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《Journal of morphology》2017,278(12):1689-1705
The gross morphology of the brain of Rineloricaria heteroptera and its relation to the sensory/behavioural ecology of the species is described and discussed. The sexual and ontogenetic intraspecific variation in the whole brain length and mass, as well as within/between the eight different brain subdivisions volumes, is also examined and discussed. Negative allometry for the whole brain length/mass and relative growth of the telencephalon and optic tecta was observed. Positive allometry was observed for the relative growth of the olfactory bulbs and medulla oblongata . Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses did not reveal significant differences in the brain subdivision growth rates among sexes and/or developmental stages, except for the optic tectum and some portions of the medulla oblongata , with juveniles and males showing more developed optic tecta and medullary subdivisions, respectively. The growth rates for each brain subdivision were relatively constant, and the slopes of the growth equations were almost parallel, except for those of the olfactory bulbs and medulla oblongata subdivisions, suggesting some degree of tachyauxesis of subdivisions against the entire brain. The corpus cerebelli was the more voluminous brain subdivision in most specimens (principally adults), followed by the optic tectum (the more voluminous subdivision in juveniles), hypothalamus, and telencephalon, in that order. Differences in the number of lamellae and relative size of the olfactory organ were also detected among developmental stages, which were more numerous and larger in adults. Based on these results, it is possible to infer an ontogenetic shift in the habitat/resource use and behaviour of R. heteroptera . Vision, primarily routed through the optic tectum, could be fundamental in early stages, whereas in adults, olfaction and taste, primarily routed through the olfactory bulbs and medulla oblongata , play more important roles.  相似文献   
The major aim of this study was to compare the phylogeographic patterns of codistributed bats and small nonvolant Neotropical mammals. Cytochrome b sequences (mitochondrial DNA) were obtained for a total of 275 bats representing 17 species. The tissue samples were collected in coastal Brazil, and were available from Mexico and the Guyana. The study concentrates on four species (Artibeus lituratus, Carollia perspicillata, Sturnira lilium and Glossophaga soricina) which were well represented. The other 13 species were sequenced to test the generality of the patterns observed. In general, sequence divergence values within species were low, with most bat species presenting less than 4% average sequence divergence, and usually between 1 and 2.5%. Clades of highly similar haplotypes enjoyed broad distribution on a continental scale. These clades were not usually geographically structured, and at a given locality the number of haplotypes was high (8-10). As distance increased, some moderately divergent clades were found, although the levels of divergence were low. This suggests a geographical effect that varied depending on species and scale. Small nonvolant mammals almost invariably have high levels of sequence divergence (> 10%) for cytochrome b over much shorter distances (< 1000 km). The grain of intraspecific variation found in small nonvolant mammals is much finer than in bats. Low levels of geographical structuring cannot be attributed to a slower evolutionary rate of bat DNA in relation to other mammalian taxa. The phylogeographic pattern of bats contrasts sharply with the pattern found for Neotropical rodents and marsupials.  相似文献   
This planets most likely political/population scenario for the 21st century anticipates more people, more spatial movement, and more transnational interactions. Global health increasingly will be shaped by encounters among clinicians and patients who meet in health-care settings where cultural, ethnic, and national-origin match is not an available option. In multinational clinical consultations, bicultural competence and lists of culture characteristics will not suffice. The article adapts the generic Koehn/Rosenau framework of transnational competence (TC), which encompasses analytic, emotional, creative, communicative, and functional skills, to the global challenge of providing migrant-health care. The focus is on the patient/clinician encounter, where interpersonal interactions carry the potential to reduce or reproduce existing inequities in health care. A structured literature review provides the basis for the adaptation to transnational health encounters presented for the first time here by incorporating recent research findings from more than 80 published studies regarding patient–provider consultations and cultural competence in the medical interview into the TC frameworks empirical foundation in cross-cultural psychology, development studies, intercultural communication, and international management. The application elaborated in this article will enhance the ability of researchers to explore and to assess the role of encounter participants TC capabilities and deficiencies in transnational health-care outcomes—including migrant satisfaction/dissatisfaction with provider care, the incorporation of complementary biomedical and ethnocultural health-promotion practices, effective/ineffective migrant-health-promotion behavior in the new environment, and agreement on mental-health needs. The results of conceptually grounded TC research promise to enhance practitioner training and patient education in both North and South.  相似文献   
Increased temperatures and more extreme weather patterns associated with global climate change can interact with other factors that regulate animal populations, but many climate change studies do not incorporate other threats to wildlife in their analyses. We used 20 years of nest‐monitoring data from study sites across a gradient of habitat fragmentation in Missouri, USA, to investigate the relative influence of weather variables (temperature and precipitation) and landscape factors (forest cover and edge density) on the number of young produced per nest attempt (i.e., productivity) for three species of songbirds. We detected a strong forest cover × temperature interaction for the Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) on productivity. Greater forest cover resulted in greater productivity because of reduced brood parasitism and increased nest survival, whereas greater temperatures reduced productivity in highly forested landscapes because of increased nest predation but had no effect in less forested landscapes. The Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) exhibited a similar pattern, albeit with a marginal forest cover × temperature interaction. By contrast, productivity of the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) was not influenced by landscape effects or temperature. Our results highlight a potential difficulty of managing wildlife in response to global change such as habitat fragmentation and climate warming, as the habitat associated with the greatest productivity for flycatchers was also that most negatively influenced by high temperatures. The influence of high temperatures on nest predation (and therefore, nest predators) underscores the need to acknowledge the potential complexity of species' responses to climate change by incorporating a more thorough consideration of community ecology in the development of models of climate impacts on wildlife.  相似文献   

A new species of the neotropical electric fish genus Compsaraia is described from the western Amazon of Peru and Brazil. Compsaraia samueli is distinguishable from all other apteronotids by sexual dimorphism in which mature males exhibit extreme elongation and slenderness of the snout and jaws. Compsaraia samueli is readily distinguishable from its only congener, C. compsa, by more caudal‐fin rays (17–18 vs. 13–16), a shorter caudal peduncle (mean length 9% vs. 34% body length to end of anal fin), a less tapering body shape in lateral profile (mean ratio of body depth at origins of anal fin and dorsal organ 93% vs. 75%), and a smaller maximum adult body size (230 vs. 305 mm). The genus Compsaraia is readily separated from other apteronotids by a pale antorbital stripe and a pale L‐shaped patch over the supra‐temporal canal. The phylogenetic position of C. samueliis estimated by inclusion in a previously published data matrixof osteological and other morphological characters. Comparisons of the cranial bones in apteronotids shows the derived morphology of C. samueli to be a composite of three developmentally and phylogenetically discrete characters: (1) positive allometric growth before sexual maturity in both sexes of the pre‐orbital region of the neurocranium, (2) positive allometric growth of the (oral) jaws, and (3) secondary sexual dimorphism of snout and jaw morphology. The genus Compsaraia represents one of at least three phylogenetically independent cases of snout elongation and one of at least four cases of jaw elongation within the Apteronotidae. Compsaraia samueli also represents one of at least four cases of secondary sexual dimorphism in snout and jaw length within the Apteronotidae. The phylogenetic distribution of snout and jaw characters within the Apteronotidae suggests the influence of both sexual and trophic functional influences on the evolution of head morphology.  相似文献   
A new species of Poptella is described from the Río Putumayo, Upper Río Amazon basin, Peru. The new species is distinguished from congeners by having a dense field of dark chromatophores homogeneously spread over the posterior half of the body, posterior humeral blotch extending to three to four horizontal scale rows below the lateral line, and a higher number of branched dorsal-fin rays. The new species can be readily distinguished from P. paraguayensis by having a comparatively shorter predorsal spine.  相似文献   
We use an individual-based numerical simulation to study the effects of phenotypic plasticity on ecological speciation. We find that adaptive plasticity evolves readily in the presence of dispersal between populations from different ecological environments. This plasticity promotes the colonization of new environments but reduces genetic divergence between them. We also find that the evolution of plasticity can either enhance or degrade the potential for divergent selection to form reproductive barriers. Of particular importance here is the timing of plasticity in relation to the timing of dispersal. If plasticity is expressed after dispersal, reproductive barriers are generally weaker because plasticity allows migrants to be better suited for their new environment. If plasticity is expressed before dispersal, reproductive barriers are either unaffected or enhanced. Among the potential reproductive barriers we considered, natural selection against migrants was the most important, primarily because it was the earliest-acting barrier. Accordingly, plasticity had a much greater effect on natural selection against migrants than on sexual selection against migrants or on natural and sexual selection against hybrids. In general, phenotypic plasticity can strongly alter the process of ecological speciation and should be considered when studying the evolution of reproductive barriers.  相似文献   
Capsule Long-distance migrant birds show less favourable trends than sedentary/short-distance species.

Aims To use breeding bird surveys to contrast population trends amongst common species according to their migration pattern.

Methods Changes in abundance of 62 Danish breeding sedentary, short-distance (Europe/North Africa) or long-distance (trans-Saharan) migrants were described by fitting log linear regression models to point-count census data gathered during 1976–2005.

Results Trans-Saharan migrants declined by 1.3% per annum during this period, while short-distance migrants and sedentary species increased by 1.4% and 1.0% per annum, respectively. There were no significant decadal declines amongst species using different summer breeding habitats, except for wetlands, and there was no consistent variation in trends associated with wintering regions or habitats or diet.

Conclusions More information is urgently needed on diet, feeding ecology, habitat requirements, winter distribution and intra-African movements of the commoner European summer visitors to identify causes of the declines and highlight when in the annual cycle detrimental effects occur. Studies linking individuals on their breeding, staging and wintering grounds are especially needed. Danish trends resemble those from elsewhere in Europe, confirming that restoration to favourable conservation status requires inter-continental action to meet European and global targets to reduce or halt biodiversity loss.  相似文献   
The present article focuses on determinants of attitudes towards granting social rights to overseas labour migrants in Israeli society. The analysis is based on a national representative sample of the adult population in Israel. The findings reveal that a substantial number of respondents (both Jews and Arabs) oppose granting equal social rights (i.e. education, welfare, health, housing) to foreign workers. These attitudes can partially be explained as resulting from perceived threat to social and economic well-being of individuals as well as threat to national identity and Jewish character of the state. Part of the exclusionary attitudes that cannot be attributed to threats, are explained by individuals’ socio-economic characteristics, ethnicity and political orientation. The findings are discussed within the context of Israel as an ethno-national state.  相似文献   
Precarious labour research has highlighted the multidimensional factors shaping migrants’ vulnerability to labour exploitation. This article takes a different approach by attending to the possible reciprocity in labour relations– despite unequal power dynamics– particularly when workplaces are small and involve daily interactions between migrant workers and migrant employers. Methodology is based on observations in Chinese-run retail shops and restaurants in Santiago, and interviews with Chinese employers and their Latin American migrant employees of diverse backgrounds. Proposing the concept of “precarious labour relations”, we examine the independent and shared uncertainties between migrant employers and workers who are differently marginalized through race/migrant status axes in Chile. Analyzing dynamics of hierarchy, (mis)trust, and reciprocity in how these actors negotiate precarity and security as workers and/or migrants, we complicate dichotomies of exploitation and resistance in migrant labour research, by foregrounding the multidimensional relationship between employers and workers when both are racialized migrants and minorities.  相似文献   
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