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本文记述寄螨亚科(Parasitinae)三新种。模式标本保存于吉林省地方病第一防治研究所。文内测量单位为微米,括号内为测量平均值。  相似文献   
Aphidius staryi Chen & Luhman n. sp. is described. The species was collected and introduced into California from Israel and Turkey byD. González. The new species is morphologically most similar toAphidius smithi, and keys toEady's urticae group.  相似文献   
本文对我国春孢锈菌属(形式属)增补了以下9个种:1.腺梗菜春孢锈菌Aecidium adenocauli Syd. 寄主:腺梗菜Adenocaulon himalaicum Edgew (菊科Compositae) 2.臭椿春孢锈菌(新种) Aecidium ailanthi J.Y.Zhuang sp.nov.寄主:臭椿 Ailanthus altissima Swingle (苦木科Simaroubaceae)3.筋骨草春孢锈菌 Aecidium alugae Syd.寄主:紫背金盘 Ajuga nioponensis Makino (唇形科 Labiatae) 4.八角枫春孢锈菌 Aecidium alangii Hirats.& Yosh 寄主:长毛八角枫 Alangium kurzii Craib,瓜木A platanifoHum Harms (八角枫科 Alangiaeeae) 5.紫珠生春孢锈菌(新种) Aecidium callicarpivola J Y.Zhuang sp.nov.寄主:杜虹花 Callicarpa oedunculata R,Br.(马鞭草科Verbenaeeae) 6.吴茱萸春孢锈菌(新种) Aecidium evodiae J.Y.Zhuang sp.nov. 寄主:吴茱萸 Evodia rutaecarva (Juss.)Benth.(芸香科Rutaceae) 7.杨叶木姜子春孢锈菌(新种) Aecidium litseae-populifoliae J.Y.Zhuang sp.Nov.寄主:杨叶木姜子 Litsea povulifolia Gamble (樟科Lauraceae) 8.青海春孢锈菌(新种) Aecidium qinghaiense J Y.Zhuang sp.nov. 寄主:莴苣属一种Lactuca sp.(菊科Compo sitae) 9.合掌消春孢锈菌 Aecidium vincetoxici P.Henn.& Shirai 寄主:牛皮消 Cynanchum auriculatum Royle (萝藦科 Asclepiadaceae)  相似文献   
Six species of the genus Eumonhystera, one of which is new to science, are described from bottom samples of Lake Tana and two associated rivers, River Abbay and R. Gelda, Ethiopia. E. geraerti n.sp. can be identified by being the only species in the genus that combines very posteriorly positioned vulva [V% = 68.2 ± 0.7 (67.3–69.3)] with very anteriorly positioned amphids (Amph-ABE/LRW = 0.8). The other five species encountered, E. dispar (Bastian, 1865) Andrássy, 1981, E. filiformis (Bastian, 1865) Andrássy, 1981, E. pseudobulbosa (von Daday, 1896) Andrássy, 1981, E. mwerazii (Meyl, 1957) Andrássy, 1981, and E. vulgaris (de Man, 1880), Andrássy, 1981, are described in detail. The identities of some of the already described populations of E. dispar, E. filiformis and E. vulgaris are questioned and clearer and better ways of defining each of these three species are suggested. A peritrophic-like membrane on the outer side of the brush-border of the intestine of E. mwerazii, a species reported here for the first time out of its type locality, is reported. Also, scanning electronmicrographs of sectioned and entire specimens of E. mwerazii are presented. All species are reported from Ethiopia for the first time.  相似文献   
Three new Longidorus species, L. alaskaensis n. sp., L. paralaskaensis n. sp., and L. bernardi n. sp., are described from specimens collected near Fairbanks, Alaska. Longidorus alaskaensis differs from all species of Longidorus by the presence of a caecum-like structure situated at the reflex of the oviduct. Longidorus paralaskaensis most closely resembles L. alaskaensis n. sp., L. crassus Thorne, L. picenus Roca, Lamberti &Agostinelli, and L. silvae Roca, differing from the last three of these species by having a parallel vs. a tapered lip region, and from all four by having a more narrowly rounded tail tip. Longidorus paralaskaensis differs from L. alaskaensis by having a longer odontostyle (119-128 vs. 110-118 μm) and by lacking the caecum-like structure found at the reflex of the oviduct. Longidorus bernardi n. sp. most closely resembles L. mirus Khan, Chawla &Seshadri, from which it differs by having a longer tail with a more acutely rounded tip, a longer body length (3.5-4.6 vs. 3.0-3.6 μm), and a larger c'' value (1.6-1.8 vs. 1.3-1.6). Longidorus bernardi differs from L. sylphus Thorne, L. africanus Merny, L. auratus Jacobs &Heyns, and L. conicaudatus Khan by having a slightly expanded lip region vs. a lip region with parallel body walls and a more finely rounded tail tip.  相似文献   
A new technique, called Free Air Temperature Increase (FATI), was developed to artificially induce increased canopy temperature in field conditions without the use of enclosures. This acronym was chosen in analogy with FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment), a technique which produces elevated CO2 concentrations [CO2] in open field conditions. The FATI system simulates global warming in small ecosystems of limited height, using infrared heaters from which all radiation below 800 nm is removed by selective cut-off filters to avoid undesirable photomorpho-genetic effects. An electronic control circuit tracks the ambient canopy temperature in an unheated reference plot with thermocouples, and modulates the radiant energy from the lamps to produce a 2.5°C increment in the canopy temperature of an associated heated plot (continuously day and night). This pre-set target differential is relatively-constant over time due to the fast response of the lamps and the use of a proportional action controller (the standard deviation of this increment was <1°C in a 3 week field study with 1007 measurements). Furthermore, the increase in leaf temperature does not depend on the vertical position within the canopy or on the height of the stand. Possible applications and alternative designs are discussed.  相似文献   
本文记述加藤蝉属2新种:太白加藤蝉Katoa taibaiensis与寡刺加藤蝉K.。模式标本存于西北农业大学昆虫博物馆与神经农学院植物保护系。  相似文献   
本文记述产于西藏自治区的个木虱科Triozidae1属3新种。三毛个木虱属Trisetitrioza,gen,n.,其模式种为椿突三个木虱T.claullata,spn.,其寄主为杜荆Vitexsp.。另外2个新种是:黄边个木虱Triozaauratilaterlis,察隅个木虱Trioza zayunsis。模式标本保存于北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   
本文了剑角蝗科窝蝗属1新种:郑氏窝蝗Foveolatacris zhengi,sp.nov。,采自甘肃省南县宝瓶河牧场;并据此对属征作了必要的修订,给出了分种检索表。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   
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