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Climate change is affecting the distribution of species and subsequent biotic interactions, including hybridization potential. The imperiled Golden-winged Warbler (GWWA) competes and hybridizes with the Blue-winged Warbler (BWWA), which may threaten the persistence of GWWA due to introgression. We examined how climate change is likely to alter the breeding distributions and potential for hybridization between GWWA and BWWA.


North America.


We used GWWA and BWWA occurrence data to model climatically suitable conditions under historical and future climate scenarios. Models were parameterized with 13 bioclimatic variables and 3 topographic variables. Using ensemble modeling, we estimated historical and modern distributions, as well as a projected distribution under six future climate scenarios. We quantified breeding distribution area, the position of and amount of overlap between GWWA and BWWA distributions under each climate scenario. We summarized the top explanatory variables in our model to predict environmental parameters of the distributions under future climate scenarios relative to historical climate.


GWWA and BWWA distributions are projected to substantially change under future climate scenarios. GWWA are projected to undergo the greatest change; the area of climatically suitable breeding season conditions is expected to shift north to northwest; and range contraction is predicted in five out of six future climate scenarios. Climatically suitable conditions for BWWA decreased in four of the six future climate scenarios, while the distribution is projected to shift east. A reduction in overlapping distributions for GWWA and BWWA is projected under all six future climate scenarios.

Main Conclusions

Climate change is expected to substantially alter the area of climatically suitable conditions for GWWA and BWWA, with the southern portion of the current breeding ranges likely to become climatically unsuitable. However, interactions between BWWA and GWWA are expected to decline with the decrease in overlapping habitat, which may reduce the risk of genetic introgression.  相似文献   


Understanding cetacean species' distributions and population structure over space and time is necessary for effective conservation and management. Geographic differences in acoustic signals may provide a line of evidence for population-level discrimination in some cetacean species. We use acoustic recordings collected over broad spatial and temporal scales to investigate whether global variability in echolocation click peak frequency could elucidate population structure in Blainville's beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris), a cryptic species well-studied acoustically.


North Pacific, Western North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.

Time period


Major taxa studied

Blainville's beaked whale.


Passive acoustic data were collected at 76 sites and 150 cumulative years of data were analysed to extract beaked whale echolocation clicks. Using an automated detector and subsequent weighted network clustering on spectral content and interclick interval of clicks, we determined the properties of a primary cluster of clicks with similar characteristics per site. These were compared within regions and across ocean basins and evaluated for suitability as population-level indicators.


Spectral averages obtained from primary clusters of echolocation clicks identified at each site were similar in overall shape but varied in peak frequency by up to 8 kHz. We identified a latitudinal cline, with higher peak frequencies occurring in lower latitudes.

Main conclusions

It may be possible to acoustically delineate populations of Blainville's beaked whales. The documented negative correlation between signal peak frequency and latitude could relate to body size. Body size has been shown to influence signal frequency, with lower frequencies produced by larger animals, which are subsequently more common in higher latitudes for some species, although data are lacking to adequately investigate this for beaked whales. Prey size and depth may shape frequency content of echolocation signals, and larger prey items may occur in higher latitudes, resulting in lower signal frequencies of their predators.  相似文献   
我国大麦和性花叶病毒(BaMMV)研究初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据F(ab′)2-ELISA和ISEM实验,结合病毒粒子长度测定,报道了江苏省如东县农科所大麦黄花病毒源(吕种盐辐矮早3)中除存在大麦花花叶病毒(BaYMV)外,还复合感染大麦和性花叶病毒(BaMMV),这是我国BaMMV的第一次报道。  相似文献   
第十一届国际植物园协会(IABG)大会于1993年9月7日在中国无锡开幕,经苏州、杭州,于9月12日在上海闭幕。9月6日部分与会代表参加了在南京举行的“中国南京国际植物园俱乐部”奠基仪式及江苏省重点实验室南京中山植物园“植物迁地保存实验室”扩建部分开放使用等一系列庆祝活动。参加大会的有来自23个国家和地区的199名代表。大会收到论文74篇,其中板报42篇,大会报告13篇。本次会议的主要议题为“植物园与国家发展”。经过大会报告和交流,明确了世界植物园在继续发挥其保护物种和保护环境的功能之外,必须进一步密切植物园与国家发展的关系。全面发展植物园的十项功能,不仅可以增加植物园对社会的贡献,也有利于提高植物园自身的活力和生存能力。大会选出了以主席岩(木规)邦男,副主席李蔼娃、贺善安、安德列也夫,秘书长艾斯特万为领导核心的新一届理事会。世界植物园两大组织国际植物园协会(IABG)和国际植物园保护组织(BGCI)在无锡签署的合作备忘录标志着国际植物园运动进入了一个新的历史时期。理事会的第一次会议于9月11日在由杭州开往上海的火车上举行。讨论了整顿组织、会员登记、出版IABG通讯及与BGCI合作开展活动等问题。会议确认1994年将在印尼召开IABG-AD第二次会议。第十二届IABG大会将于1  相似文献   
在赣榆县厉庄以大金鸡菊、紫穗槐和红柳三种经济植物进行了地埂利用型式试验,取得了比较明显的水土保持效果和改善农田小环境的生态效益。栽植后第三年植物覆盖率达90%或100%;地面蒸发量减少15.2~17.7%;截留降水量为0.5~0.7mm;大气相对湿度提高3.7~5.4%;土壤养分也有不同程度的增加。经济效益估测每亩地埂可收到300~600元,比种黄豆高5~9倍。效益最好的是红柳,大金鸡菊次之,紫穗槐较低。  相似文献   
中国淫羊藿属药用植物一新种   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
记载了产于我国贵州的淫羊藿属(小檗科)药用植物一新种:黔北淫羊藿。  相似文献   
以雌激素含量明确的避孕药物作诱导剂观察了其对离乳Wistsar大鼠性成熟的影响,结果显示在给予避孕药后体重、乳腺、阴门、阴道上皮细胞、卵巢、子宫均发生类似人体假性性早熟变化,而肾上腺、脑垂体、甲状腺等与对照组比较均未见明显差异。  相似文献   


Despite the complexity of population dynamics, most studies concerning current changes in bird populations reduce the trajectory of population change to a linear trend. This may hide more complex patterns reflecting responses of bird populations to changing anthropogenic pressures. Here, we address this complexity by means of multivariate analysis and attribute different components of bird population dynamics to different potential drivers.


Czech Republic.


We used data on population trajectories (1982–2019) of 111 common breeding bird species, decomposed them into independent components by means of the principal component analysis (PCA), and related these components to multiple potential drivers comprising climate, land use change and species' life histories.


The first two ordination axes explained substantial proportion of variability of population dynamics (42.0 and 12.5% of variation in PC1 and PC2 respectively). The first axis captured linear population trend. Species with increasing populations were characterized mostly by long lifespan and warmer climatic niches. The effect of habitat was less pronounced but still significant, with negative trends being typical for farmland birds, while positive trends characterized birds of deciduous forests. The second axis captured the contrast between hump-shaped and U-shaped population trajectories and was even more strongly associated with species traits. Species migrating longer distances and species with narrower temperature niches revealed hump-shaped population trends, so that their populations mostly increased before 2000 and then declined. These patterns are supported by the trends of total abundances of respective ecological groups.

Main Conclusion

Although habitat transformation apparently drives population trajectories in some species groups, climate change and associated species traits represent crucial drivers of complex population dynamics of central European birds. Decomposing population dynamics into separate components brings unique insights into non-trivial patterns of population change and their drivers, and may potentially indicate changes in the regime of anthropogenic effects on biodiversity.  相似文献   


Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum is an invasive shrub of growing concern in continental Europe, but little is known about its impact on native plant communities. Here we ask: do environmental conditions differ between forest stands invaded by it and uninvaded stands? Do these differences correlate with R. ponticum's cover? Are these differences associated with differences in taxonomic and functional diversity of vascular plant species of the herb layer? Can these vegetation changes be explained by the sorting of certain life-history traits by R. ponticum-induced environmental changes?


Several forests invaded by R. ponticum in the French Atlantic domain.


We recorded vegetation composition and a number of environmental variables in 400-m2 plots that were established in 64 paired forest stands (32 invaded vs 32 uninvaded). We compiled traits from existing databases. We computed several metrics of taxonomic and functional diversity. We compared environmental variables and diversity metrics between invaded and uninvaded stands. We used correlation and regression analyses to relate them with R. ponticum's cover. We ran RLQ and fourth-corner analyses to explore the relationships between R. ponticum invasion, environmental variables, species traits, and vegetation composition.


Independent of its abundance, R. ponticum invasion was associated with lower light arrival at the forest floor and increased litter thickness. Concomitantly, species richness and diversity and trait diversity were reduced. The major driver of species assemblages was soil pH, which strongly interacted with the invasion gradient. R. ponticum did not sort species according to traits associated with shade tolerance and thick-litter tolerance. However, tree and shrub saplings were more abundant in invaded than uninvaded stands, at the expense of graminoid and fern species.


As R. ponticum becomes the dominant shrub, it exerts new selection forces on life-history traits of extant species, mostly via reduced light availability, increased litter thickness, and physical competition, thereby reducing taxonomic and functional diversity of the herb layer, without impeding tree and shrub self-regeneration, at least in the short term.  相似文献   
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