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Abstract: l -DOPA is toxic to catecholamine neurons in culture, but the toxicity is reduced by exposure to astrocytes. We tested the effect of l -DOPA on dopamine neurons using postnatal ventral midbrain neuron/cortical astrocyte cocultures in serum-free, glia-conditioned medium. l -DOPA (50 µ M ) protected against dopamine neuronal cell death and increased the number and branching of dopamine processes. In contrast to embryonically derived glia-free cultures, where l -DOPA is toxic, postnatal midbrain cultures did not show toxicity at 200 µ M l -DOPA. The stereoisomer d -DOPA (50–400 µ M ) was not neurotrophic. The aromatic amino acid decarboxylase inhibitor carbidopa (25 µ M ) did not block the neurotrophic effect. These data suggest that the neurotrophic effect of l -DOPA is stereospecific but independent of the production of dopamine. However, l -DOPA increased the level of glutathione. Inhibition of glutathione peroxidase by l -buthionine sulfoximine (3 µ M for 24 h) blocked the neurotrophic action of L-DOPA. N -Acetyl- l -cysteine (250 µ M for 48 h), which promotes glutathione synthesis, had a neurotrophic effect similar to that of l -DOPA. These data suggest that the neurotrophic effect of l -DOPA may be mediated, at least in part, by elevation of glutathione content.  相似文献   
Abstract: We analyzed biochemically and temporally the molecular events that occur in the programmed cell death of mouse cerebellar granule neurons deprived of high potassium levels. An hour after switching the neurons to a low extracellular K+ concentration ([K+]o), a significant part of the genomic DNA was already cleaved to high-molecular-weight fragments. This phenomenon was intensified with the progression of the death process. Addition of cycloheximide to the neurons 4 h after high [K+]o deprivation resulted in no cell loss and complete recovery of the damaged DNA. DNA margination and nuclear fragmentation as assessed by 4,6-diaminodiphenyl-2-phenylindole staining were observable in a few cells beginning ~4 h after the removal of high [K+]o and developed to nuclear condensation 4 h later. Six hours after high [K+]o deprivation, the DNA was fragmented into oligonucleosome-sized fragments. Within 6 h after removal of the extracellular K+, 50% of the neurons were committed to die and lost their ability to be rescued by readministration of 25 mM [K+]o. Similar to high [K+]o deprivation, inhibition of RNA or protein synthesis failed to halt neuronal degeneration of a similar percentage of cells 6 h after the onset of the death process. Mitochondrial function steadily decreased after [K+]o removal. An ~40% decrease in RNA and protein synthesis was detected by 6 h of [K+]o removal during the period of cell death commitment; rates continued to decline gradually thereafter. The temporal characteristics of the DNA damage and recovery, DNA cleavage to oligonucleosome-sized fragments, and the reduction in mitochondrial activity—events that occurred within the critical time—may indicate that these processes have an important part in the mechanism that committed the neurons to die.  相似文献   
Abstract: When hippocampal cultures were deprived of glucose, massive release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), an indicator of neuronal death, occurred via NMDA receptor activation. Addition of pyridoxal phosphate (PLP; 1 and 10 µ M ) inhibited this LDH release in a concentration-dependent manner. Prior exposure to PLP evoked more potent inhibitory effects on LDH release compared with those treated at the onset of glucose deprivation. Furthermore, PLP inhibited the reduction of intracellular content of pyruvate induced by glucose deprivation, which was accompanied by the reversal of intracellular ATP depletion. A noteworthy elevation of extracellular glutamate in response to glucose deprivation was completely reversed by addition of PLP. Aminooxyacetic acid, a potent inhibitor of PLP-dependent enzymes, antagonized the effects of PLP on LDH release, pyruvate production, and ATP formation. These results suggest that PLP protects neurons from glucose deprivation-induced damage by enhancing the formation of energy-yielding products and relieving extracellular load of glutamate. The observed phenomena further indicate that PLP might be used prophylactically against neuronal death induced by metabolic disorders.  相似文献   
马尾松毛虫雄蛾触角毛状感受器的细微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马尾松毛虫Dendrolimuspunctatus(Walker)雄蛾有一对羽毛状触角。在触角鞭节的每对侧枝的内侧(迎风面)着生许多毛状感受器。每个毛状感受器由几丁质表皮毛及位于其下的三个感觉神经原和三个呈同心排列的辅助细胞──鞘原细胞、毛原细胞和膜原细胞构成。几丁质表皮毛上有许多孔。毛腔内充满感受器淋巴液。感觉神经原发出的树状突伸入毛腔,浸浴于感受器淋巴液内。这些结构特征表明它是一种司嗅觉的化学感受器。雄蛾终生不取食,推断它的嗅觉感受器主要用以感受雌蛾释放的性外激素,帮助寻找配偶  相似文献   
The distribution and morphology of crustacean cardioactive peptide-immunoreactive neurons in the brain of the locust Locusta migratoria has been determined. Of more than 500 immunoreactive neurons in total, about 380 are interneurons in the optic lobes. These neurons invade several layers of the medulla and distal parts of the lobula. In addition, a small group of neurons projects into the accessory medulla, the lamina, and to several areas in the median protocerebrum. In the midbrain, 12 groups or individual neurons have been reconstructed. Four groups innervate areas of the superior lateral and ventral lateral protocerebrum and the lateral horn. Two cell groups have bilateral arborizations anterior and posterior to the central body or in the superior median protocerebrum. Ramifications in subunits of the central body and in the lateral and the median accessory lobes arise from four additional cell groups. Two local interneurons innervate the antennal lobe. A tritocerebral cell projects contralaterally into the frontal ganglion and appears to give rise to fibers in the recurrent nerve, and in the hypocerebral and ingluvial ganglia. Varicose fibers in the nervi corporis cardiaci III and the corpora cardiaca, and terminals on pharyngeal dilator muscles arise from two subesophageal neurons. Some of the locust neurons closely resemble immunopositive neurons in a beetle and a moth. Our results suggest that the peptide may be (1) a modulatory substance produced by many brain interneurons, and (2) a neurohormone released from subesophageal neurosecretory cells.  相似文献   
Although the cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons of the avian paraventricular organ exhibit considerable amounts of catecholamines, they show no tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity. In the quail embryo, the development of these neurons has been studied using the paraformaldeyde-glutaraldeyde method for the fluorescence-histochemical localization of catecholamines. The timing of the appearance of catecholamine fluorescence in cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons and that in catecholamine-containing neurons of the brainstem have been compared. The first neurons displaying catecholamine fluorescence are found within the locus coeruleus and the nucleus subcoeruleus ventralis on the 5.5th day of incubation. Catecholaminergic neuronal groups of the medulla and mesencephalon can be identified by embryonic day 7, and fluorescent cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular organ can be first recognized at the 8th day of incubation. If the catecholamine content of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons that lack tyrosine hydroxylase depends upon an uptake mechanism, it may be significant that, in fluorescence-histochemical preparations, these neurons can be identified 1–3 days later than those in which catecholamines are synthesized and from which catecholamines are released at an earlier developmental stage. Moreover, cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons that have previously been shown to be tyrosine-hydroxylase immunoreactive, and that lie at the spinal-medullary junction display a different developmental pattern. By fluorescence histochemistry, they can be detected only by embryonic day 10.5. The chemical, developmental and topographical differences suggest that the catecholamine-containing cerebrospinal fluid-contacting elements of the paraventricular organ and those of the spinal cord represent two different subsets of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons whose respective functional roles remain to be investigated.  相似文献   
The organization of the mucomicrovillar complex of the vomeronasal sensory epithelium of adult rats was examined using confocal laser scanning microscopy. In specimens labeled with the FITC-conjugated isolectin B4 of Bandeiraea simplicifolia, which recognizes terminal -galactose sugar residues of glycoconjugates, we demonstrated that the mucomicrovillar complex was composed of islet-like structures with a high-density -galactose core. The mucomicrovillar complex was further resolved into sensory and mucoid components in double-labeling and dual scanning experiments. The sensory component, which consists of the dendritic terminals of olfactory marker protein-immunoreactive vomeronasal receptor neurons, contained cytosolic glycoconjugates with terminal -galactose sugar residues. The extracellular mucoid component consisted of glycoconjugates containing terminal -galactose derived from the glands associated with the vomeronasal organ. These results demonstrated the complex microchemical organization of the sensory and mucoid components of the mucomicrovillar complex.  相似文献   
We have investigated the distribution of tyrosine-hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity in the cerebral ganglia of the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana. Groups of tyrosine-hydroxylase-immunoreactive cell bodies occur in various parts of the three regions of the cerebral ganglia. In the protocerebrum, single large neurons or small groups of neurons are located in the lateral neuropil, adjacent to the calyces, and in the dorsal portion of the pars intercerebralis. Small scattered cell bodies are found in the outer layers of the optic lobe, and clusters of larger cell bodies can be found in the deutocerebrum, medial and lateral to the antennal glomeruli. Thick bundles of tyrosine-hydroxylase-positive nerve fibers traverse the neuropil in the proto- and deutocerebrum and innervate the glomerular and the nonglomerular neuropil with fine varicose terminals. Dense terminal patterns are present in the medulla and lobula of the optic lobe, the pars intercerebralis, the medial tritocerebrum, and the area surrounding the antennal glomeruli, the central body and the mushroom bodies. The pattern of tyrosine-hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity is similar to that previously described for catecholaminergic neurons, but it is distinctly different from the distribution of histaminergic and serotonergic neurons.  相似文献   
Abstract. The neurophysiological bases for behaviourally expressed olfactory redundancy in the sex pheromone communication system of the cabbage looper moth, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were examined by coupling the cut-sensillum extracellular recording technique with a highly specific neuronal marking method for moth peripheral receptors. In seventy-two antennal sensilla, axonal pathways of cobalt-stained neurones could be traced into the male-specific macroglomerular complex in the antennal lobe. In T. ni males this comprises five glomeruli, two of which are subdivided into morphologically, and in some instances functionally identifiable, regions. Axonal arborizations of forty-eight neurones (single stainings) showed high fidelity (98%) for containment within a specific glomerulus or glomerular subdivision, and the neuropil targeted seemed to be related to the specificity of a neurone to a particular female-emitted sex pheromone component (27-12:Ac, Z7-14:Ac, Z9-14:Ac, 12:Ac, 11–12:Ac, Z5-12:Ac), or to a behavioural antagonist (Z7-12:OH). Double (twenty-one) and multiple stainings (three) showed axons projecting into two or more glomeruli, respectively, with 100% fidelity for the component-specific glomerulus or glomerular subdivision to be targeted. We suggest that the potential for a single minor component to cross-stimulate two or more neurones within a sensillum may enable partial blends to continue to provide sensory input into all of the pheromone-processing glomeruli of the complex. Our interpretation is that redundancy occurs at the receptor level on neighbouring dendrites, and thus allows various four-component partial blends to evoke full pheromone-mediated behaviour.  相似文献   
Homogenates of specific brain regions of three sensory systems (auditory, olfactory, and visual) were prepared from pigmented Long-Evans Hooded rats and assayed for amino acid concentrations and activities of glutaminase, aspartate aminotransferase (total, cytosolic, and, by difference, mitochondrial), malate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, and choline acetyltransferase. Comparing the quantitative distributions among regions revealed significant correlations between AAT and aspartate, between glutaminase and glutamate, between glutamate and glutamine, and between AAT plus glutaminase, or glutaminase alone, and the sum of aspartate, glutamate, and GABA, suggesting a metabolic pathway involving the synthesis of a glutamate pool as precursor to aspartate and GABA. Of the inhibitory transmitter amino acids, GABA concentrations routinely exceeded those of glycine, but glycine concentrations were relatively high in brainstem auditory structures.  相似文献   
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