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We investigated potential effects of nest site and landscape scale factors, including anthropogenic disturbance and habitat patchiness, on the nesting success of a reintroduced population of northern aplomado falcons (Falco femoralis septentrionalis) in southern Texas. We monitored 62 nesting attempts during 2002–2004 in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. We developed hierarchical models describing daily nest survival rates (DSR) and compared the models using a Bayesian approach in R and WinBUGS. We considered possible effects of nest age, temporal trends, nest site variables, landscape structure, territory (a random effect), and 3 measures of anthropogenic disturbance: distance to paved road, proximity to power pole, and nocturnal light intensity. Whether evaluated by Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) scores or the models' overall posterior probabilities as estimated with a reversible jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm, none of our landscape or disturbance measures affected DSR. Rather, variation in DSR was best described by nest height, overhead cover, and nest source (artificial or natural). These nest site level factors may be manipulated by managers through provision of artificial nests. We recommend that artificial nests continue to be provided, as such nests are highly successful when located on moderately tall substrates, and they permit researchers to access nest contents for population monitoring. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. The emigration behaviour of the army ant Dorylus ( Anomma ) molestus was studied in the montane forest of Mt Kenya. This species forages by massive swarm raids (mean width 10.3 m ± 4.6 m SD), which are assumed to have a strong negative impact on the densities of prey populations.
2. For non-reproductive colonies the stay duration in a nest is highly variable (median 17, range 3–111 days). This suggests that the frequency of emigrations is not dictated by a brood cycle as an underlying endogenous pattern generator.
3. Colony density is high (mean nearest neighbour's distance 82.1 m ± 29.4 m SD) and mean foraging range is 75.0 m, so encounters with neighbouring colonies occur frequently.
4. The straight line emigration distance is on average 92.7 m (± 29.7 SD). The emigration direction is random with respect to absolute bearing and also relative to the direction of the previous emigration. However, the emigration direction is influenced by the location of the nearest neighbour. Colonies typically emigrate directly away from their nearest neighbour.
5. Local food depletion is likely to be the ultimate cause for emigrations in this species, because emigration distance is larger than foraging range and colonies move away from their nearest neighbour. A small percentage of emigrations may be triggered by pangolin attacks on nests.
6. Contrary to the prediction of a recently developed mathematical model for epigaeic swarm-raiding Dorylus ( Anomma ) species, D.  ( A .)  molestus colonies do not engage in intraspecific battles. Possible reasons for the absence of fights between colonies despite apparently fierce intraspecific competition are discussed.  相似文献   
黄佳亮  梁伟 《动物学杂志》2017,52(4):565-573
部分鸟类在繁殖过程中,为避免被捕食、减少繁殖投入等而选择占用其他鸟类的巢。2014~2016年每年的4~8月,在吉林向海国家级自然保护区记录到4种占用喜鹊巢进行繁殖的鸟类,其中绿头鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)8巢,纵纹腹小鸮(Athene noctua)4巢,长耳鸮(Aiso otus)5巢,麻雀(Passer montanus)6巢。大部分(82.6%)为利用喜鹊的废弃旧巢,而绿头鸭(1巢)、长耳鸮(2巢)和纵纹腹小鸮(1巢)少数侵占喜鹊当年新建的巢。  相似文献   
We evaluated habitat suitability and nest survival of breeding white-headed woodpeckers (Picoides albolarvatus) in unburned forests of central Oregon, USA. Daily nest-survival rate was positively related to maximum daily temperature during the nest interval and to density of large-diameter trees surrounding the nest tree. We developed a niche-based habitat suitability model (partitioned Mahalanobis distance) for nesting white-headed woodpeckers using remotely sensed data. Along with low elevation, high density of large trees, and low slope, our habitat suitability model suggested that interspersion–juxtaposition of low- and high-canopy cover ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) patches was important for nest-site suitability. Cross-validation suggested the model performed adequately for management planning at a scale >1 ha. Evaluation of mapped habitat suitability index (HSI) suggested that the maximum predictive gain (HSI = 0.36), where the number of nest locations are maximized in the smallest proportion of the modeled landscape, provided an objective initial threshold for identification of suitable habitat. However, managers can choose the threshold HSI most appropriate for their purposes (e.g., locating regions of low–moderate suitability that have potential for habitat restoration). Consequently, our habitat suitability model may be useful for managing dry coniferous forests for white-headed woodpeckers in central Oregon; however, model validation is necessary before our model could be applied to other locations. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Although North American wood ducks (Aix sponsa) are well-studied throughout their range, researchers know little about demographic and environmental factors influencing survival of ducklings and broods, which is necessary information for population management. We studied radiomarked female and duckling wood ducks that used nest boxes and palustrine wetlands at Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge (NNWR) in Mississippi, USA, in 1996–1999, and riverine wetlands of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Rivers and Waterway (TTRW) system in Alabama in 1998–1999. We estimated survival of ducklings and broods and evaluated potentially important predictors of duckling survival, including age and body mass of brood-rearing females, hatch date of ducklings, duckling mass, brood size at nest departure, inter-day travel distance by ducklings, site and habitat use, and daily minimum air temperature and precipitation. At NNWR, survival of 300 radiomarked ducklings ranged from 0.15 (95% CI = 0.04-0.27) to 0.24 (95% CI = 0.13-0.38) and was 0.21 (95% CI = 0.15-0.28) for 1996–1999. Our overall estimate of brood survival was 0.64 (n = 91; 95% CI = 0.54-0.73). At TTRW, survival of 129 radiomarked ducklings was 0.29 in 1998 (95% CI = 0.20-0.41) and 1999 (95% CI = 0.13-0.45) and was 0.29 (95% CI = 0.20-0.40) for 1998–1999. Our overall estimate of brood survival was 0.71 (n = 38; 95% CI = 0.56-0.85). At NNWR, models that included all predictor variables best explained variation in duckling survival. Akaike weight (wi) for the best model was 0.81, suggesting it was superior to other models (<0.01 < wi < 0.18). We detected 4 competing models for duckling survival at TTRW. Inter-day distance traveled by ducklings was important as this variable appeared in all 4 models; duckling survival was positively related to this variable. Patterns of habitat-related survival were similar at both study areas. Ducklings in broods that used scrub-shrub habitats disjunct from wetlands containing aggregations of nest boxes had greater survival probabilities than birds remaining in wetlands with such nest structures. Managers may increase local wood duck recruitment by promoting availability of suitable brood habitats (e.g., scrub-shrub wetlands) without aggregations of nest boxes that may attract predators and by dispersing nest boxes amid or adjacent to these habitats. We did not determine an optimal density of nest boxes relative to local or regional population goals, which remains important research and conservation needs.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. The colonies of the Spanish desert ant Cataglyphis iberica are polydomous. This study describes the temporal and spatial patterns of the polydomy in this species at two different sites, and presents analyses of its role in reducing the attacks of the queen over sexual brood, and in allowing better habitat exploitation.
2. The spatial distribution of nests was clumped while colonies were distributed randomly. Mean nearest neighbour distance ranged from 3.4 to 7.0 m for nests and from 12.3 to 14.1 m for colonies. Distance of foragers searching for food varied among nests: mean values were between 6.1 and 12.6 m.
3. At both sites, the maximum number of nests per colony occurred in summer, during the maximum activity period of the species. Colonies regrouped at the end of this period but overwintered in several nests.
4. Nest renewal in C. iberica colonies was high and showed great temporal variability: nests changed (open, close, re-open) continuously through the activity season and/or among years. The lifetime of up to 55% of nests was only 1–3 months.
5. Polydomy in C. iberica might decrease the interactions between the queen and the sexual brood. In all colonies excavated just before the mating period, the nest containing the queen did not contain any virgin female. Females were in the queenless nests of the colony.
6. The results also suggest that polydomous C. iberica colonies may enhance habitat exploitation because foraging activity per colony increases with nest number. The relationship between total prey input and foraging efficiency and number of nests per colony attains a plateau or even decreases after a certain colony size (four to six nests). This value agrees with the observed mean number of nests per colony in C. iberica .  相似文献   
1. Plant communities influence the availability of important resources for ants, such as nest sites and food, as well as environmental conditions. Thus, plants affect the abundance and distribution of ants. 2. In a field experiment, the influence of plant cover on the settlement of nest sites and per‐capita productivity of sexual individuals by the ant Temnothorax crassispinus was analysed. In July 2014, in five areas with patches of alien balsam Impatiens parviflora, and another five of native balsam I. noli‐tangere, transects composed of artificial nests were established; the nest sites were situated inside patches of balsams, and outside of them. Four hundred and forty artificial nests were used. One year later, the nests were collected. 3. Colonies of the ants three times more often inhabited nest sites outside the patches of both balsams. Besides, colonies with queens were more frequently found in nest sites located away from balsams. The per‐capita productivity of sexual individuals was higher in nests collected in patches of balsam, and the colonies from patches of alien balsam produced a more female‐biased sex ratio. 4. In terms of the impact on the ant, no clear differences were found between the alien balsam and the native one. The most important factor affecting the fitness of ants in areas dominated by balsams is the presence of herbaceous plant cover rather than whether the plant is alien or native.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of presettlement forest restoration treatments on the nesting success of Western Bluebirds in ponderosa pine forests of northwestern Arizona, U.S.A. From 1998 to 2001 we monitored 97 active Western Bluebird nests, 41 in current‐condition untreated forest and 56 in restoration‐treated forest. We found no effect of restoration treatments on clutch size and little effect on the number of nestlings per nest. However, in treated forest stands number of fledglings per nest averaged 1.6 times greater, and probability of a nest surviving to successfully fledge at least one young was up to 4.2 times greater than in untreated forest. Probability of a nest succeeding averaged 0.39 ± 0.11 (SE) and 0.75 ± 0.06 from 1999 to 2001 in untreated and treated forests, respectively. In addition, in treated forest, average number of nests infested with the blowfly parasite Protocalliphora sialia was up to 4.3 times greater, and number of parasites per fledgling was up to 10.7 times greater than in untreated forest. Overall, the data suggest that in treated forest Western Bluebirds have a higher probability of successfully fledging young, but they are at greater risk of parasitic infestations, of which the ultimate effects on post‐fledging survival are unknown.  相似文献   
Many organisms adjust their reproductive phenology in response to climate change, but phenological sensitivity to temperature may vary between species. For example, resident and migratory birds have vastly different annual cycles, which can cause differential temperature sensitivity at the breeding grounds, and may affect competitive dynamics. Currently, however, adjustment to climate change in resident and migratory birds have been studied separately or at relatively small geographical scales with varying time series durations and methodologies. Here, we studied differential effects of temperature on resident and migratory birds using the mean egg laying initiation dates from 10 European nest box schemes between 1991 and 2015 that had data on at least one resident tit species and at least one migratory flycatcher species. We found that both tits and flycatchers advanced laying in response to spring warming, but resident tit populations advanced more strongly in relation to temperature increases than migratory flycatchers. These different temperature responses have already led to a divergence in laying dates between tits and flycatchers of on average 0.94 days per decade over the current study period. Interestingly, this divergence was stronger at lower latitudes where the interval between tit and flycatcher phenology is smaller and winter conditions can be considered more favorable for resident birds. This could indicate that phenological adjustment to climate change by flycatchers is increasingly hampered by competition with resident species. Indeed, we found that tit laying date had an additional effect on flycatcher laying date after controlling for temperature, and this effect was strongest in areas with the shortest interval between both species groups. Combined, our results suggest that the differential effect of climate change on species groups with overlapping breeding ecology affects the phenological interval between them, potentially affecting interspecific interactions.  相似文献   
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