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The idea that competition and aggression are central to an understanding of the origins of group‐living and sociality among human and nonhuman primates is the dominant theory in primatology today. Using this paradigm, researchers have focused their attention on competitive and aggressive behaviors, and have tended to overlook the importance of cooperative and affiliative behaviors. However, cooperative and affiliative behaviors are considerably more common than agonistic behaviors in all primate species. The current paradigm often fails to explain the context, function, and social tactics underlying affiliative and agonistic behavior. Here, we present data on a basic question of primate sociality: how much time do diurnal, group‐living primates spend in social behavior, and how much of this time is affiliative and agonistic? These data are derived from a survey of 81 studies, including 28 genera and 60 species. We find that group‐living prosimians, New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, and apes usually devote less than 10% of their activity budget to active social interactions. Further, rates of agonistic behaviors are extremely low, normally less than 1% of the activity budget. If the cost to the actors of affiliative behavior is low even if the rewards are low or extremely variable, we should expect affiliation and cooperation to be frequent. This is especially true under conditions in which individuals benefit from the collective environment of living in stable social groups. Am J Phys Anthropol 128:84–97, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Army ants and their arthropod symbionts represent one of the most species‐rich animal associations on Earth, and constitute a fascinating example of diverse host–symbiont interaction networks. However, despite decades of research, our knowledge of army ant symbionts remains fragmentary due to taxonomic ambiguity and the inability to study army ants in the laboratory. Here, we present an integrative approach that allows us to reliably determine species boundaries, assess biodiversity, match different developmental stages and sexes, and to study the life cycles of army ant symbionts. This approach is based on a combination of community sampling, DNA barcoding, morphology and physiology. As a test case, we applied this approach to the staphylinid beetle genus Vatesus and its different Eciton army ant host species at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. DNA barcoding led to the discovery of cryptic biodiversity and, in combination with extensive community sampling, revealed strict host partitioning with no overlap in host range. Using DNA barcoding, we were also able to match the larval stages of all focal Vatesus species. In combination with studies of female reproductive physiology, this allowed us to reconstruct almost the complete life cycles of the different beetle species. We show that Vatesus beetles are highly adapted to the symbiosis with army ants, in that their reproduction and larval development are synchronized with the stereotypical reproductive and behavioural cycles of their host colonies. Our approach can now be used to study army ant‐symbiont communities more broadly, and to obtain novel insights into co‐evolutionary and ecological dynamics in species‐rich host–symbiont systems.  相似文献   
Courtship behavior in Drosophila has often been described as a classic innate behavioral repertoire, but more recently extensive plasticity has been described. In particular, prior exposure to acoustic signals of con‐ or heterspecific males can change courtship traits in both sexes that are liable to be important in reproductive isolation. However, it is unknown whether male courtship song itself is socially plastic. We examined courtship song plasticity of two species in the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup. Sexual isolation between the species is influenced by two male song traits, the interpulse interval (IPI) and sinesong frequency (SSF). Neither of these showed plasticity when males had prior experience of con‐ and heterospecific social partners. However, males of both species produced longer bursts of song during courtship when they were exposed to social partners (either con‐ or heterospecific) than when they were reared in isolation. D. melanogaster carrying mutations affecting short‐ or medium‐term memory showed a similar response to the social environment, not supporting a role for learning. Our results demonstrate that the amount of song a male produces during courtship is plastic depending on the social environment, which might reflect the advantage of being able to respond to variation in intrasexual competition, but that song structure itself is relatively inflexible, perhaps due to strong selection against hybridization.  相似文献   
Tris (Tris(hydroxymethyl)amino methane), a compound often used as a buffer in microalgal culture media, sustains active bacterial growth in non-axenic microalgal cultures when sodium phosphate is present. The low pH levels caused by bacterial growth and probably the depletion of phosphorus in the medium caused the collapse ofPhaeodactylum tricornutum cultures resulting in a reduction of microalgal growth from 32 x 106 to 1.1 x 106 cells ml–1. This emphasizes the need for care when interpreting the results of non-axenic microalgae cultures in which Tris or other organic buffer is added.  相似文献   
Akainothrips francisi sp. nov. is shown to be an inquiline (i.e. it invades, and breeds within, domiciles of another species). Currently, its only known host is Dunatothrips aneurae, a subsocial thrips that creates silken domiciles by securing together phyllodes of mulga (Acacia aneura) in the arid zone of Australia. We found Ak. francisi prolifically breeding inside live D. aneurae host domiciles, both immature and mature. Akainothrips francisi did not kill its host and we saw no evidence of antagonistic host‐inquiline interactions. This is thus the second demonstrably inquiline species of Acacia thrips, although other possible inquilines have been suggested including two Akainothrips. We found that Ak. francisi occurred with positive density dependence, and was associated with moderately reduced host reproduction. This latter association was especially evident in larger host domiciles, suggesting that Ak. francisi either inhibits further host reproduction after invasion or exploits poor quality hosts more successfully. Sex ratios were slightly female biased. Akainothrips francisi males were exceptionally variable in size, colour, and foreleg size compared to females, with morphs co‐occurring within domiciles, suggesting sexual selection and the possibility of different male reproductive strategies. The discovery of Ak. francisi highlights particular morphological affinities among known or suspected inquiline Acacia thrips within Akainothrips and other genera, allowing us to hypothesize a common origin of this lifestyle from within Akainothrips. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   
Titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus) are a monogamous, New World primate. Adult pair‐mates form a bidirectional social bond and offspring form a selective unidirectional bond to their father. Some of the neurobiology involved in social bonds and maternal behavior is similar to the neural circuitry involved in nonsocial reward. Due to these overlapping mechanisms, social states may affect responses to external rewarding stimuli. We sought to determine whether having a social attachment, and/or being in the presence of that attachment figure, can affect an individual's response to a rewarding stimulus. In addition, we compared affiliative bonds between pair‐mates to those between offspring and fathers. Eighteen adult male titi monkeys were either living alone (Lone), with a female pair‐mate (Paired), or with the natal group (Natal; N = 6/condition). Each individual went through eight 30‐min preference tests for a sweet substance, Tang. For Paired and Natal males, half of the test sessions were with their attachment figure and half were alone. Lone males were always tested alone. Preference scores for Tang, time spent drinking, affiliative, and arousal behaviors were measured. Paired and Natal males emitted significantly more isolation peeps and locomoted more when tested alone compared to when tested with their attachment figure, and paired males engaged in more affiliative behavior than Natal males. Lone males engaged in significantly more behaviors indicative of behavioral arousal such as locomotion and piloerection compared to Paired and Natal males. Finally, Paired males drank significantly more Tang and had a significantly greater preference for Tang compared to Lone and Natal males. These results indicate that offspring undergo a behavioral separation response upon separation from their father that persists into adulthood, Lone males are more behaviorally reactive, and that living with an attachment figure and the type of attachment relationship result in different responses to a rewarding sweet stimulus. Am. J. Primatol. 74:758‐769, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Division of labour is a key factor in the ecological success of social insects. Groups of individuals specializing on a particular behaviour are known as castes and are usually distinguished by morphology or age. Physiology plays a key role in both these types of caste, in either the developmental physiology which determines morphology, or the temporal changes in physiology over an insect’s life. Physiological correlates of morphological or temporal caste include differences in gland structure, secretory products, leanness, neuroanatomy and neurochemistry. However, purely physiological castes could also occur. Physiological castes are discrete groups of same-age same-size individuals with particular physiological competencies, or groups of individuals with similar physiology crossing age or size groups. A stable physiological caste occurs in the monomorphic Pharaoh’s ant, where some ants can detect old pheromone trails and retain this specialization over time. These ants differ physiologically from other workers, and the differences arise before eclosion. More temporary physiological castes occur in the ant Ectatomma where brood care specialists have more developed ovarioles than other same-aged workers, and in the honeybee where nurses, wax-workers and soldiers all differ physiologically from same-aged nestmates. Physiology is an important aspect of caste, not only in its contribution to age-related and morphological castes, but also in its own right as a caste grouping factor. While age and morphological differences make caste structures accessible for study, more cryptic physiological castes may play just as important a role in division of labour. Received 19 December 2007; revised 24 July and 18 September 2008; accepted 19 September 2008.  相似文献   
福建省土地利用碳排放空间关联性与碳平衡分区   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
魏燕茹  陈松林 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5814-5824
全球变暖与二氧化碳浓度升高密不可分,在工业化及城镇化发展过程中,人类对土地的利用和改造是造成全球大气中含碳量迅速增加的重要原因,且土地在利用过程中碳减排的潜力较大。因此,从不同土地利用方式视角研究福建省碳排放量,采用基尼系数来衡量福建省各设区市碳收支的空间差异,探索区域内土地利用碳收支规模和空间分异;运用社会网络分析方法对福建省土地利用碳排放空间网络结构的整体特征和设区市在网络结构中的角色进行考察,有助于从基础层面对人类活动所造成的环境影响进行评估,及时调整土地利用方式从而促进低碳经济发展。结果表明:2006-2018年福建省土地利用净碳排放量逐年递增,呈现东高西低的空间分布特征,建设用地是主要碳源,而林地起到主要碳汇的作用;区域内碳补偿率逐年递减且存在明显的空间差异,经济较发达的区域碳补偿率低于经济欠发达的区域,生态承载系数东西差距不断加强,东部地区碳排放的比例明显超过了碳吸收的比例;福建省土地利用碳排放在空间上具有明显的关联性和溢出效应,碳排放空间关联网络越来越复杂、稳定,各设区市在网络中所处地位和作用存在明显的不均衡性,厦门市在整个碳排放网络中占据领导地位,其他城市的碳影响力在网络中的地位及作用随着经济联系逐渐加强正在逐步提高;对网络空间聚类发现,第一模块和第三模块对模块内外均有溢出效应且密度值较大,属于"双向溢出模块",其余第二、四模块均属于"净收益模块"。在研究的基础上将福建省各设区市分为3类区域:低碳优化区、碳总量控制区和碳汇功能区,并提出协同减排的差异性对策建议。  相似文献   
There is substantial geographic variation in the behavior and social structure of sperm whales worldwide. The population in the Eastern Caribbean is thought to be isolated from other areas in the North Atlantic. We describe the behavior and social structure of the sperm whales identified off Dominica during an eight year study (2005–2012; 92% of photographic identifications) with supplementary data collected from seven other organizations dating as far back as 1981. A total of 419 individuals were identified. Resighting rates (42% of individuals between years) and encounter rates with sperm whale groups (mean = 80.4% of days at sea) among this population were both comparatively high. Group sizes were small (7–9 individuals) and were comprised of just one social unit (mean = 6.76 individuals, SD = 2.80). We described 17 units which have been reidentified off Dominica across 2–27 yr. Mature males are seen regularly off Dominica, but residency in the area lasts only a few days to a few weeks. Males were reidentified across years spanning up to a decade. Management of this population within the multinational Wider Caribbean Region will require governments to work towards international agreements governing sperm whales as a cross‐border species of concern.  相似文献   
We evaluated whether individual nature‐based ecological (NBE) study used in tandem with group collaboration enhanced undergraduate student understanding of ecological concepts and pro‐environmental perceptions. In response to the Covid‐19 pandemic, we developed a multiweek unit on the latitude diversity gradient (LDG) for fully online instruction that leveraged the unique situation of students learning in disparate geographic locations. Student understanding of the LDG and pro‐environmental perceptions were assessed with surveys administered both pre‐ and post‐activity in an introductory‐level biology laboratory course. Student understanding of the geographic location where biodiversity is the highest was high prior to the start of the laboratory unit and exhibited only a small improvement after the unit. In contrast, students’ higher order thinking around the LDG was enhanced by the lab activity. Student environmental perceptions shifted toward ecocentric views and away from anthropocentric views after the laboratory unit. The greatest gains in ecological understanding and shifts toward ecocentric viewpoints occurred in the group of students who visited their field sites most often. Our results provide further evidence as to the value of NBE for the introductory biology laboratory, even in an online learning setting. The lab unit described in this study provides a potential approach to teaching ecology in an online format that could easily be adapted to fit the needs of a particular curriculum.  相似文献   
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