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Future climate change is expected to increase temperature (T) and atmospheric vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in many regions, but the effect of persistent warming on plant stomatal behaviour is highly uncertain. We investigated the effect of experimental warming of 1.9–5.1 °C and increased VPD of 0.5–1.3 kPa on transpiration and stomatal conductance (gs) of tree seedlings in the temperate forest understory (Duke Forest, North Carolina, USA). We observed peaked responses of transpiration to VPD in all seedlings, and the optimum VPD for transpiration (Dopt) shifted proportionally with increasing chamber VPD. Warming increased mean water use of Carya by 140% and Quercus by 150%, but had no significant effect on water use of Acer. Increased water use of ring‐porous species was attributed to (1) higher air T and (2) stomatal acclimation to VPD resulting in higher gs and more sensitive stomata, and thereby less efficient water use. Stomatal acclimation maintained homeostasis of leaf T and carbon gain despite increased VPD, revealing that short‐term stomatal responses to VPD may not be representative of long‐term exposure. Acclimation responses differ from expectations of decreasing gs with increasing VPD and may necessitate revision of current models based on this assumption.  相似文献   
A benthological survey in a deep caldera, Lake Ikeda, southern Kyushu, Japan, in 1998 revealed that no zoobenthos were found in the deep profundal, although two tubificid oligochaetes, Tubifex tubifex and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, and a chironomid, Procladius sp., were distributed in the upper profundal zone. This is the first record of oligochaete composition in the lake. Lake Ikeda had been typically oligotrophic until the 1940s, and zoobenthic assemblages were recorded throughout the profundal bottom in the 1920s and 1970s. Recent disappearance of the deep profundal zoobenthos could be caused by the stagnation of anoxic waters in the hypolimnion, in connection with eutrophication triggered by nutrient loading, as well as change in the thermal circulation system presumably caused by global warming.  相似文献   
冬季升温对高山生态系统碳氮循环过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗宁  石培礼 《生态学报》2020,40(9):3131-3143
全球温度升高是目前面临的重要环境问题,但存在明显的季节差异性,即冬季升温幅度显著高于夏季的季节非对称性趋势,这在高纬度和高海拔地区更加显著。冬季升温会直接影响积雪覆盖与冰冻层厚度,并引起冻融交替循环的增加,而冬季植物处于休眠状态,这会直接影响土壤中有效氮的吸收与损失,引起土壤有效氮可利用性的变化。然而,关于冬季增温对后续生长季节植物活动、土壤碳氮循环过程的影响等方面的研究仍存在诸多不确定。综述了冬季升温对积雪覆盖与冻融交替循环改变对高山生态系统物质循环的影响,以及冬季升温对土壤碳氮循环、微生物与酶活性的影响,并由此引起的植物物候期、群落结构、生产与养分循环与凋落物分解等生理、生态过程方面的研究进展。在未来的研究中,应针对不同生态系统特点选择合适的冬季增温方式,加强非极地苔原地区关于冬季升温的研究,注重关注冬季升温对植物-土壤微生物之间反馈作用的影响,重点关注冬季升温对生态系统的延滞效应。  相似文献   
Warming during the 20th century has changed the arctic landscape, including aspects of the hydrology, vegetation, permafrost, and glaciers, but effects on wildlife have been difficult to detect. The primary aim of this study is to examine the physical and biological processes contributing to the expanded riparian habitat and range of snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) in northern Alaska. We explore linkages between components of the riparian ecosystem in Arctic Alaska since the 1960s, including seasonality of stream flow, air temperature, floodplain shrub habitat, and snowshoe hare distributions. Our analyses show that the peak discharge during spring snowmelt has occurred on average 3.4 days per decade earlier over the last 30 years and has contributed to a longer growing season in floodplain ecosystems. We use empirical correlations between cumulative summer warmth and riparian shrub height to reconstruct annual changes in shrub height from the 1960s to the present. The effects of longer and warmer growing seasons are estimated to have stimulated a 78% increase in the height of riparian shrubs. Earlier spring discharge and the estimated increase in riparian shrub height are consistent with observed riparian shrub expansion in the region. Our browsing measurements show that snowshoe hares require a mean riparian shrub height of at least 1.24–1.36 m, a threshold which our hindcasting indicates was met between 1964 and 1989. This generally coincides with observational evidence we present suggesting that snowshoe hares became established in 1977 or 1978. Warming and expanded shrub habitat is the most plausible reason for recent snowshoe hare establishment in Arctic Alaska. The establishment of snowshoe hares and other shrub herbivores in the Arctic in response to increasing shrub habitat is a contrasting terrestrial counterpart to the decline in marine mammals reliant on decreasing sea ice.  相似文献   
Many epidemics involve plants infected with more than one pathogen, but few experiments address climate change scenarios that influence mixed infections. This study addresses the interactive effects of co‐infection and temperature on disease development in plants of the annual pasture species subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum), which is widely sown in different world regions. Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) and the fungus Kabatiella caulivora are two important pathogens causing considerable production losses in pastures containing this species. Both occur together in such pastures causing a severe necrotic disease when mixed infection occurs. Effects of temperature on symptom expression were investigated in subterranean clover plants infected singly or in mixed infection with these pathogens. Plants were maintained in controlled environment rooms at 18°C, 20°C or 22.5°C after sap inoculation with BYMV. K. caulivora conidia suspensions were inoculated to plants once systemic BYMV symptoms developed. Plants were assessed for three disease assessment parameters, dead petioles numbers, marginal leaflet necrosis and overall plant damage. In general, mixed infection caused most severe symptoms, K. caulivora least severe symptoms, and BYMV symptoms of intermediate severity. In single infections, effects of temperature on disease severity differed between pathogens: BYMV symptoms were most pronounced at 18°C, but K. caulivora induced more severe symptoms at 20°C and 22.5°C. In mixed infections, disease severity generally followed the pattern developed with BYMV alone as temperature increased. Also, synergistic increase in disease severity sometimes occurred at 18°C, but increases were only additive at 20°C and 22.5°C. These results reflected the greater BYMV multiplication detected in infected leaves at 18°C compared with 20°C or 22.5°C. Our findings indicate that in rainfed subterranean clover pastures, as global warming progresses disease severity from infection with BYMV and K. caulivora alone may decline or increase, respectively, and mixed infection with them may become less damaging.  相似文献   
Successful species interactions require that both partners share a similar cue. For many species, spring warming acts as a shared signal to synchronize mutualist behaviors. Spring flowering plants and the ants that disperse their seeds respond to warming temperatures so that ants forage when plants drop seeds. However, where warm‐adapted ants replace cold‐adapted ants, changes in this timing might leave early seeds stranded without a disperser. We investigate plant seed dispersal south and north of a distinct boundary between warm‐ and cold‐adapted ants to determine if changes in the ant species influence local plant dispersal. The warm‐adapted ants forage much later than the cold‐adapted ants, and so we first assess natural populations of early and late blooming plants. We then transplant these plants south and north of the ant boundary to test whether distinct ant climate requirements disrupt the ant–plant mutualism. Whereas the early blooming plant's inability to synchronize with the warm‐adapted ant leaves its populations clumped and patchy and its seedlings clustered around the parents in natural populations, when transplanted into the range of the cold‐adapted ant, effective seed dispersal recovers. In contrast, the mutualism persists for the later blooming plant regardless of location because it sets seed later in spring when both warm‐ and cold‐adapted ant species forage, resulting in effective seed dispersal. These results indicate that the climate response of species interactions, not just the species themselves, is integral in understanding ecological responses to a changing climate. Data linking phenological synchrony and dispersal are rare, and these results suggest a viable mechanism by which a species' range is limited more by biotic than abiotic interactions – despite the general assumption that biotic influences are buried within larger climate drivers. These results show that biotic partner can be as fundamental a niche requirement as abiotic resources.  相似文献   
为了揭示我国最重要的人工林树种杉木对全球变暖和降水格局改变的地下响应及其适应性,在福建省三明市陈大国有林场开展杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)幼苗土壤增温和隔离降水双因子试验,包括对照(CK)、土壤增温5℃(W)、隔离降水50%(P)和土壤增温+隔离降水(WP)4个处理,用微根管法探讨试验1a期间土壤增温、隔离降水及其交互作用对杉木幼苗细根生产量(以细根出生数量表征)的影响。双因素方差分析发现,土壤增温和隔离降水对细根总出生数量没有影响,但两者的交互作用则极显著。与CK相比,W细根总出生数量显著增加,而WP处理细根总出生数量则显著低于W处理和P处理。土壤增温、隔离降水与季节的重复测量方差分析发现,土壤增温×季节、隔离降水×季节对细根出生数量均有显著影响;与CK相比,W处理春季细根出生数量显著增加,P处理秋季细根出生数量显著增加,而WP处理夏季和冬季细根出生数量显著下降。土壤增温、隔离降水与径级的三因素方差分析表明,土壤增温×隔离降水×径级存在显著影响;0—1 mm径级细根出生数量W处理显著高于CK,但WP处理则显著低于W处理和P处理。土壤增温、隔离降水与土层的3因素方差分析表明,土壤增温、隔离降水与土层之间不存在显著的交互作用;仅在20—40 cm土层发现P处理细根出生数量显著高于CK。研究结果表明,土壤增温和隔离降水对杉木幼苗细根生产的影响存在显著的交互作用,这种交互作用还因不同的季节和径级而异。  相似文献   
Predicting the biodiversity impacts of global warming implies that we know where and with what magnitude these impacts will be encountered. Amphibians are currently the most threatened vertebrates, mainly due to habitat loss and to emerging infectious diseases. Global warming may further exacerbate their decline in the near future, although the impact might vary geographically. We predicted that subtropical amphibians should be relatively susceptible to warming‐induced extinctions because their upper critical thermal limits (CTmax) might be only slightly higher than maximum pond temperatures (Tmax). We tested this prediction by measuring CTmax and Tmax for 47 larval amphibian species from two thermally distinct subtropical communities (the warm community of the Gran Chaco and the cool community of Atlantic Forest, northern Argentina), as well as from one European temperate community. Upper thermal tolerances of tadpoles were positively correlated (controlling for phylogeny) with maximum pond temperatures, although the slope was steeper in subtropical than in temperate species. CTmax values were lowest in temperate species and highest in the subtropical warm community, which paradoxically, had very low warming tolerance (CTmaxTmax) and therefore may be prone to future local extinction from acute thermal stress if rising pond Tmax soon exceeds their CTmax. Canopy‐protected subtropical cool species have larger warming tolerance and thus should be less impacted by peak temperatures. Temperate species are relatively secure to warming impacts, except for late breeders with low thermal tolerance, which may be exposed to physiological thermal stress in the coming years.  相似文献   
Zhu J.-T. 《植物生态学报》2016,(10):1028-1036
Aims: Climate warming strongly influences reproductive phenology of plants in alpine and arctic ecosystems. Here we focus on phenological shifts caused by warming in a typical alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Our objective was to explore phenological responses of alpine plant species to experimental warming. Methods: Passive warming was achieved using open-top chambers (OTCs). The treatments included control (C), and four levels of warming (T1, T2, T3, T4). We selected Kobresia pygmaea, Potentilla saundersiana, Potentilla cuneata, Stipa purpurea, Festuca coelestis and Youngia simulatrix as the focal species. Plant phenology was scored every 3-5 days in the growing season. The reproductive phenology phases of each species were estimated through fitting the phenological scores to the Richards function. Important findings: Under soil water stress caused by warming, most plants in the alpine meadow advanced or delayed their reproductive events. As a result, warming significantly delayed phenological development of K. pygmaea. Warming significantly advanced reproductive phenology of P. saundersiana, S. purpurea and F. coelestis, but not of P. cuneata and Y. simulatrix. In addition, warming significantly shortened the average flowering duration of alpine plant species. The potentially warmer and drier growing seasons under climate change may shift the reproductive phenology of the alpine systems in similar pattern.  相似文献   
施硅对增温稻田CH4和N2O排放的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘燕  娄运生  杨蕙琳  周东雪 《生态学报》2020,40(18):6621-6631
夜间增温幅度大于白天是气候变暖的显著特征。夜间增温影响水稻生产及CH4和N2O排放。硅是作物有益元素,施硅可提高产量,减少稻田CH4排放。增温或施硅单因子对稻田CH4和N2O排放影响已有报道,但二者耦合如何影响水稻生产及稻田CH4和N2O排放,尚不清楚。通过田间模拟试验,研究了夜间增温下施硅对水稻生长、产量及温室气体持续增温/冷却潜势和排放强度的影响。采用铝箔反光膜夜间(19:00-6:00)覆盖水稻冠层进行模拟夜间增温试验。增温设2水平,即常温对照(CK)和夜间增温(NW);施硅量设2水平,即Si0(不施硅)和Si1(钢渣硅肥,200 kgSiO2/ha)。结果表明,施硅可缓解夜间增温对水稻根系活力的抑制作用,降低夜间增温对水稻地上部、地下部干重和产量的抑制作用。夜间增温显著提高CH4累计排放量,而施硅显著降低CH4累计排放量。夜间增温下施硅处理稻田CH4累计排放量在分蘖期、拔节期、抽穗-扬花期和灌浆成熟期比未施硅处理分别低48.12%、49.16%、61.59%和39.13%。夜间增温或施硅均促进稻田N2O排放,夜间增温下施硅在上述生育期以及全生育期的累计排放量依次比对照高78.17%、51.45%、52.01%、26.14%和40.70%。研究认为,施硅可缓解夜间增温对稻田综合增温潜势和排放强度的促进作用。  相似文献   
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