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Mature trees of European grey alder (Alnus incana) were micropropagated on a modified MS medium containing 2.5 M BA, 6.2 mM (500 mg l-1) NH4NO3 and 1.5% glucose. Prior to in vitro culture, mature scions were multiplied through grafting and cutting techniques. Shoot tips from cuttings were established in vitro. After six months of culture, shoots were rooted either in vitro or in vivo and plantlets were transferred to greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   
Primordial shoot explants excised from buds of one Larix decidua tree, about 30 years old, produced more adventitious buds, elongating into shoots, when grown on half strength Litvay medium than when grown on other basal media. Thidiazuron and N6-benzyladenine (BA) were equally effective in adventitious bud induction. In a comparative study of 30-year-old L. decidua, L. leptolepis, L. eurolepis, and L. laricina trees, explants from L. eurolepis and L. decidua produced a high number of cultures with adventitious buds that elongated into shoots; those from L. leptolepis were less productive, and those from L. laricina failed to form adventitious buds. The highest response was obtained with material collected in August and September, and in March and April; the lowest response occurred in explants from the October collection.  相似文献   
Summary A new method of in vivo pH determination in the xylem of broad-leaved trees using ion-sensitive field effect transistors is developed and its suitability for use is studied. In the first few hours after the sensor had been implanted in the xylem signals could be detected which were generated in response to mechanical damage; particularly strong signal changes are detectable in Populus balsamifera L., Tilia cordata Mill, and Aesculus hippocastanum L. The pH values of the xylem sap extracted from branches corresponded to the values measured by the in vivo method only at certain times. Due to sensor drift the measuring accuracy of long-term experiments lasting up to 3 weeks is restricted. The in vivo measurement of pH in the xylem of poplar branches revealed the ability of the living xylem to buffer the pH of the sap to its own characteristic value.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. O. L. Lange to his 65th birthday  相似文献   
A survey has been made of the leaf anatomy of 43 woody species in three montane vegetation types of Isla Margarita, Venezuela, differing in levels of cloud cover (and hence wetness) and exposure to wind. The only character that varies significantly with increasing probability of periodic drought is specific leaf area, which can be related to the higher proportion of deciduous species in the drier habitat. Leaves become significantly smaller and thicker with increased exposure to wind, and have thicker outer epidermal walls and cuticles. Most characters, including stomatal density, guard cell length, palisade: non-palisade ratios, and the incidence of such features as hypodermis, sclerenchyma, crystals and secretory structures are highly variable and show few or no trends according to habitat. Some of these characters are apparently more constrained by phylogeny than by immediate ecological circumstances. As a contribution to the continuing debate on the significance of xeromorphy in tropical montane forest leaves, it is suggested that low light levels due to cloud cover can be discounted as an important determining factor; in the case of the Isla Margarita vegetation, the need to avoid excessive leaf temperatures may be of greater significance.  相似文献   
Samples of tracheal sap of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Washington Navel were taken from field trees throughout the year and the nitrogen composition of the sap was determined. The nitrogenous fraction of the sap was composed mainly of free amino acids (92–97% of total nitrogen) and nitrates throughout the year. Proline was the most abundant amino acid during almost the entire cycle, and its concentration was especially high during the autumn and winter period. Nevertheless, a significant part (40–60%) of the total organic nitrogen was transported as arginine. Total nitrogen as well as amino acids and nitrates were maximal at spring flush. At spring flush and summer flush there was also a diversification of α-amino nitrogen among different amino acids. During the spring flush, nitrates, asparagine and γ-aminobutyric acid in the xylem sap seemed to have a radicular origin, whereas glutamic acid and arginine were released from the surrounding parenchyma. The results suggest a metabolic transformation in the wood parenchyma of nitrogenous compounds coming from the roots (including reduction of nitrates) and a turnover of different nitrogen metabolites between the xylem and surrounding cells.  相似文献   
Summary We present compositional statistics, a new method of phylogenetic inference, which is an extension of evolutionary parsimony. Compositional statistics takes account of the base composition of the compared sequences by using nucleotide positions that evolutionary parsimony ignores. It shares with evolutionary parsimony the features of rate invariance and the fundamental distinction between transitions and transversions. Of the presently available methods of phylogenetic inference, compositional statistics is based on the fewest and mildest assumptions about the mode of DNA sequence evolution. It is therefore applicable to phylogenetic studies of the most distantly related organisms or molecules. This was illustrated by analyzing conservative positions in the DNA sequences of the large subunit of RNA polymerase from three archaebacterial groups, a eubacterium, a chloroplast, and the three eukaryotic polymerases. Internally consistent results, which are in accord with our knowledge of organelle origin and archaebacterial physiology, were achieved.  相似文献   
Classical plant taxonomic ambiguities extend to the molecular level   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The molecular evolution of cytochrome c from angiosperms is compared to that from vertebrates. On the basis of a cladistic analysis from 26 plant species, compared to that from 27 vertebrate species, we find that although the vertebrate sequences yield reasonably well-defined minimal trees that are congruent with the biological tree, the plant sequences yield multiple minimal trees that are not only highly incongruent with each other, but none of which is congruent with any reasonably biological tree. That is, the plant sequence set is much more homoplastic than that of the animal. However, as judged by the relative rate test, the extent of divergence, and degree of functional constraint, cytochrome c evolution in plants does not appear to differ from that of vertebrates.  相似文献   
Summary The genome of the laboratory mouse contains about 35 major urinary protein (MUP) genes, many of which are clustered on chromosome 4. We have used distance and parsimony methods to estimate phylogenetic relationships between MUP genes from nucleotide sequence and restriction maps. By analyzing coding sequences we show that the genes fall into four main groups of related sequences (groups 1–4). Comparisons of restriction maps and the nucleotide sequences of hypervariable regions that lie 50 nucleotides 5 to the cap sites show that the group 1 genes and probably also the group 2 pseudogenes fall into subgroups. The most parsimonious trees are consistent with the evolution of the array of group 1 and 2 genes by mutation accompanied by a process tending toward homogenization such as unequal crossing-over or gene conversion. The phylogenetic grouping correlates with grouping according to aspects of function. The genomes of the inbred strains BALB/c and C57BL contain different MUP gene arrays that we take to be samples from the wild population of arrays.  相似文献   
Summary Various rodent and primate DNAs exhibit a stronger intra- than interspecies cross-hybridization with probes derived from the N-terminal domain exons of human and rat carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-like genes. Southern analyses also reveal that the human and rat CEA gene families are of similar complexity. We counted at least 10 different genes per human haploid genome. In the rat, approximately seven to nine different N-terminal domain exons that presumably represent different genes appear to be present. We were able to assign the corresponding genomic restriction endonuclease fragments to already isolated CEA gene family members of both human and rat. Highly similar subgroups, as found within the human CEA gene family, seem to be absent from the rat genome. Hybridization with an intron probe from the human nonspecific cross-reacting antigen (NCA) gene and analysis of DNA sequence data indicate the conservation of noncoding regions among CEA-like genes within primates, implicating that whole gene units may have been duplicated. With the help of a computer program and by calculating the rate of synonymous substitutions, evolutionary trees have been derived. From this, we propose that an independent parallel evolution, leading to different CEA gene families, must have taken place in, at least, the primate and rodent orders.  相似文献   
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