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The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of mopane canopy cover on litter decomposition in a semi‐arid African savannah. We used a randomized block design with five blocks of 100 × 100 m demarcated in a 10‐ha pocket of open mopane woodland. Litterbags were placed beneath large (8.3 m crown diameter) and small mopane trees (2.7 m crown diameter) and in the intercanopy area. Decomposition was fastest in the intercanopy area exposed to solar radiation (k = 0.35 year?1), intermediate beneath small trees (k = 0.28 year?1) and slowest beneath large trees (k = 0.23 year?1). Soil temperatures beneath small and large trees were 3–5 and 6–9°C lower than in the intercanopy area, respectively. Bacterial and fungal counts were significantly higher (P < 0.05) beneath large than small trees and in the intercanopy area. The amount of N and P released did not vary significantly among sampling sites. Soil moisture in the dry season was similar among sampling sites but rainy‐season soil moisture was significantly greater (P < 0.05) beneath large than small trees and in the intecanopy area. Mopane canopy cover retarded litter decomposition suggesting that photodegradation could be an important factor controlling carbon turnover in semi‐arid African savannahs.  相似文献   
Aim Magpie‐robins and shamas are forest and woodland birds of south Asia. There are two genera: Trichixos for the monotypic T. pyrrhopygus, and Copsychus for other species. Two species are widespread, whereas the others are restricted to specific islands. Endemicity is highest in the Philippines. Using phylogenetic methods, we examined how this group came to its unusual distribution. Location Mainland Asia from India to southern China, and islands from Madagascar to the Philippines. Particular emphasis is placed on the Greater Sundas and Philippines. Methods The phylogeny was estimated from DNA sequences of 14 ingroup taxa representing all nine currently recognized Copsychus and Trichixos species. The entire mitochondrial ND2 gene and portions of nuclear myoglobin intron 2 (Myo2) and transforming growth factor beta 2 intron 5 (TGFβ2‐5) were sequenced for all but two species. The phylogeny was reconstructed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. The timing of divergence events was estimated using a relaxed molecular clock approach, and ancestral areas were examined using stochastic modelling. Results The group comprises three main clades corresponding to ecological types: Trichixos, a primary‐forest specialist; Copsychus magpie‐robins, open‐woodland and coastal species; and Copsychus shamas, thick‐forest species. Trichixos appears to be sister to the magpie‐robins, rendering Copsychus polyphyletic. The dating of phylogenetic nodes was too ambiguous to provide substantial insight into specific geographical events responsible for divergence within the group. Some patterns are nevertheless clear. Copsychus shamas reached the Philippines, probably in two separate invasions, and split into endemic species. Copsychus malabaricus and C. saularis expanded widely in the Greater Sundas and mainland Southeast Asia without species‐level diversification. Main conclusions Magpie‐robins are excellent dispersers and have diversified into distinct species only on isolated oceanic islands. Trichixos, a poor disperser, is restricted to mature forests of the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo. Copsychus shamas are intermediate in habitat preference and dispersal capabilities. Their endemism in the Philippines may be attributed to early colonization and specialization to interior forests. In the Greater Sundas, C. malabaricus and C. saularis populations split and came together on Borneo to form two separate subspecies (of each species), which now hybridize.  相似文献   
1. Aquatic macrophyte diversity and water quality of 55 ponds in western Japan were related to land use and morphometric variables to identify the environmental factors that sustain biodiversity and the spatial extent at which these factors operate. 2. The relevant spatial extent for floating‐leaved macrophyte richness (500 m from pond edge) was larger than that for submerged macrophyte occurrence (10, 75 and 100 m), whereas emergent macrophyte richness was best explained at much larger extents (1000 m). Total macrophyte richness was explained at the extent of 500, 750 and 1000 m. The extents relevant for explaining the physicochemical condition of pond water (100 and 250 m) were similar to those for submerged and floating‐leaved macrophytes, suggesting that these two growth forms are more sensitive to water quality compared to emergent macrophytes. 3. Diversity of all three growth forms and that of total macrophytes collectively were inversely related to turbidity and nutrient concentration; among the three growth forms, submerged macrophytes were most affected by water quality. 4. Negative relationships were found between the proportion of urban area and the diversity of the three growth forms and that of total macrophytes and water quality. Species richness of emergent, floating‐leaved and total macrophytes decreased with depth and increased with surface area up to about 5000 m2, above which it declined. 5. Urbanisation and enlargement of ponds were the two main factors that decreased aquatic macrophyte diversity in irrigation ponds. To alleviate the adverse effects of urban areas on aquatic macrophyte diversity, our results suggest that management efforts should focus on the creation of buffer zones within the relevant spatial extent from the pond edge.  相似文献   
Towards a biogeographic regionalization of the European biota   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim To determine if it is possible to generate analytically derived regionalizations for multiple groups of European plants and animals and to explore potential influences on the regions for each taxonomic group. Location Europe. Methods We subjected range maps of trees, butterflies, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals to k‐means clustering followed by v‐fold cross‐validation to determine the pattern and number of regions (clusters). We then used the mean range sizes of species in each group as a correlate of the number of regions obtained for each taxon, and climate and species richness gradients as correlates of the spatial arrangement of the group‐specific regions. We also included the pattern of tree clusters as a predictor of animal clusters in order to test the ‘habitat templet’ concept as an explanation of animal distribution patterns. Results Spatially coherent clusters were found for all groups. The number of regions ranged from three to eight and was strongly associated with the mean range sizes of the species in each taxon. The cluster patterns of all groups were associated with various combinations of climate, underlying species richness gradients and, in the case of animals, the arrangement of tree clusters, although the rankings of the correlates differed among groups. In four of five groups the tree pattern was the strongest single predictor of the animal cluster patterns. Main conclusions Despite a long history of human disturbance and habitat modification, the European biota retains a discernable biogeographic structure. The primary driver appears to be aspects of climate related to water–energy balance, which also influence richness gradients. For many animals, the underlying habitat structure, as measured by tree distributions, appears to have a strong influence on their biogeographic structure, highlighting the need to preserve natural forest formations if we want to preserve the historical signal found in geographic distributions.  相似文献   
The semiarid and arid zones cover a quarter of the global land area and support one‐fifth of the world's human population. A significant fraction of the global soil–atmosphere exchange for climatically active gases occurs in semiarid and arid zones yet little is known about these exchanges. A study was made of the soil–atmosphere exchange of CH4, CO, N2O and NOx in the semiarid Mallee system, in north‐western Victoria, Australia, at two sites: one pristine mallee and the other cleared for approximately 65 years for farming (currently wheat). The mean (± standard error) rates of CH4 exchange were uptakes of ?3.0 ± 0.5 ng(C) m?2 s?1 for the Mallee and ?6.0 ± 0.3 ng(C) m?2 s?1 for the Wheat. Converting mallee forest to wheat crop increases CH4 uptake significantly. CH4 emissions were observed in the Mallee in summer and were hypothesized to arise from termite activity. We find no evidence that in situ growing wheat plants emit CH4, contrary to a recent report. The average CO emissions of 10.1 ± 1.8 ng(C) m?2 s?1 in the Mallee and 12.6 ± 2.0 ng(C) m?2 s?1 in the Wheat. The average N2O emissions were 0.5 ± 0.1 ng(N) m?2 s?1 from the pristine Mallee and 1.4 ± 0.3 ng(N) m?2 s?1 from the Wheat. The experimental results show that the processes controlling these exchanges are different to those in temperate systems and are poorly understood.  相似文献   
Aims: In this study, we used two molecular fingerprinting methods to investigate the genetic and clonal relationship shared by Australian Salmonella Sofia isolates. Methods and Results: A total of 84 Australian Salm. Sofia isolates from various states in Australia were typed using pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) (XbaI and SpeI) and repetitive element PCR (REP1R‐I primer). The previous problem of DNA degradation of Salm. Sofia strains was solved by modifying the lysis solution used to treat the bacterial plugs, allowing Salm. Sofia to be subtyped using PFGE. Molecular typing of isolates resulted in the generation of eight XbaI, six SpeI and five REP1 pattern profiles. Individual typing methods showed low discrimination index values (<0·5), indicating the poor discriminatory ability of the methods. However, the combination of the typing methods was able to improve the discrimination of isolates, further dividing them into 16 subtypes and raising the index value to 0·721. Conclusions: The combination of typing methods was shown to be the best approach to fingerprint Salm. Sofia. The Australian Salm. Sofia isolates only showed limited genetic diversity and probably share a clonal relationship. A majority of the Salm. Sofia isolates were not geographically restricted with the predominant pattern subtype observed amongst the isolates from various states. Significance and Impact of the Study: We have successfully devised a PFGE protocol that counteracts DNase activity of Salm. Sofia, enabling typing of this serovar.  相似文献   
Differentiation of mate recognition systems is one of the important steps for speciation in animals. For some insects, a contact sex pheromone present on the cuticular surface is indispensable in discriminating reproductive partners. In Callosobruchus species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), contact sex pheromones have been found in two species, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) and Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius). It was suggested, however, that these two species lacked the ability to discriminate their conspecific and/or heterosexual partners. To elucidate this inconsistency, we verified the existence of contact sex pheromones from two other species, Callosobruchus rhodesianus (Pic) and Callosobruchus analis (Fabricius). As a result, unlike C. chinensis and C. maculatus, the males of C. rhodesianus and C. analis were able to discriminate their heterosexual partners. Comparing cross‐copulation behavior, i.e., copulation behavior between two species, against these four species indicated that the mate recognition specificities were quite different. Males of C. rhodesianus and C. analis had highly species‐specific mating behavior, whereas males of C. chinensis and C. maculatus were much less specific. These results indicate that variation in mate recognition can arise even among congeneric species living in a sympatric environment, and this variation might have arisen during species differentiation. Based on our results in combination with previous reports on interspecific competition, we suggest that the observed asymmetric cross‐copulation behavior might be, at least partially, an adaptation for surviving interspecific competition.  相似文献   
L‐forms of the halo blight pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae phaseolicola, were maintained in a medium which suppressed cell wall synthesis. These L‐forms, unlike revertants (walled forms derived from unstable L‐forms) and cell walled (parent) organisms, did not elicit a hypersensitive response in tobacco leaves. Association of L‐forms with Phaseolus vulgaris was established by seed imbibition in L‐form suspensions compared with appropriate control treatments (5% mannitol or heat‐killed cells). Seedling emergence and plant growth was not affected by L‐form imbibition. The association was detected by agglutination assays using polyclonal antibody. The L‐form association was localized to the lower shoot tissue and was progressively lost with age of plants. Plants with associated L‐forms had vigour and shoot weights equivalent to controls and showed no disease symptoms. The cell walled form could not be isolated from plants showing positive agglutination. On challenge with the pathogen, plants associated with L‐forms showed significantly less disease symptoms than controls. Stem extracts, from associated plants, were inhibitory to in vitro cultures of both L‐forms and parent forms of Ps. syr. phaseolicola. These results indicate that L‐form associations confer induced systemic resistance to bean plants and might be developed as novel biocontrol systems.  相似文献   
Abstract. Sirén (1955) studied understorey species composition, tree stand properties and humus‐layer thickness in 64 unlogged forest stands on topographically and pedologically comparable sites. The stands were of even age (6 – 300 yr), stocked with the first or second tree generation after wildfire. The view of Sirén and several authors after him, that the vegetation of old‐growth boreal Picea forests is homogeneous on a broad scale, was examined by applying, in parallel, the partial variants of two ordination methods (DCA and PCA) to Sirén's vegetation data. Two main vegetation gradients were found: a major gradient running from recently burnt plots with prominence of pioneer species to plots with stand age > 100 yr, a well stocked tree layer and a thick humus layer, dominance of feather‐mosses and ample occurrence of shade‐tolerant as well as light‐preferring vascular plant species, and a second gradient along which first‐ and second‐generation plots segregate. The more prominent element of Betula trees in first‐ than in second‐generation stands < 100 yr contributed to the latter. A minor third gradient related to humus‐layer thickness was recovered by partial DCA only. The main vegetation gradient reappeared in separate ordinations of data from 47 mature forest stands (> 100 yr), but without being correlated with forest age. Variation among mature‐forest stands in the importance of pioneer species is considered mainly to be brought about by fine‐scale disturbance processes such as tree uprooting. Increasing importance of factors operating on within‐stand scales [development of a varied gap structure and stronger gradients in tree influence (radiation at ground level), soil moisture, soil depth and nutrient availability] with time is also reflected in the second and third mature‐forest ordination axes. Possible implications of the results for conservation of biological diversity and monitoring of changes in boreal forests are discussed.  相似文献   
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