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本研究评估了西藏唐古拉山以北地区(唐北地区)湖泊动态并预测了湖泊空间格局变化.使用面向对象分类和光谱角向量变化检测方法生成了2000-2015年西藏唐北地区每5年一期的生态系统分布数据.以此为基础,分析了湖泊与其他生态系统之间的转换和空间格局特征,评估了湖泊空间格局的动态及其与相关自然地理因素的关系.通过增强回归树识别了不同因素对湖泊动态的贡献,使用GEOMOD模型预测了湖泊到2030年的空间变化.结果表明:唐北地区在2000-2015年间湖泊增加了14.2%,是唐北地区生态系统变化的主要形式之一.区域内15个面积大于10 km2的湖泊有10个增加,另有5个减少,且缩减量较低.通过空间格局分析发现,唐北地区湖泊斑块表现为面积和数量同时增加,大斑块面积比重略有上升.扩张幅度高的湖泊多分布于海拔高、坡度大、温度低、降水少、距离冰川近的区域.位于现有湖泊周边、温度低、降水少、坡度小的区域转变为湖泊的几率较高.根据过去15年的趋势,到2030年,唐北地区湖泊将继续增加119 km2,主要变化形式从大湖扩张转变为小型水面扩张.  相似文献   
微生物多样性在评估水体生态环境方面发挥着重要作用。本研究以青藏高原纳木措湖为研究对象, 开展水体可培养丝状真菌多样性及影响因子研究。通过膜过滤平置培养法、经典分类法和rRNA转录间隔区(ITS)序列分析对纳木措湖20个采样点的丝状真菌进行分离、纯化及鉴定, 测定水体理化指标, 综合分析丝状真菌空间分布格局与理化因子的相关性。菌种鉴定结果显示, 从纳木措水体样品中共分离纯化出1,412株丝状真菌, 隶属22属47种, 其中链格孢属(Alternaria)、青霉属(Penicillium)和毛霉属(Mucor)为优势属, 链格孢(Alternaria chlamydosporigena)和冻土毛霉(Mucor hiemalis)为优势种; Pearson相关性分析显示, 丝状真菌总丰度与温度、铵态氮、全磷呈显著正相关; 冗余分析显示, 铵态氮、温度、全磷、全氮、盐度及电导率是影响纳木措湖丝状真菌群落组成与分布的主要理化因子。综上所述, 纳木措水体可培养丝状真菌具有较高的物种多样性和空间异质性, 而且水体环境因子影响其分布。  相似文献   
Foodchain relationships in water within a helophytic vegetation stand were experimentally investigated using the radioactive isotope 33P as a tracer. The results proved the importance of cladoceran zooplankton (mainly Bosmina longispina LEYDIG) in the control of phytoplankton and the importance of young fish in the control of Bosmina abundance in the littoral water.  相似文献   
记述中国1新纪录种,安氏胫管蓟马Terthrothrips anantha krishnani Kud?,1978。详细描述了安氏胫管蓟马Terthrothrips ananthakrishnani Kud?,1978的形态特征,提供了胫管蓟马属中国已知种的检索表。研究标本保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   
本文结合形态学特征和线粒体COI基因分子数据,记述了采集于我国山东省的冠蜂科一新记录种:环足施氏冠蜂Schlettererius cinctipes (Cresson, 1880),详细描述了该种的形态特征,并提供鉴定特征图以及COI序列。通过与来自于北美、日本和澳洲的环足施氏冠蜂的COI序列对比,相似度达到99.79%。虽然环足施氏冠蜂在我国的寄主未能明确,但由于该蜂从松幽天牛Asemum amurense Kraatz, 1879为害的松木中羽化出来,能为其寄主的确定提供参考。研究标本分别保存在华南农业大学膜翅目标本室(SCAU)和山东省林业科学研究院林业有害生物标本室。  相似文献   
High-latitude environments, such as the Antarctic McMurdo Dry Valley lakes, are subject to seasonally segregated light–dark cycles, which have important consequences for microbial diversity and function on an annual basis. Owing largely to the logistical difficulties of sampling polar environments during the darkness of winter, little is known about planktonic microbial community responses to the cessation of photosynthetic primary production during the austral sunset, which lingers from approximately February to April. Here, we hypothesized that changes in bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic community structure, particularly shifts in favor of chemolithotrophs and mixotrophs, would manifest during the transition to polar night. Our work represents the first concurrent molecular characterization, using 454 pyrosequencing of hypervariable regions of the small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene, of bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic communities in permanently ice-covered lakes Fryxell and Bonney, before and during the polar night transition. We found vertically stratified populations that varied at the community and/or operational taxonomic unit-level between lakes and seasons. Network analysis based on operational taxonomic unit level interactions revealed nonrandomly structured microbial communities organized into modules (groups of taxa) containing key metabolic potential capacities, including photoheterotrophy, mixotrophy and chemolithotrophy, which are likely to be differentially favored during the transition to polar night.  相似文献   
1. The main focus of this study was to investigate the effects of single and multiple moderate doses of lime (slaked lime, Ca(OH)2, and/or calcite, CaCO3) on eutrophic hardwater lakes. This information would contribute to strategies to manage phytoplankton and macrophyte biomass in eutrophic lakes.
2. Water chemistry and biota were monitored for up to 7 years after initial lime treatment and results were compared with reference systems.
3. Complementary studies investigated the effect of lime on macrophytes in ponds, irrigation canals and microcosm experiments.
4. When water pH was kept within its natural range (≤ 10), single and multiple lime applications to lakes and ponds controlled macrophyte biomass, without negatively affecting invertebrate communities.
5. Single lime treatments at moderate dosages of lakes and ponds resulted in variable and mostly temporary changes in chlorophyll a (chl a ) and phosphorus (P) concentration. Although sediment P release was reduced in single-dose lakes during the first winter following treatment, reductions appeared temporary.
6. Multiple treatments of lakes and ponds were effective at reducing both chl a and P concentrations over longer periods. Mean winter P release rate was also reduced after initial treatment.
7. In laboratory studies, sediment cores were incubated with eight different treatments to assess P release. Redox-sensitive treatments were no more effective at lowering total P concentration in overlying water than some redox-insensitive treatments. Lime reduced total P concentrations, but was not as effective as treatments with alum.
8. The use of lime in managing macrophyte and phytoplankton biomass in shallow, hardwater lakes and ponds may be preferable over other treatments, because lime is economical and non-toxic as long as pH is kept within a natural range.  相似文献   
Permafrost‐affected soils of the northern circumpolar region represent 50% of the terrestrial soil organic carbon (SOC) reservoir and are most strongly affected by climatic change. There is growing concern that this vast SOC pool could transition from a net C sink to a source. But so far little is known on how the organic matter (OM) in permafrost soils will respond in a warming future, which is governed by OM composition and possible stabilization mechanisms. To investigate if and how SOC in the active layer and adjacent permafrost is protected against degradation, we employed density fractionation to separate differently stabilized SOM fractions. We studied the quantity and quality of OM in different compartments using elemental analysis, 13C solid‐phase nuclear magnetic resonance (13C‐NMR) spectroscopy, and 14C analyses. The soil samples were derived from 16 cores from drained thaw lake basins, ranging from 0 to 5500 years of age, representing a unique series of developing Arctic soils over time. The normalized SOC stocks ranged between 35.5 and 86.2 kg SOC m?3, with the major amount of SOC located in the active layers. The SOC stock is dominated by large amounts of particulate organic matter (POM), whereas mineral‐associated OM especially in older soils is of minor importance on a mass basis. We show that tremendous amounts of over 25 kg OC per square meter are stored as presumably easily degradable OM rich in carbohydrates. Only about 10 kg OC per square meter is present as presumably more stable, mineral‐associated OC. Significant amounts of the easily degradable, carbohydrate‐rich OM are preserved in the yet permanently frozen soil below the permafrost table. Forced by global warming, this vast labile OM pool could soon become available for microbial degradation due to the continuous deepening of the annually thawing active layer.  相似文献   
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