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The neotropical cichlid fish Cichlasoma citrinellum is polymorphic in the structure of its pharyngeal jaw apparatus and external morphology. The pharyngeal jaws are either gracile and bear slender, pointed teeth (papilliform) or robust with strong, rounded teeth (molariform). Molariform morphs have a ‘benthic’, and papilliform morphs a ‘limnetic’ body form. Furthermore, this species is also polychromatic, with yellow and black morphs. The molariform morphology of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus adapts the fish for cracking and feeding on snails. Based on analysis of stomach contents, 94% of the molariform morph ate snails whereas only 19%, of the papilliform morph did so. This result suggests that the morphs occupy different ecological niches. The morphology of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus does not correlate significantly with sex, but it does with body colouration (P<0.005). Cichlasoma citrinellum mate assortatively with their own colour; therefore a mating preference for colour may lead to genetic isolation of trophic morphs. The frequency of the molariform morph differs strikingly among populations of five Nicaraguan lakes and its abundance is correlated with the abundance of snails, the fishes' principal prey item. Among populations the frequency of molariform morphs decreases in the dry season. Morphology possibly changes reversibly within particular individuals between seasons. These results suggest that phenotypic plasticity and polymorphisms may be an adaptive characteristic of cichlid fishes. Patterns of intraspecific morphological variation match patterns of interspecific morphological diversification which suggests that universal developmental mechanisms canalize the possible expressions of morphology. The ability to respond morphologically to environmental shifts, in conjunction with genetically determined trophic polymorphisms and sexual selection via mate choice, could be the basis for speciation through intermediate stages of polymorphism of the impressive adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes.  相似文献   
Summary Chromosomes of Brassica oleracea (2n=18) were dissected from the resynthesized amphidiploid B. napus Hakuran by repeated backcrosses to B. campestris (2n=20), creating a series of monosomic alien chromosome addition line plants (2n=21). Using morphological, isozyme and restriction fragment length polymorphism markers (RFLPs), 81 putative loci were identified. Of nine possible synteny groups, seven were represented in the 25 monosomic addition plants tested. Sequences homologous to 26% of the 61 DNA clones utilized (80% were cDNA clones) were found on more than one synteny group, indicating a high level of gene duplication. Anomalous synteny associations were detected in four 2n=21 plants. One of these plants showed two markers from one B. oleracea chromosome associated with a second complete B. oleracea synteny group, suggesting translocation or recombination between non-homologous chromosomes in Hakuran or the backcross derivatives. The other three 2n=21 plants each contained two or more B. oleracea synteny groups, suggesting chromosome substitution.  相似文献   
Summary Two somatic hybrid plants generated from a single fusion event between Lycopersicon esculentum and irradiated L. pennellii protoplasts have been analyzed at the molecular level. Over 30 loci have been analyzed using isozymes and RFLPs. All loci tested on chromosomes 2–10 were heterozygous, while those loci on chromosome 12 were homozygous L. pennellii in both somatic hybrids. In one of the somatic hybrids, 2850, loci on chromosome 1 were also homozygous L. pennellii. The other somatic hybrid, 28F5, was heterozygous at all chromosome 1 loci tested, but exhibited altered stoichiometry of parental bands as compared to the sexual hybrid. Loci on chromosome 2 from both somatic hybrids have altered stoichiometry, with L. pennellii alleles being four times more abundant than expected. Both somatic hybrids contain the L. esculentum chloroplast genome, while only L. pennellii polymorphisms have been detected in the mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   
Based on similarities in basidial morphology and nucleotide sequences of the V3 variable region in the large sub-unit ribosomal RNA, the yeastLeucosporidium lari-marini is considered phylogenetically related to the genusCystofilobasidium. Therefore the new combinationCystofilobasidium lari-marini is proposed.  相似文献   
Analyses of wheat/rye addition lines by Southern blotting confirmed the presence of sequences related to theSec 1, Sec 2, andSec 3 loci on chromosomes 1R and 2R. Comparison of the 1R and 2R addition lines allowed the identification of -secalin genes atSec 1 andSec 2, respectively, while -secalin and -secalin genes atSec 1 were discriminated by comparative hybridization with three probes: -secalin, total -secalin, and 3 -secalin. The high molecular weight (HMW) secalin genes atSec 3 were identified using a homologous HMW subunit probe from wheat. Gene copy numbers were estimated as about 40–60 for -secalins, 5–10 for -secalins, and 2 for HMW secalins. Comparison of individual plants of cv. Gazelle showed a high degree of polymorphism, particularly for sequences related to -secalins and HMW secalins.  相似文献   
The specific binding of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) to bovine thyroid plasma membranes is inhibited by guanine nucleotides. Guanosine 5-triphosphate (GTP) and the non-hydrolyzable GTP analogs guanosine 5-,-imidotriphosphate (Gpp(NH)p) and guanosine 5-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP--S) inhibited markedly the binding of VIP to its receptors. This inhibition was higher with GTP than with Gpp(NH)p and GTP--S and was due to an increase of the rate of dissociation of peptide bound to membranes. Other nucleotides did not show any effect.  相似文献   
We have determined the nucleotide sequences of sevenlacY alleles isolated from natural isolates ofEscherichia coli. Nucleotide heterozygosity estimates for this locus were compared to those obtained from previous studies of intraspecific variation at chromosomal loci, revealing thatlacY has unusually low synonymous site variation. The average pairwise heterozygosity of synonymous sites (Ks=0.0112+/-0.0100) is the second lowest reported and the lowest for loci that have an equivalent level of nonsynonymous variation. We consider several hypotheses to explain how different forces in evolution could act to create the observed pattern of polymorphism, including selection for translational efficiency and positive selection. Our analysis most strongly supports the hypothesis that positive selection has acted on thelacY locus inE. coli.  相似文献   
Variation in queen phenotype and reproductive role in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta has been shown to have a simple genetic basis in a single introduced population in the United States. The evidence consists of an association between this variation and queen genotype at Pgm-3, a phosphoglucomutase-encoding gene. In the present study, we surveyed Pgm-3 allele and genotype frequencies in diverse populations from the native and introduced ranges of this ant to learn whether this simple genetic basis for reproductive traits is a general feature of the species or a genetic anomaly in introduced ants stemming from a recent bottleneck or the invasion of novel habitats. No egg-laying queens living in polygyne (multiple-queen) nests possessed the homozygous genotype Pgm-3a/a in any of the study populations, yet nonreproductive females from such nests (workers as well as queens that had not yet initiated oogenesis) possessed this genotype at moderate frequencies. Remarkably, Pgm-3a/a was the most common genotype among all classes of females, including egg-laying queens, in monogyne (single-queen) nests from all populations studied. Genotype proportions at Pgm-3 in polygyne populations typically departed strongly from the proportions expected under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, whereas those in monogyne populations did not. These patterns establish that a single mendelian gene influences queen reproductive role in S. invicta and that this gene uniformly is under strong directional selection in the polygyne social form only. Moreover, the perfect association of Pgm-3 genotype and reproductive role in all populations, combined with the known function of phosphoglucomutase in insect metabolism, suggest that this gene may directly influence queen phenotypes rather than merely serving as a marker for a linked gene that causes the effects.  相似文献   
Pegasus, a novel transposable element, was discovered as a length polymorphism in the white gene of Anopheles gambiae. Sequence analysis revealed that this 535 bp element was flanked by 8 bp target site duplications and 8 bp perfect terminal inverted repeats similar to those found in many members of the Tcl family. Its small size and lack of long open reading frames preclude protein coding capacity. Southern analysis and in situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes demonstrated that Pegasus occurs in approximately 30 copies in the genomes of An. gambiae and its sibling species and is homogenous in structure but polymorphic in chromosomal location. Characterization of five additional elements by sequencing revealed nucleotide identities of 95% to 99%. Of 30 Pegasus-containing phage clones examined by PCR, only one contained an element exceeding 535 bp in length, due to the insertion of another transposable element-like sequence. Thus, the majority, if not all, extant Pegasus elements may be defective copies of a complete element whose contemporary existence in An. gambiae is uncertain. No Pegasus-hybridizing sequences were detected in nine other anophelines and three culicines examined, suggesting a very limited taxonomic distribution.  相似文献   
Abstract The comparative chromosomal locations of polymeric β-fructosidase SUC genes have been determined by Southern blot hybridization with the SUC2 probe in 91 different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Most of the strains exhibited a single SUC2 gene, but in some strains two or three SUC genes were found. All Suc strains carried a silent suc20 sequence. The accumulation of SUC genes was observed in populations derived from sources containing sucrose and seems to be absent in strains from sources promoting the MEL gene.  相似文献   
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