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Jan F. Gogarten Ariane Düx Benjamin Mubemba Kamilla Plh Constanze Hoffmann Alexander Mielke Jonathan Müller‐Tiburtius Andreas Sachse Roman M. Wittig Sbastien Calvignac‐Spencer Fabian H. Leendertz 《Molecular ecology》2019,28(18):4242-4258
Living in groups provides benefits but also incurs costs such as attracting disease vectors. For example, synanthropic flies associate with human settlements, and higher fly densities increase pathogen transmission. We investigated whether such associations also exist in highly mobile nonhuman primate (NHP) Groups. We studied flies in a group of wild sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus atys atys) and three communities of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. We observed markedly higher fly densities within both mangabey and chimpanzee groups. Using a mark–recapture experiment, we showed that flies stayed with the sooty mangabey group for up to 12 days and for up to 1.3 km. We also tested mangabey‐associated flies for pathogens infecting mangabeys in this ecosystem, Bacillus cereus biovar anthracis (Bcbva), causing sylvatic anthrax, and Treponema pallidum pertenue, causing yaws. Flies contained treponemal (6/103) and Bcbva (7/103) DNA. We cultured Bcbva from all PCR‐positive flies, confirming bacterial viability and suggesting that this bacterium might be transmitted and disseminated by flies. Whole genome sequences of Bcbva isolates revealed a diversity of Bcbva, probably derived from several sources. We conclude that flies actively track mangabeys and carry infectious bacterial pathogens; these associations represent an understudied cost of sociality and potentially expose many social animals to a diversity of pathogens. 相似文献
Allison E. Johnson Jonathan S. Mitchell Mary Bomberger Brown 《Ecology and evolution》2017,7(2):550-560
Behavioral shifts can initiate morphological evolution by pushing lineages into new adaptive zones. This has primarily been examined in ecological behaviors, such as foraging, but social behaviors may also alter morphology. Swallows and martins (Hirundinidae) are aerial insectivores that exhibit a range of social behaviors, from solitary to colonial breeding and foraging. Using a well‐resolved phylogenetic tree, a database of social behaviors, and morphological measurements, we ask how shifts from solitary to social breeding and foraging have affected morphological evolution in the Hirundinidae. Using a threshold model of discrete state evolution, we find that shifts in both breeding and foraging social behavior are common across the phylogeny of swallows. Solitary swallows have highly variable morphology, while social swallows show much less absolute variance in all morphological traits. Metrics of convergence based on both the trajectory of social lineages through morphospace and the overall morphological distance between social species scaled by their phylogenetic distance indicate strong convergence in social swallows, especially socially foraging swallows. Smaller physical traits generally observed in social species suggest that social species benefit from a distinctive flight style, likely increasing maneuverability and foraging success and reducing in‐flight collisions within large flocks. These results highlight the importance of sociality in species evolution, a link that had previously been examined only in eusocial insects and primates. 相似文献
In the facultatively social carpenter bee, Xylocopa pubescens,foundresses usually establish nests solitarily. However, nestsmay become social if a second foundress (referred to as alpha)successfully usurps the nest, with the original foundress (referredto as beta) remaining as a guard. Reproductive skew theory predictsthat beta foundresses should remain as helpers only if alphausurpers allow them a share of reproduction. Because alpha femalesdestroy much of beta's brood and beta females do not lay eggsafter takeovers, studies have concluded that usurpers offerno staying incentives or concessions in return for helping behavior.This conclusion is paradoxical, and we suggest that by refrainingfrom destroying all of beta's brood, alpha females do indeedoffer concessions to beta females. We constructed a model toexamine the conditions under which social nesting is favoredby both alpha and beta females. Female preference for socialversus solitary nesting is proportional to expected fitnessin either setting and is affected by current environmental conditions,the value of guarding behavior in protecting brood from pollenrobbery, the size of the concession offered by alpha, and thedegree of genetic relatedness between the foundresses. Our modelshows that at a minimum, establishing sociality after unrelatedusurpations always requires a concession, whereas in relatedusurpations, a concession is not always required. Generally,agreement between alpha and beta is difficult because alpharequires a much higher premium in pollen robbery protectionthan beta in order for sociality to be advantageous. Alpha femalesprefer social nesting only under the most severe environmentalconditions because usually they gain less by the presence ofa guard than by replacing beta brood with their own. In contrast,beta females always strongly prefer social nesting because thechances of successful renesting elsewhere are low and rarelyoutweigh the advantages of guarding their own brood that surviveusurpation. Effects of relatedness between foundresses on preferencefor social nesting are nonintuitive: first, alpha's preferenceincreases with relatedness, whereas beta's preference declines,and second, unrelated beta females prefer sociality more stronglythan related ones. This is because replacement of beta's offspringwith related alpha offspring partially compensates her for theloss of her own brood, even should she leave the nest. 相似文献
The reason why some bird species live in family groups is an important question of evolutionary biology that remains unanswered. Families arise when young delay the onset of independent reproduction and remain with their parents beyond independence. Explanations for why individuals forgo independent reproduction have hitherto focused on dispersal constraints, such as the absence of high-quality breeding openings. However, while constraints successfully explain within-population dispersal decisions, they fail as an ultimate explanation for variation in family formation across species. Most family-living species are long-lived and recent life-history studies demonstrated that a delayed onset of reproduction can be adaptive in long-lived species. Hence, delayed dispersal and reproduction might be an adaptive life-history decision rather than 'the best of a bad job'. Here, we attempt to provide a predictive framework for the evolution of families by integrating life-history theory into family formation theory. We suggest that longevity favours a delayed onset of reproduction and gives parents the opportunity of a prolonged investment in offspring, an option which is not available for short-lived species. Yet, parents should only prolong their investment in offspring if this increases offspring survival and outweighs the fitness cost that parents incur, which is only possible under ecological conditions, such as a predictable access to resources. We therefore propose that both life-history and ecological factors play a role in determining the evolution of family living across species, yet we suggest different mechanisms than those proposed by previous models. 相似文献
Schaller M 《Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences》2011,366(1583):3418-3426
Because immunological defence against pathogens is costly and merely reactive, human anti-pathogen defence is also characterized by proactive behavioural mechanisms that inhibit contact with pathogens in the first place. This behavioural immune system comprises psychological processes that infer infection risk from perceptual cues, and that respond to these perceptual cues through the activation of aversive emotions, cognitions and behavioural impulses. These processes are engaged flexibly, producing context-contingent variation in the nature and magnitude of aversive responses. These processes have important implications for human social cognition and social behaviour-including implications for social gregariousness, person perception, intergroup prejudice, mate preferences, sexual behaviour and conformity. Empirical evidence bearing on these many implications is reviewed and discussed. This review also identifies important directions for future research on the human behavioural immune system--including the need for enquiry into underlying mechanisms, additional behavioural consequences and implications for human health and well-being. 相似文献
Raelene A. Giffney Darrell J. Kemp 《Ethology : formerly Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie》2014,120(6):607-615
Knowledge of the selective pressures favouring parental care can inform our understanding of the evolutionary origins and transitions of sociality in insects. Here, we report upon investigations designed to estimate the costs and benefits of parental care in the egg‐guarding hibiscus harlequin bug Tectocoris diophthalmus (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae). We found that the presence of a guarding female had no effect on hatching success under benign laboratory conditions. In the wild, however, guarding decreased the likelihood of total clutch failure, and produced a fourfold greater egg‐hatching rate relative to unguarded clutches. Females guarded against generalist invertebrate egg predators, including conspecific nymphs, but were ineffective against hymenopteran egg parasitoids. Females continued to feed during the guarding period and exhibited no signs of weight loss or increased mortality due to this behaviour. We did not observe the production of subsequent clutches in any experimental females; therefore, the lifetime fecundity costs of providing parental care in T. diophthalmus remain indeterminate. Overall, maternal egg guarding appears to function as a relatively low cost–low benefit strategy that increases hatching success by protecting against predation – but not parasitism. 相似文献
Alfonso Aceves‐Aparicio Horacio Tapia‐McClung Rogelio Macías‐Ordóñez Dinesh Rao 《Ethology : formerly Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie》2018,124(7):458-467
Less than 0.2% of all spider species live in close associations with conspecifics. Among these, subsocial spiders show characteristics of both solitary spiders (e.g., individuals disperse for breeding) and social spiders (e.g., prolonged cooperative behaviours at least prior to independent reproduction). Dispersing individuals build small webs, usually with one inhabitant, whereas colonies are large webs with plant debris and harbouring multiple females. We studied the spatiotemporal dynamics of dispersal in the subsocial spider Anelosimus baeza. We followed the occupancy of all colonies and dispersal webs over the breeding season by mapping the number and sex of spiders with respect to their location in three dimensions. We studied the settlement patterns of new webs and fluctuation in web occupancy through movement between occupied and abandoned webs of colonies and dispersal webs. The occupancy of webs was highly dynamic with changes occurring at small time scales. The similarity in the patterns of web occupancy by females among dispersal webs was partially explained by their spatial and their temporal proximity. Our results suggest that dispersal webs may be used by spiders as a temporary refuge by both sexes during the breeding season. Patterns described here suggest new approaches to dispersal studies in group living spiders. 相似文献
Mark Schaller Damian R. Murray Adrian Bangerter 《Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences》2015,370(1669)
The ‘behavioural immune system’ is composed of mechanisms that evolved as a means of facilitating behaviours that minimized infection risk and enhanced fitness. Recent empirical research on human populations suggests that these mechanisms have unique consequences for many aspects of human sociality—including sexual attitudes, gregariousness, xenophobia, conformity to majority opinion and conservative sociopolitical attitudes. Throughout much of human evolutionary history, these consequences may have had beneficial health implications; but health implications in modern human societies remain unclear. This article summarizes pertinent ways in which modern human societies are similar to and different from the ecologies within which the behavioural immune system evolved. By attending to these similarities and differences, we identify a set of plausible implications—both positive and negative—that the behavioural immune system may have on health outcomes in contemporary human contexts. We discuss both individual-level infection risk and population-level epidemiological outcomes. We also discuss a variety of additional implications, including compliance with public health policies, the adoption of novel therapeutic interventions and actual immunological functioning. Research on the behavioural immune system, and its implications in contemporary human societies, can provide unique insights into relationships between fitness, sociality and health. 相似文献