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The pheromone-mediated flight behavior of male cabbage looper moths in a sustained-flight tunnel and random activity exhibited during scotophase were observed after males were treated with octopamine or serotonin (5 hydroxytryptamine). Octopamine induced a hypersensitivity to the olfactory signal, resulting in a significant lowering of the pheromone dose that elicited peak levels of response. Octopamine, however, did not affect the circadian rhythmicity of response to pheromone. In contrast, serotonin disrupted the circadian rhythmicity of response, resulting in a high percentage of males exhibiting random activity and response to pheromone throughout the entire 8 h scotophase instead of during the normal peak period during the latter part of the scotophase. Serotonin did not effect a decrease in the dose of pheromone eliciting peak response. In addition, at the highest dosages tested octopamine and serotonin induced opposite postures associated with a paralysis that occurred when males attempted to take flight to the pheromone.  相似文献   
Substantial progress has been made toward understanding the neuroendocrine regulation of sex-pheromone glands in Lepidoptera, but several recent studies have revealed that direct contact of the pheromone gland with blood-borne factors is not necessary to induce pheromone biosynthesis and release in some species. The nervous system provides an alternate route of activation. Evidence from several species indicates that the pheromone gland is innervated and regulated by neural activity. Electrical stimulation of efferent axons arising from the terminal abdominal ganglion results in a significant increase in pheromone production, and neural stimulation furthermore evokes the rapid release of pheromone into the surrounding air. In some heliothine moths, the biogenic monoamine octopamine stimulates pheromone production, and octopamine has also been isolated from pheromone gland tissue. Moreover, the critical period for maximal octopamine action mirrors the time when peak levels of octopamine are present in the gland. These findings suggest that octopamine is involved in the regulation of pheromone biosynthesis and/or release, but its actions depend on additional factors associated with age and photoperiod. The combined evidence using anatomical, electrophysiological, and biochemical methods indicates that the pheromone gland is innervated and regulated by neurons that arise in the terminal abdominal ganglion. Indirect evidence suggests that at least some of this innervation is octopaminergic. In these respects, the pheromone gland in Lepidoptera exhibits characteristics of other neuroeffector systems in insects.  相似文献   
Temporal and spatial expression patterns of a muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (Acr60C) and an octopamine/tyramine receptor (Octyr) were determined inDrosophila melanogaster using quantitative Northern analysis andin situ hybridization to tissue sections. Expression of mRNA encoding both of these G-protein coupled receptors peaks initially in 18 to 21 hour embryos following the formation of the mature larval nervous system. Levels of mRNA then decline during larval stages, rising to a second peak in 3 to 4-day-old pupae after a period of major nervous system reorganization. The muscarinic acetylcholine receptor mRNA is expressed throughout the cortical regions of the central nervous system in adults and embryos. Particularly high levels of expression of Acr60C are observed in cell bodies adjacent to the antennal lobes, suggesting a major role for this muscarinic receptor in the processing of olfactory information. In contrast, the octopamine/tyramine receptor mRNA is distributed diffusely throughout the adult brain, with patches of signal concentrated in the cortex of the dorsal protocerebrum near the mushroom bodies. These patches may represent individual cells expressingOctyr receptors.  相似文献   
Whole body extracts of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) were analyzed using a 16-channel electrochemical array high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-based detection system that allows the simultaneous isolation and identification of a variety of biogenic amines. The spider mite extracts were found to contain the biogenic amines octopamine, dopamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), as well as several precursors and metabolites including tyrosine, tyramine, tryptophan, and N-acetyl octopamine. Differences in the levels of biogenic amines were observed between eggs and the adult stages and between males and females. This is the first direct determination of biogenic amines in the Tetranychidae and the first demonstration of 5-HT in any mite species. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The effects of the amines 5HT and octopamine on the myogenic activity of Periplaneta americana (L.) oviducts and the pharmacological profile of octopamine and 5HT receptors on the lateral oviducts have been determined. Application of 5HT to the oviducts resulted in a dose-dependent increase in basal tonus and amplitude of contractions. Antagonist studies revealed that the 5HT receptor on the cockroach oviduct most resembles the mammalian 5HT2 receptor. Application of octopamine resulted in a decrease in basal tonus and had a biphasic effect on the amplitude of contractions, being stimulatory at low doses and inhibitory at higher ones. The inhibitory effects of octopamine appear to be mediated via cAMP and are blocked by antagonists which indicate that the octopamine receptor is of the octopamine-2 type. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Animals assess food availability in their environment by sensory perception and respond to the absence of food by changing hormone and neurotransmitter signals. However, it is largely unknown how the absence of food is perceived at the level of functional neurocircuitry. In Caenorhabditis elegans, octopamine is released from the RIC neurons in the absence of food and activates the cyclic AMP response element binding protein in the cholinergic SIA neurons. In contrast, dopamine is released from dopaminergic neurons only in the presence of food. Here, we show that dopamine suppresses octopamine signalling through two D2‐like dopamine receptors and the G protein Gi/o. The D2‐like receptors work in both the octopaminergic neurons and the octopamine‐responding SIA neurons, suggesting that dopamine suppresses octopamine release as well as octopamine‐mediated downstream signalling. Our results show that C. elegans detects the absence of food by using a small neural circuit composed of three neuron types in which octopaminergic signalling is activated by the cessation of dopamine signalling.  相似文献   
Interactions between the endocrine and immune systems in locusts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The prophenoloxidase cascade in the haemolymph of mature adult Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R & F) is activated in response to injection of laminarin, a β‐1,3 glucan. Co‐injection of adipokinetic hormone‐I (Lom‐AKH‐I) and laminarin prolongs the activation of the enzyme in a dose‐dependent manner. However, injections of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) do not activate prophenoloxidase unless AKH is co‐injected, when there is a dose‐dependent increase in the level of phenoloxidase that persists in the haemolymph for several hours. Even when AKH is co‐injected, the highest levels of phenoloxidase activity are always greater after injection of laminarin than after LPS, and these two immunogens must activate the prophenoloxidase cascade by quite distinct pathways. In the present study, interactions between the endocrine and immune systems were examined with respect to activation of prophenoloxidase and the formation of nodules: injection of LPS induces nodule formation in adult locusts. With LPS from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, nodules form exclusively in dense accumulations in the anterior portion of the abdomen on either side of the dorsal blood vessel associated with the dorsal diaphragm. However, with LPS from Escherichia coli, fewer nodules are formed but with a similar distribution, except that occasionally some nodules are aligned additionally on either side of the ventral nerve cord. Co‐injection of Lom‐AKH‐I with LPS from either bacteria stimulates greater numbers of nodules to be formed. This effect of coinjection of AKH on nodule formation is seen at low doses of hormone with only 0.3 or 0.4 pmol of Lom‐AKH‐1, respectively, increasing the number of nodules by 50%. Injections of octopamine or 5‐hydroxytryptamine do not mimic either of the actions of Lom‐AKH‐I described here. Co‐injection of an angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril, reduces nodule formation in response to injections of LPS but has no effect on the activation of phenoloxidase. Co‐injection of an inhibitor of eicosanoid synthesis, dexamethasone, with LPS influences nodule formation (with or without AKH) in different ways according to the dose of dexamethasone used, but does not affect activation of prophenoloxidase. Eicosanoid synthesis is important for nodule formation, but not for the activation of the prophenoloxidase cascade in locust haemolymph.  相似文献   
单胺氧化酶的抑制作为杀虫脒对澳氰菊酯的增效作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杀虫脒对拟除虫菊酯具有增效作用, 其与溴氰菊酯的共毒系数高达890.3, 增效显著.当用溴氰菊酯单独处理美洲蜚蠊时, 血淋巴内酪胺增加125%, 章鱼胺增加108%;当杀虫脒与溴氰菊酯(1:1)混用处理美洲蜚蠊时, 引起酪胺及章鱼胺增加的量更多, 其分别增加925%及500%, 杀虫脒对蜚蠊体内的单胺氧化酶(MAO)有显著的抑制作用.由此推断, 杀虫脒抑制单胺氧化酶后, 引起酪胺及章鱼胺的积累(不能进行氧化脱氨所致), 造成不正常的生理效应, 这应是杀虫脒对溴氰菊酯的增效机制.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Orally supplied octopamine significantly enhances the wing-raising behaviour in male American cockroaches Periplaneta americana , in response to periplanone B the main component of the sex pheromone, but not attraction. In addition, octopamine decreases the response to the general odorant, hexan-1-ol. The presence of a calling female, as well as octopamine treatment, eliminates the avoidance of hexanol by males. Electroantennogram responses to hexan-1-ol decreases after topical octopamine application.  相似文献   
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