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The relation between inbreeding depression and rate of self-fertilization was studied in nine natural populations of the annual genus Amsinckia. The study included two clades (phylogenetic lineages) in which small-flowered, homostylous populations or species are believed to have evolved from large-flowered, heterostylous, self-compatible ones. In one lineage the small-flowered species is tetraploid with disomic inheritance. Rates of self-fertilization were 25% to 55% in the four large-flowered, heterostylous populations; 72% in a large-flowered but homostylous population; and greater than 99.5% in the four small-flowered, homostylous populations, which produce seed autonomously. When present, inbreeding depression occurred in the fertility but not the survival components of fitness. Using a cumulative fitness measure incorporating both survival and fertility (flower number), we found inbreeding depression to be lower in the four very highly self-fertilizing populations than in the five intermediate ones. The Spearman rank correlation between inbreeding depression and selfing rate for the nine populations was –0.50, but was not statistically significant (P = 0.12). Inbreeding depression was greater in the two tetraploid populations than in the very highly self-fertilizing, diploid ones. Phenotypic stability of progeny from self-fertilization tended to be higher in populations with lower inbreeding depression. We conclude that levels of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression in Amsinckia are determined more by other factors than by each other. Estimates of mutation rates and dominance coefficients of deleterious alleles, obtained from a companion study of the four highly self-fertilizing populations, suggest that a strong relationship may not be expected. We discuss the relationship of the present results to current theory of the coevolution of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression.  相似文献   
The sessile (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) and pedunculate (Quercus robur L.) oaks are two closely related species having a wide sympatric distribution over Europe. Under natural conditions, they frequently form mixed forests, where hybridization is suspected to occur. In this paper, two different approaches have been applied to the study of the mating system and the interspecific gene flow in a mixed stand formed by the two species. The mating systems of both species have been studied separately by means of the mixed-mating model. The relative contribution of the parental species to the progenies have been estimated with two different methods. The first uses the admixture model. The second is an extension of the mixed-mating model and subdivides the outcrossing rate into intra- and interspecific components. The two species were almost completely outcrossing. This high level of outcrossing and interspecific gene flow could play an important role in the maintenance of the genetic diversity in these long-lived forest tree species. The contribution of the sessile oak to the pedunculate oak progenies varied from 17% to 48%. In contrast, ovules of sessile oak trees appear to be preferentially fertilized by other extreme sessile genotypes. We suggest that interspecific and directional gene flow was responsible for such patterns. Pedunculate oak is considered as a pioneer species and is progressively replaced by sessile oak. Our present findings add a further genetic component to this succession scheme, suggesting that unidirectional gene flow reinforces succession between the two species.  相似文献   
The unorthodox two-component sensor protein BvgS ofBordetella pertussis contains several interesting sequence motifs of unknown functional relevance, such as a histidine motif in its output domain, which is conserved among several unorthodox sensor proteins, a putative nucleotide binding site [Walker box type A] in its linker region, and a region in its periplasmic domain with significant homology to the TonB protein ofEscherichia coli. We investigated potential functions of these sequences by constructingB. pertussis strains that express mutant BvgS derivatives. The His1172 residue in the output domain was exchanged for Gln, and the Walker motif was mutated either by the replacement of Lys625 by Arg, or of Gly624 by Val and Lys625 by Leu. To analyse the TonB motif, the periplasmic domain of BvgS was replaced with the corresponding domain of EvgS, anE. coli sensor that is highly homologous to BvgS but lacks the similarity with TonB. All mutations except the conservative Lys/Arg exchange in the Walker box caused the inactivation of BvgS, indicating the functional importance of the conserved motifs. The activity of the mutant proteins could be restored by complementation in trans with various separately expressed, truncated parts of BvgS. Mutations in the BvgS receiver domain could be complemented not only by a construct expressing the wild-type receiver and output domains, but also by the derivative containing the His-Gln exchange. Therefore, the histidine motif, although important for BvgS function, is not essential for complementation of BvgS mutants. The mutations in the Walker box and in the periplasmic domain could be complemented by a truncated BvgS derivative lacking the receiver and output domains. The characterization of a spontaneous revertant of the strain expressing the originally inactive EvgS/BvgS hybrid protein revealed the presence of a mutation in the BvgS linker region, conferring constitutive activity on the protein. As TonB energizes transport processes across the outer membrane ofE. coli, the strain expressing the constitutive EvgS/BvgS hybrid protein lacking the TonB motif was used in preliminary investigations of a possible direct involvement of BvgS in transport processes.  相似文献   
The presence of cranial retia mirabilia in rays of the genus Mobula is well established. Although previously regarded as consisting exclusively of arteries, the presence of veins has now been established in gross dissections of the rete in the mobulid, Manta birostris. Histological examination of the retia in Manta birostris and Mobula tarapacana confirms the presence of veins. These findings suggest the presence of a counter-current heat-exchanger that warms the brain.  相似文献   
Neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) is a member of a family of neurotrophic factors, the neurotrophins, that control survival and differentiation of vertebrate neurons (2–4). Besides being the most recently discovered neurotrophin in mammals, and the least well understood, several aspects distinguish NT-4 from other members of the neurotrophin family. It is the most divergent member and, in contrast to the other neurotrophins, its expression is ubiquitous and appears to be less influenced by environmental signals. NT-4 seems to have the unique requirement of binding to the lowaffinity neurotrophin receptor (p75LNGFR) for efficient signalling and retrograde transport in neurons. Moreover, while all other neurotrophin knock-outs have proven lethal during early postnatal development, mice deficient in NT-4 have so far only shown minor cellular deficits and develop normally to adulthood. Is NT-4 a recent addition to the neurotrophic factor repertoire in search of a crucial function, or is it an evolutionary relic, a kind of wisdom tooth of the neurotrophin family?  相似文献   
In the brain of the intact crayfish, three pairs of non-spiking giant interneurons (G1, G2, G3; NGIs) scarcely responded to substrate tilt about the longitudinal axis of the body either in the dark or in the presence of an overhead light. However, when the statolith was removed, these NGIs responded with depolarizing and hyperpolarizing potentials respectively to upward movements of the ipsilateral legs (2nd–5th pereiopods) and upward movements of the contralateral legs produced by substrate tilt. The relationships between the polarity of the potential and the direction of movement in the contralateral legs were opposite to those in the ipsilateral legs. The amplitude of the responses was proportional to the frequency (0.5-0.05 Hz) and amplitude of tilting. When the legs were moved unilaterally, the NGIs responded with depolarizing and hyperpolarizing potentials to upward movements of the ipsilateral legs and to upward movements of the contralateral legs, respectively. When the legs were moved bilaterally in the same direction by upward or downward movement of the substrate, the NGIs scarcely responded to the leg movements. A hypothetical model is presented to account for the pathways of sensory inputs to the NGIs and the role of NGIs in compensatory oculomotor system.  相似文献   
We review some of the older literature concerning metabolic turnover of cholesterol in the nervous system. The overall picture is that incorporation of radioactive precursors into brain cholesterol is roughly proportional to the rate of myelination and that, once incorporated, radioactive cholesterol is relatively stable metabolically. We outline a strategy for demonstrating the source (local synthesis or uptake from the circulation) of cholesterol in brain. The experimental design involves determining the rate of accumulation of cholesterol this is calculated as the increasing amounts of sterol in brain at successive time intervals during development. The rate of appearance of newly synthesized cholesterol is determined from incorporation of radioactivity from3H2O (injected i.p. several hours prior to sacrifice) into cholesterol. The radioactivity associated with the sterol fractions and the specific activity of body water determined from the serum can be used to calculate the absolute amount of sterol newly synthesized during the time when3H2O was present. The results obtained demonstrated that all of the bulk cholesterol accumulating in brain can be accounted for by newly synthesized cholesterol. None of the radioactive cholesterol came from the circulation, since cholesterol feeding suppressed cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver and specific radioactivity of circulating cholesterol was negligible. Thus, almost all cholesterol accumulating in brain during development is locally synthesized. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Marion R. Smith.  相似文献   
肾素-血管紧张素系统──应激激素反应系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
各种急性与慢性应激时,循环血中及脑、心血管、肾腺等组织中血管紧张素Ⅱ(AⅡ)显著增多;人剧烈运动后血浆AⅡ与皮质醇一样均剧烈增加,在慢性应激性高血压动物循环及组织中,AⅡ含量持续地增高。还发现高浓度AⅡ对肾上腺糖皮质激素的分泌有直接的刺激作用,而组织AⅡ增多又受肾上腺素能β受体的激发。根据近年来的系列工作,并结合文献,我们认为AⅡ是一种重要的应激激素;肾素-血管紧张素系统是一个应激激素反应系统;它与经典的应激激素反应系统,下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质系统及交感-肾上腺髓质系统也存在着密切的关系。  相似文献   
C. Philippe  N. Clerc  B. Mazet  J.P. Niel 《Peptides》1996,17(8):1331-1335
The presence of galanin was examined in the cat gut and related autonomic nervous structures using radioimmunoassay (RIA) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In the gut wall, the concentration of galanin-like immunoreactivity (GAL-LI) was assayed separately in the muscular layers with the nervous plexuses and in the mucosa and ranged from 0.35 to 0.55 pmol/g wet tissue. In the autonomic nervous structures, GAL-LI concentrations ranged from 0.22 (thoracic spinal ganglia) to 0.81 (inferior mesenteric ganglion) pmol/g wet tissue. The presence of galanin was checked by HPLC in the antrum, intestine, and colon. HPLC of extractable material revealed a major peak coeluting with the synthetic porcine peptide and minor earlier peaks representing likely different molecular forms of galanin. Our study strengthens the notion that galanin acts in nervous control of the cat gut functions.  相似文献   
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