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Wang X  Hu Z  Wang W  Li Y  Zhang YM  Xu C 《Genetica》2008,132(1):59-70
Endosperm traits are of triploid inheritance and have become a focus of breeding effort for their close relations with the grain quality. Current methods for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying endosperm traits are restricted to the use of the phenotypes of single grain samples as input data set, which are often not available in practice due to the small size of the cereal seeds. This paper proposed a statistical model for one specially tailored mapping strategy, where the marker genotypes are obtained from the maternal plants in the segregation population and the phenotypic responses are replaced by the trait means of composite endosperm samples pooled from each plant. It should therefore be more practical and have wide applicability in mapping endosperm traits. The method was implemented by fitting the phenotypic means of endosperms into a Gaussian mixture model. Both the exact and approximate Expectation-Maximization algorithms were proposed to estimate the model parameters. The presence of the QTL was determined by likelihood ratio test statistics. Statistical power and other properties of the new method were investigated and compared to the current single-seed method under a variety of scenarios through simulation studies. The simulations suggest a reasonable sample size should be used to ensure reliable results. The proposed method was also applied to a simulated genome data for further evaluation. As an illustration, a real data of maize was analyzed to find the loci responsible for the popping expansion volume.  相似文献   
Artemisia annua L. (Qinghao) is a promising and potent antimalarial herbal drug. This activity has been ascribed to its component artemisinin, a sesquiterpene lactone that is very effective against drug-resistant Plasmodium species with a low toxicity. Our studies indicate that several flavonoids of A. annua can promote and enhance the reaction of artemisinin with hemin. These data are in good agreement with previous investigations on the in vitro potentiation of antimalarial activity of artemisinin by such flavonoids. As a consequence, in view of a possible use of the phytocomplex rather than pure artemisinin, an HPLC/DAD/MS method is proposed for the simultaneous detection and quantification of both flavonoids and artemisinin. Different extracts, obtained from two different herbal drugs, a commercial sample and a selected cultivar, were analyzed in order to determine which solvents provide the best yields of both artemisinin and flavonoids. Qualitative and quantitative results obtained using an HPLC method are described, which will be useful for developing highly effective herbal drug preparations.  相似文献   
Part 1 of this study summarizes data for a field investigation of contaminant concentration variability within individual, discrete soil samples (intra-sample variability) and between closely spaced, “co-located” samples (inter-sample variability). Hundreds of discrete samples were collected from three sites known respectively to be contaminated with arsenic, lead, and polychlorinated biphenyls. Intra-sample variability was assessed by testing soil from ten points within a minimally disturbed sample collected at each of 24 grid points. Inter-sample variability was assessed by testing five co-located samples collected within a 0.5-m diameter of each grid point. Multi Increment soil samples (triplicates) were collected at each study site for comparison. The study data demonstrate that the concentration of a contaminant reported for a given discrete soil sample is largely random within a relatively narrow (max:min <2X) to a very wide (max:min >100X) range of possibilities at any given sample collection point. The magnitude of variability depends in part on the contaminant type and the nature of the release. The study highlights the unavoidable randomness of contaminant concentrations reported in discrete soil samples and the unavoidable error and inefficiency associated with the use of discrete soil sample data for decision making in environmental investigations.  相似文献   
海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量估测方法比较分析   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
李意德 《生态学报》1993,13(4):313-320
本文通过对海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量估测方法的比较分析,表明材积转换法不适宜估算海南岛热带山地雨林林分生物量,其结果与皆伐法相比较一般偏高20%—40%;而用实测资料建立的生物量回归模型,对原始林林分有较好的估测结果,除树枝和树叶生物量外,树干、树皮及地上部分生物量的回归模型值,与皆伐法的结果比较,相对误差一般在±10%以内,为允许误差范围,而对热带山地雨林的更新林生物量的估测则效果较差,应建立相应的估测模型。平均木法有工作量小的优点,且误差也在16%以下,但要注意取样的树种多样性和取样强度,在实际中应当慎用。另外本文对测定热带山地雨林生物量(原始林)的所需面积大小问题作了研究,提出了生物量-面积曲线的概念,确定其最小调查面积为2500m~2以上。  相似文献   
We used noninvasive methods to obtain genetic and demographic data on the wolf packs (Canis lupus), which are now recolonizing the Alps, a century after their eradication. DNA samples, extracted from presumed wolf scats collected in the western Italian Alps (Piemonte), were genotyped to determine species and sex by sequencing parts of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region and ZFX/ZFY genes. Individual genotypes were identified by multilocus microsatellite analyses using a multiple tubes polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The performance of the laboratory protocols was affected by the age of samples. The quality of excremental DNA extracts was higher in samples freshly collected on snow in winter than in samples that were older or collected during summer. Preliminary mtDNA screening of all samples allowed species identification and was a good predictor of further PCR performances. Wolf, and not prey, DNA targets were preferentially amplified. Allelic dropout occurred more frequently than false alleles, but the probability of false homozygote determinations was always < 0.001. A panel of six to nine microsatellites would allow identification of individual wolf genotypes, also whether related, with a probability of identity of < 0.015. Genealogical relationships among individuals could be determined reliably if the number of candidate parents was 6-8, and most of them had been sampled and correctly genotyped. Genetic data indicate that colonizing Alpine wolves originate exclusively from the Italian source population and retain a high proportion of its genetic diversity. Spatial and temporal locations of individual genotypes, and kinship analyses, suggest that two distinct packs of closely related wolves, plus some unrelated individuals, ranged in the study areas. This is in agreement with field observations.  相似文献   
The noninvasive collection of animal cells is crucial for DNA analyses in wild populations that cannot be disturbed by capture. We describe the collection of 68 semen samples following copulation and masturbation events in wild habituated and nonhabituated troops of Japanese macaques on the protected island of Yakushima. We used this DNA to amplify 390 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial DNA control region in 16 individuals from eight troops, and found a monomorphic pattern in agreement with the low variability imposed by geographic isolation and female philopatry. We also amplified two microsatellite loci from samples collected after the resident males of a focal troop had copulated with different females. We found several different allele combinations in samples collected after the observed mating of a single male, indicating the presence of contaminant DNA, presumably from males that had previously mated with the same female. This discovery made it impossible to assign a given sample to a specific male except when the samples were recovered after masturbation events. Thus, it was not possible to test for kinship or estimate allele frequencies from the semen samples. The mixing of semen, and the pattern of sample collection observed in morphologically identified individuals support the notion that strong mating and sperm competition exists among resident and nonresident males.  相似文献   
This review summarizes what is currently known concerning genetic variation in gorillas, on both inter- and intraspecific levels. Compared to the human species, gorillas, along with the other great apes, possess greater genetic variation as a consequence of a demographic history of rather constant population size. Data and hence conclusions from analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), the usual means of describing intraspecific patterns of genetic diversity, are limited at this time. An important task for future studies is to determine the degree of confidence with which gorilla mtDNA can be analyzed, in view of the risk that one will inadvertently analyze artifactual rather than genuine sequences. The limited information available from sequences of nuclear genomic segments does not distinguish western from eastern gorillas, and, in comparison with results from the two chimpanzee species, suggests a relatively recent common ancestry for all gorillas. In the near future, the greatest insights are likely to come from studies aimed at genetic characterization of all individual members of social groups. Such studies, addressing topics such as behavior of individuals with kin and non-kin, and the actual success of male reproductive strategies, will provide a link between behavioral and genetic studies of gorillas.  相似文献   
NMR spectra of ubiquitin in the presence of bicelles at a concentration of 25% w/v have been recorded under sample spinning conditions for different angles of rotation. For an axis of rotation equal to the magic angle, the (1)H/(15)N HSQC recorded without any (1)H decoupling in the indirect dimension corresponds to the classical spectrum obtained on a protein in an isotropic solution and allows the measurement of scalar J-couplings (1) J (NH). For an angle of rotation smaller than the magic angle, the bicelles orient with their normal perpendicular to the spinning axis, whereas for an angle of rotation greater than the magic angle the bicelles orient with their normal along the spinning axis. This bicelle alignment creates anisotropic conditions that give rise to the observation of residual dipolar couplings in ubiquitin. The magnitude of these dipolar couplings depends directly on the angle that the rotor makes with the main magnetic field. By changing this angle in a controlled manner, residual dipolar couplings can be either scaled up or down thus offering the possibility to study simultaneously a wide range of dipolar couplings in the same sample.  相似文献   
Control of biogenic H(2)S production with nitrite and molybdate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of the metabolic inhibitors, sodium nitrite and ammonium molybdate, on production of H2S by a pure culture of the sulfate-reducing bacterium (SRB) Desulfovibrio sp. strain Lac6 and a consortium of SRB, enriched from produced water of a Canadian oil field, were investigated. Addition of 0.1 mM nitrite or 0.024 mM molybdate at the start of growth prevented the production of H2S by strain Lac6. With exponentially growing cultures, higher levels of inhibitors, 0.25 mM nitrite or 0.095 mM molybdate, were required to suppress the production of H2S. Simultaneous addition of nitrite and molybdate had a synergistic effect: at time 0, 0.05 mM nitrite and 0.01 mM molybdate, whereas during the exponential phase, 0.1 mM nitrite and 0.047 mM molybdate were sufficient to stop H2S production. With an exponentially growing consortium of SRB, enriched from produced water of the Coleville oil field, much higher levels of inhibitors, 4 mM nitrite or 0.47 mM molybdate, were needed to stop the production of H2S. The addition of these inhibitors had no effect on the composition of the microbial community, as shown by reverse sample genome probing. The results indicate that the efficiency of inhibitors in containment of SRB depends on the composition and metabolic state of the microbial community. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 350–355. Received 02 August 2000/ Accepted in revised form 17 April 2001  相似文献   
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