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Fluctuation of surface charge on pore walls provides a realistic, additional mechanism for generating fluctuation of ionic current and ionic selectivity in narrow pores.  相似文献   
Lasthenia californica sensu Ornduff consists of two races that differ in their flavonoid pigments and edaphic tolerances. Recent phylogenetic studies of Lasthenia have revealed that members of L. californica sensu Ornduff belong to two phylogenetic species. The relationship of the edaphic races to these new species and to each other is the focus of this study. Characterization of flavonoid profiles and phylogenetic placement of 33 populations demonstrates that races and phylogenetic taxa are not concordant, suggesting that one or both edaphic races evolved in parallel in the two clades. We hypothesize an edaphically linked ecological role for flavonoid differences that first revealed the existence of two races.  相似文献   
Marine mollusks are among the most importantinvertebrate fisheries in the world. The mainclasses of mollusk fished are Cephalopoda,Bivalvia and Gastropoda. Marine gastropodsrepresent approximately 2% of the mollusksfished in the world. Several species ofgastropods, such as Haliotis spp., Strombus spp., Busycon spp. and Concholepas concholepas, have high economicvalue in international markets and playimportant social roles in small-scale artisanalfisheries. In the past 25 years wild-stockcatches of marine gastropods have increasedfrom 75,000 mt in 1979 to 103,000 mt in 1996.During the same period the countries involvedin gastropod landings rose from 23 to 47.Gastropods are fished mainly in: (1) theAmerican continent, dominated by the extractionof the muricid ``loco', C. concholepas, inChile and Peru; strombid conchs, Strombusspp., in the Caribbean, and abalone, Haliotis spp., in California and the west coastof the Baja California peninsula; (2) Asia andOceania, with the dominate abalone fishery,mainly in Australia and New Zealand, and thehorned turban snail, Turbo truncatus, inJapan and Korea; (3) in Africa and Europe, thedominate species extracted are Haliotismidae, heavily fished in South Africa, and thecommon periwinkle, Littorina littorea,and the whelk Buccinum undatum, which areextracted in Europe. This review summarizes the fishery of abalonespecies in California and the west coast of theBaja California peninsula. We highlightoverfishing situations and the utilization ofadaptive management tools, such as those inoperation in Baja California, where small-scalefisher associations (cooperatives) havereceived exclusive access rights to abaloneextraction within specific fishing zones, since1936. We also review the abalone fishery inAustralia, and the use of IndividualTransferable Quotas (ITQs) and Total AllowableCommercial Catches (TACC), which have been inuse since the mid-1980's. We describe thegastropod fisheries in Chile, mainly C. concholepas, highlighting their economic andsocial importance. We provide information onthe evolution of catches and exports anddiscuss the development of novel managementadaptive tools, such as the implementation ofthe Benthic Regime for Extraction andProcessing (BREP), the introduction ofNon-Transferable Individual Quotas (NTIQs) andterritorial users rights for benthic fisheries,such as the Management and Exploitation Areas(MEAS). Finally, we present and discuss thenecessary steps for the sustainable managementof marine gastropods and other benthic resources.  相似文献   
The distribution of genetic diversity at 10 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci within the European freshwater fish, Cottus gobio, L. was examined. The sampling range comprised a large geographical scale including lineages known to be highly divergent at both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and allozymes. An analysis of genetic variability within populations showed that expected heterozygosity and allelic richness could be explained largely by current effective population sizes. Evidence was found, however, that historical processes predating the last major glaciation affected allelic richness. In addition to confirming the large-scale patterns from earlier studies, the microsatellite data revealed new insights into recent processes by analysing genetic structure within ancient lineages defined by mtDNA data. Stepwise mutation model (SMM) and nonSMM-based methods demonstrated a clear genetic structuring within the Northwestern European lineage comprising populations from Britain and Belgium, and within the Central European lineage populations from the rivers Danube, Elbe and Main. Supported by an analysis of genetic variability within populations these results showed that the bullhead populations most probably persisted throughout the last major glaciation within the British Isles and within the drainages of the rivers Elbe and Main. Such observations provide the first genetic evidence for a glacial refugium in such close proximity to the European glacial margins.  相似文献   
This study examines the influence of current velocity in the toxiceffect of copper in diatom-dominated biofilms grown in artificial channels.Effects on community structure, algal biomass and photosynthesis (carbonincorporation) caused by 15 g L–1 of copperwere tested at contrasting (1 and 15 cm s–1)velocities. Moreover, a possible threshold on the effect of copper on algalbiomass and photosynthesis related to current velocity was examined by usingprogressively increasing current velocity (1 to 50 cms–1) at 15 g L–1 Cu.Chlorophyll-a decreased ca. 50% as a result of addition of15 g L–1 Cu. Chlorophyll decrease occurredearlier at 15 cm s–1 than at 1 cms–1 when adding 15 g L–1Cu. Copper also caused a remarkable decrease in carbon incorporation(from 30 to ca. 50%), which was produced earlier at 15 cms–1 (three days) than at 1 cms–1 (seven days). Some taxa were affected by thecombination of copper and current velocity. Both Achnanthesminutissima and Stigeoclonium tenue becomedominant at 15 cm s–1 in the presence of copper.Significant inhibition of algal growth in 15 g L–1Cu occurred at low (1 cm s–1) and highvelocities (50 cm s–1), but not at intermediatevelocity (20 cm s–1). The experiments indicatethat current velocity triggers the effect that copper has on diatom-dominatedbiofilms, and that the effect is more remarkable at low and high than atintermediate current velocities.  相似文献   
Using the patch-clamp technique, we observed profound oscillations of the whole-vacuole outward current across the tonoplast of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. (common ice plant). These current oscillations showed a clear voltage dependence and appeared at membrane potentials more positive than 90–100 mV. This paper describes the oscillations in terms of two separate mechanisms. First, the Mesembryanthemum vacuolar membrane shows a negative slope conductance at membrane potentials more positive than 100–120 mV. The fact that the oscillations and the negative slope conductance show a similar threshold potential suggests that (part of) the same mechanism is involved in both phenomena. The second mechanism involved is the voltage drop across the series resistance. As a result, the potential actually experienced by the vacuolar membrane deviates from the command potential defined by the patch-clamp amplifier. This deviation depends in an Ohmic manner on the current magnitude. We suggest that the interplay of the negative slope conductance and the voltage drop across the series resistance can cause a positive feedback which is responsible for the current oscillations. Received: 30 April 1999/Revised: 9 September  相似文献   
Within the oak woodlands of California there is often a distinct shift in the botanical composition between the open grassland and the herbaceous understory beneath oak canopy. Botanical sampling at two woodland sites indicated that the annual grass Bromus diandrus was dominant under deciduous blue oak canopy, while a congener, Bromus hordeaceus, was dominant in open grassland. We examined the relative importance of congeneric competition and edaphic factors in creating these differences in species distribution in two separate field experiments that manipulated both congeneric and intraspecific competition, as well as soil type. We used the demographic measure of relative reproductive rate as an index of population growth. In general, demographic performance correctly predicted the distribution of the two annual grasses in the field. Our results indicate that reduced abundance of B. hordeaceus under canopy reflects the negative effects of competition with B. diandrus. In contrast, B. diandrus is little affected by competition from B. hordeaceus. The reduced abundance of B. diandrus in open grassland may result, in part, from its inability to adapt as well as B. hordeaceus to lower nutrient availability in soils of the open grassland.  相似文献   
A new species of the genusSanicula (sect.Sanicoria) endemic to the southern Sierra Juárez of Baja California, Mexico, is described and illustrated.Sanicula moranii resemblesS. deserticola andS. bipinnatifida, but has thicker basal leaves, with broader petioles and rachises, and shorter fruit prickles that are confined to the apical part of the mericarps. The taxonomic relationships of these species are discussed, along with aspects of their distribution and habitat.
Resumen  Una neuva especie del géneroSanicula (secciónSanicoria) endémica de la Sierra Juárez de Baja California, México, es descrita e ilustrada.Sanicula moranii presenta similitud conS. deserticola yS. bipinnatifida, no obstante tiene gruesas hojas basales con pecíolos y raquis anchos, y espínulas del fruto más cortas que se distribuyen únicamente en la parte apical de los mericarpos. Además, se comentan las relaciones taxonómicas de las tres especies, así como algunos aspectos de sus distribuciones y hábitats.
Crothers  J. H. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,378(1-3):133-141
The common or toothed topshell, Trochocochlea lineata (da Costa, 1778), is at its northeastern geographical limit in the south and west of the British Isles. It is likely that these limits are related to some feature of air or water temperature. Along the Somerset coast, as elsewhere in southern Britain, the summer of 1995 was warmer for longer than most of its predecessors and the 1995–1996 winter was colder for longer than any since 1978. This combination of circumstances prompted an investigation into the relative effects of these two seasons. Recruitment of the 1995 cohort was unusually successful at some sites but the subsequent cold winters have removed much of that advantage on Gore Point, probably the easternmost permanent population in the Bristol Channel. The two most easterly populations, either side of Helwell Bay (Watchet), did not survive the winter of 1996–1997. The conclusion from these observations is that a hot summer can encourage recruitment but that the geographical limit in Somerset may be maintained by cold weather in winter.  相似文献   
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