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Axon growth-promoting and -inhibitory molecules are likely to work in concert to promote and guide axons in vivo. In adult mammals, inhibitory molecules associated with myelin in the white matter of the central nervous system (CNS) play an important role in the failure of long-distance axon regeneration. The presence of neurite growth-inhibitory molecules in the adult rat gray matter has not been extensively studied. In this article we describe work on the characterization of neurite growth-inhibitory activity in the adult rat cerebral cortical gray matter using various biochemical and cell culture approaches. We show using a neuronal cell line (NG108–-15 cells) that neurite growth-inhibitory activity is present in membrane preparations of the cortical gray matter. Purified gray matter membranes also induce growth cone collapse of cultured embryonic rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. The inhibitory activity in the membrane preparations is extractable with 3-[(3-cholamidoprophyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propane-sulfonate, but does not appear to be depleted by various lectins. Western blots and enzyme treatments showed that the inhibitory effect of the gray-matter preparations is not likely to be mediated by myelin-associated inhibitors or chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. However, tenascin was detected in these samples and may contribute to some of the inhibitory activity. Selective separation of the inhibitory molecules can be achieved by ion-exchange chromatography, which also suggests the presence of multiple inhibitors in cortical gray matter membranes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 32 : 671–683, 1997  相似文献   
The role of laminin, an extracellular matrix molecule believed to be involved in axon extension, was explored in the outgrowth of olfactory receptor cells and therefore in the maintenance of organization in the olfactory pathway. First, immunocytochemistry was used to examine laminin expression in the olfactory nerve and bulb during development. Laminin immunoreactivity was high in the olfactory nerve and glomerular layers. Although it declined in intensity, laminin expression continued in the nerve and in single glomeruli of adults. Second, the influence of laminin on neurite outgrowth was examined in vitro using olfactory receptor cells harvested from E14 rat embryos. We developed an in vitro assay to quantify the substrate preference of outgrowing neurites. Cells were cultured for 48 h on coverslips coated with either poly-L-lysine alone, or poly-L-lysine overlaid with laminin. On laminin-coated regions of coverslips, the primary neurites of olfactory receptor cells were 52% longer than on the poly-L-lysine control substrates. In addition, the direction of the neurite outgrowth was influenced by laminin. Fifty-six percent of all receptor cells located in a defined area surrounding a laminin zone extended neurites onto laminin. In contrast, only 7% of all receptor cells located in the corresponding laminin zone extended a neurite onto poly-L-lysine. In summary, these data suggest that laminin provides a favorable substrate for the extension of the primary neurite from olfactory receptor cells and the direction of their extension. Therefore, laminin may be a factor underlying continuous olfactory receptor cell axon outgrowth and its pathfinding in the olfactory system. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 00: 32: 298–310, 1997  相似文献   
We used compartmented cultures to study the regulation of adult sensory neurite growth by neurotrophins. We examined the effects of the neurotrophins nerve growth factor (NGF), neurotrophin-3 (NT3), and BDNF on distal neurite elongation from adult rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Neurons were plated in the center compartments of three-chambered dishes in the absence of neurotrophin, and neurite extension into the distal (side) compartments containing NGF, BDNF, or NT3 was quantitated. Initial proximal neurite growth did not require any of the neurotrophins, while subsequent elongation into distal compartments required NGF. After neurites had extended into NGF-containing distal compartments, removal of NGF by treatment with anti-NGF resulted in the cessation of growth with minimal neurite retraction. In contrast to the effects of NGF, no distal neurite elongation was observed into compartments with BDNF or NT3. To examine possible additive influences, neurite extension into compartments containing BDNF plus NGF or NT3 plus NGF was quantitated. There was no increased neurite extension into NGF plus NT3 compartments, while the combination of BDNF plus NGF resulted in an inhibition of neurite extension compared with NGF alone. We then investigated whether the regrowth of neurites that had originally grown into NGF subsequent to in vitro axotomy still required NGF. The results demonstrated that unlike adult sensory nerve regeneration in vivo, the in vitro regrowth did require NGF, and neither BDNF nor NT3 was able to substitute for NGF. Since the initial growth from neurons after dissociation (which is also a regenerative response) did not require NGF, it would appear that neuritic growth and regrowth of adult DRG neurons in vitro includes both NGF-independent and NGF-dependent components. The compartmented culture system provides a unique model to further study aspects of this differential regulation of neurite growth. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 395–410, 1997  相似文献   
The present experiments addressed the questions of how electrical stimulation influenced the magnitude, time course, and regional levels of free intracellular calcium of different identified neurons. The calcium concentration in the growth cones, neurites and cell bodies of Helisoma buccal neurons B4 and B19 was measured while somata were electrically stimulated via an intracellular electrode. The findings showed that calcium levels in B4 and B19 increased monotonically with increasing stimulation frequency. However, the range of calcium levels evoked by electrical stimulation differed significantly for each type of neuron. The greater increase in calcium concentration in B4 was correlated with its longer duration action potential compared to B19. The increase in calcium concentration was much smaller in the cell bodies than in the growth cones and neurites. Extending the duration of the B19 action potential produced a sixfold increase in the change in calcium concentration at 2 Hz stimulation. Under conditions where the electrical stimulation produced a calcium concentration of < 160 nM, the elevated level of free intracellular calcium remained constant. When calcium concentration increased above 200 nM in both identified neurons, an initial peak concentration was followed by a decline to a lower concentration suggesting increased calcium buffering occurring above 200 nM. By correlating the calcium concentration data herein with growth data from a previous study, we suggest that specific calcium levels that influence neurite outgrowth may differ widely between neurons. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 32: 150–162, 1997.  相似文献   
The fan-shaped array of filopodia is the first site of contact of a neuronal growth cone with molecules encountered during neuronal pathfinding. Filopodia are highly dynamic structures, and the “action radius” of a growth cone is strongly determined by the length and number of its filopodia. Since interactions of filopodia with instructive cues in the vicinity of the growth cone can have effects on growth cone morphology within minutes, it has to be assumed that a large part of the signaling underlying such morphological changes resides locally within the growth cone proper. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that two important growth cone parameters namely, the length and number of its filopodiaare regulated autonomously in the growth cone. We previously demonstrated in identified neurons from the snail Helisoma trivolvis that filopodial length and number are regulated by intracellular calcium. Here, we investigated filopodial dynamics and their regulation by the second-messenger calcium in growth cones which were physically isolated from their parent neuron by neurite transection. Our results show that isolated growth cones have longer but fewer filopodia than growth cones attached to their parent cell. These isolated growth cones, however, are fully capable of undergoing calcium-induced cytoskeletal changes, suggesting that the machinery necessary to perform changes in filopodial length and number is fully intrinsic to the growth cone proper. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 34: 179–192, 1998  相似文献   
Many of the physiological benefits attributed to flavonoids are thought to stem from their potent antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties. Recently, it was shown that flavonoids protect nerve cells from oxidative stress by multiple mechanisms, only one of which is directly related to their antioxidant activity, suggesting that specific flavonoids may have other properties that could make them useful in the treatment of conditions that lead to nerve cell death. In particular, it was asked if any flavonoid could mimic neurotrophic proteins. To examine this possibility, we looked at the ability of flavonoids to induce nerve cell differentiation using PC12 cells. PC12 cells were treated with a variety of flavonoids to determine if there was a correlation between their neuroprotective activity and their neurite outgrowth-promoting activity. In addition, the signaling pathways required for flavonoid-induced differentiation were examined. We found that only a small subset of the flavonoids that were neuroprotective could induce neurite outgrowth by an extracellular signal-regulated kinase-dependent process. There was a strong correlation between the concentrations of the flavonoids that were neuroprotective and the concentrations that induced differentiation. These results suggest that the consumption of specific flavonoids could have further beneficial effects on nerve cells following injury, in pathological conditions or in normal aging.  相似文献   
To determine whether neurite outgrowth depends upon the mevalonate pathway, we blocked mevalonate synthesis in nerve growth factor-treated PC12 cells or primary cortical neurones with atorvastatin, a 3-hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitor, and substituted different intermediates of the mevalonate pathway. We show that HMG-CoA reductase inhibition causes a profound reduction of neurite length, neurite loss and ultimatively cell death in undifferentiated and pre-differentiated PC12 cells and also in rat primary cortical neurones. Geranylgeranylpyrophosphate, but not farnesylpyrophosphate, squalene or cholesterol, completely compensated for the lack of mevalonate. Our data indicate that, under HMG-CoA reductase inhibition, geranylgeranylpyrophosphate rather than farnesylpyrophosphate or cholesterol is critical for neurite outgrowth and/or maintenance. Loss of neurites is an early manifestation of various neurodegenerative disorders, and dysfunction of isoprenylation might play a role in their pathogenesis.  相似文献   
CAP23 is a major cortical cytoskeleton-associated and calmodulin binding protein that is widely and abundantly expressed during development, maintained in selected brain structures in the adult, and reinduced during nerve regeneration. Overexpression of CAP23 in adult neurons of transgenic mice promotes nerve sprouting, but the role of this protein in process outgrowth was not clear. Here, we show that CAP23 is functionally related to GAP43, and plays a critical role to regulate nerve sprouting and the actin cytoskeleton. Knockout mice lacking CAP23 exhibited a pronounced and complex phenotype, including a defect to produce stimulus-induced nerve sprouting at the adult neuromuscular junction. This sprouting deficit was rescued by transgenic overexpression of either CAP23 or GAP43 in adult motoneurons. Knockin mice expressing GAP43 instead of CAP23 were essentially normal, indicating that, although these proteins do not share homologous sequences, GAP43 can functionally substitute for CAP23 in vivo. Cultured sensory neurons lacking CAP23 exhibited striking alterations in neurite outgrowth that were phenocopied by low doses of cytochalasin D. A detailed analysis of such cultures revealed common and unique functions of CAP23 and GAP43 on the actin cytoskeleton and neurite outgrowth. The results provide compelling experimental evidence for the notion that CAP23 and GAP43 are functionally related intrinsic determinants of anatomical plasticity, and suggest that these proteins function by locally promoting subplasmalemmal actin cytoskeleton accumulation.  相似文献   
A chimeric molecule consisting of the extracellular domain of the adhesion molecule, N-cadherin, fused to the Fc region of human IgG (NCAD-Fc) supports calcium-dependent cell adhesion and promotes neurite outgrowth following affinity-capture to a tissue culture substrate. When presented to cerebellar neurons as a soluble molecule, the NCAD-Fc stimulated neurite outgrowth in a manner equivalent to that seen for N-cadherin expressed as a cell surface glycoprotein. Neurons expressing a dominant-negative version of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor did not respond to soluble NCAD-Fc. In cells transfected with full-length N-cadherin and the FGF receptor, antibody-clustering of N-cadherin resulted in a co-clustering of the FGF receptor to discrete patches in the cell membrane. The data demonstrate that the ability of N-cadherin to stimulate neurite outgrowth can be dissociated from its ability to function as a substrate associated adhesion molecule. The N-cadherin and the FGF receptor co-clustering in cells provides a basis for the neurite outgrowth response stimulated by N-cadherin being dependent on FGF receptor function.  相似文献   
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