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This review updates the information upon the chemical composition of propolis from all Mediterranean countries as well as their biological properties and applications. The non‐volatile fraction of propolis was characterized by the presence of phenolic acids and their esters and flavonoids. Nevertheless, in some countries, diterpenes were also present: Sicily (Italy), Croatia, Malta, Creta (Greece), Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt, Libya, Algeria and Morocco. The volatile fraction of propolis was characterized by the presence of benzoic acid and its esters, mono‐ and sesquiterpenes, being the oxygenated sesquiterpene β‐eudesmol characteristic of poplar propolis, whereas the hydrocarbon monoterpene α‐pinene has been related with the presence of conifers. Regardless the chemical composition, there are common biological properties attributed to propolis. Owing to these attributes, propolis has been target of study for applications in diverse areas, such as food, medicine and livestock.  相似文献   
对琉球群岛东侧的菲律宾海北部海区(27.0°-30.0°N,129.5°-135.5°E)水深1 666 m至6 616 m的123个表层沉积物样品进行了定量微体古生物学研究.仅在38个样品中发现介形类,主要分布在4 000 m以浅水深区.初步鉴定有21属35种,其中Krithe在样品中的出现率和丰度最高,其次常见的还...  相似文献   
采用2013—2014年四季度月在金门岛北部海域获取的浮游植物及环境因子监测数据, 分析该区浮游植物的群落结构和季节变化及其与温度、盐度、悬浮物、营养盐、叶绿素等的关系, 初步探讨涉海工程建设对浮游植物群落的潜在影响。结果显示, 鉴定出的浮游植物隶属3门43属82种(不含未定种), 群落构成以硅藻为主, 其次是甲藻, 蓝藻仅1种。物种组成的季节差异较大, 3月物种贫乏, 1月次之, 7月和11月最丰富。四季丰度平均为47.09×103 cells/L, 1月丰度最高, 7月次之, 11月最低, 3月高于11月少许。四季优势种均为硅藻, 13个优势种分别为柔弱几内亚藻(Guinardia delicatula)、短角弯角藻(Ecampia zoodicaus)、骨条藻(Skeletonema spp.)、具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、微小海链藻(Thalassiosira exigua)、标志星杆藻(Asterionella notula)、旋链角毛藻(Chaetoceros curvisetus)、新月菱形藻(Nitzchia closterium)、派格棍形藻(Bacillaria paxillifera)、异常角毛藻(Chaetoceros abmormis)、小细柱藻(Leptocylindrus minutum)、宽角曲舟藻(Pleurosigma angulatum)和美丽曲舟藻(Pleurosigma formosum)。不同季节优势种有一定程度交错, 仅在单季占优的有6种, 有2/3在3个以上季节出现, 具槽帕拉藻、骨条藻为四季优势种。浮游植物物种多样性和均匀度总体较好, 群落结构稳定。与毗邻海区相比, 本区物种丰富度偏低, 丰度高于毗邻海区, 种类组成相似, 优势种却有较大差别。Pearson相关分析表明, 溶解无机氮及活性磷酸盐仅在1月与丰度存在极显著的正相关, 是促使丰度为四季最高的原因。涉海工程施工产生的悬浮物和冲击波是影响浮游植物群落的主要因素, 大量海洋工程建设案例表明, 施工期造成的浮游植物丰度下降趋势和优势种更替混乱在工程结束后能得以恢复。  相似文献   
冯志华  方涛  李玉  阎斌伦  徐加涛 《生态学报》2014,34(15):4167-4174
利用静态暗箱采样方法和气相色谱-氮磷检测器(GC-NPD)分析技术测定了苏北沿海滩涂养殖湿地区域磷化氢的释放通量,研究了其季节和空间变化特征,并探讨了其潜在的影响因素。结果表明,各季节磷化氢释放通量的高低排序为:8月份5月份11月份2月份,其变化范围分别为16.5—168.9、8.3—105.9、8.2—64.5和-19.5—49.6 ng m-2h-1,平均值分别为65.0、36.5、25.9和16.4 ng m-2h-1;空间变化明显,各季节的平均值,b10站位最高,b3次之,b5和b8站位相对较低。磷化氢释放通量与沉积环境因子的相关性分析显示,释放通量与TP、IP、OP、OC、TN、SC和T有较好的线性正相关关系(相关系数R分别为0.807、0.579、0.828、0.825、0.467、0.605和0.551,P值0.01),与Eh有较好的线性负相关关系(R为-0.774,P值0.01),表明在研究调查区域,较高的磷、碳、氮、硫组分含量,较高的温度和较低的氧化还原电位更有利于磷化氢的释放过程。  相似文献   
Correlations between morphological and genetic data provide evidence to delineate species or evolutionarily significant units, which then become the units to conserve in management plans. Here, we examine the distribution and genetic differentiation of two morphotypes of short‐finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) in the Pacific Ocean. Mitochondrial control region sequences from 333 samples were combined with 152 previously published sequences to describe genetic variability globally and population structure in the Pacific. Although genetic variability is low, we found strong differentiation at both broad and local levels across the Pacific. Based on genetics, two types are distributed throughout the Pacific, one predominantly in the eastern Pacific and the other in the western and central Pacific. In the eastern Pacific Ocean, no correlation was found between distribution and sea surface temperature. The two types have broad latitudinal ranges, suggesting their distributions are likely driven by more complex factors, such as prey distribution, rather than sea surface temperature.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Supplemental feeding is a widely used management practice in areas managed for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; hereafter quail). Although food provisioning is intended to benefit quail directly, it may also indirectly affect predators by allowing them to focus on the increased concentration of prey. We studied the effects of food supplementation for northern bobwhite on red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) space use in a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem in southwestern Georgia. We used radiotelemetry to determine whether hawks were attracted to areas where supplemental feeding occurred. We found hawks almost 3 times closer to feeding sites (224 ± 96 m; x̄ ± SE) than expected (638 ± 96 m). Our data provide an example of a common game management practice having an unintended influence on a top predator.  相似文献   
Abstract Changes in plant abundance within a eucalypt savanna of north‐eastern Australia were studied using a manipulative fire experiment. Three fire regimes were compared between 1997 and 2001: (i) control, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season (July) 1997 only; (ii) early burnt, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season 1997 and early dry season (May) 1999; and (iii) late burnt, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season 1997 and late dry season (October) 1999. Five annual surveys of permanent plots detected stability in the abundance of most species, irrespective of fire regime. However, a significant increase in the abundance of several subshrubs, ephemeral and twining perennial forbs, and grasses occurred in the first year after fire, particularly after late dry season fires. The abundance of these species declined toward prefire levels in the second year after fire. The dominant grass Heteropogon triticeus significantly declined in abundance with fire intervals of 4 years. The density of trees (>2 m tall) significantly increased in the absence of fire for 4 years, because of the growth of saplings; and the basal area of the dominant tree Corymbia clarksoniana significantly increased over the 5‐year study, irrespective of fire regime. Conservation management of these savannas will need to balance the role of regular fires in maintaining the diversity of herbaceous species with the requirement of fire intervals of at least 4‐years for allowing the growth of saplings >2 m in height. Whereas late dry season fires may cause some tree mortality, the use of occasional late fires may help maintain sustainable populations of many grasses and forbs.  相似文献   
Native grasslands are valued for biodiversity and supporting dormant season grazing, but are prone to invasion. In western Canada, revegetation of Festuca campestris grasslands may be hindered by Poa pratensis, an invasive grass. To determine the competitive interaction of these species during establishment, two greenhouse experiments were conducted where F. campestris seedlings were planted in monocultures or mixtures with P. pratensis. The first experiment used equal‐aged (3‐month old) seedlings of both species, while the second experiment used unequal‐aged seedlings (4‐month‐old F. campestris and 2‐month‐old P. pratensis). Seedling performance was measured in response to manipulations of water and nitrogen, defoliation, and plant neighbor. While water and nitrogen reduced the biomass and vegetative reproduction (tillering) of F. campestris, exposure to P. pratensis most strongly limited the growth of F. campestris seedlings regardless of other treatments. More frequent and consistent decreases in F. campestris due to P. pratensis were observed in older F. campestris seedlings than younger seedlings. Defoliation also reduced the growth of F. campestris, and the added presence of P. pratensis during defoliation further enhanced these reductions in younger, equal‐aged bunchgrass seedlings. Overall, these results suggest that when restoring native F. campestris grasslands, early establishment may be improved by reducing the negative impacts of P. pratensis, and avoiding severe defoliation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT In Quebec, Canada, harvest of bobcats (Lynx rufus) started to decline in 1985 and by 1991, harvest seasons were closed due to concerns of a perceived population decline. Since the closing of harvest season in 1991, the average temperature has increased, snow quantity has decreased, and important changes in agriculture and forest management have occurred. In light of changing conditions, the situation of Quebec bobcats needed reassessment. Thus, we analyzed harvest data to clarify the current status of bobcat populations in Quebec. From 1980 to 1991, bobcat harvest in Quebec was strongly correlated with bobcat harvest in Maine (USA), Nova Scotia (Canada), Ontario (Canada), and Vermont (USA). Extrapolations of harvest in Quebec relative to harvest in Maine, Ontario, Vermont, and Nova Scotia suggested an increase in number of bobcats after 1991. Mass of male and female bobcats before 1991 was less than mass of animals captured after 1991. Percentage of juveniles in the reported harvest before 1991 was higher than after 1991. However, percentage of males and litter sizes in the harvest did not differ before and after 1991. The geographic distribution of bobcats captured has gradually expanded after the closure of the harvest season. Our findings suggest that bobcat populations in Quebec have recovered from the 1985–1991 decline, and that the harvest season for this species could resume. This study also illustrates how managers can rely on data from neighboring jurisdiction to manage species when local harvest data is unavailable.  相似文献   
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