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IFN-γ is an important regulator of immune responses and inflammation. Studies in animal models of inflammation, autoimmunity, cancer, transplant rejection and delayed-type hypersensitivity have indicated that administration of antibodies against IFN-γ can prevent the occurrence of diseases or alleviate disease manifestations. Therefore, it is speculated that such antibodies may have therapeutical efficacy in human diseases. Since animal-derived antibodies are immunogenic in patients several strategies are being developed in order to reduce or abolish this human anti-mouse antibody (HAMA) response. In our laboratory, we have constructed a single-chain variable fragment (scFv) derived from a mouse antibody with neutralizing potential for human IFN-γ. A scFv consists of only variable domains tethered together by a flexible linker. The scFv was demonstrated to neutralize the antiviral activity of HuIFN-γin vitro and therefore might be considered as a candidate for human therapy.  相似文献   
Site-directed antibodies against synthetic relateddermorphin peptides have previously been produced andcharacterized. One of them, specifically recognizingthe crucial opioid message (the N-terminal part ofthe molecule Tyr-D-Ala-Phe-Gly), was used in the presentstudy in order to detect and localize endogenousdermorphin-like molecules in immune tissues.Dermorphin-like peptides were found to be present inspleen and thymus of rat and mouse. The HPLCprofile of the immunoreactive material showeda major peak at a retention time of 32±1 min.Purification of immune cells by panning proceduresshowed that both B and T cells contained thisimmunoreactive material. Biochemical characterizationof the dermorphin-like immunoreactivity indicated thatthis material is a peptide resistant toaminopeptidase hydrolysis, suggesting the presence ofa putative D-amino acid residue or a residueconferring resistance to a proteolytic process.  相似文献   
目前制备单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株的传统方法是用纯度很高的天然蛋白作为抗原来免疫动物。此方法虽然成功率很高,但提取和纯化作为抗原用的高纯蛋白确非常困难,在某些情况下甚至是不可能的。为了克服以上不足,近年来发展起用合成多肽作为抗原制备单克隆抗体[1,2]。这个技术的难点是用合成多肽作为抗原来免疫动物不易获得与天然蛋白呈特异反应的抗体[3-5]。近年来国外科学家发明了一种称为“多抗原肽”(Multiple antigenic peptide, MAP)物质用作抗原[6,7]。它是一个由赖氨酸核和多个由同一多肽分子构成的具有免疫原性的大分子。这个大分子的多肽部分组成丁造成动物免疫应答的多个相同抗原决定簇.而赖氨酸核部分只起连接多肽的作用,它本身没有免疫原性。实验证明多抗原肽和佐剂配合使用会引起动物强烈的免疫应答。本文介绍的是从Calpain [EC] 28kDa 小亚基上选取的一段氪基酸序列 AAQYNPEPPP-PRTH(氨基酸从73到86)与赖氨酸核偶联形成多抗原肽来制备单克隆抗体。Calpain的水解蛋白活性依附于钙离子浓度。它有两种异构酶:在μmol/L钙离子浓度下被激活的称为“μ-calpain.而在mmol/L钙离子浓度下被激活的称为m-calpain。这两种异构酶都由两个亚基组成。其大亚基的分子量为80kDa,它包括酶的活性区和与钙离子结合区。两种酶的大亚基氨基酸序列各不相同。其小亚基的分子量为28 kDa,这两种酶具有完全相同的小亚基氨基酸序列。有关Calpain的详细资料可参阅文献[8]。  相似文献   
There have been two major focal points for the development of recombinant viral subunit vaccines. Expression strategies for the candidate antigens have focused increasingly on producing more natural antigenic structures, for example, virus-like particles. Also, new adjuvants have been used in order to increase immunogenicity.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the antigenic properties of the proteins and mannoproteins present in the cell surface of Candida albicans, and to identify individual antigenic moieties and their distribution, a number of polyclonal antisera were obtained by immunizing rabbits with chemical and enzymatic cell wall extracts obtained from intact cells from both growth forms (yeast and mycelium) of the fungus. Prior to injection, wall moieties present in the extracts were subjected to different treatments and/or purification procedures such as adsorption onto polystyrenelatex microbeads or electrophoretic separation. When used as probes in indirect immunofluorescence assays, the different antisera gave rise to different fluorescence patterns varying in intensity and topological localization of the reactivity in C. albicans cells. When the different antisera were used as probes in Western blots of wall proteinaceous materials solubilized from both blastospores and germ tubes, differences in reactivity and specificity were readily discernible, allowing to identify a number of common and form-specific cell wall components. Of special interest was the fact that one of the antisera raised, after adsorption onto heat-killed blastospores, specifically recognized medium to low molecular weight moieties present only in the cell wall extracts from germ tubes. When this antiserum was used as probe in immunofluorescence assays, reactivity was confined to the hyphal extensions. Together, these observations seem to indicate that the different antibody preparations described in this report could represent important tools in the study of different aspects of the cell wall biology in C. albicans, including the identification and study of the distribution of common and form-specific cell wall-bound antigens.Abbreviations IIF Indirect immunofluorescence - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PAb polyclonal antibody  相似文献   
本文以小鼠着丝粒次要卫星DNA探针FISH和抗着丝粒CREST染色,研究了可疑的非整倍体毒剂丙烯酰胺(AA)诱导的小鼠NIH3T3细胞微核(MN)的着丝粒组成情况和小鼠骨髓染色体畸变(CA)情况。结果发现AA在100—400μg/ml诱导的MN约52.7%—71.6%为FISH阳性,60.5%—68.2%的MN为CR-EST阳性,两种结果均显示AA具有较强的非整倍体诱发效应。小鼠骨髓CA的FISH表明,AA既能诱导染色体结构畸变,又能诱导非整倍体形成,而以非整倍体诱发效应更为明显。  相似文献   
Methods for the selection of transfectoma cells that express large quantities of mouse-human chimeric antibodies have been develped. SP2/0 mouse myeloma cells were transfected with pSV2-gpt and pSV2-neo based immunoglobulin expression vectors. Double transfectants were selected using the xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (gpt)and the neomycin (neo) selection marker genes. ELISA-based screening of transfectoma clones resulted in the isolation of IgG-producing transfectomas. Introduction of the kappa light-chain 3'-enhancer into the light-chain expression vector significantly increased immunoglobulin expression, but only when the enhancer was located at its physiological site, 9 kb downstream of the kappa constant region exon. With some of the transfectomas, final yields of up to 80 mg/L of chimeric IgG were obtained in conventional flask cultures using serum-free growth medium. A pilot-scale AcuSyst Maximizer hollow fiber cell culture system was used for the production of gram amounts of chimeric IgG. Results obtained with different transfectoma clones in conventional culture were not fully predictive for yields in the hollow fiber system. In contrast, differences in productivity between individual clones in the laboratory-scale Tecnomouse cell culture unit were comparable with those in the Maximizer system. Up to 200 mg of chimeric IgG were produced per day in one Maximizer bioreactor. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Patch clamp methods were used to characterize sodium channels on the apical membrane of Ambystoma distal nephron. The apical membranes were exposed by everting and perfusing initial collecting tubules in vitro. In cell-attached patches, we observed channels whose mean inward unitary current averaged 0.39±0.05 pA (9 patches). The conductance of these channels was 4.3±0.2 pS. The unitary current approached zero at a pipette voltage of –92 mV. When clamped at the membrane potential the channel expressed a relatively high open probability (0.46). These characteristics, together with observation that doses of 0.5 to 2 m amiloride reversibly inhibited the channel activity, are consistent with the presence of the high amiloride affinity, high sodium selectivity channel reported for rat cortical collecting tubule and cultured epithelial cell lines.We used antisodium channel antibodies to identify biochemically the epithelial sodium channels in the distal nephron of Ambystoma. Polyclonal antisodium channel antibodies generated against purified bovine renal, high amiloride affinity epithelial sodium channel specifically recognized 110, 57, and 55 kDa polypeptides in Ambystoma and localized the channels to the apical membrane of the distal nephron. A polyclonal antibody generated against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the C-terminus of Apx, a protein associated with the high amiloride affinity epithelial sodium channel expressed in A6 cells, specifically recognized a 170 kDa polypeptide. These data corroborate that the apically restricted sodium channels in Ambystoma are similar to the high amiloride affinity, sodium selective channels expressed in both A6 cells and the mammalian kidney.This work was supported by American Heart Association, New York Affiliate Grant 91007G (LCS) and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Grants DK-37206 (DJB) and DK46705 (PRS).  相似文献   
Abstract: A synthetic peptide (25 amino acids) corresponding to a specific portion of the third intracytoplasmic loop of the rat serotonin 5-HT1B/1Dβ receptor was coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin and injected monthly into rabbits. Anti-peptide antibodies were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and characterized by immunoprecipitation of the 5-HT1B/1Dβ receptor in CHAPS-solubilized extracts from rat striatal membranes. Up to 60% of solubilized striatal serotonin- O -carboxymethylglycyl[125I]iodotyrosinamide ([125I]GTI; a selective 5-HT1B/1D radioligand) binding sites were immunoprecipitated and subsequently pharmacologically identified as 5-HT1B receptors. The remaining 40% of [125I]GTI binding sites were shown to be 5-HT1D receptors. In addition, these antibodies were successfully used in immunofluorescence experiments to detect the 5-HT1B/1Dβ, but not the 5-HT1D/1Dα, receptor in transiently transfected LLC-PK1 cells. Immunoautoradiographic experiments performed with brain sections from the rat, mouse, and guinea pig showed that the substantia nigra and globus pallidus contained the highest densities of 5-HT1Dβ receptor-like immunoreactivity. Comparison of the regional distribution of immunolabeling with that of the specific binding of [125I]GTI in the brain of these species further confirmed that the anti-peptide antibodies selectively recognized only the 5-HT1Dβ component of [125I]GTI specific receptor binding sites.  相似文献   
Abstract: Pyruvate carboxylase (EC; PC) catalyzes the formation of oxaloacetate by energy-dependent fixation of CO2 to pyruvate. The aim of the present work was to generate antibodies against PC and use them to localize PC in the cells of astroglia-rich and neuron-rich primary cultures derived from the brains of rats and mice. Mouse monoclonal antibodies raised against the enzyme were shown to be monospecific as indicated by immunoblotting. The staining of the cells for PC appeared in grains. These represent mitochondria, as PC is known as a mitochondrial enzyme. Immunocytochemical examination of astroglia-rich primary cultures of rat or mouse brain cells revealed a colocalization of PC with the astroglial marker glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in many cells. However, there were GFAP-positive cells showing no specific staining for PC, and vice versa. Also, in neuron-rich primary cultures PC was found only in the ∼10% GFAP-expressing astroglial cells contaminating the neuron-rich primary culture, whereas it was absent from the neurons identified by antibodies against neuron-specific enolase. These results suggest that PC is predominantly an astroglial enzyme and that astroglial cells play an important role in the intermediary and the energy metabolism of the brain.  相似文献   
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