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The behavior of insects and their perception of their surroundings are driven, in a large part, by odorants and pheromones. This is especially true for social insects, such as the honey bee, where the queen controls the development and the caste status of the other individuals. Pheromone perception is a complex phenomenon relying on a cascade of recognition events, initiated in antennae by pheromone recognition by a pheromone-binding protein and finishing with signal transduction at the axon membrane level. With to the objective of deciphering this initial step, we have determined the structures of the bee antennal pheromone-binding protein (ASP1) in the apo form and in complex with the main component of the queen mandibular pheromonal mixture, 9-keto-2(E)-decenoic acid (9-ODA) and with nonpheromonal components. In the apo protein, the C terminus obstructs the binding site. In contrast, ASP1 complexes have different open conformations, depending on the ligand shape, leading to different volumes of the binding cavity. The binding site integrity depends on the C terminus (111-119) conformation, which involves the interplay of two factors; i.e. the presence of a ligand and a low pH. Ligand binding to ASP1 is favored by low pH, opposite to what is observed with other pheromone-binding proteins, such as those of Bombyx mori and Anopheles gambiae.  相似文献   
Fragile X Syndrome is the most common form of inherited mental retardation. It is also known for having a substantial behavioral morbidity, including autistic features. In humans, Fragile X Syndrome is almost always caused by inactivation of the X-linked FMR1 gene. A single knockout mouse model, fmr1-tm1Cgr, exists. In this report we further characterize the cognitive and behavioral phenotype of the fmr1-tm1Cgr Fragile X mouse through the use of F1 hybrid mice derived from two inbred strains (FVB/NJ and C57BL/6J). Use of F1 hybrids allows focus on the effects of the fmr1-tm1Cgr allele with reduced influence from recessive alleles present in the parental inbred strains. We find that the cognitive phenotype of fmr1-tm1Cgr mice, including measures of working memory and learning set formation that are known to be seriously impacted in humans with Fragile X Syndrome, are essentially normal. Further testing of inbred strains supports this conclusion. Thus, any fmr1-tm1Cgr cognitive deficit is surprisingly mild or absent. There is, however, clear support presented for a robust audiogenic seizure phenotype in all strains tested, as well as increased entries into the center of an open field. Finally, a molecular examination of the fmr1-tm1Cgr mouse shows that, contrary to common belief, it is not a molecular null. Implications of this finding for interpretation of the phenotype are discussed.  相似文献   
Earlier we showed that the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger inhibitor, KB-R7943, potently blocks the odor-evoked activity of lobster olfactory receptor neurons. Here we extend that finding to recombinant mosquito olfactory receptors stably expressed in HEK cells. Using whole-cell and outside-out patch clamping and calcium imaging, we demonstrate that KB-R7943 blocks both the odorant-gated current and the odorant-evoked calcium signal from two different OR complexes from the malaria vector mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, AgOr48 + AgOrco and AgOr65 + AgOrco. Both heteromeric and homomeric (Orco alone) OR complexes were susceptible to KB-R7943 blockade when activated by VUAA1, an agonist that targets the Orco channel subunit, suggesting the Orco subunit may be the target of the drug’s action. KB-R7943 represents a valuable tool to further investigate the functional properties of arthropod olfactory receptors and raises the interesting specter that activation of these ionotropic receptors is directly or indirectly linked to a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, thereby providing a template for drug design potentially allowing improved control of insect pests and disease vectors.  相似文献   
The paired antennal lobes are the first integration centers for odor information in the insect brain. In the sphinx moth Manduca sexta, like in other holometabolous insects, they are formed during metamorphosis. To further understand mechanisms involved in the formation of this particularly well investigated brain area, we performed a direct peptide profiling of a well defined cell group (the lateral cell group) of the antennal lobe throughout development by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Although the majority of the about 100 obtained ion signals represent still unknown substances, this first peptidomic characterization of this cell group indicated the occurrence of 12 structurally known neuropeptides. Among these peptides are helicostatin 1, cydiastatins 2, 3, and 4, M. sexta-allatotropin (Mas-AT), M. sexta-FLRFamide (Mas-FLRFamide) I, II, and III, nonblocked Mas-FLRFamide I, and M. sexta-myoinhibitory peptides (Mas-MIPs) III, V, and VI. The identity of two of the allatostatins (cydiastatins 3 and 4) and Mas-AT were confirmed by tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF). During development of the antennal lobe, number and frequency of ion signals including those representing known peptides generally increased at the onset of glomeruli formation at pupal Stage P7/8, with cydiastatin 2, helicostatin 1, and Mas-MIP V being the exceptions. Cydiastatin 2 showed transient occurrence mainly during the period of glomerulus formation, helicostatin 1 was restricted to late pupae and adults, while Mas-MIP V occurred exclusively in adult antennal lobes. The power of the applied direct mass spectrometric profiling lies in the possibility of chemically identifying neuropeptides of a given cell population in a fast and reliable manner, at any developmental stage in single specimens. The identification of neuropeptides in the antennal lobes now allows to specifically address the function of these signaling molecules during the formation of the antennal lobe network.  相似文献   
Cross-flow microfiltration is an important step in separating Baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) from aqueous suspension in many processes. However the permeate flux often declines rapidly due to colloidal fouling of membranes and concentration polarisation. The present work explores the possibility of maintaining acceptable permeate flux by co-current sparging of gas along with the feed, which would scour away colloidal deposits and reduce concentration polarisation of membranes. In this work, both washed and unwashed yeast were used to study the effect of washing to reduce protein fouling of membranes. It was found that permeate flux increased by 45% for liquid throughput of 75 kg/h for a feed concentration of 2.0 kg/m3 of washed yeast as compared with unwashed yeast suspension without gas sparging. For washed yeast suspension, the increase in gas flow rate from 0.5 lpm to 1.5 lpm (30 l/h to 90 l/h) had beneficial effect on permeate flux. It is concluded that in the present case, the gas flow rate should be less than or equal to the liquid flow rate for enhancement of permeates flux.  相似文献   
Using various three-dimensional traps alone and in combination with the onion volatile, dipropyl-disulphide (Pr2S2), we found that visual behaviour of female onion flies, Delia antiqua (Meigen), varied with the visual context (background composition and trap spacing) in which traps were presented and the females' reproductive state (mated vs. unmated). Against a background of real onions, females alighted more frequently on spherical than cylindrical traps, and white than green spheres, but females responded equally to white and green cylinders. In an onion field, baiting traps with Pr2S2 significantly increased female response to white over green traps, but had no influence on their response to trap shape. When traps were spaced 10 m apart and against a background of bare soil, females orienting to Pr2S2 baits alighted more frequently on vertical than horizontal traps, but shape and spectral reflectance were insignificant. However, when traps were spaced 0.25 m apart, females orienting to Pr2S2 baits alighted more frequently on cylinders than spheres. Mated females alighted more frequently on green than white cylinders, but unmated females responded to cylinders independent of spectral reflectance. When located 20 m downwind from Pr2S2 baits, mated females alighted on green cylinders significantly more often than unmated females. Response to traps mimicking onion plants suggests that ovipositional host-finding in female onion flies is dominated by olfactory responses at long range (several metres) and by visual cues at short-range (ca. 1 m). The view that host location by female onion flies is a hierarchical response pattern mediated by multiple sensory modalities and modified by resource level (habitat) and reproductive status, is discussed.  相似文献   
The attractive response and sexual activity elicited by pre-ovulatory steroid sulphate and post-ovulatory 15K-PGF pheromones are greater in wild caught tubercular males and immature males which express breeding tubercles on the snout (at 12–13 days post androgen implant) than in non-tubercular and non-androgen implanted males of freshwater fishBarilius bendelisis. This shows that circulatory androgens exert an activational effect on olfactory receptors of male fish. Wild caught tubercular males and androgen implanted juvenile males exhibit a high responsiveness to steroid sulphate at the water temperature and pH which fish experience during the pre-spawning phase. The male’s sensitivity to 15K-PGF is almost equally high at the water temperature and pH which they experience in wild during the both pre-spawning and spawning periods. This suggests that the differential olfactory sensitivity to the two classes of pheromones in androgen implanted males is due to the varied temperature and pH of water, and that during the breeding season the male’s olfactory sensitivity to PGF pheromone is more widespread than to the steroidal pheromone. An increased and decreased olfactory sensitivity in mature males to sex pheromones and L-alanine respectively during the breeding phase is in agreement with the hypothesis that pheromonal stimuli dominate over feeding stimuli to promote spawning success.  相似文献   
Paphiopedilum barbigerum T. Tang et F. T. Wang, a slipper orchid native to southwest China and northern Vietnam, produces deceptive flowers that are self‐compatible but incapable of mechanical self‐pollination (autogamy). The flowers are visited by females of Allograpta javana and Episyrphus balteatus (Syrphidae) that disperse the orchid’s massulate pollen onto the receptive stigmas. Measurements of insect bodies and floral architecture show that the physical dimensions of these two fly species correlate with the relative positions of the receptive stigma and dehiscent anthers of P. barbigerum. These hoverflies land on the slippery centralised wart located on the shiny yellow staminode and then fall backwards through the labellum entrance. They are temporarily trapped in the inflated chamber composed of the interconnected labellum and column. The attractive staminode of P. barbigerum strongly reflects the colour yellow (500–560 nm), a colour preferred innately by most pollen‐eating members of the Syrphidae. No scent molecules were detected using GC mass spectrometry analysis, showing that the primary attractant in this system is visual, not olfactory. Pollination‐by‐deceit in P. barbigerum is contrasted with its congener, P. dianthum, a brood site mimic that is pollinated by ovipositing females of E. balteatus. As the natural rate of fruit set in P. barbigerum (mean 26.3% pooled over three seasons) is lower than that of P. dianthum (mean 58.5% over two seasons), the evolution of false brood sites in some Paphiopedilum spp. should be selectively advantageous as they may provide an increase in the attention and return rates of dependable pollinators to flowers that always lack a reward.  相似文献   
Robots designed to track chemical leaks in hazardous industrial facilities1 or explosive traces in landmine fields2 face the same problem as insects foraging for food or searching for mates3: the olfactory search is constrained by the physics of turbulent transport4. The concentration landscape of wind borne odors is discontinuous and consists of sporadically located patches. A pre-requisite to olfactory search is that intermittent odor patches are detected. Because of its high speed and sensitivity5-6, the olfactory organ of insects provides a unique opportunity for detection. Insect antennae have been used in the past to detect not only sex pheromones7 but also chemicals that are relevant to humans, e.g., volatile compounds emanating from cancer cells8 or toxic and illicit substances9-11. We describe here a protocol for using insect antennae on autonomous robots and present a proof of concept for tracking odor plumes to their source. The global response of olfactory neurons is recorded in situ in the form of electroantennograms (EAGs). Our experimental design, based on a whole insect preparation, allows stable recordings within a working day. In comparison, EAGs on excised antennae have a lifetime of 2 hr. A custom hardware/software interface was developed between the EAG electrodes and a robot. The measurement system resolves individual odor patches up to 10 Hz, which exceeds the time scale of artificial chemical sensors12. The efficiency of EAG sensors for olfactory searches is further demonstrated in driving the robot toward a source of pheromone. By using identical olfactory stimuli and sensors as in real animals, our robotic platform provides a direct means for testing biological hypotheses about olfactory coding and search strategies13. It may also prove beneficial for detecting other odorants of interests by combining EAGs from different insect species in a bioelectronic nose configuration14 or using nanostructured gas sensors that mimic insect antennae15.  相似文献   
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