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A Cell Culture Model for Androgen Effects in Motor Neurons   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
Abstract: Androgens are known to alter the morphology, survival, and axonal regeneration of lower motor neurons in vivo. To understand better the molecular mechanisms of androgen action in neurons, we created a model system by stably expressing the human androgen receptor (AR) in motor neuron hybrid cells. Motor neuron hybrid cells express markers consistent with anterior horn cells and can be differentiated into a neuronal phenotype. When differentiated in the presence of androgen, AR-expressing cells, but not control cells, exhibit a dose-dependent change in morphology: androgen-treated cells develop larger cell bodies and broader neuritic processes while continuing to express neuronal markers. In addition, androgen promotes the survival of AR-expressing cells, but not control cells, under low-serum conditions. Our results demonstrate a direct trophic effect of androgens on lower motor neurons, mediated through the AR expressed in this population of neurons.  相似文献   
缺氧缺糖对培养海马神经细胞中一氧化氮和钙离子的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在缺血性脑损伤中 ,NO起着重要作用。研究了原代培养的海马神经细胞中 ,缺氧缺糖对NO合成的影响。利用激光共聚焦显微镜和荧光指示剂 ,对胞内钙离子和NO的变化进行实时检测 ,并用HPLC检测了缺氧缺糖导致的谷氨酸释放。结果表明 ,缺氧缺糖引起胞内钙离子浓度升高和NO合成增加。经过 2 0min缺氧缺糖处理后 ,胞外谷氨酸的浓度比对照组高出约10 0 %。N 甲基 D 天冬氨酸 (N methyl D aspartate,NMDA)的拮抗剂MK 80 1对缺氧缺糖引起的细胞内钙离子和NO的升高有明显抑制作用。去除细胞外液的钙离子和加入钙调蛋白抑制剂三氟拉嗪都可以抑制缺氧缺糖引起的NO升高。以上结果提示 ,缺氧缺糖引起神经细胞NO合成增加 ,这种合成受谷氨酸释放 ,胞内钙离子浓度和钙调蛋白的调控。  相似文献   
Neurotransmitters of motor neurons in the foregut muscles of an isopod Ligia exotica were identified by recording changes in membrane potential to exogenously applied glutamate and acetylcholine. The effects of antagonists, tubocurare and joro spider toxin, on excitatory junctional potentials evoked by nerve stimulation and by iontophoretic application of glutamate and acetylcholine provided additional evidence for identification. The junctional receptors were desensitized by putative neurotransmitters. Glutamate is a candidate as an excitatory neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junctions in intrinsic muscles of the gastric mill and pylorus, and acetylcholine is a candidate in the extrinsic muscles of the gastric mill and cardiopyloric valve.  相似文献   
An important question in contemporary sensory neuroscience is how animals perceive their environment and make appropriate behavioral choices based on chemical perceptions. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster exhibits robust tastant and odor-evoked behaviors. Understanding how the gustatory and olfactory systems support the perception of these contact and volatile chemicals and translate them into appropriate attraction or avoidance behaviors has made an unprecedented contribution to our knowledge of the organization of chemosensory systems. In this review, I begin by describing the receptors and signaling mechanisms of the Drosophila gustatory and olfactory systems and then highlight their involvement in the control of simple and complex behaviors. The topics addressed include feeding behavior, learning and memory, navigation behavior, neuropeptide modulation of chemosensory behavior, and I conclude with a discussion of recent work that provides insight into pheromone signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a fatal neurodegenerative disease that causes degeneration of motoneurons. Mutation of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) is one cause for this disease. In mice, expression of mutant protein causes motoneuron degeneration and paralysis resembling the human disease. Morphological change, indicative of mitochondrial damage, occurs at early stages of the disease. To determine whether mitochondrial function changes during the course of disease progression, enzyme activities of mitochondrial electron transport chain in spinal cords from mice at different disease stages were measured using three different methods: spectrophotometric assay, in situ histochemical enzyme assay, and blue native gel electrophoresis combined with in-gel histochemical reaction. The enzyme activities were decreased in the spinal cord, particularly in the ventral horn, beginning at early disease stages. This decrease persisted throughout the course of disease progression. This decrease was not detected in the spinal cords of non-transgenic animals, of mice expressing the wild-type protein, and in cerebellum and dorsal horn of the spinal cords from mice expressing mutant protein. These results demonstrate a functional defect in mitochondria in the ventral horn region and support the view that mitochondrial damage plays a role in mutant SOD1-induced motoneuron degeneration pathway.  相似文献   
Using frequency-modulated echolocation sound, bat can capture a moving target in real three-dimensional (3-D) space. It is impossible to locate multiple targets in 3-D space by using only the delay time between an emission and the resultingechoes received at two points (i.e., two ears). To locate multiple targets in 3-D space requires directional information for each target. The spectrum of the echoes from nearly equidistant targets includes spectral components of both the interference between the echoes and the interference resulting from the physical process of reception at the external ear. The frequency of the spectral notch, which is the frequency corresponding to the minimum of the external ear's transfer function (EEDNF), provides a crucial cue for directional localization. In the model we present, a computational model todiscriminate multiple close targets in 3-D space utilizing echoes evoked by a single emission by distinguishing the interference of echoes from each object and the EEDNF corresponding to each target.  相似文献   
On cats with pretrigeminal brainstem transection, we studied the properties of visually sensitive neurons of the extrastriate associative cortical area 21b. The dimensions and spatial distribution of the receptive fields (RF) of the neurons within the vision field were determined. It was found that large-sized RF prevailed within the area 21b (10 to 200 deg2, 61%; greater than 200 deg2, 22%), whereas small-sized RF (1 to 10 deg2) constituted 17% of all the studied RF. Stationary visual stimuli evoked onoff, off, and on responses in 43, 30, and 27% neurons of the area 21b, respectively. In the cases where moving stimuli were presented, 35% of the neurons demonstrated directional sensitivity; the rest of the neurons (65%) were directionally insensitive. We also found a group of neurons that were capable of differentiating not only the direction of the stimulus movement along the RF but also the dimension, shape, and orientation of a complicated moving stimulus. Taking into account the data obtained, we discuss the functional role of the neurons, which demonstrated a specific (specialized with respect to a set of the parameters of visual stimulus, and not to a single parameter) response in central processing of the sensory information.  相似文献   
幼小蝙蝠下丘神经元的听反应特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
孙心德 《兽类学报》1993,13(2):98-103
实验在出生6—8天的8只幼龄鲁氏菊头蝠(Rhinolophus rouxi)上进行。使用玻璃微电极记录中脑下丘听神经元对超声信号的反应。共观察了162个听单位,它们对超声反应的最佳频率分布范围为25.8—60.9千赫,多数集中在43.0—47.0千赫。反应的潜伏期在6.0—38.0毫秒,平均为15.4±5.2毫秒。反应的最低阈值在25—84dB,平均为69.8±10.3dB.这些神经元对超声刺激的调谐曲线都较宽阔,故Q10-dB值都较小。当微电极由下丘表面垂直下插时,所记录到的神经元的最佳频率与记录深度之间不存在相关关系,即没有音调筑构现象。听神经元的这些特性与同种成年动物构成显著差异。  相似文献   
GABA is synthesized by glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), which has two forms, GAD65 and GAD67. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms of mouse GAD65 (mGAD65) gene expression, we isolated and characterized the mGAD65 gene. The mGAD65 gene was found to be divided into 16 exons and spread over 75 kb. The sequence of the first exon and the 5'-flanking region indicated the presence of potential neuron-specific cis-regulatory elements. We used transgenic mice to examine the expression pattern conferred by a 9.2-kb promoter-proximal DNA fragment of the mGAD65 gene fused to the bacterial lacZ reporter gene. Transgenic mice showed high beta-galactosidase activity specifically in brain and testis. They also showed characteristic patterns of transgene expression in olfactory bulb, cerebellar cortex, and spinal cord, a similar expression pattern to that of endogenous mGAD65. However, no transgene expression was observed in the ventral thalamus or hypothalamus, in which high mGAD65 gene expression levels have been observed. These results suggest that the 9.2-kb DNA fragment of the mGAD65 gene is associated with its tissue-specific expression and its targeted expression in GABAergic neurons of specific brain regions but that additional regulatory elements are necessary to obtain fully correct expression.  相似文献   
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