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脱落酸是重要的植物激素之一,可以增强作物对环境逆因子如干旱、寒冷等的抵抗能力,在抵抗农业自然灾害、植树造林、生态植被建设、城市园林绿化等领域有广阔的应用前景.施用脱落酸可减少化学农药的使用,保护自然环境.本文概述了脱落酸生产和应用方面的研究进展,包括产生菌的筛选、诱变、外施脱落酸在提高作物抗逆性上的应用,以及脱落酸抗肿...  相似文献   
Changes in soil nutrient availability during long‐term ecosystem development influence the relative abundances of plant species with different nutrient‐acquisition strategies. These changes in strategies are observed at the community level, but whether they also occur within individual species remains unknown. Plant species forming multiple root symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, and nitrogen‐(N) fixing microorganisms provide valuable model systems to examine edaphic controls on symbioses related to nutrient acquisition, while simultaneously controlling for plant host identity. We grew two co‐occurring species, Acacia rostellifera (N2‐fixing and dual AM and ECM symbioses) and Melaleuca systena (AM and ECM dual symbioses), in three soils of contrasting ages (c. 0.1, 1, and 120 ka) collected along a long‐term dune chronosequence in southwestern Australia. The soils differ in the type and strength of nutrient limitation, with primary productivity being limited by N (0.1 ka), co‐limited by N and phosphorus (P) (1 ka), and by P (120 ka). We hypothesized that (i) within‐species root colonization shifts from AM to ECM with increasing soil age, and that (ii) nodulation declines with increasing soil age, reflecting the shift from N to P limitation along the chronosequence. In both species, we observed a shift from AM to ECM root colonization with increasing soil age. In addition, nodulation in A. rostellifera declined with increasing soil age, consistent with a shift from N to P limitation. Shifts from AM to ECM root colonization reflect strengthening P limitation and an increasing proportion of total soil P in organic forms in older soils. This might occur because ECM fungi can access organic P via extracellular phosphatases, while AM fungi do not use organic P. Our results show that plants can shift their resource allocation to different root symbionts depending on nutrient availability during ecosystem development.  相似文献   
以采煤沉陷区柠条为宿主植物,研究接种丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,简称AM菌)对柠条生长和根际土壤的改良效应。结果表明:8月份接种AM菌比不接菌柠条的株高、冠幅和地径显著增加了29.11%,29.83%和14.81%,9月份接菌区柠条的根长、平均直径、根表面积和根体积分别比对照区增加了151.0%,34.2%,116.0%和129.3%。接种AM菌增强柠条的抗逆性,接菌区的柠条叶片可溶性糖含量和过氧化氢酶活性分别比对照区增加了13.4%和111.1%。8月份接种AM菌改善了土壤的生物理化性质,接菌区有机质、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾比对照区分别增加7.06g/kg,140.0 mg/kg,1.82 mg/kg和16.72mg/kg,接种AM菌显著增加了根际土壤中真菌、放线菌、细菌数量和酸性磷酸酶活性。总之,接种AM菌促进采煤沉陷区柠条的生长和土壤的改良。  相似文献   
戴蓬博  张荣  孙广宇 《菌物学报》2021,40(4):936-964
苹果为我国主要栽培水果,苹果产业在我国农业生产中占有重要地位.病原菌物是苹果病害的主要病原物,对我国苹果产量和品质造成严重损害.国际上病原菌物为苹果主要病原类型,其数量占苹果病原物的93.4%.我国植物病理学家和菌物学家对苹果病害的病原学进行了长期研究,描述与记载了大量国外已报道的病原真菌和病原卵菌,也描述了一些国外尚...  相似文献   
本文从不同年龄、不同地域的银杏叶、茎、根部组织中分离得到20株银杏内共生真菌,经过发酵复筛有5株的产黄酮能力超过5μg/m L。实验对菌株的最佳发酵产黄酮条件进行了优化,优化条件为:3%葡萄糖、0.5%蛋白胨、0.4%酵母膏、0.3%KH2PO4、0.01%Mg SO4·7H2O;起始p H值7.0、最适发酵温度28℃、摇床转速为140 r/min、装液量125 m L/250 m L。在此条件下,该系列菌株在发酵7 d左右产黄酮量可达6.4μg/m L。  相似文献   
接种AM真菌对PAEs污染土壤中微生物和酶活性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土壤灭菌条件下 ,添加 5 0mg·kg-1DEHP和 5 0mg·kg-1DBP ,在温室进行盆栽试验 ,观察土壤施加DEHP与DBP和接种AM真菌 (Acaulosporalavis,光壁无梗球囊霉 ,菌号 :34)后菌根际 (简称A)、菌丝际 (简称B)和常规土 (简称C)中土壤微生物和部分土壤酶活性的变化。结果表明 ,土壤施加DEHP和DBP后 ,A、B和C层土中土壤微生物数量和土壤酶含量下降 ;接种AM真菌后 ,受AM直接影响的A和B层土中细菌、放线菌和真菌数量比不接种低 ,而C层土中三菌数量比不接种高 ;A和B层土中中性磷酸酶和脲酶含量下降 ,脱氢酶含量在A、C层土中下降 ,在B层土中稍有增加 ,AM对土壤脱氢酶活性影响不大。接种AM真菌没有降低DEHP和DBP对土壤微生物生长和土壤酶活性不利影响的程度  相似文献   
To comprehend the diversity and potential control of soil-dwelling fungi, Isaria and Paecilomyces, against the red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), an investigation was carried out between 2004 and 2008. From 258 soil samples collected from 16 central and southern provinces and cities in China, a total of 171 isolates of the genra Isaria and Paecilomyce were isolated, and the species I. javanicus, P. marquandii and I. fumosoroseus were found more abundant than I. cateniobliquus, P. carneus, P. inflatus and P. lilacinus. Geographic differences of isolating rates were observed as well. Samples from the southern areas had higher fungal isolating rates than those from the central areas. Subsequently, 47 isolates were further tested for pathogencity against the red imported fire ant. All isolates except P115 showed certain pathogenic potential (the mean is 52.3% at 4000 conidiospores/mL) to the ant. I. javanicus was the most effective species with a mean pathogenicity of 80.6%, while pathogenicities of P. marquandii, P. gunni and I. fumosoroseus were 44, 21 and 49%, respectively. Furthermore, the more effective isolates P028 of I. javanicus and P003 of I. fumosoroseus were tested in a virulence experiment. The LD50 values of P028 and P003 against major and miner workers were determined as 412,280 and 854,451 conidiospores/cm2, respectively. Meanwhile, the LT50 values at 1000 conidiospores/cm2 were 7.1 and 6.6 d in isolate P003 and 6.8 and 6.6 d in isolate P028.  相似文献   
The present study describes the design of bio-pellet morphologies of the industrial working horse Aspergillus niger strains in submerged culture. The novel approach recruits the intended addition of titanate microparticles (TiSiO(4), 8 μm) to the growth medium. As tested for two recombinant strains producing fructofuranosidase and glucoamylase, the enzyme titer by the titanate-enhanced cultures in shake flasks was increased 3.7-fold to 150 U/mL (for fructofuranosidase) and 9.5-fold to 190 U/mL (for glucoamylase) as compared to the control. This could be successfully utilized for improved enzyme production in stirred tank reactors. Stimulated by the particles, the achieved final glucoamylase activity of 1,080 U/mL (fed-batch) and 320 U/mL (batch) was sevenfold higher as compared to the conventional processes. The major reason for the enhanced production was the close association between the titanate particles and the fungal cells. Already below 2.5 g/L the micromaterial was found inside the pellets, including single particles embedded as 50-150 μm particle aggregates in the center resulting in core shell pellets. With increasing titanate levels the pellet size decreased from 1,700 μm (control) to 300 μm. Fluorescence based resolution of GFP expression revealed that the large pellets of the control were only active in a 200 μm surface layer. This matches with the critical penetration depth for nutrients and oxygen typically observed for fungal pellets. The biomass within the titanate derived fungal pellets, however, was completely active. This was due a reduced thickness of the biomass layer via smaller pellets as well as the core shell structure. Moreover, also the created loose inner pellet structure enabled a higher mass transfer and penetration depths for up to 500 μm. The creation of core-shell pellets has not been achieved previously by the addition of microparticles, for example, made of talc or alumina. Due to this, the present work opens further possibilities to use microparticles for tailor-made morphology design of filamentous fungi, especially for pellet based processes which have a long and strong industrial relevance for industrial production.  相似文献   
食药用菌诱变育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诱变育种是一项借助诱变剂人为的诱导突变,创造出杂交育种中无法创制的新性状的育种技术。自然界中的突变只有0.1%,而诱变育种可以提高到3%左右,比自然突变高100倍以上。诱变技术已经在食药用菌育种中广为利用,本文针对诱变育种的原理、方法、在食药用菌中的应用情况进行了阐述,最后为食药用菌诱变育种的进一步发展进行了探讨和展望,这为利用诱变技术进行食药用菌品种的选育提供了理论依据和参考。  相似文献   
从野生珍稀食用菌方面综述了康县食用菌的资源状况,通过对康县野生珍稀食用菌研究、开发现状的总结,就其存在的问题提出了相应的建议。简述了野生珍稀食用菌资源在康县应用开发中的广阔前景。  相似文献   
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