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利用西双版纳热带植物园的热带植物物候观测资料和气候资料,通过对热带植物株高生长偏差、生长抽梢期和气候因子的分析,探讨了三者的关系。结果表明,热带植物生长抽梢期变长不一定影响株高生长,而且与株高生长偏差的关系也小于气候因子与株高生长偏差的关系。同时,热带植物生长抽梢期对气候因子和株高生长偏差之间关系的贡献很小。因此,可以认为热带植物的生长期对植被生产力的促进作用较弱。  相似文献   
Pomatoschistus minutus show paternal care in a resource defence mating system. We investigated the effect of nest-site availability on parasitic spawning. Each experimental pool contained four potentially nest-building males, four females and nests-sites in shortage (2) or excess (6). Both treatments were conducted in two populations; one with natural nest-sites in excess, one with a nest-site shortage. Microsatellite-DNA revealed that all nest-holders had fertilized most of the eggs they tended. Yet, 35% of the nests contained eggs fertilized by another male and 14.4% of the males had performed parasitic spawning. There was no site or treatment effect. Several females spawned in two nests, which coincided with parasitic spawnings, suggesting a cost to the nest-holder in terms of lost mating success. Nest-holders with and without eggs and non-nesting males all spawned parasitically, generating a significantly lower opportunity for sexual selection compared to if there had been no parasitic spawning.  相似文献   
城市群生态安全格局构建:概念辨析与理论思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈利顶  孙然好  孙涛  杨磊 《生态学报》2021,41(11):4251-4258
城市群是城市发展到一定阶段通过城市间物流、人流和能流高度融合而形成的区域性复合生态系统,如何保障城市群生态安全与健康发展成为当前关注的热点问题。本研究系统分析了生态安全、城市生态安全与城市群生态安全的内涵。认为狭义上城市群生态安全侧重于城市群内部生态空间优化和生态系统服务功能提升,重点关注城市群地区生态用地空间优化与"三生空间"(生态、生活及生产空间)的合理布局。广义上的城市群生态安全不仅需要考虑城市群内部生态系统结构和功能协调及其生态系统服务的供需平衡,也需要从区域尺度考虑城市群与其他区域之间的协调关系。城市群生态安全格局构建的目的则是保障城市群内部区域一体化协调发展,满足人们日常生活的基本需求,实现城市群与区域之间物流、能流和人流的有序流通。在城市群生态安全格局构建时,除了遵循生态安全一般性原则外,还需要遵循以下原则:①生态系统服务供需平衡尺度效应;②生态安全保障的阈值效应;③生态安全格局的空间联动效应。最后文章提出了城市群生态安全格局构建的基本思路和技术路径。  相似文献   
We examined the relationships between male body and horn sizes and mating duration in the Japanese horned beetle, Allomyrina dichotoma. Smaller males possessing shorter horns spent more time for copulation with a female and mounting the female without copulation. The results of multiple regression analyses indicate that the horn length is a determining factor for the time spent by the males during mating. A previous study has documented that the horn length of male A. dichotoma primarily determined the outcomes of aggressive male–male interactions; hence, predicts access to females. Therefore, instead of fighting for females, males possessing short horns may maximize their fertilization success by mating longer with the few females they have access to.  相似文献   
人工释放苜蓿切叶蜂的营巢行为观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苜蓿切叶蜂Megachile rotundata Fabricius是紫花苜蓿的理想授粉昆虫,国内外已广泛利用切叶蜂为紫花苜蓿授粉,因此,对切叶蜂的田间活动行为分析具有重要的实践指导意义。对苜蓿切叶蜂的田间营巢行为进行观测,结果表明:整个花期切叶蜂均十分活跃,放蜂的第4天开始适应环境,正常活动,7月8~22日,切叶蜂最为活跃,进入蜂巢的切叶蜂数最高时达426头/蜂巢,每日10:00~16:00为活动高峰。每日每块蜂巢的封孔数最多为14个,平均每个蜂室封闭巢孔的数量最多为185个。  相似文献   
Social insects live in colonies consisting of many workers, where worker interactions play an important role in regulating colony activities. Workers interact within the social space of the nest; therefore, constraints on nest space may alter worker behaviour and affect colony activities and energetics. Here we show in the ant Temnothorax rugatulus that changes in nest space have a significant effect on colony energetics. Colonies with restricted nest space showed a 14.2 per cent increase in metabolic rate when compared with the same colonies in large uncrowded nests. Our study highlights the importance of social space and shows that constraints on social space can significantly affect colony behaviour and energy use in ants. We discuss the implications of our findings regarding social insects in general.  相似文献   
张海燕  丛斌  田秋  付海滨  董辉 《昆虫学报》2006,49(3):433-437
在16℃、20℃、24℃、28℃和32℃恒温下,观察了温度对感染沃尔巴克氏体的松毛虫赤眼蜂发育、存活和繁殖的影响,组建了相应温度下的实验种群生命表。结果表明,在实验温度范围内,感染沃尔巴克氏体的松毛虫赤眼蜂的发育历期随着温度的升高而逐渐缩短,5个温度下感染沃尔巴克氏体的松毛虫赤眼蜂世代的发育历期分别为23.2、17.8、13.2、11.1和7.8天,世代的发育起点温度和有效积温分别为7.40℃和212.69日·度,内禀增长率(rm)和净生殖力(R0)分别介于0.2448~0.4584和28.00~84.03之间。结果提示温度24℃~28℃为繁殖感染沃尔巴克氏体的松毛虫赤眼蜂的理想温度条件。  相似文献   
文章研究了华中地区池塘养殖大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)卵巢的发育规律, 分析了水温与光照条件变化对卵巢发育的影响, 探究了大口黑鲈反季节繁殖的方法, 旨在充分利用本地区的气候条件, 化劣势为优势, 从根本上解决本地大口黑鲈产业所面临的问题。实验采用形态学、组织学等方法比较分析了大口黑鲈卵巢发育特征, 采用人工控温和人工促熟的方法探究了温度和性激素对大口黑鲈性腺启动发育的影响。研究发现, 华中地区大口黑鲈雌鱼性腺指数(GSI)周年变化在0.63%—7.95%, 10月中旬至12月初水温由20.6℃降至11.0℃期间, 卵巢开始发育至Ⅲ期, 并以Ⅲ期越冬, 至4月中旬繁殖产卵, 5月底结束, 繁殖前约80%的雌鱼绝对繁殖力在4.5万—6.5万粒, 但受水温升高的影响, 卵巢中15%成熟卵母细胞未能产出而逐步退化, 产卵结束时仍有一半以上卵未产出(GSI为4.6%); 雌鱼GSI与肠系膜脂肪系数(MFI)、肝体比(HSI)在10月份至次年4月份呈显著负相关(P<0.05), 表明在此期间, 机体储存的营养物质部分转移至性腺, 优先保证性腺发育。在大口黑鲈反季节繁殖实验中, 采用井水[水温(20±1)℃]降温和控温处理的方法能够促进大口黑鲈性腺的启动发育, 经过3个月处理, 控温组雌鱼卵巢发育至Ⅳ期末, GSI达到4.06%, 而对照组雌鱼卵巢处于Ⅲ期, GSI为2.52%, 两组差异显著(P<0.05), 两组雄鱼精巢均发育至Ⅳ期末, 控温组GSI达0.89%, 对照组为0.73%, 这表明可以通过温度处理来调控大口黑鲈性腺的发育。最后针对反季节繁殖中亲本的培育方法和处理时间等进行了总结, 以期为后续培育反季节大口黑鲈提供依据。  相似文献   
《Chronobiology international》2013,30(10):1469-1476
There is evidence that the sleep and circadian systems play a role in glucose metabolism. In addition to physiological factors, sleep is also affected by behavioral, environmental, cultural and social factors. In this study, we examined whether morning or evening preference, sleep timing and sleep duration are associated with glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes residing in Thailand. Two hundred and ten type 2 diabetes patients who were not shift workers completed an interview and questionnaires to collect information on diabetes history, habitual sleep duration and sleep timing. Chronotype, an individual’s tendency for being a “morning” or “evening” person, was assessed using the Composite Score of Morningness (CSM), which reflects an individual’s subjective preference for activities in the morning or evening, as well as mid-sleep time on weekend nights (MSF), which reflects their actual sleep behavior. Most recent hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) values were retrieved from medical records. Evening preference (as indicated by lower CSM), later bedtime on weekends, and shorter sleep duration correlated with higher HbA1c (r?=??0.18, p?=?0.01; r?=?0.17, p?=?0.01 and r?=??0.17, p?=?0.01, respectively), while there was no association between MSF or wake up time and glycemic control. In addition, later bedtime on weekends significantly correlated with shorter sleep duration (r?=??0.34, p?<?0.001). Hierarchical regression analyses adjusting for age, sex, body mass index, insulin use and diabetes duration revealed that later bedtime on weekends was significantly associated with poorer glycemic control (B?=?0.018, p?=?0.02), while CSM was not. Mediation analysis revealed that this association was fully mediated by sleep duration. In summary, later bedtime on weekends was associated with shorter sleep duration and poorer glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. It is likely that patients with later weekend bedtimes curtail their sleep by waking up earlier. Exploring the potential reasons for this phenomenon (e.g. cultural influences, metropolitan lifestyle, environmental factors, family and social obligations) specific to a Thai population may help identify behavioral modifications (i.e. earlier bedtime and/or sleep duration extension) that could possibly lead to improved glycemic control in this population.  相似文献   
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