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用浅麻醉的Wistar大鼠40只,以辐射热照尾作为伤害性刺激,经玻璃微电极引导尾核痛兴奋神经元(PEN)和痛抑制神经元(PIN)的放电,同时测量甩尾反射潜伏期(TFL)作为甩尾痛阈的指标。结果表明:(1)自然状态下辐射热照尾引起尾核中PEN放电频率增加和PIN放电频率减少与甩尾反射(TF)相伴行。放电变化发生在TF之前,结束在TF之后,PEN和PIN放电变化与TFL呈高度正相关。(2)辐射热照尾同时引起一侧尾核PEN放电频率增加和另一侧PIN放电频率减少,二者协同活动,并发生在TF之前,结束在TF之后。(3)侧脑室注射55μg/10μl吗啡呈镇痛作用时,尾核PEN放电频率减少和PIN放电频率增加,放电变化仍发生在TF之前,结束在TF之后。结果提示,尾核中PEN、PIN放电和TF是中枢不同水平同时对痛觉调制所产生的结果。  相似文献   
Antisera raised to the cardioactive peptide corazonin were used to localize immunoreactive cells in the nervous system of the American cockroach. Sera obtained after the seventh booster injection were sufficiently specific to be used for immunocytology. They recognized a subset of 10 lateral neurosecretory cells in the protocerebrum that project to, and arborize and terminate in the ipsilateral corpus cardiacum. They also reacted with bilateral neurons in each of the thoracic and abdominal neuromeres, a single dorsal unpaired median neuron in the suboesophageal ganglion, an interneuron in each optic lobe, and other neurons at the base of the optic lobe, in the tritocerebrum and deutocerebrum. The presence of corazonin in the abdominal neurons and the lateral neurosecretory cells was confirmed by HPLC fractionation of extracts of the abdominal ganglia, brains and retrocerebral complexes, followed by determination of corazonin by ELISA, which revealed in each tissue a single immunoreactive peak co-eluting with corazonin in two different HPLC systems. Antisera obtained after the first three booster injections recognized a large number of neuroendocrine cells and neurons in the brain and the abdominal nerve cord. However, the sera from the two rabbits reacted largely with different cells, indicating that the majority of this immunoreactivity was due to cross-reactivity. These results indicate that the production of highly specific antisera to some neuropeptides may require a considerable number of booster injections.  相似文献   
脑桥呼吸调整中枢向中缝大核下行投射的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋刚  刘磊 《生理学报》1993,45(3):237-245
实验在23只苯巴比妥钠麻醉(i.p.30mg/kg)的成年猫上进行。在脑桥呼吸调整中枢(NPBM-KF)共记录到67个单位放电可被电刺激中缝大核(NRM)所逆行兴奋。其中有7个单位为呼吸相关性单位(吸气性6、呼气性1),占脑桥87个呼吸相关性单位总数的8%。逆行兴奋潜伏期在0.4—2.5ms之间,平均1.2ms。中缝大核内微量注入麦角辣根过氧化酶(WGA-HRP)后在NPBM-KF区观察到大量HRP标记神经元。本实验结果表明,发自脑桥呼吸调整中枢神经元的轴突可投射到中缝大核。这一投射通路可能与呼吸及痛觉调节有关。  相似文献   
The present experiments attempt to find the meridian phenomenon and how the needle feeling propagates along the given meridian channels. The neurobiological mechanisms of the meridian were studied with neuroelectrical recording from the motor neurons and CB-HRP retrograde histochemistry technique in both rats and cats. The results demonstrated that most, but not all, of alpha motor neurons supplying a muscle group of a given meridian were selectively activated by afferent inputs originating not only from homonymous or heterogeneous, but synergistic muscle, but also from the skin nerve overlying the muscle group of the homonymous meridian. However, the afferent inputs from the heterogeneous meridian have very weak or no effect. On the other hand, the labeled motor neurons supplying a given meridian muscles form a discrete longitudinal column with a definite bound in the lateral ventral horn. There are oriented dendro-dendristes projections between the labeled motor neurons.The characteristics of both sel  相似文献   
The coding of odor intensity by an olfactory receptor neuron model was studied under steady-state stimulation. Our model neuron is an elongated cylinder consisting of the following three components: a sensory dendritic region bearing odorant receptors, a passive region consisting of proximal dendrite and cell body, and an axon. First, analytical solutions are given for the three main physiological responses: (1) odorant-dependent conductance change at the sensory dendrite based on the Michaelis-Menten model, (2) generation and spreading of the receptor potential based on a new solution of the cable equation, and (3) firing frequency based on a Lapicque model. Second, the magnitudes of these responses are analyzed as a function of odorant concentration. Their dependence on chemical, electrical, and geometrical parameters is examined. The only evident gain in magnitude results from the activation-to-conductance conversion. An optimal encoder neuron is presented that suggests that increasing the length of the sensory dendrite beyond about 0.3 space constant does not increase the magnitude of the receptor potential. Third, the sensivities of the responses are examined as functions of (1) the concentration at half-maximum response, (2) the lower and upper concentrations actually discriminated, and (3) the width of the dynamic range. The overall gain in sensitivity results entirely from the conductance-to-voltage conversion. The maximum conductance at the sensory dendrite appears to be the main tuning constant of the neuron because it determines the shift toward low concentrations and the increase in dynamic range. The dynamic range of the model cannot exceed 5.7 log units, for a sensitivity increase at low odor concentration is compensated by a sensitivity decrease at high odor concentration.  相似文献   
采用我们以前提出的简化现实性神经网络模型[1]的一种修正形式,通过选定适当的参数,仿真了耳蜗核的类初级细胞(Primary-likecell),梳状反应细胞(Chopperresponsecell)以及给刺激反应细胞(Onsetresponsecell)对短纯青刺激的刺激后时间直方图。并通过分析参数配置和仿真行为的对应关系,指出模型在生理学上的合理性。  相似文献   
Hemolymph of adultAplysia californica significantly affects neurite outgrowth of identified neurons of the land snailHelix pomatia. The metacerebral giant cell (MGC) and the motoneuron C3 from the cerebral ganglion and the neuron B2 from the buccal ganglion ofH. pomatia were isolated by enzymatic and mechanical dissociation and plated onto poly-l-lysine-coated dishes either containing culture medium conditioned byHelix ganglia, or pre-treated withAplysia hemolymph. To determine the extent of neuronal growth we measured the neurite elongation and the neuritic field of cultured neurons at different time points.Aplysia hemolymph enhances the extent and rate of linear outgrowth and the branching domain ofHelix neurons. With the hemolymph treatment the MGC neuron more consistently forms specific chemical synapses with its follower cell B2, and these connections are more effective than those established in the presence of the conditioned medium.  相似文献   
Abstract: Microtubule-associated protein-2 (MAP-2) functions to maintain neuronal morphology by promoting the assembly of microtubules. MAP-2c is an alternately spliced form of MAP-2, containing the first 151 amino acids of high-molecular-weight (HMW) MAP-2 joined to the last 321 amino acids, eliminating 1,352 amino acids specific to HMW MAP-2. A polyclonal antibody generated to the splice site of human MAP-2c was used to determine its cellular localization. The MAP-2c antiserum was depleted of any HMW MAP-2 reactivity by absorption with HMW MAP-2 fusion protein. Western blot analysis of human fetal spinal cord homogenates demonstrated that the antibody is specific for human MAP-2c. MAP-2c immunoreactivity was found in the perinuclear cytoplasm and processes of anterior motor neurons and large processes of the posterior column in sections from 22–24-week human fetal spinal cord. Double-label confocal microscopy was performed using the MAP-2c polyclonal antibody and either a HMW MAP-2 or a neurofilament protein (highly phosphorylated 160- and 200-kDa protein) monoclonal antibody to identify these processes as dendrites or axons, respectively. HMW MAP-2 and MAP-2c colocalized in cell bodies and dendrites of anterior motor neurons, demonstrating for the first time the presence of native MAP-2c within dendrites. In addition, immunoelectron microscopy showed MAP-2c associated with microtubules in dendrites of motor neurons. MAP-2c and the neurofilament proteins were found in axons of the dorsal and ventral roots. The presence of MAP-2c within axons and dendrites suggests that MAP-2c contributes to neuronal plasticity during human fetal development.  相似文献   
Classically, ion channels are classified into 2 groups: chemical-sensitive (ligand-gated) and voltage-sensitive channels. Single ATP-sensitive K (K-ATP) channel currents were recorded in acutely dissociated rat neo-cortical neurons using patch clamp technique. A type of K-ATP channel has been found to be gated not only by intra-cellular ATP, but also by membrane potential ( Vm) , and proved to be a novel mechanism underlying the gating of ion channels, namely bi-gating mechanism. The results also show that the K-ATP channels possess heterogeneity and di-versity. These types of K-ATP channels have been identified in 40.12% of all patches, which are different in activa-tion-threshold and voltage-sensitivity. The present experiment studied the type-3 K-ATP channel with a unitary con-ductance of about 80 pS in detail ( n = 15). Taking account of all the available data, a variety of K-ATP channels are suggested to exist in body, and one type of them is bi-gated by both chemical substances and membrane poten  相似文献   
催产素在脊髓水平对电针镇痛的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用玻璃微电极胞外记录和脊髓表面给药的方法观察了催产素(OT)、抗催产素血清(AOTS)以及电针穴位对背角神经元伤害性诱发放电的影响。结果表明:电针穴位或脊髓表面施加OT可部分抑制脊髓背角神经元的伤害性诱发放电;在电针的基础上施加OT则明显加强电针的抑制效应;相反,用AOTS预处理后,电针的抑制作用放取消。提示OT在脊髓水平参与了对痛觉信息的调制,并与一定频率的针刺镇痛有关。  相似文献   
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