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Lake Bukoni is one of the crater lakes in western Uganda. Investigations into this lake is limited compared to other African lakes. Data on phytoplankton ecology in the lake are lacking. Phytoplankton consists of a community of photosynthetic, microscopic plants adapted to suspension in water. They constitute ‘hidden flora’ which make an important contribution to the primary productivity of a water mass. Some phytoplankton taxa, among them species belonging to Cyanophyta, are known to influence ecological transformations and to cause health hazards in water bodies that are used by humans. From July 2004 to December 2005, phytoplankton was collected from two sites (inshore and offshore) in Lake Bukoni. An inverted microscope, Sedgwick counting chamber and multiple tally denominator were used to quantify the phytoplankton. Phytoplankton was dominated by nonheterocystous cyanoprokaryotes especially Lyllgbya limnetica followed by the diatoms Synedra ulna and Fragillaria mutabilis. The inshore site had more phytoplankton species. Differences in phytoplankton diversity and density were mainly attributed to mixing and presence of macrophytes. The occurrence of large numbers of cyanoprokaryotes poses a potential health hazard to the local people who utilize the water from Lake Bukoni. The dominance of cyanoprokaryotes might result in ecological transformations like loss of biodiversity.  相似文献   
1. In view of the paucity of data on the response of warm shallow lakes to reductions in nutrient loading, this paper presents a long‐term limnological data set to document changes in the food‐web of a shallow Mediterranean lake (Lake Albufera, Valencia, Spain) that has experienced reductions in phosphorus (P) (77%) and nitrogen (N) (24%) loading following sewage diversion. 2. Nine years after sewage diversion, P concentration in the lake was reduced by 30% but remained high (TP = 0.34 mg L?1), although the mean water retention time in the lake was only 0.1 years. Nitrate concentrations did not significantly change, probably because the lake continued to receive untreated effluents from ricefields. 3. Chlorophyll a concentration was reduced by half (annual mean of 180 μg L?1). Cyanobacteria abundance remained high but its composition changed towards smaller species, both filamentous and chroococcal forms. 4. Cladocera abundance increased and reached peaks twice a year (December to March and July to September). After nutrient reduction, short‐term clear‐water phases (up to 5 weeks) occurred during February to March in several years, concomitant with annual flushing of the lake and lower fish densities. The abundance of Cladocera in winter contrasted with the spring peaks observed in northern restored shallow lakes. The zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratio remained lower than in northern temperate shallow lakes, probably because of fish predation on zooplankton. 5. Improvement of the water quality of Lake Albufera remained insufficient to counteract littoral reed regression or improve underwater light allowing submerged plants re‐colonise the lake. 6. Sewage diversion from Lake Albufera impacted the food web through the plankton, but higher trophic levels, such as fish and waterfowl, were affected to a lesser degree. Although the fish species present in the lake are mainly omnivorous, long‐term data on commercial fish captures indicated that fish communities changed in response to nutrient level and trophic structure as has been observed in restored shallow lakes at northern latitudes. 7. Phosphorus concentrations produced similar phytoplankton biomass in Lake Albufera as in more northern shallow lakes with abundant planktivorous fish and small zooplankton. However, in Lake Albufera, high average concentrations were maintained throughout the year. Overall, results suggest that nutrient control may be a greater priority in eutrophicated warm shallow lakes than in similar lakes at higher latitudes.  相似文献   
正2013年11月12日,在青海省海西州可鲁克湖-托素湖自然保护区可鲁克湖西南岸入水口区域(37°15'07″N,96°51'06″E,海拔2 803 m)监测到小群大型涉禽。根据保护区工作人员监测记录,11月12日有7只停留于此,其与斑头雁(Anser indicus)、赤麻鸭(Tadorna ferruginea)相伴。11月16日记录到3只,并捡到1只缺少头颈的死亡个体(标本现存于青海省林业厅),11月19日1只迁飞,后2只于11月27日飞离,共停留16 d。现场拍摄到的影像  相似文献   
Conservation of species should be based on knowledge of effective population sizes and understanding of how breeding tactics and selection of recruitment habitats lead to genetic structuring. In the stream‐spawning and genetically diverse brown trout, spawning and rearing areas may be restricted source habitats. Spatio–temporal genetic variability patterns were studied in brown trout occupying three lakes characterized by restricted stream habitat but high recruitment levels. This suggested non‐typical lake‐spawning, potentially representing additional spatio–temporal genetic variation in continuous habitats. Three years of sampling documented presence of young‐of‐the‐year cohorts in littoral lake areas with groundwater inflow, confirming lake‐spawning trout in all three lakes. Nine microsatellite markers assayed across 901 young‐of‐the‐year individuals indicated overall substantial genetic differentiation in space and time. Nested gene diversity analyses revealed highly significant (≤P = 0.002) differentiation on all hierarchical levels, represented by regional lakes (FLT = 0.281), stream vs. lake habitat within regional lakes (FHL = 0.045), sample site within habitats (FSH = 0.010), and cohorts within sample sites (FCS = 0.016). Genetic structuring was, however, different among lakes. It was more pronounced in a natural lake, which exhibited temporally stable structuring both between two lake‐spawning populations and between lake‐ and stream spawners. Hence, it is demonstrated that lake‐spawning brown trout form genetically distinct populations and may significantly contribute to genetic diversity. In another lake, differentiation was substantial between stream‐ and lake‐spawning populations but not within habitat. In the third lake, there was less apparent spatial or temporal genetic structuring. Calculation of effective population sizes suggested small spawning populations in general, both within streams and lakes, and indicates that the presence of lake‐spawning populations tended to reduce genetic drift in the total (meta‐) population of the lake.  相似文献   
1. In situ measurements of nitrogen fixation rates for Aphanizomenon in fertile Colorado lakes with low inorganic nitrogen concentrations demonstrated high efficiency of nitrogen fixation at low irradiance. 2. For study populations, rates of N2 fixation in darkness and with alternating exposure to light and darkness were a higher percentage of light‐saturated rates for Aphanizomenon than for Anabaena, suggesting storage of reduced metabolites at high irradiance that are used subsequently by Aphanizomenon when cells are forced by mixing into zones of low irradiance. Also, saturation of N2 fixation occurred over a lower range of irradiance for Aphanizomenon than for Anabaena. 3. High efficiency of N2 fixation in Aphanizomenon at low or fluctuating irradiance is complementary to its previously demonstrated high efficiency of photosynthesis at low irradiance. Nitrogen fixation rate was also strongly related to DIN concentration; fixation was highest at low DIN (maximum < 5 μg L?1) but was also most vulnerable to photoinhibition under such conditions. 4. The fixation capabilities of Aphanizomenon under weak or varying irradiance could explain its commonly observed domination over Anabaena when transparency is low and available nitrogen is scarce.  相似文献   
We used simple statistics (e.g. mean temperature, degree days, cumulative volume days) to describe present thermal habitats for cool water (yellow perch, Perca flavescens) and cold water (lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush) fish of a small boreal lake. We then modelled changes in the vertical and temporal extent of these habitats under various scenarios of climatic change that included increases in air temperature of 2°C, 4°C, and 9°C, and positive and negative deviations from present levels of 10% in solar radiation and relative humidity, and 20% in wind speed and the lake water extinction coefficient. Model simulations indicated pronounced changes in the temporal and vertical availability of fish thermal niche space. These changes were mainly driven by the large increases in mean mixed layer temperatures that corresponded to 85% of the increases in air temperature, but, in particular, changes in light attenuation also resulted in some non-linear, unexpected effects in the distribution and seasonal availability of thermal niche space. As expected, classical lake trout thermal habitat (5–15°C) was progressively reduced and almost disappeared in littoral areas in spring and early summer. Perch thermal niche space expanded for air temperature increases of up to 4°C, but largely disappeared for the 9°C increase. We discuss changes in thermal habitat with regard to the life history of lake trout and yellow perch, and include other determinants of fish habitat to evaluate the potential of these species for long-term ecological success under climatic warming.  相似文献   
1. The in situ abundance, biomass and mean cell volume of Actinophrys sol (Sarcodina: Heliozoa), the top predator in an extremely acidic German mining lake (Lake 111; pH 2.65), were determined over three consecutive years (spring to autumn, 2001–03). 2. Actinophrys sol exhibited pronounced temporal and vertical patterns in abundance, biomass and mean cell volume. Increasing from very low spring densities, maxima in abundance and biomass were observed in late June/early July and September. The highest mean abundance recorded during the study was 7 × 103 Heliozoa L?1. Heliozoan abundance and biomass were higher in the epilimnion than in the hypolimnion. Actinophrys sol cells from this acidic lake were smaller than individuals of the same species found in other aquatic systems. 3. We determined the growth rate of A. sol using all potential prey items available in, and isolated and cultured from, Lake 111. Prey items included: single‐celled and filamentous bacteria of unknown taxonomic affinity, the mixotrophic flagellates Chlamydomonas acidophila and Ochromonas sp., the ciliate Oxytricha sp. and the rotifers Elosa worallii and Cephalodella hoodi. Actinophrys sol fed over a wide‐size spectrum from bacteria to metazoans. Positive growth was not supported by all naturally available prey. Actinophrys sol neither increased in cell number (k) nor biomass (kb) when starved, with low concentrations of single‐celled bacteria or with the alga Ochromonas sp. Positive growth was achieved with single‐celled bacteria (k = 0.22 ± 0.02 d?1; kb = ?0.06 ± 0.02 d?1) and filamentous bacteria (k = 0.52 ± <0.01 d?1; kb = 0.66 d?1) at concentrations greater than observed in situ, and the alga C. acidophila (up to k = 0.43 ± 0.03 d?1; kb = 0.44 ± 0.04 d?1), the ciliate Oxytricha sp. (k = 0.34 ± 0.01 d?1) and in mixed cultures containing rotifers and C. acidophila (k = 0.23 ± 0.02–0.32 ± 0.02 d?1; maximum kb = 0.42 ± 0.05 d?1). The individual‐ and biomass‐based growth of A. sol was highest when filamentous bacteria were provided. 4. Existing quantitative carbon flux models for the Lake 111 food web can be updated in light of our results. Actinophrys sol are omnivorous predators supported by a mixed diet of filamentous bacteria and C. acidophila in the epilimnion. Heliozoa are important components in the planktonic food webs of ‘extreme’ environments.  相似文献   
Synopsis Ages determined by counts of apparent annuli on scales, sagittae, vertebrae, pectoral fin ray and dorsal fin spine cross sections of largemouth bass from northern populations, which are older and slower growing fish than in the southern parts of its native range, were compared to establish the accuracy of each method. Linear regression techniques indicated strong agreement (r> 0.9) among ages assigned from the examination of scales, sagittae, and vertebrae. The pattern of growth zones on pectoral fin ray and dorsal fm spine cross sections proved too variable for accurate age determination. Limited data suggest that ages greater than 7+ assigned from scales were more likely to underestimate true ages than the other body parts used, although none of these methods gave satisfactory results. Examination of scales from recovered tagged fish, and the similarity between back-calculated lengths of fish through age 7+ to annulus I and observed lengths of juvenile largemouth bass near the end of their first growing season, support the validity of ages determined from scales. Despite a very limited amount of habitat suitable for largemouth bass and severe climatic conditions, growth of this species in Tadenac Lake was similar to growth in other waters north of the Great Lakes. Differences in physical characteristics among these waters does not appear to influence growth rates of largemouth bass, but probably affects production and biomass.  相似文献   
The effect which Cyanophyta have upon the zooplankton varies according to the form of the alga (mucilaginous colonies or filaments) and its abundance. Periodical blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa were not detrimental for the zooplankton, in spite of the fact that copepods, cladocerans and rotifers consume small colonies. High concentrations of Lyngbya limnetica and Oscillatoria limnetica in Lake Valencia, Venezuela, proved to be inhibitory for cladocerans. A total absence of cladocerans was detected when filaments increased.  相似文献   
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