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Nuclear ribosomal and plastid DNA sequences of specimens belonging to section Halimeda of the pantropical green seaweed genus Halimeda show that the group under scrutiny contains many more genetically delineable species than those recognized by classical taxonomy. Discordances between phylograms inferred from nuclear and plastid DNA sequences suggest that reticulate evolution has been involved in speciation within the clade. Nonetheless, our data do not allow ruling out certain alternative explanations for the discordances. Several pseudo-cryptic species are restricted to the margins of the generic distribution range. In a clade of H. cuneata sibling species from widely separated subtropical localities in the Indian Ocean, the South African sibling branches off first, leaving the Arabian and West Australian species as closest relatives. We hypothesize that geographic isolation of the siblings may have taken place following Pleistocene or Pliocene periods of climatic cooling during which subtropical species occupied larger distribution ranges. A more basal separation of Atlantic, Indo-Pacific, and Mediterranean species indicates vicariance. The alternative events that could have caused this vicariance are discussed.  相似文献   
为探讨半干旱区旱地不同种植方式玉米(Zea mays)田的土壤水分动态特征, 测定了全膜双垄沟播(PMF)、全沙覆盖(SM)和裸地(CK) 3种不同处理0-200 cm土壤水分季节变化、垂直变化及年际变化。结果表明: PMF明显改善玉米拔节前0-200 cm土壤的水分条件, 有利于玉米前期生长; 随着玉米生育进程的推进, 3种处理的耗水量依次为: PMF﹥SM﹥CK, 而土壤贮水量表现为CK﹥SM﹥PMF; 在相同降雨条件下, PMF处理0-200 cm土壤水分降雨入渗补给深度最大, SM次之, CK最小。随着种植年限增加, PMF的耗水量和耗水深度增加, 两年种植期间耗水深度从20-120 cm向120-200 cm推移; 连续种植两年后, 3种处理40-120 cm土壤含水量下降至9.0%以下, 其中PMF下降最快(7.9%), 土壤含水量接近萎蔫系数7.2%, 玉米只能靠当年降水生长, 如种植年限继续增加, 土壤极有可能形成干层。3种处理之间耗水量、产量、水分利用效率都存在显著差异, PMF最高, SM次之, CK最低。因此, 在半干旱区采用全膜双垄沟播种植玉米可显著提高产量, 但连续种植可导致土壤贮水量显著降低, 对农田可持续生产能力造成不利影响。  相似文献   
《Global Change Biology》2018,24(6):2416-2433
Sustained observations of marine biodiversity and ecosystems focused on specific conservation and management problems are needed around the world to effectively mitigate or manage changes resulting from anthropogenic pressures. These observations, while complex and expensive, are required by the international scientific, governance and policy communities to provide baselines against which the effects of human pressures and climate change may be measured and reported, and resources allocated to implement solutions. To identify biological and ecological essential ocean variables (EOVs) for implementation within a global ocean observing system that is relevant for science, informs society, and technologically feasible, we used a driver‐pressure‐state‐impact‐response (DPSIR) model. We (1) examined relevant international agreements to identify societal drivers and pressures on marine resources and ecosystems, (2) evaluated the temporal and spatial scales of variables measured by 100+ observing programs, and (3) analysed the impact and scalability of these variables and how they contribute to address societal and scientific issues. EOVs were related to the status of ecosystem components (phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and diversity, and abundance and distribution of fish, marine turtles, birds and mammals), and to the extent and health of ecosystems (cover and composition of hard coral, seagrass, mangrove and macroalgal canopy). Benthic invertebrate abundance and distribution and microbe diversity and biomass were identified as emerging EOVs to be developed based on emerging requirements and new technologies. The temporal scale at which any shifts in biological systems will be detected will vary across the EOVs, the properties being monitored and the length of the existing time‐series. Global implementation to deliver useful products will require collaboration of the scientific and policy sectors and a significant commitment to improve human and infrastructure capacity across the globe, including the development of new, more automated observing technologies, and encouraging the application of international standards and best practices.  相似文献   
We observed the cell surface of Paramecium trichium using three different methods. A non-dividing paramecium's cell surface consisted of three major regions outside of the oral apparatus: a) an oral groove region, with 2-cilia-2-basal-body (2C-2BB) units; b) a posterior region, occupying 1/4 to 1/5 of the cell surface, with 1-cilium-l-basal-body (1C-1BB) units; c) the remainder, with l-cilium-2-basal-body (1C-2BB) units. Five kinds of region-specific cortical reorganization occurred prior to cytokinesis: the 2C-2BB and 1C-1BB units were not duplicated, while the 1C-2BB units were reorganized to 2C-2BB, 1C-2BB or 1C-1BB units. These reorganizations of the cell surface progressed from the fission line to the anterior in the prospective anterior daughter cell, and to the posterior in the prospective posterior daughter cell, and bilaterally from the old and also newly developing oral apparatus in both daughter cells. In contrast, the development of cilia and their associated structures in each of the cortical units always progressed from posterior to anterior. The present work also showed that two fission lines began to develop bilaterally from the oral primordium, and then they joined to become a single fission line at the dorsal surface.  相似文献   
Inter‐individual variation in phenotypic traits has long been considered as “noise” rather than meaningful phenotypic variation, with biological studies almost exclusively generating and reporting average responses for populations and species’ average responses. Here, we compare the use of an individual approach in the investigation of extracellular acid–base regulation by the purple sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus challenged with elevated pCO2 and temperature conditions, with a more traditional approach which generates and formally compares mean values. We detected a high level of inter‐individual variation in acid–base regulation parameters both within and between treatments. Comparing individual and mean values for the first (apparent) dissociation constant of the coelomic fluid for individual sea urchins resulted in substantially different (calculated) acid–base parameters, and models with stronger statistical support. While the approach using means showed that coelomic pCO2 was influenced by seawater pCO2 and temperature combined, the individual approach indicated that it was in fact seawater temperature in isolation that had a significant effect on coelomic pCO2. On the other hand, coelomic [HCO3?] appeared to be primarily affected by seawater pCO2, and less by seawater temperature, irrespective of the approach adopted. As a consequence, we suggest that individual variation in physiological traits needs to be considered, and where appropriate taken into account, in global change biology studies. It could be argued that an approach reliant on mean values is a “procedural error.” It produces an artefact, that is, a population's mean phenotype. While this may allow us to conduct relatively simple statistical analyses, it will not in all cases reflect, or take into account, the degree of (physiological) diversity present in natural populations.  相似文献   
The pH of the surface ocean is changing as a result of increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), and there are concerns about potential impacts of lower pH and associated alterations in seawater carbonate chemistry on the biogeochemical processes in the ocean. However, it is important to place these changes within the context of pH in the present-day ocean, which is not constant; it varies systematically with season, depth and along productivity gradients. Yet this natural variability in pH has rarely been considered in assessments of the effect of ocean acidification on marine microbes. Surface pH can change as a consequence of microbial utilization and production of carbon dioxide, and to a lesser extent other microbially mediated processes such as nitrification. Useful comparisons can be made with microbes in other aquatic environments that readily accommodate very large and rapid pH change. For example, in many freshwater lakes, pH changes that are orders of magnitude greater than those projected for the twenty second century oceans can occur over periods of hours. Marine and freshwater assemblages have always experienced variable pH conditions. Therefore, an appropriate null hypothesis may be, until evidence is obtained to the contrary, that major biogeochemical processes in the oceans other than calcification will not be fundamentally different under future higher CO2/lower pH conditions.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton growth is controlled by multiple environmental drivers, which are all modified by climate change. While numerous experimental studies identify interactive effects between drivers, large-scale ocean biogeochemistry models mostly account for growth responses to each driver separately and leave the results of these experimental multiple-driver studies largely unused. Here, we amend phytoplankton growth functions in a biogeochemical model by dual-driver interactions (CO2 and temperature, CO2 and light), based on data of a published meta-analysis on multiple-driver laboratory experiments. The effect of this parametrization on phytoplankton biomass and community composition is tested using present-day and future high-emission (SSP5-8.5) climate forcing. While the projected decrease in future total global phytoplankton biomass in simulations with driver interactions is similar to that in control simulations without driver interactions (5%–6%), interactive driver effects are group-specific. Globally, diatom biomass decreases more with interactive effects compared with the control simulation (−8.1% with interactions vs. no change without interactions). Small-phytoplankton biomass, by contrast, decreases less with on-going climate change when the model accounts for driver interactions (−5.0% vs. −9.0%). The response of global coccolithophore biomass to future climate conditions is even reversed when interactions are considered (+33.2% instead of −10.8%). Regionally, the largest difference in the future phytoplankton community composition between the simulations with and without driver interactions is detected in the Southern Ocean, where diatom biomass decreases (−7.5%) instead of increases (+14.5%), raising the share of small phytoplankton and coccolithophores of total phytoplankton biomass. Hence, interactive effects impact the phytoplankton community structure and related biogeochemical fluxes in a future ocean. Our approach is a first step to integrate the mechanistic understanding of interacting driver effects on phytoplankton growth gained by numerous laboratory experiments into a global ocean biogeochemistry model, aiming toward more realistic future projections of phytoplankton biomass and community composition.  相似文献   
Freshwater discharge from rivers is a powerful forcing agent in coastal ecosystems. It not only generates strong ecological effects in estuaries, but also drives the dynamics of nearshore marine waters where prominent river plumes form biogeochemical hot spots in coastal seas worldwide. Large plumes from major rivers exert important controls on pelagic processes. The majority of estuaries are smaller, however, and the importance of the smaller plumes they generate is unknown. We measured the degree of coupling between freshwater flow and inshore zooplankton in such a plume from a subtropical estuary on the east coast of Australia. Flow regimes encompassed long periods of low freshwater input, punctuated by pulsed freshets that initiated the formation of buoyant, lower‐salinity plumes in the nearshore marine zone. Plumes stimulated phytoplankton biomass in the receiving waters, and ultimately changes in zooplankton assemblages. Zooplankton responded strongly to river discharge: (1) in the absence of substantial freshwater flows and plumes, zooplankton was broadly similar in density and biomass across the estuarine‐marine gradient; (2) freshets that generated significant plumes strongly modified hydrological conditions and lowered zooplankton in the estuarine and nearshore waters, and (3) after the initial freshet, zooplankton in the residual plume was at a higher density in nearshore than shelf waters. We demonstrate that coupling between riverine and coastal pelagic systems operates in small plumes, but that there is substantial temporal variance linked to fluctuations in freshwater delivery. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Sea‐level rise will alter the hydrology of terrestrial coastal ecosystems. As such, it becomes increasingly important to decipher the present role of ocean water in coastal ecosystems in order to assess the coming effects of sea‐level rise scenarios. Sand dunes occur at the interface of land and sea. Traditionally, they are conceived as freshwater environments with rain and ground water as the only water sources available to vegetation. This study investigates the possibility of ocean water influx to dune soils and its effect on the physiology of sand dune vegetation. Stable isotopes are used to trace the path of ocean water from the soil to the vegetation. Soil salinity, water content and δ18O values are measured concurrently with stem water and leaf tissue of eight species during the wet and dry season and from areas proximal and distal to the ocean. Our results indicate the dune ecosystem is a mixed freshwater and marine water system characterized by oceanic influence on dune hydrology that is spatially heterogeneous and fluctuates temporally. Ocean water influx to soil occurs via salt spray in areas 5–12 m from the ocean during dry season. Accordingly, vegetation nearest to the sea demonstrate a plastic response to ocean water deposition including elevated integrated water use efficiency (δ13Cleaf) and uptake of ocean water that comprised up to 52% of xylem water. We suggest physiological plasticity in response to periodic ocean water influx may be a functional characteristic common to species on the leading edge of diverse coastal habitats and an important feature that should be included in modeling coastal ecosystems. Rising sea level would likely cause a repercussive landward shift of dune species in response to encroaching maritime influences. However, human development would restrict this process, potentially causing the demise of dune systems and the protection from land erosion they provide.  相似文献   
Tsutomu Nakazawa 《Facies》2001,44(1):183-210
Summary The Carboniferous-Permian (Visean-Midian) Omi Limestone in the Akiyoshi Terrane, central Japan is a large carbonate unit developed on a seamount in the Panthalassa Ocean. As the seamount subsided during Carboniferous and Permian time, the carbonate deposition at the top of a seamount was almost continous. Terrigenous siliciclastic sediments are absent, because the seamount was situated in an open-ocean setting. The lower part of this seamount-type limestone records a nearly continuous Carboniferous reef succession. Sedimentary facies in the Carboniferous part of the Omi Limestone are generally highly diverse, but their diversity varies in each age. The Upper Carboniferous part consists of highly diversified facies including fore reef, reef front, reef crest, sand shoal, and lagoon facies, while a simple facies assemblage, composed only of fore reef, reef front, and sand shoal facies, occurs in the Lower Carboniferous. The Carboniferous reef succession consists of four phases characterized, in ascending order, by the coralbryozoan-crinoid community, problematic skeletal organism-microencruster community, chaetetid-microencruster community, and calcareous algal community. The first phase, comprising the coral-bryozoan-crinoid community, occurs in theEndothyra spp. Zone to theEostaffella kanmerai Zone (Visean to Serpukhovian). This community acted only as sediment-bafflers and/or contributors. The second phase, represented by the problematic skeletal organism-microencruster community, is developed in theMillerella sp. Zone to theAkiyoshiella ozawai Zone (Bashkirian to lowermost Moscovian), and the third phase, comprising the chaetetid-microencruster community, occurs in the overlyingFusulinella biconica Zone (Lower Moscovian). These two communities are characterized by highly diversified reef-building organisms that had the ability to build rigid frameworks. Calcareous algae and incertae sedis such asHikorocodium, solenoporaceans and phylloid algae characterize the fourth phase, which occurs in theBeedeina sp. Zone (Upper Moscovian). The changes of the reef communities were sucessive for a long period of more than 40 m.y., and each community was distributed in various environments. In addition, the continuous subsidence of the isolated seamount resulted in environmental stability. These properties indicate that this succession represents the biotic evolution of reef-building organisms. The problematic skeletal organism-microencruster community and chaetetid-microencruster community of the Late Carboniferous formed wave-resistant and rigid frameworks along with abundant submarine cements. The growth of these reef frameworks resulted in the formation of highly diversified sedimentary facies comparable to those of a modern reef complex. Such reefs are also recognized in the seamount-type Akiyoshi Limestone, but rare on Carboniferous Pangean shelves. Therefore, the formation of these types of reefs appear to be characteristic of open-ocean seamount settings, which differed from epicontinental shelf settings in having no siliciclastic input, being exposed to relatively strong openocean waves and swells, and probably more environmental stability resulting from the relatively continuous subsidence of the seamount.  相似文献   
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