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中国旧石器材料数量众多,表现出一定的地域特色,在世界旧石器考古学领域占有重要地位.研究表明,类型学在解读与提取石器所包含的人类技术行为信息方面的能力有较大的局限性,而且中国旧石器时代的一些石制品的形态和组合与欧洲和近东常常难以直接对比,对器物的分类定名也存在交流上的困难.由法国学者开创发展起来的史前石器技术研究理论和方法在分析形态特征的同时,通过关注支配石器工业生产体系的技术机制和逻辑规则,对深入细致地探讨史前人类的认知特征和技术行为可以发挥重要作用,也能为石器工业甚至跨地域文化之间的比较提供基础.本文对贵州观音洞遗址的石核标本为例进行了技术分析,说明其在研究中国旧石器材料上的可行性,特别是信息提取上的优势.  相似文献   
The Suyanggae site is an open-air site in central part of South Korea. This site was discovered in 1980 and seven excavations have been carried out from 1983 to 1996. As a result, many stone artefacts were unearthed and 49 stone tool workshops were known. This site contains 5 cultural layers and the most important one is the Upper Paleolithic layer. This layer is dated to be 16,400 ~ 18,630 BP by 14C dating. It shows a massive blade production and microblade technique. It is one of the crucial sites for understanding the Upper Paleolithic of Korea.  相似文献   
The Upper Paleolithic of Catalonia has been so far characterized by a very weak presence of artistic representations. This scarcity was especially surprising if we take into account the huge number of discoveries from other zones of the Iberian Peninsula (Valencia, the Cantabrian region). In this paper we present four objects of portable art found at the Molí del Salt site (Vimbodí, Conca de Barberà, Tarragona). Below a mesolithic layer, dated to 8 ka BP, there is an Upper Magdalenian sequence with several dates between 10.8 and 12.5 ka BP. These magdalenian levels have yielded four plaques of schist with engravings, including several animal figurines and one human representations. Once the objects are described, we will place them in the context of the portable art from the Late Upper Paleolithic of Mediterranean Spain. From these data, the chronocultural successions based on the Upper Magdalenian-Microlaminar Epipaleolithic distinction will be discussed.  相似文献   
The Laacher See volcano erupted at 10,966 cal BC covered the whole Central Rhineland with huge tephra layers which are exploited now for some 150 years. During the last 15 years of research several new find locations exhibiting tree trunks of the hemi-boreal woodland, leaf imprints and animal tracks preserved in pumice and ashes reveal detailed insights into the (younger) Allerød environment. Five final Paleolithic (Federmessergruppen) habitation sites without any evident settlement structures but providing exogenous raw materials from outcrops in distances up to 170 km demonstrate the highly mobile mode of life of these hunter-gatherers groups some 13,000 years ago.  相似文献   
The Early Middle Palaeolithic (EMP) in the Levant dated between 250 and 150 ka is a unique period characterised by the systematic production of elongated blanks using different reduction strategies: Levallois, Laminar and core on flake are involved. The hallmark of the EMP blade industries is different types of retouched points but the production of other blanks categories as bladelets, small flakes and triangular flakes is also evident. Such a broad-based approach to lithic resources of foragers relocating through the Levant during the EMP could reflect the behavioural adaptations of hominins and adjustments in their subsistence strategies as well as management of time and division of special activities, consequently leading to a marked anticipation of needs. The techno-typological diversity is visible in the mode of production but at the same time, it reflects the narrow variation that is shared among all known EMP sites. This seems to indicate that at this time the demographic organisation in the region may be closely linked within a cohesive geographical and chronological framework.  相似文献   
The formation of amyloid aggregates is implicated both as a primary cause of cellular degeneration in multiple human diseases and as a functional mechanism for providing extraordinary strength to large protein assemblies. The recent identification and characterization of several amyloid proteins from diverse organisms argues that the amyloid phenomenon is widespread in nature. Yet identifying new amyloid-forming proteins usually requires a priori knowledge of specific candidates. Amyloid fibers can resist heat, pressure, proteolysis, and denaturation by reagents such as urea or sodium dodecyl sulfate. Here we show that these properties can be exploited to identify naturally occurring amyloid-forming proteins directly from cell lysates. This proteomic-based approach utilizes a novel purification of amyloid aggregates followed by identification by mass spectrometry without the requirement for special genetic tools. We have validated this technique by blind identification of three amyloid-based yeast prions from laboratory and wild strains and disease-related polyglutamine proteins expressed in both yeast and mammalian cells. Furthermore, we found that polyglutamine aggregates specifically recruit some stress granule components, revealing a possible mechanism of toxicity. Therefore, core amyloid-forming proteins as well as strongly associated proteins can be identified directly from cells of diverse origin.  相似文献   
An examination of lithic industries evolution during VI millenium cal BC shows us transformations of mesolithic technical systems under neolithic pressures, with regional variations. Contrasting classical views, mesolithic groups seems to be less active on atlantic façade than similar groups of France or Spain. This technology transfers are not peripheral phenomenons but testify to intense interactions between mesolithic and neolithic communities, especially on weapons.  相似文献   
The open air site of Jas-d’en-Biel-1 (Tautavel, Pyrénées-Orientales) is the first trace of Gravettian presence in the extreme east zone of the Northern-Pyrenees Piedmont. The lithic series made up of surface finds indicates that this occupation could belong to a rather recent phase of southern-French Gravettian.  相似文献   
During the Upper Paleolithic, Europe was occupied by human populations mainly living from hunting of big terrestrial mammals. A repartition of fauna and of archeological sites was done with a database: a repartition of Upper Paleolithic sites in central and western Europe. This study shows that the european space was structured following several factors; climate, environment, cynegetic behaviours… We observe a partition of Europe with a mediterranean area with mainly deer, and ibex and an atlantic area with reindeer. Equally, most of the occupations are localized in the “aquitano-cantabric horn” around the Gulf of Gascony. The occupation of Europe undergone a pulsation with a retreat of occupations toward the west and the south during the glacial maximum, then a colonization of North Europe during the Tardiglacial climatic amelioration.  相似文献   
Recent definition of the Cantabrian Lower Azilian has turned the Late Upper Magdalenian/Azilian transition into one of the most interesting archaeological ages in the area. This period is considered representing the earliest Azilian groups in Asturias. Critic review of Cueva Oscura de Ania record, in the center of Asturias, has allowed us to give full details of the Lower Azilian archaeological characteristics. Cueva Oscura de Ania archaeological collection shows archaic traits, close to those from Cueva de Los Azules and Cueva de La Riera, two eastern asturian sites. These likenesses suggest a high stylistic and technical uniformity in distant areas during a critical period, when Palaeolithic groups changed their subsistence strategies. Cueva Oscura de Ania archaeological and polinic records suggest that this deposit was built at the beginning of the paleoclimatic phase known as Alleröd/Cantabrian VIII (12 000-10?800 BP), when numerous cantabrian sites suffered high erosion processes. All these circumstances convert Cueva Oscura de Ania in a fundamental site to get a best knowledge of the origin and development of the Cantabrian Azilian. The study of its bone collection allows us outline new hypothesis about this archaeological period.  相似文献   
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