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Geert van Wirdum 《Hydrobiologia》1993,265(1-3):129-153
A survey of base-rich wetlands in The Netherlands is presented. The main area of their occurrence is the low-lying Holocene part of the country, until some thousand years ago a large and coherent wetland landscape: the Holland wetland. The development of various parts of the Holland wetland into marshes, fens and bogs can be understood from hydrological relations in mire basins, as recognized in the distinction of primary, secondary and tertiary mire basin stages. Presently, the remnants of the Holland wetland are separate base-rich wetlands. The succession of their vegetation reflects various abiotic conditions and human influences. Three main developmental periods are distinguished as regards these factors. The first, geological period of mire development is seen as a post-glacial relaxation, with the inertia due to the considerable mass of wetland as a stabilizing factor. Biological “grazing” influences, as an aspect of utilization by humans, converted base-rich wetlands to whole new types in the second, historical period. Presently, mass and harvesting have decreased in importance, and actual successions in terrestrializing turbaries seem to reflect rapidly changing environmental conditions. Human control could well become the most important factor in the future development of wetland nature. The present value of open fen vegetation strongly depends on the continuation of the historical harvesting. The development of wooded fen may help to increase the mass of wetland in the future. Best results in terms of biodiversity are expected when their base state is maintained through water management. The vegetation and hydrology of floating fens in terrestrializing turbaries is treated in some more detail. Various lines and phases in the succession are distinguished. Open fen vegetation at base-rich, yet nutrient-poor sites is very rich in species threatened elsewhere. The fast acidification of certain such fens is attributed to hydrological and management factors. This acidification is illustrated in the profile of a floating raft sample. At the scale of these small fens, the elemental structure comprising base-rich fen, transitional fen and bog vegetation, is not as stable as it was in the large Holland wetland. A critical role seems to be played by the supply of bases with the water influx. The changing base state is supposed to change the nutrient cycling to such an extent that it would be correct to call this trophic excitation of the ecosystem, rather than just eutrophication. Eutrophication indicates a quantitative reaction to an increased nutrient supply, the internal system being unaltered. The drainage of fens, resulting in an increased productivity of the vegetation, provides another example of excitation, to the effect that the functional system is dramatically changed internally.  相似文献   
Retention of nitrogen in small streams artificially polluted with nitrate   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A simple method was developed to test hypotheses on nitrogen retention in first-order streams in an agricultural region near Oslo, SE Norway. A gravity-operated system added a nitrate solution to the streams continuously at a constant rate. Water samples were collected at fixed intervals downstream to follow the rate of decline in streamwater nitrate. Repeated sampling allowed calculation of regression lines from experiments with different levels of additions of nitrate.The experiments showed that removal of nitrate generally increased with higher initial nitrate concentration, regardless of temperature (range 8–16 °C). Higher nitrate removal rates were found in a stream polluted by easily degradable organic matter than in a similar stream fed by groundwater.Experiments conducted in indoor channels lined with a layer of stream sediment gave reproducible, exponential rates of nitrate decrease in the recirculated water.The results are discussed in the framework of first-order streams as protective ecotones between agricultural areas and higher-order parts of the watersheds.  相似文献   
Mineralization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in thermokarst lakes plays a non-negligible role in the permafrost carbon (C) cycle, but remains poorly understood due to its complex interactions with external C and nutrient inputs (i.e., aquatic priming and nutrient effects). Based on large-scale lake sampling and laboratory incubations, in combination with 13C-stable-isotope labeling, optical spectroscopy, and high-throughput sequencing, we examined large-scale patterns and dominant drivers of priming and nutrient effects of DOM biodegradation across 30 thermokarst lakes along a 1100-km transect on the Tibetan Plateau. We observed that labile C and phosphorus (P) rather than nitrogen (N) inputs stimulated DOM biodegradation, with the priming and P effects being 172% and 451% over unamended control, respectively. We also detected significant interactive effects of labile C and nutrient supply on DOM biodegradation, with the combined labile C and nutrient additions inducing stronger microbial mineralization than C or nutrient treatment alone, illustrating that microbial activity in alpine thermokarst lakes is co-limited by both C and nutrients. We further found that the aquatic priming was mainly driven by DOM quality, with the priming intensity increasing with DOM recalcitrance, reflecting the limitation of external C as energy sources for microbial activity. Greater priming intensity was also associated with higher community-level ribosomal RNA gene operon (rrn) copy number and bacterial diversity as well as increased background soluble reactive P concentration. In contrast, the P effect decreased with DOM recalcitrance as well as with background soluble reactive P and ammonium concentrations, revealing the declining importance of P availability in mediating DOM biodegradation with enhanced C limitation but reduced nutrient limitation. Overall, the stimulation of external C and P inputs on DOM biodegradation in thermokarst lakes would amplify C-climate feedback in this alpine permafrost region.  相似文献   
Migration is ubiquitous and can strongly shape food webs and ecosystems. Less familiar, however, is that the majority of life cycle, seasonal and diel migrations in nature are partial migrations: only a fraction of the population migrates while the other individuals remain in their resident ecosystem. Here, we demonstrate different impacts of partial migration rendering it fundamental to our understanding of the significance of migration for food web and ecosystem dynamics. First, partial migration affects the spatiotemporal distribution of individuals and the food web and ecosystem-level processes they drive differently than expected under full migration. Second, whether an individual migrates or not is regularly correlated with morphological, physiological, and/or behavioural traits that shape its food-web and ecosystem-level impacts. Third, food web and ecosystem dynamics can drive the fraction of the population migrating, enabling the potential for feedbacks between the causes and consequences of migration within and across ecosystems. These impacts, individually and in combination, can yield unintuitive effects of migration and drive the dynamics, diversity and functions of ecosystems. By presenting the first full integration of partial migration and trophic (meta-)community and (meta-)ecosystem ecology, we provide a roadmap for studying how migration affects and is affected by ecosystem dynamics in a changing world.  相似文献   
Abstract. To document the relationship between a plant's position in the canopy and its leaf nutrient content, leaf nitrogen and phosphorus were determined for 30 species growing in mature evergreen lowland rain forest at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Species that grow either in the understory, midstory, or the canopy were selected. Species were further separated into three life forms: self-supporting monocots, self-supporting dicots, and climbers. Mass-based nutrient concentrations were expected to decrease with stature, as has been reported in studies of other forests. In fact, mass-based nitrogen and phosphorus did not vary significantly among the three adult-stature classes, although area-based values differed greatly: canopy plants averaged 60 % more nitrogen and 90 % more phosphorus per unit leaf area than understory plants. Differences in leaf characteristics were evident among the three life forms. Most notably, area-based phosphorus and leaf specific mass were lowest in climbers, intermediate in self-supporting dicots, and highest in self-supporting monocots. These results support the characterization of climbers as investing in inexpensive structures, perhaps in order to gain competitive advantage in light capture by allocating resources to maximize elongation rates.  相似文献   
Water drinking habits during flight in adult mayflies ofEpeorus ikanonis Takahashi were observed and the effect of water intake on their longevity was examined. The study was carried out in a mountain stream in western Japan. Adult males collected a water droplet under the head capsule while alighting on the water surface and consumed it after moving to nearby riparian vegetation. The amount of water intake was experimentally estimated to be 9.7% of the bodyweight for males. Although females did not show the water drinking behavior in the field, they imbibed as much as 5.5% of the bodyweight of water in an experimental situation. Morphological observation of the mouthparts revealed that the water was drawn in through the pits at the base of the labrum. In the field caging experiment, males with a water supply had a substantially longer life span than those without. Increase in adult life span by drinking water was less marked in females. Multiple copulation was observed in both sexes during the experiment. The water drinking behavior of the males may closely relate to mating success through increased longevity. Variation in the longevity of adult mayflies was discussed with regard to the possibility of water intake. This paper forms part of a PhD thesis submitted to the Department of Zoology in Kyoto University (1990).  相似文献   
儿童最大有氧活动能力的发展特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文报告了我国463名10-19岁儿童青少年的最大有氧活动能力的发展特征。在青春早期,男女童的最大吸氧量绝对值均随年龄增长而增加,男童由1.75升/分增至3.10升/分,女童由1.44升/分增至2.07升/分,女童增长较少;以后女童即稳定于这一水平,男童仍略有增长。按身高及按最大心率计标的相对值与其有相似的特征。按体重和瘦体重计算的相对值,在男女童都未见随年龄增长的规律。男童VO2max绝对值及各  相似文献   
An experiment was designed to study how gut fullness and encounter with 5-mm Asellus aquaticus influenced acceptance or rejection of less profitable 8-mm Asellus . 45-mm sticklebacks were found to always accept 5-mm prey whereas 8-mm prey were accepted with an initial probability of about 0.9. This probability decreased as the gut filled. Fish of differing sizes and sex had similar daily energy intakes per unit body size, however the acceptance of 8-mm prey was related to fish size. Whenever a fish orientated to a prey it was followed by pursuit and manipulation independently of prey size. The decision to accept or reject prey occurred after one manipulation, a criterion that was more variable for the larger prey. For one feeding session per day the total energy intake was almost constant despite the changing combination of prey sizes eaten. The fish ate prey with long handling times if the energetic contents of the stomach had not reached 450 J. Calculations were made of how many of each millimetre prey size group would satisfy the 450 J demand and how long the estimated number would take to handle. This showed that the best option is to consume 5-mm prey if given the choice.  相似文献   
The short-term stimulation of the net rate of carbon dioxide exchange of leaves by elevated concentrations of CO2 usually observed in C3 plants sometimes does not persist. Experiments were conducted to test whether the patterns of response to the environment during growth were consistent with the hypotheses that photosynthetic adjustment to elevated CO2 concentration is due to (1) feedback inhibition or (2) nutrient stress. Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Williams] and sugar beet (Best vulgaris L. cv. Mono Hye-4) were grown from seed at 350 and 700 μl? CO2, at 20 and 25°C, at a photon flux density of 0.5 and 1.0 mmol m?2 S?1 and with three nutrient regimes until the third trifoliolate leaf of soybean or the sixth leaf of sugar beet had finished expanding. Net rates of CO2 exchange of the most recently expanded leaves were then measured at both 350 and 700 μl 1?1 CO2. Plants grown at the elevated CO2 concentration had net rates of leaf CO2 exchange which were reduced by 33% in sugar beet and 23% in soybean when measured at 350 μl 1?1 CO2 and when averaged over all treatments. Negative photosynthetic adjustment to elevated CO2 concentration was not greater at 20 than at 25°C, was not greater at a photon flux density of 1.0 than at 0.5 mmol m?2 S?1 and was not greater with limiting nutrients. Furthermore, in soybean, negative photosynthetic adjustment could be induced by a single night at elevated CO2 concentration, with net rates of CO2 exchange the next day equal to those of leaves of plants grown from seed at the elevated concentration of CO2. These patterns do not support either the feedback-inhibition or the nutrient-stress hypothesis of photosynthetic adjustment to elevated concentrations of CO2.  相似文献   
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