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Ten strains of filamentous, heterocystous nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) were screened for growth performance and tolerance to temperature, pH, irradiance and salinity, together with their potential as producers of phycobiliprotein pigments. Phycobiliproteins typically accounted for about 50% total cell protein, the prevalent type being C-phycocyanin, followed by alloppycocyanin, with levels of 17 and 11% d.wt, respectively, in some strains of Anabaena and Nostoc. C-phycoerythrin was the major pigment in several Nostoc strains, reaching 10% d.wt. Some strains represent, therefore, excellent sources of one or more phycobiliproteins. All strains tolerated an irradiance of ca 2000 μmol photon m-2 s-1. Anabaena sp. ATCC 33047 and Nostoc sp. (Albufera) exhibited the widest optimum range of both temperature (30–45 and 25–40 °C) and pH (6.5–9.5 and 6.0–9.0) for growth, the former also showing significant salt tolerance. In an outdoor open system, productivity of cultures of two phycoerythrin-rich strains of Nostoc was over 20 g (d.wt) m-2 d-1 during summer. The growth performance of the allophycocyanin-rich Anabaena sp. ATCC 33047 in outdoor semi-continuous culture has been assessed throughout the year. Productivity values under optimized conditions ranged from 9 (winter) to 24 (summer) g (d.wt) m-2 d-1.  相似文献   
The suggestion that the ethanol regulatory protein from Aspergillus has its evolutionary origin in a gene fusion between aldehyde and alcohol dehydrogenase genes (Hawkins AR, Lamb HK, Radford A, Moore JD, 1994, Gene 146:145-158) has been tested by profile analysis with aldehyde and alcohol dehydrogenase family profiles. We show that the degree and kind of similarity observed between these profiles and the ethanol regulatory protein sequence is that expected from random sequences of the same composition. This level of similarity fails to support the suggested gene fusion.  相似文献   
The larvae of Alsophila pometaria (Harr.), feeding on the young foliage of oak, has a higher relative growth rate (RGR) and relative nitrogen accumulation rate (RNAR) than the larvae of Anisota senatoria (J. E. Smith), feeding on the mature foliage of oak. Although the young oak foliage is more efficiently digested by A. pometaria (higher AD's), it is not more efficiently assimilated and used for growth (no difference in ECI's). Thus, the higher growth rate of A. pometaria is due entirely to a higher consumption rate (RCR and RNCR). Young foliage is significantly higher in nitrogen and water than mature foliage, but phenol and tannin levels are comparable in young and old foliage. A. pometaria consumes the foliage of different oak species at the same rate, independent of nitrogen content, while A. senatoria increases its consumption rate in response to decreased nitrogen levels. As a result, the growth rate of A. pometaria is directly related to leaf nitrogen content, while the growth rate of A. senatoria is independent of leaf nitrogen. The two species of insects have digestive systems that are very similar biochemically, and that are well-designed for effective protein digestion. Tannins and phenols do not influence the nutrional indices of either species. We suggest that the major benefit of spring feeding is the availability of succulent, high-nitrogen foliage, and not the avoidance of high-tannin foliage. The spring feeder appears to have a feeding strategy that favors rapid growth at the expense of efficiency, while the late summer feeder has a strategy that favors efficiency over rate.
Résumé Alimentées sur feuillage jeune de chêne, les chenilles d'Alsophila pometaria avaient un taux relatif de croissance (RGR) et un taux relatif d'accumulation d'azote (RNAR) plus élevés que les chenilles d'Anisota senatoria alimentées sur feuillage mûr de chêne. Bien que le jeune feuillage soit plus efficacement digéré par A. pometaria (AD plus élevé), il n'est pas assimilé et utilisé pour la croissance avec de meilleurs rendements (les ECI ne sont pas différents). Ainsi le taux de croissance plus élevé d'A. pometaria est dû entièrement à un taux de consommation plus important (RCR et RNCR). Le feuillage jeune est significativement plus riche en azote et en eau que le feuillage mûr, mais les niveaux de phénol et de tanins sont les mêmes. A pometaria consomme les feuilles de différentes espèces de chênes au même taux, indépendamment de la teneur en azote, tandis que A. senatoria accroît sa consommation en réponse à une diminution de la teneur en azote. Il en résulte que le taux de croissance d'A. pometaria dépend directement de la teneur en azote des feuilles, tandis que celui d'A. senatoria en est indépendant. Les systèmes digestifs des deux insectes sont biochimiquement semblables et sont efficaces pour la digestion des protéines. Les tanins et les phénols n'influent pas sur les indices nutritionnels de ces deux espèces. Nous estimons que le principal intérêt de l'alimentation printanière est la disponibilité en feuillage succulent, riche en azote, et non l'absence de feuilles à haute teneur en tanin. L'alimentation printanière semble correspondre à une strategie alimentaire qui favorise la croissance aux dépens de l'efficacité tandis que l'alimentation en fin d'été est une stratégie qui favorise l'efficacité sur la rapidité.
Direct selection of Kluyveromyces lactis resistant to the antibiotic G418 following transformation with the kanamycin resistance gene of Tn903 required the development of a procedure for producing high yields of viable spheroplasts and for the isolation of autonomous replication sequences (ARS). To obtain high yields of viable spheroplasts, cells were treated with (1) a thiol-reducing agent (L-cysteine), and (2) a high concentration of an osmotic stabilizer, 1.5 M sorbitol. Several ARS-containing plasmids were selected from a K. lactis recombinant DNA library in K. lactis and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Two of four ARS clones selected in K. lactis promoted transformation frequencies of 5-10 X 10(2) G418-resistant cells/micrograms of plasmid DNA. This frequency of transformation was at least twice as high as with ARS clones selected in S. cerevisiae. The stability of ARS-containing plasmids varied; after 20 generations of growth in the presence of G418, 16-38% of the cells remained resistant to the drug. In the absence of selection pressure less than 5% of the cells retained the drug-resistance phenotype. Plasmids containing the ARS1 or 2 mu replicon of S. cerevisiae failed to transform K. lactis for G418 resistance. Inclusion of S. cerevisiae centromere, CEN4, in a K. lactis ARS recombinant plasmid did not increase the stability of the plasmid in K. lactis, and marker genes on the vector segregated predominantly 4-:0+ through meiosis. We conclude that neither the ARS sequences or the centromere of S. cerevisiae was functioning in K. lactis.  相似文献   
Summary The lungs of 12 mice, half of which were exposed to continuous 0.5 ppm nitrogen dioxide for 3 weeks, were explanted in culture, and the instances of macrophage congregation were quantitated according to numbers of target cells involved, categories of congregation from three to 11 or more, numbers of macrophages participating in each category for the total cultures, and the influence of delaying explantation for 24 and 96 hr. A total of 9042 macrophages and 2140 epithelial and spindle target cells were counted in the outgrowths from 306 explants. The incidence of macrophage congregation (or numbers of target cells) was greater for the cultures from the NO2-exposed animals, both with respect to total incidences between groups (p→0), and the 0-hr (p<0.001) and 24-hr (p<0.01) culture subgroups. In addition, the values for T3 to T6 macrophage congregation were individually and consistently greater for the exposed animal group. Postmortem interval stress at 96 hr appeared to result in large colonies, but they were reduced greatly in number. Also the incidence of macrophage congregation fell by 28% as compared to 0-hr and 24-hr subgroups. Supported by Grants NHLI No. HL 17412 and EPA No. R. 800881.  相似文献   
Summary Organic components leaked fromSorghum bicolor seedlings (‘root exudates’) were examined by recovering14C labelled compounds from root solutions of seedlings inoculated withAzospirillum brasilense, Azotobacter vinelandii orKlebsiella pneumoniae nif-. Up to 3.5% of the total14C recovered from shoots, roots, and nutrient solutions was found in the root solutions. Inoculation with Azospirillum and Azotobacter increased the amounts of14C and decreased the amounts of carbohydrates in the root solutions. When sucrose was added as a carbon source for the bacteria, the increase of14C in the solutions did not occur. Quantities of14C found in the root solutions were proportional to amounts of mineral nitrogen supplied to the plants. Bacterial growth also was proportional to nitrogen levels. When sorghum plants were grown in soil and labelled with14CO2, about 15% of the total14C recovered within 48 hours exposure was found in soil leachates.  相似文献   
In order to establish rapidly growing, friable cell cultures of Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb. (Franco)], the effects of organic sources of nitrogen on growth were investigated. Of the nitrogen sources studied, including allantoin, allantoic acid, glutamine and glutamic acid, all were capable of increasing growth. Glutamine (50 m M ) produced the most marked increase in growth boosting dry weight production to a level of four times that of controls. Glutamine additions also eliminated the lag phase of growth and caused cells to become densely cytoplasmic. Results are discussed in relation to the pathway for assimilation of nitrogen.  相似文献   
The uptake of nitrate, nitrite and ammonium by Codium fragile subsp. tomentosoides (van Goor) Silva was measured at different combinations of temperature (6–30 C) and irradiance (0–140 μEin.m-2. s-1). Uptake of all three forms of N was greater at 12–24 C than at 6 and 30 C. Although uptake was stimulated by light, saturation occurred at relatively low irradiance (7–28 μEin m-2 s-1, depending on the N source and temperature). The Michaelis-Menten uptake constants (Vmax K)varied with temperature. Vmax was greatest at intermediate temperatures and K was lowest at lower temperatures. The Vmaxfor NH4+ was higher and the K, for NH4+was lower than those for NO3-- and NO2--. Codium was capable of simultaneously taking up all three forms of inorganic N although the presence of NH4+ reduced the uptake of both NO3-- and NO2--. The results of this study indicate that part of the ecological success of Codium in a N-limited environment may be due to its N uptake capabilities.  相似文献   
Laminaria saccharina Lamour. sporophytes were grown in enriched and synthetic media through a range of nitrate concentrations, There was an approximately linear relationship between growth and nutrient concentration up to 10 μ substrate concentration. The half-saturation constant (K2) was ca. 1.4 μ NO3-. The internal levels of NO3- increased at substrate concentrations above 10 μM b>3- and reached levels several thousand times higher than the surrounding medium. Thus there is evidence for luxury consumption of NOsb>3-. The chlorophyll content and photosynthetic capacities of plants also increased with increasing external NO3- The ecological implications of this work are considered.  相似文献   
Methodology is presented for the determination of growth yield (Y(g)) and maintenance coefficient (m) for carbon utilization of plant cells grown in suspension culture. Estimation of Y(g) and m requires measurements of specific growth rate (micro) and specific rate of substrate uptake (q) at different growth limiting substrate concentrations. Batch culture of tobacco cells did not permit evaluation of Y(g) and m because micro is constant and maximal during most of the growth cycle. In batch culture, the period of declining specific growth rate is extremely brief because of the rapid transition from logarithmic growth to stationary phase. This occurs because the K(m) for growth is relatively small compared to the initial sucrose concentration. Thus, when the substrate level reaches the K(m), the large mass of cells rapidly depletes the remaining substrate. In contrast, semicontinuous culture facilitates the determination of Y(g) and m because various steady-state growth rates can be achieved. Mathematical expressions were developed to determine the effective values of micro and q over the semicontinuous replacement interval. The validity of this approach was verified by conducting simulations using experimentally determined parameters.  相似文献   
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