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《Current biology : CB》2020,30(19):3889-3895.e2
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Adaptive radiations are major contributors to species diversity. Although the underlying mechanisms of adaptive radiations, specialization and trade‐offs, are relatively well understood, the tempo and repeatability of adaptive radiations remain elusive. Ecological specialization can occur through the expansion into novel niches or through partitioning of an existing niche. To test how the mode of resource specialization affects the tempo and repeatability of adaptive radiations, we selected replicate bacterial populations in environments that promoted the evolution of diversity either through niche expansion or through niche partitioning, and in a third low‐quality single‐resource environment, in which diversity was not expected to evolve. Colony size diversity evolved equally fast in environments that provided ecological opportunities regardless of the mode of resource specialization. In the low‐quality environments, diversity did not consistently evolve. We observed the largest fitness improvement in the low‐quality environment and the smallest the glucose‐limited environment. We did not observe a change in the rate of evolutionary change in either trait or environment, suggesting that the pool of beneficial mutations was not exhausted. Overall, the mode of resource specialization did not affect the tempo or repeatability of adaptive radiations. These results demonstrate the limitations of eco‐evolutionary feedbacks to affect evolutionary outcomes.  相似文献   
The Common Five-Lined Skink (Plestiodon fasciatus), Southeastern Five-Lined Skink (P. inexpectatus), and Broadheaded Skink (P. laticeps) are all found in forested ecosystems of the southeastern United States and occur in apparent sympatry. No aspect of their ecology has been quantitatively shown to be different. Differences in their natural history, such as northern extent of geographic range, observations of differences in habitat preference, and differing physiological responses to temperature, implicate the thermal environment as a potential niche dimension by which these organisms partition resources. Here we show that the northernmost extent of each species' range can be adequately discriminated by temperature extremes and that their preferred habitats differ in canopy cover, mean temperature, and daily maximum temperatures. These differences are supported by observations in the field. Based upon these findings and observations, we conclude that these species may be able to exist in such close proximity due to differences in their thermal niche, particularly the two like-sized species, P. fasciatus and P. inexpectatus. P. laticeps is a much larger lizard as an adult and functionally coexists with its congeners, potentially by partitioning resources along a different axis.  相似文献   
Increasing evidence has emerged for non-random spatial distributions of microbes, but knowledge of the processes that cause variation in microbial assemblage among ecosystems is lacking. For instance, some studies showed that deterministic processes such as habitat specialization are important, while other studies hold that bacterial communities are assembled by stochastic forces. Here we examine the relative influence of deterministic and stochastic processes for bacterial communities from subsurface environments, stream biofilm, lake water, lake sediment and soil using pyrosequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. We show that there is a general pattern in phylogenetic signal in species ecological niches across recent evolutionary time for all studied habitats, enabling us to infer the influences of community assembly processes from patterns of phylogenetic turnover in community composition. The phylogenetic dissimilarities among-habitat types were significantly higher than within them, and the communities were clustered according to their original habitat types. For communities within-habitat types, the highest phylogenetic turnover rate through space was observed in subsurface environments, followed by stream biofilm on mountainsides, whereas the sediment assemblages across regional scales showed the lowest turnover rate. Quantifying phylogenetic turnover as the deviation from a null expectation suggested that measured environmental variables imposed strong selection on bacterial communities for nearly all sample groups. For three sample groups, spatial distance reflected unmeasured environmental variables that impose selection, as opposed to spatial isolation. Such characterization of spatial and environmental variables proved essential for proper interpretation of partial Mantel results based on observed beta diversity metrics. In summary, our results clearly indicate a dominant role of deterministic processes on bacterial assemblages and highlight that bacteria show strong habitat associations that have likely emerged through evolutionary adaptation.  相似文献   
本文分析塔额盆地草原蝗虫的生态位,旨在为当地的蝗灾监控、治理及生态平衡保护提供理论依据。本研究对塔额盆地冲积平原、山前洪积倾斜平原、山地3种地形的草原蝗虫的空间生态位进行分析,统计得出了蝗虫优势度、群落组成差异、Levins生态位宽度和Shannon生态位宽度、Pianka生态位重叠等相关参数。结果表明:3种地形共采集蝗虫6科19种1 023头,不同地形优势种、常见种及稀有种均存在差异。山地与山前洪积倾斜平原、冲积平原的蝗虫群落组成差异较大。黑条小车蝗Oedaleus decorus decorus、蓝胫戟纹蝗Dociostaurus tartarus、意大利蝗Calliptamus italicus、红胫戟纹蝗Dociostaurus kraussi kraussi、伪星翅蝗Calliptamus coelesyriensis的生态位较宽且与其他蝗虫存在生态位重叠。塔额盆地草原蝗虫发生种类较多,绝大部分优势种蝗虫对空间资源的利用能力较强、竞争较激烈,对优势危害种加大监测力度,而针对山前洪积倾斜平原中的稀有种类,应加以保护以确保生物多样性。  相似文献   
不同时期北部湾日本带鱼营养生态位差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2008-2009年和2018年对北部湾 日本带鱼的采样,通过测定碳氮稳定同位素,计算其营养级、营养生态位等指标,对比分析10年前后日本带鱼营养生态位的差异,探究其生态适应能力的变动.结果表明:2个时期北部湾日本带鱼碳稳定同位素(δ13C)值差异明显,2018年δ13C值范围变窄,平均值变小,推测 日本带鱼食物来源...  相似文献   
Many animals are active only during a particular time (e.g., day vs. night), a partitioning that may have important consequences for species coexistence. An open question is the extent to which this diel activity niche is evolutionarily conserved or labile. Here, we analyze diel activity data across a phylogeny of 1914 tetrapod species. We find strong phylogenetic signal, showing that closely related species tend to share similar activity patterns. Ancestral reconstructions show that nocturnality was the most likely ancestral diel activity pattern for tetrapods and many major clades within it (e.g., amphibians, mammals). Remarkably, nocturnal activity appears to have been maintained continuously in some lineages for ~350 million years. Thus, we show that traits involved in local‐scale resource partitioning can be conserved over strikingly deep evolutionary time scales. We also demonstrate a potentially important (but often overlooked) metric of niche conservatism. Finally, we show that diurnal lineages appear to have faster speciation and diversification rates than nocturnal lineages, which may explain why there are presently more diurnal tetrapod species even though diurnality appears to have evolved more recently. Overall, our results may have implications for studies of community ecology, species richness, and the evolution of diet and communication systems.  相似文献   
黑葡萄穗霉能产生多种毒素, 严重影响人类健康和生活, 因而受到了科学界广泛关注。从中国东部地区不同生境中, 采集261份样品, 分离获得丝孢菌13属33种, 其中黑葡萄穗霉1142株, 对其菌株资源多样性和生态位进行研究, 目的是为我国防控黑葡萄穗霉病提供理论指导和资源支持。结果表明: 黑葡萄穗霉在纸片、墙壁、石棉板和石膏板中分布较广, 其优势度分别为91%、90%、91%和89%; 不同生境中其分布数量和丰富度各不相同, 物种丰富度最大的是土壤, 最小的为石膏板和空气; 生态位宽度为4.5138, 属于广生态位种; 不同生境中其群落相似性系数也各不相同, 石膏板和墙壁相似性系数最大为0.7964; 与G7黑乌刺霉菌生态位重叠指数最大为0.8989, 与其他种类生态位重叠指数较低。黑葡萄穗霉菌在我国东部地区广泛存在, 其生态分布、发生规律与生境中纤维素、钙质和湿度有密切关系。  相似文献   
In central Japan, Harmonia yedoensis is a specialist ladybird that is confined to pine tree habitats, whereas its sibling species Harmonia axyridis is a generalist that feeds on a wide range of aphid species in nature. Interestingly, H. axyridis is not distributed in the Ryukyu Archipelago, southern Japan. We hypothesized that the ecological niche of H. yedoensis should be wider in the Ryukyu Archipelago, where its competitor species in central Japan, H. axyridis, is absent. We undertook fieldwork and a survey of published works to examine habitat utilization by H. yedoensis in the Ryukyu Archipelago. We found that H. yedoensis adults in the Ryukyu Archipelago visited several kinds of deciduous trees, including wild tamarind, Chinese hibiscus, Taiwan cherry and Malayan banyan, as well as pine trees. These observations suggest that habitat generalization has occurred in H. yedoensis in the Ryukyu Archipelago, where it does not compete with H. axyridis.  相似文献   
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