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A simple linear neuron model with constrained Hebbian-type synaptic modification is analyzed and a new class of unconstrained learning rules is derived. It is shown that the model neuron tends to extract the principal component from a stationary input vector sequence.  相似文献   
Migration of cercariae of the diplostomatid trematode, Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus, to the brain of the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas, takes place via directed, nonrandom movement. Penetration of the fish epidermis is rapid and is essentially complete by 2 hr postinfection. Migration to the central nervous system occurs almost exclusively via the general body musculature and connective tissue, although a few cercariae gain direct access to the nervous system via the eyes. Cercariae enter either the neural canal and spinal cord, or the brain via the spinal or cranial nerves and their associated foramina, although cercariae appear to remain in (on) these peripheral nerves for only a short time. Cercariae associated with cranial nerves continue to the brain. Those becoming associated with spinal nerves travel up the neural canal and (or) spinal cord to the brain. Data suggest that most arrive at the brain via the neural canal and spinal cord. Within the brain, most developing metacercariae (neascus-type) occur in the optic lobes and cerebellum. Whether this is “selective localization” or merely the result of the larger space afforded by these brain regions could not be determined.  相似文献   
Spatial patterns of the future elongation of cells exist in the early embroyo. In the newt, such a pattern of changers of cell shape contributes to the formation of the neural plate. Regardless of where neural plate. Regardless of where neural plte cells are transplanted, they change shape as prescribed by tge pattern. Embryonic induction has a role in establishing this pattern.  相似文献   
帕金森病(Parkinson disease,PD)是一种复杂的中枢神经系统退行性疾病,主要病理特征为黑质致密部多巴胺神经元的进行性丧失.目前PD主要治疗手段包括药物和手术.但药物存在神经保护活性不足、缺乏对因治疗、晚期无药可用等问题,手术治疗风险较大.近年来,细胞重编程技术取得突破性进展,由重编程产生的诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPSCs)、诱导多巴胺神经元(induced dopamine neurons,iDNs)和诱导神经干细胞(induced neural stem cells,i NSCs)可用于治疗PD.移植iPSCs分化而来的多巴胺能神经元、iDNs和iNSCs至相应脑区,可起到神经替代与修复作用,有效治疗PD.本文重点介绍细胞重编程的机制,总结iPSCs、iDNs和iNSCs治疗PD的优缺点,并阐述尚存在的挑战,探讨可能的解决方案.  相似文献   
昆虫钠离子通道的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫只有一个或两个电压门控钠离子通道α亚基基因,但两种转录后修饰(选择性剪切和RNA编辑)实现了昆虫钠离子通道的功能多样性.昆虫β辅助亚基TipE和TEH1-4在钠离子通道表达和调控中也起着重要作用.电压门控钠离子通道在动作电位的产生和传递中至关重要,是多种天然和人工合成神经毒素及杀虫剂的作用靶标,包括广泛使用的拟除虫...  相似文献   
Mixed cultivation of crops often results in increased production per unit land area, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Plants in intercrops grow differently from plants in single crops; however, no study has shown the association between plant plastic responses and the yield advantage. Here, we assessed the productivity of wheat–maize intercropping as compared to sole wheat and sole maize, and the associated differences in wheat shoot and leaf traits. In two field experiments, intercrop wheat and maize were both grown in alternating strips consisting of six rows of wheat and two rows of maize. The traits of wheat plants in border rows of the strips were compared to the traits of plants in the inner rows as well as those in sole wheat. Leaf development, chlorophyll concentration and azimuth, as well as the final leaf and ear sizes, tiller dynamics of wheat and yield components of both crops were determined. The relative densities of wheat and maize in the intercrop were 0.33 and 0.67, respectively, but the corresponding relative yields compared to the respective monocultures were 0.46 for wheat and 0.77 for maize. Compared to wheat plants in the inner rows of the intercrop strips as well as in the monoculture, border‐row wheat plants in the intercrop strips had (a) more tillers owing to increased tiller production and survival, and thus more ears, (b) larger top leaves on the main stem and tillers, (c) higher chlorophyll concentration in leaves, (d) greater number of kernels per ear and (e) smaller thousand‐grain weight. Grain yield per metre row length of border‐row wheat was 141% higher than the sole wheat, and was 176% higher than the inner‐row wheat. The results demonstrate the importance of plasticity in architectural traits for yield advantage in multispecies cropping systems.  相似文献   
Evergreen oaks are an emblematic element of the Mediterranean vegetation and have a leaf phenotype that seems to have remained unchanged since the Miocene. We hypothesise that variation of the sclerophyll phenotype among Iberian populations of Quercus coccifera is partly due to an ulterior process of ecotypic differentiation. We analysed the genetic structure of nine Iberian populations using ISSR fingerprints, and their leaf phenotypes using mean and intracanopy plasticity values of eight morphological (leaf angle, area, spinescence, lobation and specific area) and biochemical traits (VAZ pool, chlorophyll and β-carotene content). Climate and soil were also characterised at the population sites. Significant genetic and phenotypic differences were found among populations and between NE Iberia and the rest of the populations of the peninsula. Mean phenotypes showed a strong and independent correlation with both genetic and geographic distances. Northeastern plants were smaller, less plastic, with smaller, spinier and thicker leaves, a phenotype consistent with the stressful conditions that prevailed in the steppe environments of the refugia within this geographic area during glaciations. These genetic, phenotypic, geographic and environmental patterns are consistent with previously reported palaeoecological and common evidence. Such consistency leads us to conclude that there has been a Quaternary divergence within the sclerophyllous syndrome that was at least partially driven by ecological factors.  相似文献   
匍匐茎草本植物形态可塑性、整合作用与觅食行为研究进展   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
综述了匍匐茎型克隆植物在形态可塑性、整合作用及觅食行为方面的研究进展。资源斑块性分布是生境异质性的特征之一,适应于异质性生境,匍匐茎植物对环境资源表现了一系列可塑性反应。本文着重从匍匐茎植物对光、水、肥的可塑性反应及其整合作用以及觅食行为等方面的研究进行总结分析,以期对匍匐茎型克隆植物进行更广泛深入的研究。  相似文献   
Alignments grow, secondary structure prediction improves.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Using information from sequence alignments significantly improves protein secondary structure prediction. Typically, more divergent profiles yield better predictions. Recently, various groups have shown that accuracy can be improved significantly by using PSI-BLAST profiles to develop new prediction methods. Here, we focused on the influences of various alignment strategies on two 8-year-old PHD methods. The following results stood out. (i) PHD using pairwise alignments predicts about 72% of all residues correctly in one of the three states: helix, strand, and other. Using larger databases and PSI-BLAST raised accuracy to 75%. (ii) More than 60% of the improvement originated from the growth of current sequence databases; about 20% resulted from detailed changes in the alignment procedure (substitution matrix, thresholds, and gap penalties). Another 20% of the improvement resulted from carefully using iterated PSI-BLAST searches. (iii) It is of interest that we failed to improve prediction accuracy further when attempting to refine the alignment by dynamic programming (MaxHom and ClustalW). (iv) Improvement through family growth appears to saturate at some point. However, most families have not reached this saturation. Hence, we anticipate that prediction accuracy will continue to rise with database growth.  相似文献   
植物的生活史由其有性生殖构件和营养体构件相互作用共同完成,克隆整合作为克隆植物的重要特征,其与有性生殖特征的相互作用关系却所知很少。该研究通过同质园种植实验,分析了空心莲子草的分株表型、生理、性别等与克隆整合的关系。结果表明:(1)克隆整合以及分株间是否连接对空心莲子草的表型特征、气体交换等生理性状和性别特征均有显著影响。(2)克隆整合显著缩小了雌雄同花和雄蕊心皮化两种性别植株间表型特征的差距,后代的性别特征与营养体表型特征显著相关。(3)在贫瘠的沙土基质中克隆整合明显增加了空心莲子草的营养体生长特征和气体交换等光合生理指标,但这种增加在富含有机质的塘泥基质中不明显。(4)居于不同土壤基质分株间的联系会减少分株表型特征和气体交换对生长环境的响应,并保持母体性别特征不受环境的影响,但单独居于沙土或塘泥单一土壤基质的分株性别特征却因受到环境影响而改变。因此,克隆整合有利于空心莲子草性别特征的稳定。  相似文献   
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