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While enteral nutrition is the basis for the critically ill, parenteral nutrition is often used when a sufficient enteral nutrition is not or not fully achievable. Lipids are a mainstay of caloric supply in both cases as they combine the provision of building blocks for the membranes and are precursors for function molecules including lipid mediators bearing the ability to influence immunity. Pro-inflammatory lipid mediators as prostaglandins and leukotrienes are generated from arachidonic acid (AA), a key member of the n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). In contrast, lipid mediators derived from the n-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) or docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may exhibit less inflammatory properties compared to their AA-derived counterparts. Furthermore, intercellular mediators as resolvins and protectins are generated from n-3 fatty acids. They induce the resolution of inflammation, hence the name resolution phase interaction product—resolvin. Modulating the amount of PUFA and the n-6/n-3 ratio were investigated as means to change the inflammatory response and improve the outcome of patients. Experimental data showed that n-3 fatty acids may improve acute lung injury and sepsis in animal models. Studies in patients undergoing major surgery with application of n-3 fatty acids demonstrated beneficial effects in terms of reduction of length of stay and infectious complications. Clinical data hints that this concept may also improve outcome in critically ill patients. Additionally, experimental and clinical data suggest that a reduction in n-6 PUFA may change the immune response. In conclusion, modulating the amount of PUFA, the n-6/n-3 ratio and the composition of lipid emulsions may prove to be a useful means to improve the outcome of critically ill patients.  相似文献   
飞机草挥发油对5种植物幼苗生长有显著的抑制作用,受抑制的大小排序为黑麦草>白菜>萝卜>四季豆>水稻.中等浓度(800mg·L-1)飞机草挥发油对水稻稻温病菌的抑制作用最强,对长春花疫病菌的抑制作用次之,对香蕉枯萎病菌的抑制作用最弱;其抑茵串分别为61.40%、29.27%和14.44%.10-20μl·株^-1的飞机草挥发油对小菜峨和黄曲条跳甲有显著的驱避产卵作用.经GC/MS,飞机草挥发油的化学成分主要是萜类化合物,如反式—石竹烯(16.58%)、δ—杜松烯(15.85%)、α—可巴烯(11.58%)、氧化石竹烯(9.63%)、大根香叶烯(4.96%)和α—Lu草烯(4.32%)。  相似文献   
迷迭香植物精油对白纹伊蚊的驱避作用及其化学成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用水蒸气蒸溜法和超临界二氧化碳萃取法提取生长于云南的迷迭香茎叶植物精油,测试2种精油对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus Skuse的驱避作用,并利用GC/MS联用仪分析2种精油的化学成分。结果表明:超临界二氧化碳提取的迷迭香精油对白纹伊蚊的驱避时间是(5.82±1.13)h,达到国标驱避剂评价的B级标准。2种精油化学成分中都含有驱纹活性物质:柠檬烯、樟脑、Eucalyptol、(+)-4-Carene、1-methyl-4-(1-methyle thylidene)-cyclohexene、Beta-pinene等,且驱蚊活性成分在挥发油中占有较高比例,显示该植物精油在驱蚊方面有一定开发价值。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We studied 31 Phytomonas stocks isolated from various hosts and a broad geographical range by isoenzyme electrophoresis (14 loci) and population genetics analysis. The total variability is considerable since many stocks share no allele. Population genetic analysis strongly suggests that Phytomonas zymodemes behave as natural clones, as already proposed by us for several other protozoan species. These clones should be considered as actual taxa in all applied studies. Latex plants and phloemic plants (coconut and palm trees) harbor distinct sets of clones; hence, latex plants studied in this article are probably not a reservoir for parasites of the coconut and palm tree.  相似文献   
近年来,在兔、大鼠、小鼠和犬等动物种属成功地建立了巴豆油、醋酸、感染与创伤诱导的痔疮动物模型,每种动物模型各有优缺点,应用合理的动物模型能更好地开展痔的实验和临床研究。随着治痔药物的深入研究,动物模型有很好发展和应用,本文综述了痔疮动物模型制作方法研究进展。  相似文献   
Phytoremediation is a promising approach for the cleanup of soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. This study aimed to develop plant-bacterial synergism for the successful remediation of crude oil-contaminated soil. A consortia of three endophytic bacteria was augmented to two grasses, Leptochloa fusca and Brachiaria mutica, grown in oil-contaminated soil (46.8 g oil kg?1 soil) in the vicinity of an oil exploration and production company. Endophytes augmentation improved plant growth, crude oil degradation, and soil health. Maximum oil degradation (80%) was achieved with B. mutica plants augmented with the endophytes and it was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than the use of plants or bacteria individually. Moreover, endophytes showed more persistence, the abundance and expression of alkB gene in the rhizosphere as well as in the endosphere of the tested plants than in unvegetated soil. A positive relationship (r = 0.70) observed between gene expression and crude oil reduction indicates that catabolic gene expression is important for hydrocarbon mineralization. This investigation showed that the use of endophytes with appropriate plant is an effective strategy for the cleanup of oil-contaminated soil under field conditions.  相似文献   
【目的】明确小蓬草Conyza canadensis ( L.) Cronq.精油的杀虫潜力及其活性成分。【方法】通过浸虫法和密闭熏蒸法测试了小蓬草精油对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus和致倦库蚊Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus幼虫及成蚊的毒杀活性, 并利用气相色谱 质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对精油的挥发性成分进行了定性分析。【结果】 小蓬草精油对白纹伊蚊1-4龄期幼虫及蛹的24 h LC50值分别为25.01, 45.88, 56.94, 64.60和346.23 μg/mL; 对致倦库蚊幼虫1-4龄期幼虫及蛹的24 h LC50值分别为9.16, 8.65, 32.12, 43.68和197.83 μg/mL。在剂量分别为48, 64, 80, 96, 112和128 μg/cm3时, 小蓬草精油对白纹伊蚊成蚊的KT50值分别为28.81, 22.31, 20.38, 17.05, 13.92和9.74 min; 对致倦库蚊的KT50值分别为34.90, 32.97, 23.97, 19.60, 15.20和10.34 min。 24 h熏蒸对白纹伊蚊和致倦库蚊成蚊的LC50值分别是75.46和99.19 μg/cm3。小蓬草精油的GC MS定性分析共分离鉴定出31种化合物, 其中单萜类物质6种, 倍半萜烯类物质17种, 含氧萜烯类6种。【结论】结果表明小蓬草精油对这两种蚊虫的毒杀活性较高, 具有深开发潜力。  相似文献   
石香薷挥发油对流感A3病毒的抑制作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
评估了MCMVO体内外抗流感A3 病毒作用。在Vero细胞中测定MCMVO对流感A3 病毒所致细胞病变的抑制作用 ;在鸡胚中检测对流感A3 病毒血凝效价的抑制作用 ;在小白鼠体内测定对流感病毒性肺炎的治疗作用。结果显示 ,MCMVO在浓度大于 4.9mg/L时能有效抑制流感A3 病毒所致Vero细胞CPE。在 9日龄鸡胚中浓度为 5 0 0mg/L ,2 5 0mg/L和 5 0mg/L的MCMVO能使流感A3 病毒血凝效价由 1∶12 80分别下降到 1∶2 0 ,1∶40和1∶16 0。在给药剂量在 10 0 μg/ (g·d)以上时 ,对小鼠流感病毒性肺炎有明显的治疗作用。结果表明 ,MCMVO具有抗流感A3 病毒作用  相似文献   
张薇  吴虹  宗敏华 《微生物学报》2008,35(6):0855-0860
从5种不同来源的小球藻中筛选到1株油脂产量较高的蛋白核小球藻Chlorella pyrenoidosa No.2。研究了培养基组成及培养条件对其细胞生长和油脂积累的影响。结果表明, 最适培养基组成为(g/L):葡萄糖 20, 甘氨酸 0.08, MgSO4·7H2O 0.4, K2HPO4 1.0, FeSO4·7H2O 0.004; 适宜的培养温度、初始pH、摇床转速和光照强度分别为28℃、6.0、130 r/min和 650 Lux。在上述优化条件下培养7 d, Chlorella pyrenoidosa No.2的生物量和油脂含量分别由优化前的3.73 g/L 和 40.15%提高到6.56 g/L和59.90%, 油脂产量提高了162%。Chlorella pyrenoidosa No.2能以木糖为碳源产油脂, 可望用于以木质纤维素等可再生生物质资源为原料生产油脂。气相色谱分析表明该油脂的脂肪酸组成与植物油相似, 不饱和脂肪酸含量达71%左右, 可作为生产生物柴油的原料。  相似文献   
高原鼢鼠是青藏高原上危害草场和农田最严重的一种害鼠,也是青藏高原特有的动物。高原鼢鼠的全骨风干品———“塞隆骨”(藏药名)是建国以来国家正式批准生产的第一个国家级一类动物新中药材。高原鼢鼠骨性味咸、微温、中医归肝肾两经;有祛风散寒除湿、通经止痛、补益...  相似文献   
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