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Phosphorylation has been the most studied of all the posttranslational modifications of proteins. Mass spectrometry has emerged as a powerful tool for phosphomapping on proteins/peptides. Collision-induced dissociation (CID) of phosphopeptides leads to the loss of phosphoric or metaphosphoric acid as a neutral molecule, giving an intense neutral loss product ion in the mass spectrum. Dissociation of the neutral loss product ion identifies peptide sequence. This method of data-dependent constant neutral loss (DDNL) scanning analysis has been commonly used for mapping phosphopeptides. However, preferential losses of groups other than phosphate are frequently observed during CID of phosphopeptides. Ions that result from such losses are not identified during DDNL analysis due to predetermined scanning for phosphate loss. In this study, we describe an alternative approach for improved identification of phosphopeptides by sequential abundant ion fragmentation analysis (SAIFA). In this approach, there is no predetermined neutral loss molecule, thereby undergoing sequential fragmentation of abundant peak, irrespective of the moiety lost during CID. In addition to improved phosphomapping, the method increases the sequence coverage of the proteins identified, thereby increasing the confidence of protein identification. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to use SAIFA for phosphopeptide identification.  相似文献   
Aims Much recent theory has focused on the role of neutral processes in assembling communities, but the basic assumption that all species are demographically identical has found little empirical support. Here, we show that the framework of the current neutral theory can easily be generalized to incorporate species differences so long as fitness equivalence among individuals is maintained through trade-offs between birth and death.Methods Our theory development is based on a careful reformulation of the Moran model of metacommunity dynamics in terms of a non-linear one-step stochastic process, which is described by a master equation.Important findings We demonstrate how fitness equalization through demographic trade-offs can generate significant macroecological diversity patterns, leading to a very different interpretation of the relation between Fisher's α and Hubbell's fundamental biodiversity number. Our model shows that equal fitness (not equal demographics) significantly promotes species diversity through strong selective sieving of community membership against high-mortality species, resulting in a positive association between species abundance and per capita death rate. An important implication of demographic trade-off is that it can partly explain the excessively high speciation rates predicted by the neutral theory of the stronger symmetry. Fitness equalization through demographic trade-offs generalizes neutral theory by considering heterospecific demographic difference, thus representing a significant step toward integrating the neutral and niche paradigms of biodiversity.  相似文献   
随着全球塑料循环体系的变革升级,提高塑料的回收利用不仅可以减少塑料在生命周期中的碳排放,还可以解决废塑料潜在的生态环境危害。文中介绍了2019年国家自然科学基金组织间国际 (地区) 合作研究项目“废塑料资源高效生物降解转化的关键科学问题与技术 (MIXed plastics biodegradation and UPcycling using microbial communities,MIX-UP)”。该项目聚焦“塑料污染”这一全球化的问题,围绕中欧双方确定的“塑料生物降解菌群”研究领域,联合中欧双方14家优势科研单位,开展实质性的重大前沿合作研究。针对废塑料生物降解中存在的解聚与重塑两个难题,项目以难降解石油基塑料 (PP、PE、PUR、PET和PS) 以及生物可降解塑料 (PLA和PHA) 的混合废塑料作为研究对象,从塑料微生物降解途径解析及关键元件的挖掘与改造、塑料高效降解混菌/多酶体系的构建与功能调控、塑料降解物的高值化炼制途径设计与利用策略3个方面展开研究。本项目将突破废塑料生物降解转化中高效降解元件挖掘、塑料降解物高值化利用的关键科学问题与技术,探索一条废塑料资源化、高值化、循环化、低碳化的新塑料循环路线,建立以“降塑再造”为核心理念的废塑料生物炼制体系,丰富我国固废资源化生物技术利用平台。项目的实施不仅有助于提升我国塑料 (生物) 循环经济的理论基础和关键技术水平,还可以推动我国与国际科研院所的多边交流与合作,促进我国在生物技术领域的创新发展,助力我国碳中和目标的实现。  相似文献   
为解释长白山温带森林群落构建和物种多度格局的形成过程, 该文以不同演替阶段的针阔混交林监测样地数据为基础, 采用中性理论模型、生物统计模型(对数正态分布模型)和生态位模型(Zifp模型、分割线段模型、生态位优先模型)拟合森林群落物种多度分布, 并用χ 2检验、Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S)检验和赤池信息准则(AIC)选择最佳拟合模型。结果显示: 中性模型能很好地预测长白山温带森林不同演替阶段植物群落的物种多度分布。在10 m × 10 m尺度上, 5种模型均可被χ 2检验和K-S检验接受, 但中性模型拟合效果不如对数正态分布模型、Zifp模型、分割线段模型和生态位优先模型, 表明小尺度上中性过程和生态位过程均能解释群落物种多度分布, 但生态位过程的解释能力相对较大。而在中大尺度上(30 m × 30 m、60 m × 60 m和90 m × 90 m), 中性模型为最优拟合模型, 并且随着研究尺度增加, 生态位模型和生物统计模型逐渐被χ 2检验拒绝, 表明中性过程在长白山针阔混交林群落物种多度分布格局形成中的作用随着研究尺度增加而逐渐增大。该文证实了中性过程在长白山温带针阔混交林群落结构形成中具有重要作用, 但未否认生态位机制在群落构建中的贡献。因此, 温带森林群落构建过程中中性理论和生态位理论并非相互矛盾, 而是相互融合的。在研究森林群落物种多度分布时, 应重视取样尺度和演替阶段的影响, 并采用多种模型进行拟合。  相似文献   
Degradation of Boc CCK7 (Boc Tyr1 (SO3H)-Met2-Gly3-Trp4-Met5-Asp6-Phe7-NH2), a fully active analog of CCK8, by purified rabbit kidney neutral metalloendopeptidase (enkephalinase) was studied as a basis for the rational design of potent peptidases-resistant analogs of cholecystokinin. Characterization of the metabolites was performed by HPLC using several elution procedures. Three cleavage sites were evidenced: one major at the Asp6-Phe7 bond and two minor at Gly3-Trp4 and Trp4-Met5 bonds. All cleavages were fully inhibited by thiorphan, a potent inhibitor of enkephalinase. The relative importance of the different cleavages was established using several cholecystokinin analogs. At 25 degrees C the half-disappearance time was 18 min for Boc CCK7, Boc[diNle2,5]CCK7 and 70 min for Boc[diNle2,5 D.Asp6]CCK7. Although, half-life of Boc CCK7 and Boc[diNle2,5]CCK7 were identical, the replacement of Met by Nle, a more hydrophobic aminoacid, greatly favoured the cleavage at the Trp4-Nle5 bond which became the major breakdown. This feature was exemplified by the substitution of L.Asp by D.Asp, preventing the Trp4-Nle5 cleavage, which gave rise to the most enkephalinase-resistant analog in this series.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that computer simulations of processes that generate selectively advantageous changes together with random duplications and deletions give rise to genomes with many different genes embedded in a large amount of dispensable DNA sequence. We now explore the consequences of neutral changes on the evolution of genomes. We follow the consequences of sequence divergences that are neutral when they occur in dispensable sequences or extra copies of genes present in multigene families. We find that when divergence occurs at about the same frequency as duplication/deletion events, genomes carry repetitive sequences in proportion to their size. Inspection of the genomes as they evolved showed that multigene families were generated by relatively recent duplications of single genes and so would be expected to be highly homogeneous.  相似文献   
Urbanisation is considered an important driver of current biodiversity loss, but the underlying causes are not fully understood. It is generally assumed that this loss reflects the fact that most organisms do not tolerate well the environmental alterations associated with urbanisation. Nevertheless, current evidence is inconclusive and the alternative that the biodiversity loss is the result of random mechanisms has never been evaluated. Analysing changes in abundance between urbanised environments and their non‐urbanised surroundings of > 800 avian species from five continents, we show here that although random processes account for part of the species loss associated with urbanisation, much of the loss is associated with a lack of appropriate adaptations of most species for exploiting resources and avoiding risks of the urban environments. These findings have important conservation implications because the extinction of species with particular features should have higher impact on biodiversity and ecosystem function than a random loss.  相似文献   
山西霍山油松林的物种多度分布格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
高利霞  毕润成  闫明 《植物生态学报》2011,35(12):1256-1270
物种多度格局分析对理解群落结构具有重要的意义。该文首次选用描述种-多度关系的生态位模型(生态位优先模型NPM、分割线段模型BSM、生态位重叠模型ONM)、生物统计模型(对数级数分布模型LSD、对数正态分布模型LN)以及中性理论模型NT, 对山西霍山油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林的物种数量关系进行了拟合研究, 并采用卡方(χ2)检验、Likelihood-ratios (L-R)检验、Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S)检验和赤池信息量准则(AIC)选择最适合模型, 结果表明: (1)描述乔木层物种多度格局的最优生态位模型为NPM (3种检验方法均接受该模型, p > 0.05, 且该模型具有最小的 AIC值), ONM的拟合效果次之, 不服从BSM; 三种生态位模型均可较好地拟合灌木层物种多度格局; ONM是草本层最佳生态位模型, BSM、NPM拟合效果较差; LSD可以描述油松林各层物种多度结构; LN可以很好地解释灌草层物种数量关系; NT不能解释油松林任何层次的物种多度结构。(2)霍山油松林乔木层和灌木层的物种丰富度和物种多样性均明显小于草本层; 该群落物种富集种少而稀疏种多, 且群落的均匀度相对较小。(3)从该区油松林种-多度分布来看, 同一个模型可以拟合不同的物种多度数据, 相同的数据可以由不同的模型来解释。因此, 研究森林群落物种分布时, 应采用多个模型进行拟合, 同时选用多种方法筛选最优模型。  相似文献   
Advances in feed processing technology applied to diet systems for ruminant livestock have been used extensively in the equine feed industry. The translation of these technologies is an important area of interest for the feed processing industry servicing the various sectors of the equine industry such as feeds for the racing, meat, milk and urine production, as well as supplements for leisure horse use. However, there are few reviews examining impacts of feed processing technologies on the processes controlling voluntary intake or utilisation of processed feeds by horses. In this paper, some of the specific features of feeds and impacts of feed processing on factors controlling meal pattern, frequency and size, and digestive physiology will be addressed. Three main areas are examined in this review, being impacts of feed processing on processes of “information gathering” (sensory and nutritional knowledge) by the horse, eating behaviour of the horse offered processed feeds (notably issues of preference and control of short-term ingestion rate), and implications of constraints of digestive physiology, process and function on voluntary intake and digestibility of processed feeds. The review highlights areas of future research and development for nutritional technology to increase knowledge of interactions between equine physiology and feed processing to enhance efficiency of capture of nutrients and maintain the welfare of horses managed in the housed environment.  相似文献   
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