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Synchronization of neural activity, especially at the gamma band, contributes to perceptual functions. In several psychiatric disorders, deficits of perceptual functions are reflected in synchronization abnormalities. Plausible cause of this impairment is an alteration in the balance between excitation and inhibition (E/I balance); a disruption in the E/I balance leads to abnormal neural interactions reminiscent of pathological states. Moreover, the local lateral excitatory-excitatory synaptic connections in the cortex exhibit excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) that follow a log-normal amplitude distribution. This long-tailed distribution is considered an important factor for the emergence of spatiotemporal neural activity. In this context, we hypothesized that manipulating the EPSP distribution under abnormal E/I balance conditions would provide insights into psychiatric disorders characterized by deficits in perceptual functions, potentially revealing the mechanisms underlying pathological neural behaviors. In this study, we evaluated the synchronization of neural activity with external periodic stimuli in spiking neural networks in cases of both E/I balance and imbalance with or without a long-tailed EPSP amplitude distribution. The results showed that external stimuli of a high frequency lead to a decrease in the degree of synchronization with an increasing ratio of excitatory to inhibitory neurons in the presence, but not in the absence, of high-amplitude EPSPs. This monotonic reduction can be interpreted as an autonomous, strong-EPSP-dependent spiking activity selectively interfering with the responses to external stimuli. This observation is consistent with pathological findings. Thus, our modeling approach has potential to improve the understanding of the steady-state response in both healthy and pathological states.  相似文献   
Deciduous and evergreen trees differ in their responses to drought and nitrogen (N) demand. Whether or not these functional types affect the role of the bacterial community in the N cycle during drought remains uncertain. Two deciduous tree species (Alnus cremastogyne, an N2‐fixing species, and Liquidambar formosana) and two evergreen trees (Cunninghamia lanceolata and Pinus massoniana) were used to assess factors in controlling rhizosphere soil bacterial community and N cycling functions. Photosynthetic rates and biomass production of plants, 16S rRNA sequencing and N‐cycling‐related genes of rhizosphere soil were measured. The relative abundance of the phyla Actinobacteria and Firmicutes was higher, and that of Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Gemmatimondaetes was lower in rhizosphere soil of deciduous trees than that of evergreen. Beta‐diversity of bacterial community also significantly differed between the two types of trees. Deciduous trees showed significantly higher net photosynthetic rates and biomass production than evergreen species both at well water condition and short‐term drought. Root biomass was the most important factor in driving soil bacterial community and N‐cycling functions than total biomass and aboveground biomass. Furthermore, 44 bacteria genera with a decreasing response and 46 taxa showed an increased response along the root biomass gradient. Regarding N‐cycle‐related functional genes, copy numbers of ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and autotrophic ammonia‐oxidizing archaea (AOA), N2 fixation gene (nifH), and denitrification genes (nirK, nirS) were significantly higher in the soil of deciduous trees than in that of the evergreen. Structural equation models explained 50.2%, 47.6%, 48.6%, 49.4%, and 37.3% of the variability in copy numbers of nifH, AOB, AOA, nirK, and nirS, respectively, and revealed that root biomass had significant positive effects on copy numbers of all N‐cycle functional genes. In conclusion, root biomass played key roles in affecting bacterial community structure and soil N cycling. Our findings have important implications for our understanding of plants control over bacterial community and N‐cycling function in artificial forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
植物中参与活性氧调控的基因网络   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋莉璐  张荃 《生命科学》2007,19(3):346-352
植物体内活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)是氧化还原反应的必然副产物,具极高的活性和毒性,从而对细胞产生毒害。同时,活性氧作为信号分子对很多生理过程诸如植物生长发育、细胞程序化死亡及生物和非生物胁迫应答起调控作用。植物中ROS双重作用的协调机制目前尚不明确,确定的是细胞中ROS维持于稳定水平需要精细的调节。拟南芥中至少包括152个基因组成的网络参与ROS的调控,该网络具高度的灵活性和互补性。本文综述了ROS网络中鉴定的一些关键基因及细胞学定位和协同作用,ROS信号转导,尤其是叶绿体中ROS信号的调控。  相似文献   
北京东灵山土壤动物-植物互作关系对海拔格局的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤动物可能会与植物形成复杂的互作网络,有关其对海拔梯度做出响应的研究还相对较少,了解不同生境下的生态网络为理解和预测系统的稳定性及其动态变化机制提供了新途径。于北京东灵山地区调查了沿海拔梯度凋落物层与土壤层中的土壤动物以及木本和草本植物的多样性,并通过零模型的方法对比了土壤动物-植物互作网络特征参数的标准化效应值在高-中-低三个海拔段的差异。结果显示:土壤动物的稀有类群在中海拔段多样性较高,木本植物多样性随海拔降低,而草本植物多样性则随海拔升高。各生物类群组成都随海拔距离而增加,存在明显的聚集性分布格局。植物与土壤动物之间的互作网络特征参数不仅随海拔改变,且在凋落物与土壤层之间、木本与草本植物之间存在差异。总体而言,土壤动物与木本植物互作网络的海拔变化主要与土壤动物多样性有关,而与草本的互作网络则与草本植物多样性有关。沿海拔梯度,存在土壤动物-木本植物向土壤动物-草本植物网络的适应性转变。本研究在同一海拔梯度上探讨了不同层土壤动物与植物的互作关系,对深入理解山地生态系统中各生物类群的共存机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   
以疏叶骆驼刺为研究对象,设定3个水分梯度正常水分(土壤相对含水量(70±5)%)、干旱胁迫(土壤相对含水量(20±5)%)和复水处理(干旱胁迫60天后恢复至正常水分)与四组接种处理(单接种丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)、单接种根瘤菌、双接种AMF+根瘤菌和不接种),分析不同水分条件下双接种丛枝菌根真菌和根瘤菌对疏叶骆驼刺的生长以及供、受体疏叶骆驼刺之间氮素转移的影响。结果表明,正常水分处理时,双接种疏叶骆驼刺的AMF侵染率、地上生物量、地下生物量、总生物量以及氮含量均要高于单接种处理;根瘤数量、最大荧光(Fm)、初始荧光(Fo)、最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)与单接种处理之间无差异;在遭遇干旱胁迫时,双接种疏叶骆驼刺的AMF侵染率、总生物量、Fv/Fm均小于单接种处理;地上生物量、地下生物量、根瘤数、Fm、Fo以及氮含量与单接种之间无差异。复水后,双接种疏叶骆驼刺的地上生物量、地下生物量、总生物量、根瘤数均优于单接种;AMF侵染率、氮含量低于单接种;Fm、Fo、Fv/Fm均与单接种之间无差异。在氮素转移方面,正常水分时,双接种与单接种的氮素转移率无差异,在遭遇干旱胁迫时,双接种疏叶骆驼刺的氮素转...  相似文献   
基于生态系统服务供需的雄安新区生态网络构建与优化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市生态网络构建是城市生态系统服务有效发挥作用的保障,构建完善的生态网络对于城市生态格局的优化具有重要的意义。结合雄安新区总体规划,通过雄安新区生态系统服务供给、需求两个层面识别生态源地。基于源地-缓冲区-廊道-节点框架,构建新区生态网络。其中,基于生态源地与城镇用地驱动因子,运用最小累积阻力方法得到累积阻力差,构建新区三生空间布局。根据成本距离分析和路径分析,结合雄安新区规划绿带分布,生成生态廊道,并在廊道与廊道交汇点、重要生态功能与脆弱的关键点以及道路轨道交汇点识别生态节点。得出:(1)新区生态源地主要位于白洋淀、公园绿地与其他绿地,分为水域生态源和林地生态源两类生态源地,面积总共728 km2。城镇源地主要位于新区东部容城县与雄县城区以及一些零星的农村居民点区域,面积为166 km2。(2)在新区三生空间布局下,加强生态廊道的构建,提升生态源地之间、生态源地与城镇源地之间的连通性,新区生态廊道主要依赖河流廊道和林地廊道两种类型。(3)在新区未来生态网络的建设中,需要重点关注河流廊道交汇点、河流廊道与城区的交汇处、交通道路与生态用地交汇处等的生态节点的建设及其生态功能的提升。  相似文献   
Platinum resistance is one of the major concerns in ovarian cancer treatment. Recent evidence shows the critical role of epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) in this resistance. Epithelial‐like ovarian cancer cells show decreased sensitivity to cisplatin after cisplatin treatment. Our study prospected the association between epithelial phenotype and response to cisplatin in ovarian cancer. Microarray dataset GSE47856 was acquired from the GEO database. After identifying differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between epithelial‐like and mesenchymal‐like cells, the module identification analysis was performed using weighted gene co‐expression network analysis (WGCNA). The gene ontology (GO) and pathway analyses of the most considerable modules were performed. The protein–protein interaction network was also constructed. The hub genes were specified using Cytoscape plugins MCODE and cytoHubba, followed by the survival analysis and data validation. Finally, the co‐expression of miRNA‐lncRNA‐TF with the hub genes was reconstructed. The co‐expression network analysis suggests 20 modules relating to the Epithelial phenotype. The antiquewhite4, brown and darkmagenta modules are the most significant non‐preserved modules in the Epithelial phenotype and contain the most differentially expressed genes. GO, and KEGG pathway enrichment analyses on these modules divulge that these genes were primarily enriched in the focal adhesion, DNA replication pathways and stress response processes. ROC curve and overall survival rate analysis show that the co‐expression pattern of the brown module''s hub genes could be a potential prognostic biomarker for ovarian cancer cisplatin resistance.  相似文献   
Combining single‐cell measurements of ERK activity dynamics with perturbations provides insights into the MAPK network topology. We built circuits consisting of an optogenetic actuator to activate MAPK signaling and an ERK biosensor to measure single‐cell ERK dynamics. This allowed us to conduct RNAi screens to investigate the role of 50 MAPK proteins in ERK dynamics. We found that the MAPK network is robust against most node perturbations. We observed that the ERK‐RAF and the ERK‐RSK2‐SOS negative feedback operate simultaneously to regulate ERK dynamics. Bypassing the RSK2‐mediated feedback, either by direct optogenetic activation of RAS, or by RSK2 perturbation, sensitized ERK dynamics to further perturbations. Similarly, targeting this feedback in a human ErbB2‐dependent oncogenic signaling model increased the efficiency of a MEK inhibitor. The RSK2‐mediated feedback is thus important for the ability of the MAPK network to produce consistent ERK outputs, and its perturbation can enhance the efficiency of MAPK inhibitors.  相似文献   
肖显静  何进 《生态学报》2018,38(1):31-40
在生态学领域中,存在着生态系统整体论与还原论的争论。Tansley A.G.提出,生态系统是"准有机体"。Odum兄弟提出的"生态系统能量说"被广泛接受,但也受到质疑,称其为"还原论者的整体论"。基于对上述质疑的回应以及对生态系统整体论的追求,Patten B.C.等提出"生态网络理论",运用"网络‘环境子’分析"方法,试图从物理层面分析解决生物层面的"涌现性"问题。不过,这一理论也受到批判,认为其在探究符号化的现象对生态系统的动态影响时,陷入了还原论困境。Jrgensen S.E.等更进一步,提出"系统论"的生态系统生态学,试图从系统科学的角度研究生态系统的"物质-能量-信息-网络"系统。这一理论受到生态学界高度重视,但是也存在着在具体研究过程中如何平衡能量视角和生物地球化学视角的问题。由上述争论可见,生态系统生态学研究的趋势是从"物质实体"到"能量流动",再到"网络信息",最后到"开放系统"层层递进。目前面临的关键问题是:如何在更好地定义生态系统整体性的基础上,采取相应的能够体现生态系统整体性的方法,去获得更多、更好的生态系统整体性的认识。  相似文献   
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