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Resistance to Plasmodiophora brassicae Woron, the causal fungus of clubroot, was examined in an F2 population of a cross between a clubroot-resistant kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala) and a susceptible cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis). QTL detection was performed with RAPD markers. Two resistance notations, carried out at different times after inoculation, were used. Three markers were associated with these two notations and three were specifically linked to only one notation. QTL analysis suggests the existence of at least two genetic mechanisms implicated in the resistance phenomenon.  相似文献   
We have examined the genetics of systemic resistance in Phaseolus vulgaris to azuki bean mosaic virus (AzMV) and cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV) and the relationship of this resistance to a phenotypically similar resistance to watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) and soybean mosaic virus (SMV). In P. vulgaris cv Great Northern 1140 (GN1140), resistance to SMV and WMV has been attributed to the genes Smv and Wmv, respectively, which have been shown to segregate as a unit. Systemic resistance to AzMV is conferred by two incompletely dominant alleles, Azm1 and Azm2, at unlinked loci. At least three resistance alleles must be present at these two loci for systemic resistance to be expressed in the plant. Systemic resistance to CABMV in GN 1140 is conditioned by a dominant allele that has been designated Cam2. Under some environmental conditions, a recessive allele at an unlinked locus, cam3, also controls a resistant response to CABMV. Resistance to AzMV and CABMV does not assort independently from Wmv/Smv, but also does not consistently cosegregate, suggesting that perhaps in each case one of the factors involved in resistance is associated with Smv/Wmv.  相似文献   
本文比较了用HSV-1(IEA)和B病毒(IFA)的方法检查猴B病毒相关抗体和B病毒抗体的结果:IEA检查出的B病毒相关抗体阴性猴,经IFA检查,全部为B病毒抗体阴性。用IFA检查了B病毒相关抗体阴性的恒河猴,在单笼隔离饲养六个月后,有98.3%的动物B病毒相关抗体仍为阴性,表明IRA的阴性结果有较好的一致性。本文讨论了建立无B病毒感染猴群的可行性。  相似文献   
Fluorogenic peptide substrates designed to encompass the reported-secretory and amyloidogenic cleavage sites of the amyloid- precursor protein (PP) were used to analyze proteinase activities in brain extracts from control patients and those with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Activity against the secretory substrate atpH 7.5 in control and AD brains produced a major endopeptidase cleavage at the Lys687-Leu688 bond (PP770 numbering), consistent with thePP secretase cleavage. Activity in control brains against the amyloidogenic substrate atpH 7.5 produced one cleavage at the Ala673-Glu674 bond, two residues C-terminal to the amyloidogenic Met-Asp site. However, in three of four AD brains, the major cleavage was at the Asp-Ala bond, one residue from the amyloidogenic site. Both endopeptidase and carboxypeptidase activities in AD brains were lower than in control brains. Proteinase activities against the secretory substrate had a major optimum atpH 3.0–4.0 and another atpH 6.0–7.5. Proteinase activities against the amyloidogenic substrate had a major optimum at or belowpH 3.0 and another atpH 6.0. Using both substrates, activities at lowpH were higher in AD brains than in controls, while atpH above 6.5, activities in control brains were higher than in AD. These results indicate that the levels of proteolytic enzymes in AD brains are altered relative to controls.Abbreviations A Amyloid- - ACN acetonitrile - AD Alzheimer's disease - PP amyloid- precursor protein - DABCYL 4-(4-dimethylaminophenylazo)-benzoic acid - EDANS 5-{(2-aminoethyl)amino}napthalene-1-sulfonic acid - MES morpholinoethane sulfonic acid - MOPS morpholino-propane sulfonic acid - RP-HPLC reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography - SDS-PAGE sodium do-decyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TFA tri-fluoroacetic acid - Tris tris(hydroxyethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   
葱兰黄化病病原类菌原体的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
葱兰为石蒜科(Amaryllidaceae)草本植物,是一种在我国各地普遍栽培的多年生观赏花卉.葱兰黄化病是1992年在杭州发现的一种新病害,该病对葱兰的生长和观赏价值有严重影响.罹病株(丛)最初表现为深红色斑点,逐渐扩大为鲜红色条斑或斑块并转为亮黄色,最后整株叶片大部分转为鲜艳的黄色,呈现典型的系统侵染.发病1—2月后整株(丛)地上部分枯死.发病一般始于早春(3月上旬),春末夏初有一个发病高峰期;秋末有另一个发病期,但病状较轻;感染株有恢复现象,即在下一个生长季能从地下部分重新生长出叶片,但病株叶片明显细小,有丛簇现象,病株开花少且花期短.作者从1992年春起,对该病害进行了病原分离、生物学测定和病组织超薄切片电镜检查,发现该病害可能与类菌原体有关,现将研究结果报告如下.1 材料和方法1.1 样品感病植株分别于1992年4月采自浙江农业大学校园和1992年6月采自杭州花圃,用盆栽保存于防虫温室中,同时采取健株作为对照.1.2 用病株分离病原和接种  相似文献   
Strawberry tissues infected with Phytophthora cactorum were comminuted and plated in a selective antibiotic agar medium to determine levels of tissue colonisation as indicated by the number of colony forming units (CFU) recovered per gramme of infected tissue. The number of CFU recovered per gramme of tissue increased logarithmically with the amount of necrosis in infected crown, leaf and petiole tissues. Under the conditions of enhanced susceptibility to infection and colonisation caused by cold storage treatments, this relationship between colonisation and necrosis was not significantly altered in the susceptible cv. Tamella. A recovery index was used to determine the effect of infected tissues on the recovery of CFU. This indicated that increasing levels of host colonisation stimulated CFU recovery and may partly explain the large increase in CFU g-1 with larger amounts of necrosis. The amount of tissue colonisation was greater in inoculated plants of the susceptible cv. Tamella than in less susceptible cv. Cambridge Favourite, although the necrotic tissues of the latter contained more CFU g-1, indicating a greater level of tolerance to colonisation. In cv. Tamella small amounts of colonisation were capable of causing wilt symptoms, although no wilted plants contained less than 200 CFU g-1. Conversely, plants containing more than 1000 CFU g-1 always wilted. In the early stages of infection, low levels of colonisation could be detected in strawberry crowns in the absence of symptoms. Dormant strawberry plants of cv. Tamella were readily infected by P. cactorum zoospore inoculations but, unlike actively growing plants, the majority of infections remained latent. These latent infections exhibited little or no symptoms and CFU recoveries from infected tissues were always below 100 CFU g-1.  相似文献   
Inheritance of resistance to blackmold, a disease of ripe tomato fruit caused byAlternaria alternata, was studied in two interspecific crosses. The parents, F1 and F2 generations of a cross between the susceptibleLycopersicon esculentum Mill. cultivar Hunt 100 and the resistantL. Cheesmanii f.typicum Riley accession LA 422, and the parents, F1, F2, F3, and BC1 P2 generations of a cross between the susceptibleL. Esculentum cv. VF 145B-7879 and LA 422 were evaluated. The following disease evaluation traits were used: symptom rating (a symptom severity rating based on visual evaluation of lesions), diseased fruit (the number of diseased fruits divided by the total number of fruit scored), and lesion size (a function derived from the actual lesion diameter). Generation means analysis was used to determine gene action. The data of the Hunt 100 × LA 422 cross fit an additive-dominance model for all three traits. The VF 145B-7879 × LA 422 cross data best fit a model that included the additive × additive and additive × dominance interaction components for the trait diseased fruit, whereas higher-order epistatic models would have to be invoked to fit the data for the traits symptom rating and lesion size. A minimum of one gene segregated for all three traits. Broad-sense heritability estimates ranged from 0.09 to 0.16 for all three traits, indicating that selection for improved resistance to blackmold will require selection on a family performance basis.  相似文献   
Abstract: Derivatives of the lac promoter (tac, pac, rac) belong to the strongest bacterial promoters which are frequently used for the induced overexpression of foreign genes in Escherichia coli . However, their use in fermentation processes is strongly restricted because of the high cost of the inducer iso-propyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of using lac-derived promoters in high cell density processes resulting in a high yield of the induced recombinant protein if glucose is the main carbon and energy source. Lactose is tested as inducer of the main antigenic coat protein (VP1) of the foot and mouth disease (FMD) virus in a T7-RNA polymerase expression system. It was shown that lactose is able to induce the expression of the recombinant gene to an amount of the VP1 protein corresponding to 20% of the total cell protein.  相似文献   
Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is identified by the accumulation of amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary degeneration, and the accompanying neuronal loss. AD amyloid assembles into compact fibrous deposits from the amyloid β(Aβ) protein, which is a proteo-lytic fragment of the membrane-associated amyloid precursor protein. To examine the effects of amyloid on neuron growth, a hybrid mouse motoneuron cell line (NSC34) exhibiting spontaneous process formation was exposed to artificial "plaques" created from aggregated synthetic Aβ peptides. These correspond to full-length Aβ residues 1–40 (Aβ1–40), an internal β-sheet region comprising residues 11–28 (Aβ11–28), and a proposed toxic fragment comprising residues 25–35 (Aβ25–35). Fibers were immobilized onto culture dishes, and addition of cells to these in vitro plaques revealed that Aβ was not a permissive substrate for cell adhesion. Neurites in close contact with these deposits displayed abnormal swelling and a tendency to avoid contact with the Aβ fibers. In contrast, Aβ did not affect the adhesion or growth of rat astrocytes, implicating a specific Aβ-neuron relationship. The inhibitory effects were also unique to Aβ as no response was observed to deposits of pancreatic islet amyloid poly-peptide fibers. Considering the importance of cell adhesion in neurite elongation and axonal guidance, the antiadhesive properties of Aβ amyloid plaques found in vivo may contribute to the neuronal loss responsible for the clinical manifestations of AD.  相似文献   
To obtain specific DNA probes for the identification of the fish pathogen, Renibacterium salmoninarum, a discriminatory recombinant DNA library was constructed using selective fragments of the bacterial genome. Three renibacterial clones, pMAM29, pMAM46 and pMAM77, containing 149, 73, and 154 bp respectively, were isolated and characterized. The specificity of the probes was confirmed by dot-blot and Southern hybridization analyses. Bacterial hybridization experiments revealed that pMAM29 discriminates the R. salmoninarum genome from that of other fish pathogens such as Aeromonas salmonicida, Yersinia ruckeri, Flexibacter columnaris, Lactobacillus piscicola, Vibrio ordalii, Vibrio anguillarum and Aeromonas hydrophila. Thus, this probe may provide a new means to diagnose bacterial kidney disease in asymptomatic fish and ova.The authors are with the instituto de Bioquímica, Universidad Austral de Chile, P.O. Box 567, Valdivia, Chile  相似文献   
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