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三尖杉叶精油化学成分的研究苏应娟,王艇,张宏达(中国科学院武汉植物研究所武汉430074)(中山大学生命科学学院广州510275)关键词三尖杉,精油,化学分类ASTUDYONCHEMICALCONSTITUENTSOFESSENTIALOILFROM...  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Shale oil retort water is obtained by centrifuging the oil/water emulsion produced by oil shale retorting. The ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis was exposed to retort water; 2, 1, and 0.5% initially increased motility; longer exposures decreased motility. Three, 4, and 5% all decreased motility. Cell lysis was directly related to concentration; after 24 h, population densities were 0, 10, and 25% of controls for 2, 1, and 0.5% retort water, respectively. Oxygen consumption paralleled the motility pattern: at lower concentrations it increased initially but decreased with extended exposures while at higher concentrations it decreased rapidly. The most striking cytologic alteration of cells exposed to the toxicant occurred in the membranes; alterations of mucocysts and glycogen content were also observed, but mitochondrial changes were not. Population growth was affected at much lower concentrations than the other test indices. The growth of test populations reached a plateau at values inversely related to concentration: concentrations <0.4% had no effect on growth rate.  相似文献   
Isozymes of hexose-phosphate isomerase (HPI; EC, pyruvate kinase (PK; EC and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH; EC have been detected in the developing cotyledons of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), safflower (Carthamnus tinctorius L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). In each seed there are two isozymes each of PK and HPI. The isozyme patterns of 6PGDH are more complex: soybean has two forms of the enzyme, safflower three, and sunflower six. In each tissue, at least 25% of the activity of each of the three enzymes is in the plastids. This supports the proposal that the glycolytic and pentose-phosphate pathways are operating in the plastids and that the plastids are the site of long-chain fatty-acid biosynthesis in developing oilseeds.Abbreviations HPI hexose-phosphate isomerase - 6PGDH 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase - PK pyruvate kinase  相似文献   
荧光显微镜观察大蒜油对腹水癌细胞的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用吖啶橙染色,荧光显微镜观察大蒜油对—S180,昆明小鼠,U14 C57BL/6J小鼠和L1210DBA小鼠的癌细胞作用的影响,结果表明大蒜油有直接破坏癌细胞的DNA,RNA和分裂中期染色体的作用。给药后2—6小时作用最强,12小时后癌细胞数逐渐恢复,因此给药间隔不应超过12小时。我们研究证实大蒜油有明显的抗癌作用,为临床应用提供有力的依据。  相似文献   
The horseradish tree (Moringa pterygosperma,) is being introduced into drought-ridden lands to augment the local food and fodder supply. The tree grows up to 5 m per year. The foliage is high in calcium and has half the oxalates of amaranth. Seeds yield edible oil and the seed meal is used as fertilizer and as a coagulant to clarify turbid water. The philanthropic center, ECHO (Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization), North Fort Myers, Florida, receives many requests for seeds. A missionary in Mali wrote: “The seeds you sent arrived during the worst year of 14 years of dry weather. Only the moringa survived, and they have flourished. ”Another seed shipment resulted, after harvesting a crop, in 25 000 trees being planted by university students and faculty, around laborers’ houses in Maranhao, Brazil. The tree is not limited to tropical lowlands, but thrives at elevations of 800-1200 m in protected mountain areas of southern Mexico. The long-range effects of ingesting various parts of the tree as food or folkmedicine need study. Attention should be given to horticultural improvement, perhaps through hybridization with one or more related species now being compared with M. pterygosperma in India and Africa. ХРеНовое дерево, Moringa pterygosperma F. Gaertn. (Moringaceae), Дар сыхим землям. Хреновое дерево, Moringa pterygosperma, вводится в бездождивые землии чтоб умножить местное снабжение пищи и корма. Дерево растет до 5 метров в год. Листья содержат много кальцию и половину щавелев по сравнени#x044E; с амарантом. Семя дают съедобное масло и семеная мука употребляется как одобрение и как коагулант для очищение мутной воды. Филантропический цэнтэр ECHO (Educational Concern for Hunger Organization, North Fort Myers, Florida) полужает мното просьб чтоб получить семя. Один миссионер из Мали писал “Семя которые вы послали, прибыли в самый сухой год за 14 лет сухой погоды. Только моринга пережила и цвела. Другая отправка семен была совершена после получения урожая и 25000 деревьев были посажены студентами и учителями около домов рабочих в Маранхау, Брразилия. Это дерево не ограаничевается тропическим климатом и преуспевает на уровне 800 до 1200 метров в защищенных горных местах южной Мексики.  相似文献   
葡萄籽油和饼粕的化学成分及特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了葡萄耔油和饼粕的化学组成及特性。经测定,葡萄籽中粗蛋白、脂肪和纤维素的含量分别为8.4%、15.0%和37.2%;葡萄籽油中,不饱和脂肪酸为89.6%,其中亚油酸占72—76%,碘值、皂化值和酸值分别为138.3、191.5和1.68。我们还对重要矿物元素Ca、Mg和K的含量进行了测定。在葡萄酿酒后的下脚料中,葡萄籽占20—26%,对其进行二次深加工,不仅可以减少环境污染,还可以增加社会经济效益。  相似文献   
本文通过酸性紫色土和石灰性紫色土中不同浓度Cd、Cu、Pb、As对水稻根系脱氢酶的影响研究,揭示了脱氢酶受抑制与产生抗性的过程。在低浓度时,土壤Cd、Cu、Pb、As对脱氢酶的影响较敏感,能因元素的不同性质反映土壤类型影响的差别。最后,以脱氢酶受抑制与初始抗性峰出现的转折点相应的土壤浓度为依据,确定了两种紫色土Cd、Cu、Pb、As的临界浓度。  相似文献   
印楝油对褐稻虱雌虫求偶鸣声和交尾行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
笔者用印楝(Azadirachta indica A. Juss)油点滴褐稻虱[Nilaparvata lugens(stal)]初羽化雌虫背部,点滴量分别为1.0、2.5及5.0μg,或将试虫饲养在分别用3%、6%及9%印楝油乳液喷雾处理过的稻株上.结果表明印楝油对褐稻虱雌虫正常的发声和交尾行为有明显干扰.8.3—25.0%的处理雌虫不能发声,也不交尾;8.3—58.3%发出不正常的求偶鸣声;其余鸣声虽基本正常,但脉冲重复频率增高,鸣叫持续时间缩短.后者可完成交尾,交尾前历时明显延长,但交尾时间与对照无显著差异.  相似文献   
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