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The Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) is a biodiversity hotspot with a history of fire that goes back as far as 10 million years. Fire has influenced the evolution of several aspects of the vegetation, including reproduction and life cycles. This study tested how fire by‐products such as heat and smoke affect the germination of six species common to two Cerrado open physiognomies: wet grasslands and the campo sujo (grassland with scattered shrubs and dwarf trees). We subjected seeds collected in northern Brazil to heat shock and smoke treatments, both separately and combined, using different temperatures, exposure times, and smoke concentrations in aqueous solutions. High temperatures and smoke did not break seed dormancy nor stimulate germination of the Cerrado study species. However, seeds were not killed by high temperatures, indicating that they are fire‐tolerant. Our findings differed from those of other fire‐prone ecosystems (mostly of Mediterranean vegetation), where fire stimulates germination. Moreover, we provide important information regarding germination strategies of non‐woody Cerrado plants, showing the importance of considering the tolerance of seeds to high temperatures when evaluating fire‐related traits in fire‐prone ecosystems.  相似文献   
Ecosystem degradation is a major environmental threat. Beyond conservation, restoration of degraded ecosystems is a prerequisite to reinstate their ability to provide essential services and benefits. Most of the restoration efforts focus on aboveground restoration, that is, plants, under the assumption that establishment of plant species will reestablish the faunal and microbial species. While this may be true for some cases, it is not a general rule. Reestablishment of microbial communities by dedicated efforts is also necessary for successful restoration, as cycling of essential nutrients for plant growth and decomposition of organic matter is dependent on them. The role of microbial fertilizers and efficient organisms used in agriculture needs to be explored in restoration. Testing of symbiotic interactions between potential plant growth-promoting Rhizobacteria and plants native to a degraded ecosystem can be conducted and utilized for successful establishment of plant species. However, utmost care must be taken while introducing new microbial species or non-native plant species to an area, as they can adversely affect the resident microbial community. Techniques like phospholipid fatty-acid analysis can be used for taxonomic identification of large microbial groups in non-degraded reference ecosystems before introducing microbial species into a degraded ecosystem. For use of microbes in restoration, more studies on microbe-plant interactions need to be conducted. For use of Soil Microbial Community (SMC) as indicators of restoration, their role and function in the ecology of the area need to be elucidated by employing all the available techniques.  相似文献   
RIVPACS models produce a community-level measure of biological condition known as O/E, which is derived from a comparison of the observed (O) biota with those expected (E) to occur in the absence of anthropogenic stress. We used benthic macroinvertebrate and environmental data collected at 925 stream monitoring stations, from 1993 to 2001, to develop, validate, and apply a RIVPACS model to assess the biological condition of wadeable streams in Wyoming. From this dataset, 296 samples were identified as reference, 157 of which were used to calibrate the model, 46 to validate it, and 93 to examine temporal variability in reference site O/E-values. We used cluster analyses to group the model development reference sites into biologically similar classes of streams and multiple discriminant function analysis to determine which environmental variables best discriminated among reference groups. A suite of 14 categorical and continuous environmental variables best discriminated among 15 reference groups and explained a large proportion of the natural variability in biota within the reference dataset. Eleven of the predictor variables were derived from GIS. As expected, mean O/E-values for reference sites used in model development and validation were near unity and statistically similar. Temporal variability in O/E-values for reference sites was low. Test site values ranged from 0 to 1.45 (mean = 0.73). The model was accurate in both space and time and precise enough (S.D. of O/E-values for calibration data = 0.17) to detect modest alteration in biota associated with anthropogenic stressors. Our model was comparable in performance to other RIVPACS models developed in the United States and can produce effective assessments of biological condition over a broad, ecologically diverse region. We also provide convincing evidence that RIVPACS models can be developed primarily with GIS-based predictor variables. This framework not only simplifies the extraction of predictor variable information while potentially reducing expenditures of time and money in the collection of predictor variable information, but opens the door for development and/or application of RIVPACS models in regions where there is a paucity of local-scale, abiotic information.  相似文献   
Meta-analysis: the past, present and future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coupled climate–ecosystem models predict significant alteration of temperate forest biome distribution in response to climate warming. Temperate forest biomes contain approximately 10% of global soil carbon (C) stocks and therefore any change in their distribution may have significant impacts on terrestrial C budgets. Using the Sierra Nevada as a model system for temperate forest soils, we examined the effects of temperature and soil mineralogy on soil C mineralization. We incubated soils from three conifer biomes dominated by ponderosa pine (PP), white fir (WF), and red fir (RF) tree species, on granite (GR), basalt (BS), and andesite (AN) parent materials, at three temperatures (12.5°C, 7.5°C, 5.0°C). AN soils were dominated by noncrystalline materials (allophane, Al‐humus complexes), GR soils by crystalline minerals (kaolinite, vermiculite), and BS soils by a mix of crystalline and noncrystalline materials. Soil C mineralization (ranging from 1.9 to 34.6 [mg C (g soil C)?1] or 0.1 to 2.3 [mg C (g soil)?1]) differed significantly between parent materials in all biomes with a general pattern of ANδ13C values of respired CO2 suggest greater decomposition of recalcitrant soil C compounds with increasing temperature, indicating a shift in primary C source utilization with temperature. Our results demonstrate that soil mineralogy moderates soil C mineralization and that soil C response to temperature includes shifts in decomposition rates, mineralizable pool size, and primary C source utilization.  相似文献   
The Fusarium oxysporum species complex (FOSC) is a ubiquitous ascomycetous group that includes both pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains, the former being responsible for disease in over 100 cultivated plant species. Previous phylogenetic studies have uncovered at least four major clades within the FOSC, with Clade 1 hypothesised as being ancestral. However, the origin of these clades and pathogenic strains is poorly understood. Due to an emphasis on agricultural isolates in previous studies, the underlying diversity of this species complex in non-cultivated soils is largely unknown. To address this imbalance an extensive survey of isolates associated with native vegetation geographically isolated from cultivation throughout the Australian continent was conducted. A multi-gene phylogenetic analysis of the translation elongation factor (EF-1α) and the mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU) rDNA loci did not recover any novel clades. However, the Australian isolates had high levels of intra-Clade diversity based on EF-1α sequence type (ST) comparison with a global dataset. The ST diversity was not equally distributed across the four clades, with the majority of novel STs recovered from Clade 1. Implications on the origin of the FOSC are discussed.  相似文献   
Drought is frequently recorded as a result of climate warming and elevated concentration of greenhouse gases, which affect the carbon and water cycles in terrestrial ecosystems, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. To identify the drought in grassland ecosystems and to determine how such drought affects grassland ecosystems in terms of carbon and water cycles across the globe, this study evaluated the drought conditions of global grassland ecosystems from 2000 to 2011 on the basis of the remotely sensed Drought Severity Index (DSI) data. The temporal dynamics of grassland carbon use efficiency (CUE) and water use efficiency (WUE), as well as their correlations with DSI, were also investigated at the global scale. Results showed that 57.04% of grassland ecosystems experienced a dry trend over this period. In general, most grassland ecosystems in the northern hemisphere (N.H.) were in near normal condition, whereas those in the southern hemisphere (S.H.) experienced a clear drying and wetting trend, with the year 2005 regarded as the turning point. Grassland CUE increased continually despite the varied drought conditions over this period. By contrast, WUE increased in the closed shrublands and woody savannas but decreased in all the other grassland types. The drought conditions affected the carbon and water use mainly by influencing the primary production and evapotranspiration of grass through photosynthesis and transpiration process. The CUE and WUE of savannas was most sensitive to droughts among all the grassland types. The areas of grassland DSI that showed significant correlations with CUE and WUE were 52.92% and 22.11% of the total grassland areas, respectively. Overall, droughts sufficiently explained the dynamics of grassland CUE, especially in the S.H. In comparison with grassland CUE, the grassland WUE was less sensitive to drought conditions at the global scale.  相似文献   
The impact of domestic and wild Caprini browsing on Quercus ilex has been examined in an area of the Sierra de Cazorla. Vegetation as a herbivore food supply, herbivore feeding regime and density in the study area during six sampling periods throughout two years, has been quantified. Wild Caprini show diets similar to the available vegetation, whereas domestic Caprini tend more towards the trophic specialities (browsing or grazing) of their genus. Nevertheless, this tendency was more pronounced in domestic goats than in sheep. A hypothetical estimate of Q. ilex intake by each species under the study conditions was carried out. It was found that domestic Caprini have a greater impact on the holm oak than wild Caprini, density and feeding-niche deviations being the main factors responsible for this situation.Abbreviations DM= dry matter  相似文献   
KJ 85-06项目是“八五”期间由中国科学院资助的最大的生态学研究计划.19个研究所、20个试验站、530余名科技人员参加了该项计划,5年总经费1000万元.研究工作取得了重大进展,迄今已发表论文450余篇、专着3部,尚有大量论文与多部专着将陆续出版.本文简要介绍了有关主要研究进展,并就生态系统优化管理研究和生态过程、人类活动影响联网研究提出了两点主张.  相似文献   
Temperate forest soil organic carbon (C) represents a significant pool of terrestrial C that may be released to the atmosphere as CO2 with predicted changes in climate. To address potential feedbacks between climate change and terrestrial C turnover, we quantified forest soil C response to litter type and temperature change as a function of soil parent material. We collected soils from three conifer forests dominated by ponderosa pine (PP; Pinus ponderosa Laws.); white fir [WF; Abies concolor (Gord. and Glend.) Lindl.]; and red fir (RF; Abies magnifica A. Murr.) from each of three parent materials, granite (GR), basalt (BS), and andesite (AN) in the Sierra Nevada of California. Field soils were incubated at their mean annual soil temperature (MAST), with addition of native 13C‐labeled litter to characterize soil C mineralization under native climate conditions. Further, we incubated WF soils at PP MAST with 13C‐labeled PP litter, and RF soils at WF MAST with 13C‐labeled WF litter to simulate a migration of MAST and litter type, and associated change in litter quality, up‐elevation in response to predicted climate warming. Results indicated that total CO2 and percent of CO2 derived from soil C varied significantly by parent material, following the pattern of GR>BS>AN. Regression analyses indicated interactive control of C mineralization by litter type and soil minerals. Soils with high short‐range‐order (SRO) mineral content exhibited little response to varying litter type, whereas PP litter enriched in acid‐soluble components promoted a substantial increase of extant soil C mineralization in soils of low SRO mineral content. Climate change conditions increased soil C mineralization greater than 200% in WF forest soils. In contrast, little to no change in soil C mineralization was noted for the RF forest soils, suggesting an ecosystem‐specific climate change response. The climate change response varied by parent material, where AN soils exhibited minimal change and GR and BS soils mineralized substantially greater soil C. This study corroborates the varied response in soil C mineralization by parent material and highlights how the soil mineral assemblage and litter type may interact to control conifer forest soil C response to climate change.  相似文献   
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