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Tympanate hearing has evolved in at least 6 different orders of insects, but had not been reported until recently in the Diptera. This study presents a newly discovered tympanal hearing organ, in the parasitoid tachinid fly, Ormia ochracea. The hearing organ is described in terms of external and internal morphology, cellular organization of the sensory organ and preliminary neuroanatomy of the primary auditory afferents. The ear is located on the frontal face of the prothorax, directly behind the head capsule. Conspicuously visible are a pair of thin cuticular membranes specialized for audition, the prosternal tympanal membranes. Directly attached to these membranes, within the enlarged prosternal chamber, are a pair of auditory sensory organs, the bulbae acusticae. These sensory organs are unique among all auditory organs known so far because both are contained within an unpartitioned acoustic chamber. The prosternal chamber is connected to the outside by a pair of tracheae. The cellular anatomy of the fly's scolopophorous organ was investigated by light and electron microscopy. The bulba acustica is a typical chordotonal organ and it contains approximately 70 receptor cells. It is similar to other insect sensory organs associated with tympanal ears. The similarity of the cellular organization and tympanal morphology of the ormiine ear to the ears of other tympanate insects suggests that there are potent constraints in the design features of tympanal hearing organs, which must function to detect high frequency auditory signals over long distances. Each sensory organ is innervated by a branch of the frontal nerve of the fused thoracic ganglia. The primary auditory afferents project to each of the pro-, meso-, and metathoracic neuropils. The fly's hearing organ is sexually dimorphic, whereby the tympanal membranes are larger in females and the spiracles larger in males. The dimorphism presumably reflects differences in the acoustic behavior in the two sexes.  相似文献   
Although in vitro studies have shown that oxygen free radicals depress the sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump activity and thereby may cause the occurrence of intracellular Ca2+ overload for the genesis of contractile failure, the exact relationship between changes in sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump activity and cardiac function due to these radicals is not clear. In this study we examined the effects of oxygen radicals on sarcolemmal Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activities as well as contractile force development by employing isolated rat heart preparations. When hearts were perfused with medium containing xanthine plus xanthine oxidase, the sarcolemmal Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activity and ATP-dependent Ca2+ accumulation were depressed within 1 min whereas the developed contractile force, rate of contraction and rate of relaxation were increased at 1 min and decreased over 3–20 min of perfusion. The resting tension started increasing at 2 min of perfusion with xanthine plus xanthine oxidase. Catalase showed protective effects against these alterations in heart function and sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump activities upon perfusion with xanthine plus xanthine oxidase whereas superoxide dismutase did not exert such effects. The combination of catalase and superoxide dismutase did not produce greater effects in comparison to catalase alone. These results are consistent with the view that the depression of heart sarcolemmal Ca2+ pump activities may result in myocardial dysfunction due to the formation of hydrogen peroxide and/or hydroxyl radicals upon perfusing the hearts with xanthine plus xanthine oxidase.  相似文献   
自养黄杆菌合成羟基丁酸和羟基戊酸共聚体的发酵研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
采用本实验室从土壤中分离到的一株自养黄杆菌进行了羟基丁酸和羟基戊酸共聚体〔P(HB-co-HV)〕的发酵试验。实验结果表明,该菌株是自养黄杆菌葡萄糖运输突变株,可以葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、乙酸盐、乳酸盐和苹果酸盐作为唯一碳源,尤以葡萄糖和果糖效果最佳。硫酸铵、氯化铵和蛋白胨等不同氮源不影响其生长,却影响细胞中P(HB-co-HV)的含量和P(HB-co-HV)中HV/HB的比例。应用两阶段控制方式,经42h的补料分批发酵,细胞浓度达34.9g·L~(-1),P(HB-co-HV)浓度达25.28g·L~(-1)。细胞和P(HB-co-HV)生产速率系数分别为0.83g·L~(-1)”·h~(-1)和0.61g·L~(-1)·h~(-1)。以基质为基准的细胞得率系数(Yx/s)、产物得率系数(Yp/s)和以干细胞为基准的产物得率系数(Yp/x)分别为0.283(g/g)、0.174(g/g)和0.73(g/g)。改变培养基中碳氮源组分可将P(HB-co-HV)中HB的含量调节在24%~78%之间。  相似文献   
Gas exchange characteristics of a hemiparasiteMelampyrum arvense L. before and after attachment to the hostCapsella bursa pastoris (L.) Med. were compared. The net photosynthetic rates (PN) on a leaf area basis were extremely low and in comparison to the value obtained for the host were about 15 % and 23 % for the unattached and attached hemiparasite, respectively. Also the concentration of photosynthetic pigments was low (as compared with the host the content of chlorophylls was about 33 % and 49 % and of carotenoids about 38 % and 36 % in the unattached and attached hemiparasite, respectively). On the other hand the rates of respiration were high (about 1.8 and 2.6 times higher in the unattached and attached hemiparasite, respectively, than in the host). In darkness stomatal conductance (gS) of the host and the unattached hemiparasite was rapidly reduced to 10 % of the value obtained in light, gS of the attached hemiparasite was decreased only by about 30%. A total reduction of gS occurred at relative water content (RWC) of 85 %, 75% and 45 % for the unattached hemiparasite, the host, and the attached hemiparasite, respectively. The transpiration (E) rate in the preparasitic stage was very low, being 2.6 and 4.5 times smaller than in the host and the attached hemiparasite, respectively. In the attached hemiparasite WUE was 7.5 and 3 times poorer than in the host and in the preparasitic stage, respectively.  相似文献   
Growth kinetics of a bacteriophage in continuous culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lytic coliphage Qbeta was grown in continuously cultured host bacteria using a cascade of stirred flow reactors. The apparatus was constructed so that the steady stream of exponentially growing bacterial cells passing through the stirred flow reactors served to prevent coevolution brought about by host-parasite interactions. Wall growth was the primary cause for deviation from ideal continuous culture conditions and is largely dependent on the surface structure of the host bacteria. Using an Escherichia coli strain deficient in adhesive type I pili expression, the desynchronization of single burst events could easily be followed over the course of four infection latency periods. Computer simulations based on a two-stage model for the Qbeta infection cycle were in perfect agreement with the experimental data. Applications of the optimized system to strategies of molecular evolution are discussed. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The conformation in 2H2O of 4-thio-l-lyxono-1,4-lactone (1) was studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, by means of homonuclear (J1H,1H) and heteronuclear (J1H,13C) coupling constants. The couplings were directly measured by a two-dimensional heteronucleus-coupled ω1 hetero-half-filtered proton-proton correlation (HETLOC) experiment, which does not require 13C isotopic enrichment. In solution, the thiolactone ring of 1 adopts preferentially the E3 conformation, and its hydroxymethyl group populates mainly the gt rotamer. The X-ray diffraction data of a single crystal of 1 indicates that also in the solid state the thiolactone ring adopts an E3 conformation, with a puckering somewhat larger than that observed for aldono-1,4-lactones and furanose rings. The molecules are linked by hydrogen bonds, which form chains. Particularly, O-5 is fully engaged as donor and acceptor in hydrogen bonding and the rotameric conformation of the hydroxymethyl group of 1 is fixed in the tg form.  相似文献   
A cellular model of hematopoiesis which would be more convenient than bone marrow (BM) progenitors and directly relevant to human pathology is needed in order to investigate xenobiotic toxicity. Human umbilical cord blood (HCB), previously shown to be able to repopulate BM, provides a powerful in vitro model of normal human hematopoiesis. In order to validate the use of normal HCB progenitors as targets for dose-related myelosuppression, we used clonogenic assays and expansion in a liquid culture of progenitor-enriched cell suspensions from HCB. A series of 8 reference molecules, doxorubicin, cytosine-arabinoside, 5-fluorouracil, 3-azido-3-deoxythymidine, acetylsalicyclic acid, sodium valproate and two cephalosporin antibiotics, were tested. In vitro 50% inhibition concentrations (IC50) were compared to those observed or reported with BM progenitors, and to the values of plasma concentrations from treated patients. HCB progenitors as in vitro targets for cytotoxic molecules were easy to access and handle, and their use was sensitive, specific and reproducible. They gave results similar to BM progenitors and allowed a qualitative approach to cellular metabolism and toxicity using morphological, flow cytometric and chromatographic methods.Abbreviations ARA-CC cytosine arabinoside - AS acetylsalicylic acid - AZTT 3-azido-3-deoxythymidine - BFUU burst-forming units - BM bone marrow - CFU colony-forming units - DOXX doxorubicin - FU 5-fluorouracil - glyAA glyAcophorin A - HCB human umbilical cord blood - IU international units - PCMEM human placenta-conditioned medium - VA sodium valproate  相似文献   
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) was obtained from the microalgaPhaeodactylum tricornutum following a three-step process: fatty acid extraction by direct saponification of wet biomass, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) concentration by formation of urea inclusion compounds and EPA isolation by preparative HPLC. Direct saponification of wet biomass was carried out with KOH-ethanol (96% v:v) (1 h, 60 °C), extracting 91% of the EPA. PUFAs were concentrated by the urea method with an urea/fatty acid ratio of 4:1 at a crystallization temperature of 28 °C using methanol as the urea solvent. An EPA concentration ratio of 1.5 (55.2/36.3) and recovery of 79% were obtained. This PUFA concentrate was used to obtain 95.8% pure EPA by preparative HPLC, using a reverse-phase column (C18, 4.7 cm i.d. × 30 cm) and methanol-water (1% AcH) 80:20 w/w as the mobile phase. Ninety-seven per cent of EPA loaded was recovered and 70% EPA present in theP. tricornutum biomass was recovered in a highly pure form by means of this three-step downstream processing. In each of the HPLC preparative runs, 635 mg PUFA concentrate were loaded, obtaining 326 mg of a highly concentrated EPA fraction (2.46 g d–1). Finally, a preliminary cost statement has been calculated.  相似文献   
Human follicle stimulating hormone is a pituitary glycoprotein that is essential for the maintenance of ovarian follicle development and testicular spermatogenesis. Like other members of the glycoprotein hormone family, it contains a common a subunit and a hormone specific subunit. Each subunit contains two glycosylation sites. The specific structures of the oligosaccharides of human follicle stimulating hormone have been shown to influence both thein vitro andin vivo bioactivity. Since the carbohydrate structure of a protein reflects the glycosylation apparatus of the host cells in which the protein is expressed, we examined the isoform profiles,in vitro bioactivity and metabolic clearance of a preparation of purified recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone derived from a stable, transfected Sp2/0 myeloma cell line, and pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone. Isoelectric focussing and chromatofocussing studies of human follicle stimulating hormone preparations both showed a more basic isoform profile for the recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone compared to that of pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone. The recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone had a significantly higher radioreceptor activity compared to that of pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone, consistent with a greaterin vitro potency. Pharmacokinetic studies in rats indicated a similar terminal half life (124 min) to that of the pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone (119 min). Preliminary carbohydrate analysis showed recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone to contain high mannose and/or hybrid type, in addition to complex type carbohydrate chains, terminating with both2,3 and2,6 linked sialic acids. These results demonstrate that recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone made in the Sp2/0 myeloma cells is sialylated, has a more basic isoform profile, and has a greaterin vitro biological potency compared to those of the pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone.  相似文献   
Because of concern for cell damage, very low agitation energy inputs have been used in industrial animal cell bioreactors, typical values being two orders of magnitude less than those found in bacterial fermentations. Aeration rates are also very small. As a result, such bioreactors might be both poorly mixed and also unable to provide the higher oxygen up-take rates demanded by more intensive operation. This paper reports experimental studies both of K L a and of mixing (via pH measurements) in bioreactors up to 8 m3 at Wellcome and of scaled down models of such reactors at Birmingham. Alongside these physical measurements, sensitivity of certain cell lines to continuously controlled dO2 has been studied and the oxygen up-take rates measured in representative growth conditions. An analysis of characteristic times and mixing theory, together with other recent work showing that more vigorous agitation and aeration can be used especially in the presence of Pluronic F-68, indicates ways of improving their performance. pH gradients offer a special challenge.  相似文献   
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