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An antibody was raised to the synthetic pentapeptide pGluHisProGlyLys which, in radioimmunoassay (RIA), could detect the pentapeptide at a level of 10 fmole per tube and exhibited <0.5 per cent cross reactivity with a series of related peptides. The RIA was used to demonstrate the presence of C-terminally extended forms of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) in rat hypothalamus. After extraction, the endogenous peptides were resolved by gel exclusion chromatography and TRH-extended peptides were revealed by trypsin digestion to release the pentapeptide. The TRH extended peptides occurred in substantial quantity, approximately 11 pmoles/g, indicating that only partial processing of the gene duplicated prohormone takes place.  相似文献   
A conventional balance study with 48 male weanling rats was conducted to determine true absorption and endogenous fecal excretion of manganese (Mn) in relation to dietary Mn supply, following the procedures of a previously adapted isotope dilution technique. After 10 d on a diet with 1.5 ppm Mn, eight animals each were assigned to diets containing 1.5, 4.5, 11.2, 35, 65, or 100 ppm Mn on a dry-matter basis. Three days later, each rat was given an intramuscular54Mn injection and kept on treatment for a balance period of 16 d. Apparent Mn absorption assessed for the final 8 d, averaged 8.6 μg/d without significant treatment effects, although Mn intake ranged from 18.6 to 1200 μg/d, in direct relation to dietary Mn concentrations. Mean fecal excretion of endogenous Mn for the six treatments was 0.9, 2.7, 7.4, 11.0, 16.3, and 17.7 μg/d, respectively. These values delineate the rates to which true absorption exceeded apparent rates. True absorption, as percent of Mn intake, averaged 28.7, 15.9, 11.7, 6.1, 3.4, and 2.0, respectively, as compared with mean values of 23.9, 10.9, 6.2, 3.4, 1.2, and 0.5 for percent apparent absorption. It was concluded that both true absorption and endogenous fecal excretion markedly responded to Mn nutrition and that the reduction in the efficiency of true absorption was quantitatively the most significant homeostatic response for maintaining stable Mn concentrations in body tissues.  相似文献   
In an effort to understand microwave heating better, regional brain and core temperatures of rats exposed to microwave radiation (2450 MHz) or elevated air temperatures were measured in two studies. In general, we have found no substantial evidence for temperature differentials, or "hot spots," in the brain of these animals. In the first study, after a 30-min exposure, no temperature differences between brain regions either after microwave or ambient air exposure were found. However, a highly significant correlation between brain and core temperatures was found and this correlation was the same for both microwave and ambient air heating. In the second study, time-temperature profiles were measured in rats exposed to either 30 mW/cm2 or 36.2 degrees C. In this study, the 30-min exposure period was divided into seven intervals and the change in temperature during each period was analyzed. Only the cortex showed significantly different heating rates between the air heating and microwave heating; however, this difference disappeared after the initial 5 min of exposure.  相似文献   
Summary A vasopressin anti-idiotype antibody was generated by immunization with purified IgG of a primary vasopressin antiserum. The anti-idiotype antibody immunostained neurons in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus of normal and Brattleboro rats. The distribution of immunostained perikarya in these hypothalamic nuclei together with the staining of fibers in median eminence and neural lobe was similar to that observed in normal rats with anti-vasopressin and suggests strongly that vasopressinergic neurons are being stained. Absorption studies with vasopressin and a vasopressin-binding receptor protein further indicate that a receptor associated with vasopressinergic neurons is recognized by the anti-idiotype antibody.Supported by NIH grants ES03239, NS18626 and NSF grant BNS-8310914. D.T.P. is the receipient of RCDA award NS00869  相似文献   
Specific binding of [3H]-imipramine in the rat suprachiasmatic nuclei, occipital cortex and caudate putamen underwent significant and replicable changes throughout 24 hr under a light-dark cycle or under constant conditions. Daily variations were also found in the medial and dorsal raphe nuclei and the lateral hypothalamus. Methamphetamine, a psychoactive drug with marked effect on circadian rhythms in physiological and hormonal parameters and adrenergic receptors, did not have any significant effect on imipramine binding rhythms in eight discrete brain regions. Thus a drug known to reduce serotoninergic neurotransmission did not change characteristics of the modulatory binding site related to serotonin uptake.  相似文献   
Abstract: The cerebral metabolic rates for O2 and for glucose were measured in conscious, fasted male Fischer-344 rats at the ages of 3, 12, and 24 months, and cerebral blood flow was determined with 14C-iodoantipyrine. The metabolic rates for oxygen and glucose were obtained by multiplying blood flow by the O2 and glucose concentration differences, respectively, between blood in the femoral artery and in the superior sagittal sinus. Mean cerebral blood flow and the metabolic rates for oxygen and glucose did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) between 3 and 12 or between 12 and 24 months. Nor did the arteriovenous differences for O2 and for glucose change significantly with age. Because the superior sagittal sinus drains blood mainly from the cerebral cortex, the results indicate that average cerebral cortical oxidative metabolism, and the coupling ratios between the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen and cerebral blood flow and between the cerebral metabolic rate for glucose and cerebral blood flow, do not change significantly with age in the Fischer-344 rat.  相似文献   
The release of gamma-hydroxybutyrate from preloaded rat brain striatal slices was investigated. K+-induced depolarization caused an efflux of gamma-hydroxybutyrate of about 50 fmol min-1 mg-1 (wet weight), but in a Ca2+-free medium containing Mg2+, the evoked release was reduced by 50-60%. The release was higher when 100 microM veratridine was used as a depolarizing agent. The efflux of gamma-hydroxybutyrate is related to veratridine and K+ concentration, and is strongly inhibited by 10 microM tetrodotoxin. The Ca2+ channel blocker verapamil induces a large decrease in the efflux of gamma-hydroxybutyrate after both K+- and veratridine-induced depolarization. These results are in favour of a possible transmitter function for gamma-hydroxybutyrate in rat striatum.  相似文献   
The effects of PGE2 and PGD2 on gastric somatostatin and gastrin releases were investigated using the isolated perfused rat stomach. In the presence of 5.5 mM glucose, the infusion of PGE2 elicited a significant augmentation in somatostatin release, but suppressed gastrin secretion from the perfusate. On the other hand, PGD2 did not affect somatostatin release, although the gastrin secretion decreased significantly, the same as after PGE2 infusion. These results suggest that PGE2 and PGD2 may be important in the regulation of gastric endocrine function, but that PGD2 does not affect gastric somatostatin secretion.  相似文献   
Summary Seven thymuses from children between 1 and 12 years were examined by electron microscopy. Biopsies had been taken during surgical correction of congenital heart defects.In all cases we found interdigitating reticulum cells (IRC) in the medulla and inner cortex. These cells resembled the IRC which have been described previously in the thymus-dependent regions of the spleen and lymph node. They were characterized by an irregularly shaped nucleus, narrow cisterns of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and widespread interdigitation and invagination of the cell membrane. The surfaces of the IRC were in close contact with those of small lymphocytes, sometimes polysomal lymphatic cells, epithelial cells, and occasionally with those of lymphatic cells containing ergastoplasm.The IRC is apparently a specific cell of thymus-dependent regions. It may be that the IRC in the thymus, lymph node, and spleen contribute to the microenvironment needed for the differentiation of T-cells.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 111/CII and III.—We wish to thank Miss M. Neubert and Mrs. R. Köpke for their technical assistance and Mrs. M. Soehring for her help with the translation.  相似文献   
Summary The interatrial septum of the rat heart contains cells which show a strong intensive-yellow paraformaldehyde-induced fluorescence. By electron microscopy these cells are characterized by an abundance of dense-core vesicles.Cholinergio axons form axo-somatic synaptic contacts with the catecholamine-containing cells. These cells, packed with dense-core vesicles, are frequently interdigitated and interconnected by zonulae and maculae adhaerentes and occludentes. The catecholamine-containing cells are surrounded by satellite cells either individually or in groups.The catecholamine-containing cells, which bear blunt, plumpish processes, can be subdivided, on the basis of position and morphology into two types. One class of cells lies within the fibroblast capsule of the intra-atrial ganglion (van der Zypen, Hasselhorst, Merz and Fillinger, 1974). A second aggregation of catecholamine-containing cells occurs outside the ganglia in close proximity to capillaries. The capillaries exhibit pores in the area of contact with the catecholaminergic cells. The structure of these catecholamine-containing cells is described and their possible function discussed.
Zusammenfassung Im Septum interatriale des Rattenherzens treten Zellen in Erscheinung, die nach Paraformaldehyd-Bedampfung eine intensive hellgelbliche Fluoreszenz zeigen. Diese Zellen zeichnen sich durch einen großen Reichtum an dense-core vesicles aus. Cholinerge Axone bilden axo-somatische Synapsen an den katecholaminhaltigen Zellen aus. Die mit dense-core vesicles angefüllten Zellen sind oft ineinander verzahnt und durch Zonulae adhaerentes verbunden. Einzeln oder in Gruppen werden die katecholamin-enthaltenden Zellen von Satelliten-Zellen umgeben.Die mit kurzen plumpen Fortsätzen versehenen katecholaminhaltigen Zellen lassen aufgrund ihrer Lage und eines andersartigen Baues zwei Typen erkennen. Eine Gruppe von Zellen liegt innerhalb der Fibrozytenkapsel des Ganglion intraatriale (van der Zypen, Hasselhorst, Merz und Fillinger, 1974). Eine zweite Ansammlung von Katecholamin enthaltenden Zellen findet sich außerhalb der Ganglien in engem Kontakt zu Kapillaren. Die Kapillaren weisen im Bereich des Kontaktes mit den katecholaminergen Zellen Poren auf. Die Struktur dieser Zellen wird geschildert und ihre mögliche Funktion diskutiert.
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