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Evidence of earliest human settlements had been searched in the alluvial formations laid down in the Middle Loire Basin. Many stepped sheets deposited during the successive interglacial-glacial quaternary cycles are studied in four valleys of the Loire tributaries: the Creuse, Indre, Cher and Loir rivers. These sandy remnants are systematically dated, using the Electron Spin Resonance method applied on bleached fluvial quartz. Five settlements which contain very Early Palaeolithic industries with Mode 1 technology were occupied during the Lower Pleistocene. About eighty sites with hand-axe assemblages are observed in Middle Pleistocene remnants; nine of these are described in this paper. The results theorize that the geographical center of France (47°N) would be reached by two influxes of human populations with an interval around 400 years, because major climatic pejorations, particularly at the end of the Lower Pleistocene. These two populations produced lithic industries with many differences in supply of raw materials and in techniques of striking. Not any typologic link had been observed joining the two industrial unities.  相似文献   
The shelters of the Aragon containing paintings are gathered together in two areas: one around the río Martin valley to the north of Teruel and one in the Sierra de Guara at the east of Huesca. In every case they coexist with sites containing Levantine paintings but the proportions between the two types of expression are variable. We suppose that this association or even competition, of these two different iconographies is related to the differences of Neolithic economies establishment in each region. Punctual excavations underside the schematic figures give for them different dating throughout the Neolithic period. It seems probant that shelters with schematic paintings were chosen among a multitude of potential sites following four particular conditions: their dominant position, their southern orientation, the orange colour of the cliff walls and the humidity of the place. Lastly, the detailed study of the ornated sites at the confluence of the Vero and the Choca valley reveals the existence of the groups of richly shelters and, on the over hand, the existence of isolated ones with a most soker decoration. Or, a good knowledge of the field shows that the first ones cannot be accessible if we do not pass by the second ones. Consequently, we propose the existence of a precise approaching paths allowing precise the arrival to the groups of richly decorated sites. The studied area would thus represent a structured sanctuary served by an access way that was marked out deliberately.  相似文献   
The restitution of the megalith’s technical manufacture, whith their assemblies lines and their sequences, enlarges the coast of the sens incluse in each Corsican monoliths. From the megalithics sites of Poghjaredda of Monte Rotondu (Sotta), Ciutulaghja (Appietu), and Presa (Altaghjè), some specifics activities area (pastoralism for example) or activities structured in the space (villages and tombs of middle Neolithic) interest this study. The contributions of many sciences permit to give an economic and social dimension to the choice of megalithics sites. Then, those choices are an aspect of the Neolithic process in Corsica, making part of sculpture and architecture. This study is conclued by a consideration on the actual worked stones’ terminology.  相似文献   
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