energetic parameters of the protein and nanosheets, including charge density, hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity and residue polarity. The results also showed that the active site of C-termini of chain B played an important role in the adsorption process and this could be helpful in the protection of insulin in its smart delivery and release applications.  相似文献   
Monte Carlo simulations and a modified Poisson–Boltzmann (MPB) theory are used to investigate the temperature dependence of the capacitance (around the potential of zero charge) of an electric double layer in the presence of surface polarization due to a dielectric boundary. Within the context of the restricted primitive model planar double layer, whose solvent dielectric constant is ε2, the cases when the electrode is an insulator (ε1 = 1), when the electrode and the electrolyte have the same permittivity (ε1 = ε2, no polarization), and when the electrode is a conductor (ε1 → ∞) are studied for the case where the electrolyte concentration is 0.1 M. The simulations reveal a capacitance anomaly, that is, a positive temperature dependence of the capacitance at low temperatures for the former two situations. The MPB theory also shows this effect for these two situations and is in qualitative or better agreement with the simulation data. In these two cases, both the simulations and theory show a dramatic increase of the diffuse layer potential in the temperature regime where capacitance anomaly occurs. However, in the latter situation, where the electrode is metallic, the capacitance always has a negative temperature derivative for the MPB theory and probably also for the simulation data.  相似文献   
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