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Endothermic animals do not always have a single adaptive internal temperature; some species exhibit plastic homeostasis, adaptively allowing body temperature to drop when thermoregulatory costs are high. Like large‐bodied endotherms, some animal societies exhibit collective thermal homeostasis. We tested for plasticity of thermoregulation in the self‐assembled temporary nests (bivouacs) of army ants. We measured core bivouac temperatures under a range of environmental conditions and at different colony developmental (larval vs pupal brood) stages. Contrary to previous assertions, bivouacs were not perfect thermoregulators in all developmental stages. Instead, bivouacs functioned as superorganismal facultative endotherms, using a combination of site choice and context‐dependent metabolic heating to adjust core temperatures across an elevational cline in ambient temperature. When ambient temperature was low, the magnitude of metabolic heating was dependent on colony developmental stage: pupal bivouacs were warmer than larval bivouacs. At cooler high elevations, bivouacs functioned like some endothermic animals that intermittently lower their body temperatures to conserve energy. Bivouacs potentially conserved energy by investing less metabolic heating in larval brood because the high costs of impaired worker development may require more stringent thermoregulation of pupae. Our data also suggest that site choice played an important role in bivouac cooling under high ambient temperatures at low elevations. Climate warming may expand upper elevational range limits of Eciton burchellii parvispinum, while reducing the availability of cool and moist bivouac sites at lower elevations, potentially leading to future low‐elevation range contraction.  相似文献   
Aim The laying of eggs and the building of a nest structure to accommodate them are two of the defining characteristics of members of the class Aves. Nest structures vary considerably across avian taxa and for many species the structure of the completed nest can have important consequences both for parents and their offspring. While nest characteristics are expected to vary adaptively in response to environmental conditions, large‐scale spatial variation in nest characteristics has been largely overlooked. Here, we examine the effects of latitudinal variation in spring temperatures on nest characteristics, including insulatory properties, and reproductive success of blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, and great tits, Parus major. Location Great Britain. Methods Nests and reproductive data were collected from seven study sites, spread over 5° of latitude. The nest insulatory properties were then determined before the nests were separated into nest base material and cup lining material. Results As spring temperatures increased with decreasing latitude, the mass of the nest base material did not vary in either species, while the mass of the cup lining material and nest insulatory properties decreased in both species. This suggests that in response to increasing temperatures the breeding female reduces the mass of the cup lining material, thereby maintaining an appropriate microclimate for incubating and brooding. The mean first egg date of both species advanced with decreasing latitude and increasing spring temperatures, although clutch size and brood size at hatching and fledging did not vary. Main conclusions This is the first study to demonstrate that the nest‐construction behaviour of birds varies in response to large‐scale spatial variation in ambient temperatures. Therefore, nest composition reliably indicates environmental conditions and we suggest that studies of nest structure may be sentinels for the early signs of rapid climate change.  相似文献   
Understanding the factors contributing to variation in demographic parameters and their influences on population growth is fundamental to effective conservation of small populations, but this information is often not available. Among shorebirds, population growth is generally most sensitive to changes in adult survival so understanding the factors affecting this vital rate is important. We used a long-term mark–resight dataset and Program MARK to examine the effect of management actions, initiated to improve nesting productivity, on adult survival in a threatened population of Snowy Plovers (Charadrius nivosus) in Oregon, USA. Apparent adult survival averaged 0.71 ± 0.01 (SE), but increased from 1990 to 2014. This increase coincided with a decline in use of protective nest exclosures, but initiation of lethal nest predator management. The unexpected apparent benefit to adult survival of removal of nest predators and the negative effect of protective nest exclosures highlight the importance of understanding how management practices at one life cycle stage may have unintended consequences at other life stages. Our 25-year analysis adds to our knowledge of an intensively managed, threatened species at the northern limit of its range, but, more importantly, knowledge of the negative effect of exclosure use and the positive effect of predator management on adult survival can help inform conservation of less well-studied species with similar life histories.  相似文献   
Nesting birds must provide a thermal environment sufficient for egg development while also meeting self‐maintenance needs. Many birds, particularly those with uniparental incubation, achieve this balance through periodic incubation recesses, during which foraging and other self‐maintenance activities can occur. However, incubating birds may experience disturbances such as predator or human activity which interrupt natural incubation patterns by compelling them to leave the nest. We characterized incubating mallard Anas platyrhynchos and gadwall Mareca strepera hens’ responses when flushed by predators and investigators in Suisun Marsh, California, USA. Diurnal incubation recesses initiated by investigators approaching nests were 63% longer than natural diurnal incubation recesses initiated by the hen (geometric mean: 226.77 min versus 142.04 min). Nocturnal incubation recesses, many of which were likely the result of predators flushing hens, were of similar duration regardless of whether the nest was partially depredated during the event (115.33 [101.01;131.68] minutes) or not (119.62 [111.96;127.82] minutes), yet were 16% shorter than natural diurnal incubation recesses. Hens moved further from the nest during natural diurnal recesses or investigator‐initiated recesses than during nocturnal recesses, and the proportion of hen locations recorded in wetland versus upland habitat during recesses varied with recess type (model‐predicted means: natural diurnal recess 0.77; investigator‐initiated recess 0.82; nocturnal recess 0.31). Hens were more likely to take a natural recess following an investigator‐initiated recess earlier that same day than following a natural recess earlier that same day, and natural recesses that followed an investigator‐initiated recess were longer than natural recesses that followed an earlier natural recess, suggesting that hens may not fulfill all of their physiological needs during investigator‐initiated recesses. We found no evidence that the duration of investigator‐initiated recesses was influenced by repeated visits to the nest, whether by predators or by investigators, and trapping and handling the hen did not affect investigator‐initiated recess duration unless the hen was also fitted with a backpack‐harness style GPS–GSM transmitter at the time of capture. Hens that were captured and fitted with GPS–GSM transmitters took recesses that were 26% longer than recesses during which a hen was captured but a GPS–GSM transmitter was not attached. Incubation interruptions had measurable but limited and specific effects on hen behavior.  相似文献   
Much interest lies in the identification of manageable habitat variables that affect key vital rates for species of concern. For ground‐nesting birds, vegetation surrounding the nest may play an important role in mediating nest success by providing concealment from predators. Height of grasses surrounding the nest is thought to be a driver of nest survival in greater sage‐grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; sage‐grouse), a species that has experienced widespread population declines throughout their range. However, a growing body of the literature has found that widely used field methods can produce misleading inference on the relationship between grass height and nest success. Specifically, it has been demonstrated that measuring concealment following nest fate (failure or hatch) introduces a temporal bias whereby successful nests are measured later in the season, on average, than failed nests. This sampling bias can produce inference suggesting a positive effect of grass height on nest survival, though the relationship arises due to the confounding effect of plant phenology, not an effect on predation risk. To test the generality of this finding for sage‐grouse, we reanalyzed existing datasets comprising >800 sage‐grouse nests from three independent studies across the range where there was a positive relationship found between grass height and nest survival, including two using methods now known to be biased. Correcting for phenology produced equivocal relationships between grass height and sage‐grouse nest survival. Viewed in total, evidence for a ubiquitous biological effect of grass height on sage‐grouse nest success across time and space is lacking. In light of these findings, a reevaluation of land management guidelines emphasizing specific grass height targets to promote nest success may be merited.  相似文献   
Biological impacts of climate change are exemplified by shifts in phenology. As the timing of breeding advances, the within‐season relationships between timing of breeding and reproductive traits may change and cause long‐term changes in the population mean value of reproductive traits. We investigated long‐term changes in the timing of breeding and within‐season patterns of clutch size, egg volume, incubation duration, and daily nest survival of three shorebird species between two decades. Based on previously known within‐season patterns and assuming a warming trend, we hypothesized that the timing of clutch initiation would advance between decades and would be coupled with increases in mean clutch size, egg volume, and daily nest survival rate. We monitored 1,378 nests of western sandpipers, semipalmated sandpipers, and red‐necked phalaropes at a subarctic site during 1993–1996 and 2010–2014. Sandpipers have biparental incubation, whereas phalaropes have uniparental incubation. We found an unexpected long‐term cooling trend during the early part of the breeding season. Three species delayed clutch initiation by 5 days in the 2010s relative to the 1990s. Clutch size and daily nest survival showed strong within‐season declines in sandpipers, but not in phalaropes. Egg volume showed strong within‐season declines in one species of sandpiper, but increased in phalaropes. Despite the within‐season patterns in traits and shifts in phenology, clutch size, egg volume, and daily nest survival were similar between decades. In contrast, incubation duration did not show within‐season variation, but decreased by 2 days in sandpipers and increased by 2 days in phalaropes. Shorebirds demonstrated variable breeding phenology and incubation duration in relation to climate cooling, but little change in nonphenological components of traits. Our results indicate that the breeding phenology of shorebirds is closely associated with the temperature conditions on breeding ground, the effects of which can vary among reproductive traits and among sympatric species.  相似文献   
Understanding causes of nest loss is critical for the management of endangered bird populations. Available methods for estimating nest loss probabilities to competing sources do not allow for random effects and covariation among sources, and there are few data simulation methods or goodness‐of‐fit (GOF) tests for such models. We developed a Bayesian multinomial extension of the widely used logistic exposure (LE) nest survival model which can incorporate multiple random effects and fixed‐effect covariates for each nest loss category. We investigated the performance of this model and the accompanying GOF test by analysing simulated nest fate datasets with and without age‐biased discovery probability, and by comparing the estimates with those of traditional fixed‐effects estimators. We then exemplify the use of the multinomial LE model and GOF test by analysing Piping Plover Charadrius melodus nest fate data (n = 443) to explore the effects of wire cages (exclosures) constructed around nests, which are used to protect nests from predation but can lead to increased nest abandonment rates. Mean parameter estimates of the random‐effects multinomial LE model were all within 1 sd of the true values used to simulate the datasets. Age‐biased discovery probability did not result in biased parameter estimates. Traditional fixed‐effects models provided estimates with a high bias of up to 43% with a mean of 71% smaller standard deviations. The GOF test identified models that were a poor fit to the simulated data. For the Piping Plover dataset, the fixed‐effects model was less well‐supported than the random‐effects model and underestimated the risk of exclosure use by 16%. The random‐effects model estimated a range of 1–6% probability of abandonment for nests not protected by exclosures across sites and 5–41% probability of abandonment for nests with exclosures, suggesting that the magnitude of exclosure‐related abandonment is site‐specific. Our results demonstrate that unmodelled heterogeneity can result in biased estimates potentially leading to incorrect management recommendations. The Bayesian multinomial LE model offers a flexible method of incorporating random effects into an analysis of nest failure and is robust to age‐biased nest discovery probability. This model can be generalized to other staggered‐entry, time‐to‐hazard situations.  相似文献   
The hexapeptide Ser-Gly-Ala-Gly-Lys-Thr has been synthesized and characterized. It was designed as a minimal soluble peptide that would be likely to have the phosphate-binding properties observed in the P-loops of proteins that bind the β-phosphate of GTP or ATP. The β-phosphate in such proteins is bound by a combination of the side chain ε-amino group of the lysine residue plus the concavity formed by successive main chain peptide NH groups called a nest, which is favored by the glycines. The hexapeptide is shown to bind HPO(4) (2-) strongly at neutral pH. The affinities of the various ionized species of phosphate and hexapeptide are analyzed, showing that they increase with pH. It is likely the main chain NH groups of the hexapeptide bind phosphate in much the same way as the corresponding P-loop atoms bind the phosphate ligand in proteins. Most proteinaceous P-loops are situated at the N-termini of α-helices, and this observation has frequently been considered a key aspect of these binding sites. Such a hexapeptide in isolation seems unlikely to form an α-helix, an expectation in accord with the CD spectra examined; this suggests that being at the N-terminus of an α-helix is not essential for phosphate binding. An unexpected finding about the hexapeptide-HPO(4) (2-) complex is that the side chain ε-amino group of the lysine occurs in its deprotonated form, which appears to bind HPO(4) (2-) via an N···H-O-P hydrogen bond.  相似文献   
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