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Salvelinus leucomaenis (white-spotted charr) and S. malma (Dolly Varden) are distributed throughout Hokkaido Island, Japan, but sites where they occur in sympatry are rare. In general, S. malma inhabit upstream reaches and S. leucomaenis extend downstream to the ocean. Factors influencing their distribution were analyzed at four spatial scales ranging from the whole island to individual stream pools. At the island scale, S. leucomaenis were found in the warmer south-west region and at lower altitudes elsewhere, whereas S. malma were found in the colder north-east and at higher altitudes. At a regional scale, the downstream limit of S. malma and upstream limit of S. leucomaenis shifted to lower altitude from south-west to north-east across the island, coincident with the decrease in temperature. Further analysis showed that transition points from S. leucomaenis or sympatry to S. malma in individual watersheds were closely related to an index of cumulative mean monthly temperatures exceeding 5°C. However, at the scale of a single watershed, the transition occurred at different altitudes, gradients, and temperatures in two tributaries, apparently because stream discharge, habitat, and disturbances from floods interacted with these abiotic factors to limit distribution. The two charr species developed interspecific dominance hierarchies in individual pools, and there was strong complementary density compensation among stream pools that could be explained by interspecific competition but not by differences in habitat. However, patterns at watershed and regional scales suggested that interspecific competition interacts with temperature in complex ways. We conclude that the importance of various abiotic and biotic factors in shaping Hokkaido charr distributions depends on the scale at which they are viewed.  相似文献   
The Palaearctic species Drosophila subobscura has recently colonized a large area of North America where it coexists with Drosophila pseudoobscura. The viability and developmental rate of these species were studied at 13 d?C, 18d?C and 23 d?C and at densities of 10, 50, 100 and 200 eggs per vial. The two species were differently affected by density and temperature in the ranges studied. Both intra- and interspecific cultures showed that D. pseudoobscura was best adapted to 23 d?C, where it was clearly the dominant species. On the other hand, at 18 d?C and especially at 13 d?C, although D. subobscura was less viable than D. pseudoobscura, its developmental time was shorter, which may give advantage to this species. Results reported here agree with the observed distribution of these species in North America.  相似文献   
To determine the effects of soil phosphorus on pollen production, pollen grain size, phosphate concentration per pollen grain, and the siring ability of pollen, two cultivars of the common zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) were grown under two soil phosphorus conditions in an experimental garden. Overall, soil phosphorus availability had a significant effect on reproductive output through the female function and on traits affecting the male function of plants (staminate flower production, pollen production per flower, and pollen grain size). In addition, pollen produced by plants in the high phosphorus soils had a higher phosphate concentration than pollen produced by plants in the low phosphorus soils. A pollen mixture experiment revealed that pollen produced by plants in the high phosphorus treatment sired significantly more seeds than pollen produced by plants in the low phosphorus treatment. This study showed that growing conditions such as soil phosphorus can influence the size of a pollen grain and its chemical composition, which, in turn, can affect its ability to sire mature seeds.  相似文献   
The sex ratio in final-instar larvae of a birch-feeding, free-living solitary sawfly, Dineura virididorsata, was investigated in Finnish Lapland. The prepupal proportion of females, pooled over ten sites, was 56%, and at four individual sites the sex ratio was significantly female-biased. Larval survival from egg to prepupae did not differ between the sexes. This suggests a femalebiased primary sex ratio in the field. The sex ratio varied among the sites but not among host trees within sites. Contrary to previous results with hymenopterans, we did not find that differences in the sex ratio depended on forage quality: site-specific or tree-specific sex ratios did not correlate with the average prepupal weight. A literature search indicated that female-biased sex ratios are also common in other free-living sawflies. We are unable to explain sex ratios of Dineura virididorsata or other free-living sawflies with existing general models.  相似文献   
Detrimental effects of vines on tree growth in successional environments have been frequently reported. Little is known, however, about the relative importance of below and aboveground competition from vines on tree growth. The objective of this study was to quantify and compare the growth responses of Liquidambar styraciflua saplings to below and/or aboveground competition with the exotic evergreen vine, Lonicera japonica (Japanese honeysuckle), and the native deciduous vine, Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia creeper). Soil trenching and/or vine-trellising were used to control the type of vine competition experienced by trees. Comparisons among untrenched treatments tested for effects of belowground competition. Comparisons among trenched treatments tested for effects of aboveground competition. After two growing seasons, Lonicera japonica had a greater effect on the growth of L. styraciflua than did P. quinquefolia. This effect was largely due to root competition, as canopy competition only had a negative effect on tree growth when it occurred in combination with root competition. Leaf expansion was consistently and similarly affected by all treatments which involved belowground competition.  相似文献   
It has long been thought that predation has had important ecological and evolutionary effects on primates as prey. Predation has been theorized to have been a major selective force in the evolution of hominids.1 In modern primates, behaviors such as active defense, concealment, vigilance, flight, and alarm calls have been attributed to the selective pressures of predation, as has group living itself. It is clear that primates, like other animals, have evolved ways to minimize their risk of predation. However, the extent to which they have been able to do so, given other constraints of living such as their own need to acquire food, has not yet been resolved. Perhaps most hotly debated is whether predation has been the primary selective force favoring the evolution of group living in primates. Part of the difficulty in resolving the debate lies in a paucity of direct evidence of predation. This is regrettable yet understandable since primatologists, by definition, focus on the study of primates, not predators of primates (unless these are also primates). Systematic direct evidence of the effects of predation can best be obtained by studying predators that are as habituated to observers as are their primate prey. Until this is done, we must continue to rely on opportunistic accounts of predation and predation attempts, and on systematically obtained indirect evidence. Such data reveal several interesting patterns: (1) although smaller primates may have greater predation rates than larger primates, even the largest primates are not invulnerable to predation; (2) the use by primates of unfamiliar areas can result in higher predation rates, which might be one pressure favoring philopatry, or site fidelity; (3) arboreal primates are at greater risk of predation when they are more exposed (at forest edges and tops of canopies) than in more concealed locations; (4) predation by mammalian carnivores may often be episodic; and (5) terrestrial primates may not experience greater predation than arboreal primates.  相似文献   
Clutch size, offspring performance, and intergenerational fitness   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
It is now generally recognized that clutch size affects morethan offspring number. In particular, clutch size affects asuite of traits associated with offspring reproductive performance.Optimal clutch size is therefore determined not by the numericallymost productive clutch but by the clutch that maximizes collectiveoffspring reproductive success. Calculation of optimal clutchsize thus requires a consideration of ecological factors operatingduring an intergenerational time frame, spanning the lifetimeof the egglaying adult and the lifetimes of her offspring. Theoptimal clutch cannot define reproductive values in advance,but instead requires that the strategy chosen is the best responseto the set of reproductive values that it itself generates.In this article, we introduce methods for solving this problem,based on an iterative solution of the equation characterizingexpected lifetime reproductive success. We begin by consideringa semelparous organism, in which case lifetime reproductivesuccess is a function only of the state of the organism. Foran iteroparous organism, lifetime reproductive success dependsupon both state and time, so that our methods extend the usualstochastic dynamic programming approach to the evaluation oflifetime reproductive success. The methods are intuitive andeasily used. We consider both semelparous and iteroparous organisms,stable and varying environments, and describe how our methodscan be employed empirically.  相似文献   
An experiment was carried out to assess the significance of inter-plot competition in a yield trial of potato cultivars. Seventeen cultivars were deliberately chosen and assessed for yield in single-drill and four-drill plots. Inter-plot competition for fresh-weight yield was a significant factor in the single-drill plots. It was modelled using a common competition coefficient with a covariate based on neighbour fresh-weight yields. In contrast, there was no statistically significant inter-plot competition for specific gravity. After adjustment for inter-plot competition, varietal ranking in estimated monoculture yield differed little from that based on unadjusted means. However, there was a reduction in the range of yield estimates, and a closer agreement with the observed pure-stand yields from the inner two drills of the four-drill plots. The adjustment for monoculture performance was most pronounced for the higher and lower yielding varieties, as expected from the assumption that the performance of high yielding varieties was enhanced in a competitive environment at the expense of low yielding ones. A general and flexible method of estimating competition coefficients in variety trials, together with a suitable algorithm, was developed and is explained in an appendix. It was used to check for inter-plot competition in a number of potato trials with single-drill plots and a large number of entries. Competition was found in some trials but not in others. Thus, where potato tubers are grown in single-drill plots for assessment of fresh-weight yield, adjustment should be made for inter-plot competition when evidence of inter-drill competition is found.  相似文献   
Most hypotheses concerning the evolution of insect-plant relationships are based on the assumptions that, (1) phytophagous insects reduce plant fitness, and that (2) insect-plant relationships are the result of unconstrained selection. It can be shown, however, that there is little evidence to support these assumptions. As an alternative, it is proposed that the evolution of insect-plant relationships results primarily from autonomous evolutionary events; namely from heritable functional changes within the insects' nervous system that determine plant recognition and ultimately host plant specificity. These changes cannot be evoked by selective ecological agents. They originate from intrinsic changes (mutationssensu lato) within the insect genome. Ecological factors play a secondary role: by either supporting or preventing the establishment of the new genotype with the novel food preference. This paper has been dedicated in warm friendship to Professor Louis M. Schoonhoven, the leading scientist in sensory physiology of phytophagous insects, on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   
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