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Future coral reefs are expected to be subject to higher pCO2 and temperature due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Such global stressors are often paired with local stressors thereby potentially modifying the response of organisms. Benthic macroalgae are strong competitors to corals and are assumed to do well under future conditions. The present study aimed to assess the impact of past and future CO2 emission scenarios as well as nutrient enrichment on the growth, productivity, pigment, and tissue nutrient content of the common tropical brown alga Chnoospora implexa. Two experiments were conducted to assess the differential impacts of the manipulated conditions in winter and spring. Chnoospora implexa's growth rate averaged over winter and spring declined with increasing pCO2 and temperature. Furthermore, nutrient enrichment did not affect growth. Highest growth was observed under spring pre‐industrial (PI) conditions, while slightly reduced growth was observed under winter A1FI (“business‐as‐usual”) scenarios. Productivity was not a good proxy for growth, as net O2 flux increased under A1FI conditions. Nutrient enrichment, whilst not affecting growth, led to luxury nutrient uptake that was greater in winter than in spring. The findings suggest that in contrast with previous work, C. implexa is not likely to show enhanced growth under future conditions in isolation or in conjunction with nutrient enrichment. Instead, the results suggest that greatest growth rates for this species appear to be a feature of the PI past, with A1FI winter conditions leading to potential decreases in the abundance of this species from present day levels.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyse the amount and qualitative characteristics of organic matter (OM) in the litter horizon (considering leaf litter at different decomposition stages) and underlying soil to a 30-cm depth in a beech stand on the Apennines in southern Italy. Distribution of major nutrients as well as fungal and microbial biomass were also evaluated, in addition to beech leaf nutrient content monitor from full expansion to abscission in order to estimate annual nutrient input to soil from litterfall and nutrient retranslocation before abscission. OM was significantly higher in leaf litter. C/N ratio and the Na, Mn, Fe levels also decreased along the decomposition continuum, whereas N and S contents slowly decreased with soil depth. Generally, leaf nutrient content was also significantly lower in dead leaves, indicating efficient retranslocation to persistent organs. Fungal biomass was the highest in leaf layers, with no significant changes between spring and autumn samplings. Enzyme activities did not differ significantly along the decomposition continuum but marked decreases were found in the upper soil layer; these remained relatively constant, with the exception of laccase, at deeper soil depths. No seasonal effect on enzyme activities and OM content was found.  相似文献   
Revegetation is a traditional practice widely used for soil and water conservation on the Loess Plateau in China. However, there has been a lack of reports on soil microbial–biochemical indices required for a comprehensive evaluation of the success of revegetation systems. In this study, we examined the effects of revegetation on major soil nutrients and microbial–biochemical properties in an artificial alfalfa grassland, an enclosed natural grassland, and an artificial shrubland (Caragana korshinskii), with an abandoned cropland as control. Results showed that at 0–5, 5–20, and 20–40 cm depths, soil organic carbon, alkaline extractable nitrogen and available potassium were higher in natural grassland and artificial shrubland compared with artificial grassland and abandoned cropland. Soil microbial biomass C (Cmic) and phosphorous (Pmic) substantially decreased with depth at all sites, and in abandoned cropland was significantly lower than those of natural grassland, artificial grassland, and artificial shrubland at the depth of 0–5 cm. Soil microbial biomass N (Nmic) was higher in artificial shrubland and abandoned cropland compared with that in natural and artificial grasslands. Both Cmic and Pmic were significantly different between the 23‐year‐old and the 13‐year‐old artificial shrublands at the 0–5 cm depth. The activities of soil invertase, urease, and alkaline phosphatase in natural grassland and artificial shrubland were higher than those in artificial grassland and abandoned cropland. This study demonstrated that the regeneration of both natural grassland and artificial shrubland effectively preserved and enhanced soil microbial biomass and major nutrient cycling, thus is an ecologically beneficial practice for recovery of degraded soils on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
Spatial variability in nutrient concentrations in the intertidal sediments and pore waters has been studied along downshore transects and in core profiles at three locations in the Shannon estuary on the west coast of Ireland. The parameters measured were N, as Kjeldahl N, NO3, NO2, and NH3, and P as total P and PO4 along with a range of other environmental variables such as salinity and sediment organic content. The concentrations of all nutrients varied with season, but winter values were generally low in comparison with polluted mainland european estuaries. There was a great deal of variation in nutrient concentrations along the transects, and coefficients of variability of up to 153% (NH3), 173% (NO3), 129% (NO2) and 117% (PO4) were found. Overall, there was little evidence of any trends in concentration in any of the nutrients from the top to the bottom of the transects, although it was occasionally possible to link particular instances to local conditions such as the presence of the channel or a stream. Sediment core profiles showed typical patterns, with NO3 concentrations for example being highest in surface sediments, while NH3 and PO4 concentrations increased with depth. Rather surprisingly perhaps, NO3 could still be detected on occasion at depths of up to 20 cm, well below the Redox Potential Discontinuity (RPD) and the limit of oxygen penetration which oxygen microelectrodes had measured as being within a few mm of the surface. This was ascribed to the activities of the macrofauna, in that the oxidised sediment which lined the burrows could clearly be seen in some cores. This study not only shows that nutrient distributions along estuarine gradients are linked to physicochemical factors such as oxygenation and freshwater/marine influence, but also that sediment instability, through random physical events such as storms, and macrofaunal activity play an important role and that these latter factors deserve closer attention.  相似文献   
Both experimental extractions and theoretical calculations were undertaken to assess whether organic acid-mediated Fe dissolution could play a significant role in elevating the concentration of Fe-complexes in the rhizosphere, and further, whether this could satisfy the Fe demands of a plant utilizing ferric reduction to acquire Fe. Using a mathematical computer model, it was predicted that organic acids released from and diffusing away from the root would result in a solution organic acid concentration at the root surface of between 1 to 50 M. Over 99% of the organic acids lost by the root were predicted to remain within 1 mm of the root surface. The experimental results indicated that citrate-mediated Fe dissolution of amorphous Fe(OH)3, was rapid in comparison with citrate dissolution of the Fe-oxides, Fe2O3 and Fe3O4. The rate of citrate and malate mediated Fe-dissolution was dependent on many factors such as pH, metal cations and phosphate saturation of the Fe(OH)3 surface. At pH values 6.8, citrate formed stable complexes with Fe and dissolution proceeded rapidly. Under optimal growth conditions for a plant utilizing a reductive-bound mechanism of Fe acquisition (dicots and non-grass monocots), it can be expected that citrate and malate may be able to satisfy a significant proportion of the plant's Fe demand through the formation of plant-available organic-Fe3+ complexes in the rhizosphere. In high pH soils (pH7.0), the plant must rely on other sources of Fe, as citrate-mediated Fe dissolution is slow and Fe-citrate complexes are unstable. Alternatively, the root acidification of the rhizosphere could allow the formation of stable Fe-organic complexes. ei]H Marschner  相似文献   
蒙古栎、白桦根系分解及养分动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
靳贝贝  国庆喜 《生态学报》2013,33(8):2416-2424
采用埋袋法对蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)、白桦(Betula platyphylla)两个树种粗根(>10 mm)、中粗根(5—10 mm)、中根(2—5 mm)和细根(<2 mm)的分解速率和养分动态进行研究。结果表明,根系的重量保持率随时间增加呈下降趋势,这种趋势可用Olson指数衰减模型来拟合,即:Xt/X0=e-kt(t为分解时间,X0为根系初始干重,Xt为分解t时间的残留干重,k为年分解系数),通过拟合计算出年分解系数k。在本研究中,蒙古栎粗根、中粗根、中根、细根的年分解系数分别为:0.2928、0.2562、0.2928、0.3660;白桦依次分别为:0.2196、0.3294、0.3660、0.4392,基本呈现随直径增加分解速率减小的趋势。根系分解过程中,两树种各径级均是N浓度增加,可溶性糖浓度减小。在根系分解的不同时期两树种各径级N表现出不同程度的释放或富集,没有明显的规律性;可溶性糖却一直处于释放状态。分解1a时间,蒙古栎各径级根系表现为释放N元素;白桦表现为细根和中根释放N元素,中粗根和粗根富集N元素。蒙古栎、白桦细根和中根可溶性糖的释放率达90%以上,中粗根和粗根的释放率达80%以上。  相似文献   
利用盆栽试验研究两种不同配比的控释复合肥CRFA(4%树脂包膜,N∶P2O5∶K2O为14∶14∶14)和CRFB(4%树脂包膜,N∶P2O5∶K2O为20∶8∶10)及普通复合肥CCF(N∶P2O5∶K2O为15∶15∶15)对杭白菊营养吸收和生长效应的影响.结果表明:普通复合肥CCF1(每盆6 g氮素用量的CCF)和CCF2(每盆3 g氮素用量的CCF)施入土壤后30 d,土壤中碱解氮、有效磷、有效钾含量分别为163.29和145.26 mg·kg-1、180.39和163.13 mg·kg-1、300.08 和213.15 mg·kg-1,而后迅速下降.控释复合肥养分释放较慢,其土壤碱解氮含量在施肥后缓慢升高,在施肥后60 d达到高峰,此时CRFA1(每盆6 g氮素用量的CRFA)、CRFB1(每盆6 g氮素用量的CRFB)、CRFA2(每盆3 g氮素用量的CRFA)、CRFB2(每盆3 g氮素用量的CRFB)分别为129.51、138.65、118.36、126.31 mg·kg-1;CRFA1和CRFA2处理土壤有效磷含量与CCF处理变化趋势基本一致,施肥后30 d分别达到169.54和133.46 mg·kg-1,CRFB1和CRFB2处理在施肥后60 d左右达到释放高峰,含量分别为137.13和84.68 mg·kg-1,然后缓慢下降.两种不同养分配比的控释复合肥处理植株叶面积、叶面积系数、分枝数、开花率、每株花数、鲜花直径等农艺性状均明显优于等氮素用量的普通复合肥处理,其中CRFB控释效果优于CRFA,其更符合杭白菊对养分的需求,且在本试验条件下,CRFB2处理产量最高.  相似文献   
Metal oxyhydroxide precipitates that form from acid mine drainage (AMD) may indirectly limit periphyton by sorbing nutrients, particularly P. We examined effects of nutrient addition on periphytic algal biomass (chl a), community structure, and carbon and nitrogen content along an AMD gradient. Nutrient diffusing substrata with treatments of +P, +NP and control were placed at seven stream sites. Conductivity and SO4 concentration ranged over an order of magnitude among sites and were used to define the AMD gradient, as they best indicate mine discharge sources of metals that create oxyhydroxide precipitates. Aqueous total phosphorous (TP) ranged from 2 to 23 μg · L?1 and significantly decreased with increasing SO4. Mean chl a concentrations at sites ranged from 0.2 to 8.1 μg · cm?2. Across all sites, algal biomass was significantly higher on +NP than control treatments (Co), and significantly increased with +NP. The degree of nutrient limitation was determined by the increase in chl a concentration on +NP relative to Co (response ratio), which ranged from 0.6 to 9.7. Response to nutrient addition significantly declined with increasing aqueous TP, and significantly increased with increasing SO4. Thus, nutrient limitation of algal biomass increased with AMD impact, indicating metal oxyhydroxides associated with AMD likely decreased P availability. Algal species composition was significantly affected by site but not nutrient treatment. Percent carbon content of periphyton on the Co significantly increased with AMD impact and corresponded to an increase in the relative abundance of Chlorophytes. Changes in periphyton biomass and cellular nutrient content associated with nutrient limitation in AMD streams may affect higher trophic levels.  相似文献   
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