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A retrospective study of 25 FNAs (11 aspirates from primary tumours and 14 from recurrencies and metastases) from 15 synovial sarcomas was performed. The cytological findings were correlated with the histopathology and the value of immunohistochemical and electron microscopic examination as well as DNA‐ploidy and cytogenetic analysis for diagnosis were assessed. A reproducible cellular pattern with a reliable diagnosis of spindle cell sarcoma was possible provided that the aspirates were cell rich. However, a true biphasic pattern indicative of synovial sarcoma was only seen in one of the 25 specimens. Electron microscopic examination of the aspirates was a valuable adjunctive diagnostic method, whereas immunocytochemistry and DNA‐ploidy analysis were not. Immunohistochemical, electron microscopic and cytogenetic analysis were all valuable ancillary methods when performed on surgical specimens. Malignant haemangiopericytoma and fibrosarcoma were the most important differential diagnoses in the FNA specimens.  相似文献   
Background: Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of both palpable and non-palpable breast carcinomas has a high accuracy and sensitivity in dedicated centres. It is generally thought that low-grade carcinomas have a distinctly lower sensitivity due to discrete cellular atypia that may be difficult to appreciate. Grade 1 carcinomas make up about 45% of screening-detected breast carcinomas and about 20% of symptomatic breast cancers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic sensitivity of grade 1 carcinomas and identify the critical features in the cytological diagnostic work-up of these tumours. Methods: There were FNAC smears from 494 histologically confirmed grade 1 carcinomas diagnosed during 1996–2004. The cytological diagnoses were compared with the histology. Results: A definitive malignant diagnosis (absolute sensitivity) was given in 382 cases (77.3%). Equivocal or suspicious diagnoses were given in 75 (15.2%), benign or probably benign (false negative) in 24 (4.8%). Thirteen cases (2.6%) were unsatisfactory. Complete sensitivity was 92.7%. Invasive ductal carcinomas comprised 81.3% of all cases; absolute sensitivity for these was 80.9%. Invasive lobular and tubular carcinomas comprised 7.3% and 5.9% of cases, respectively; absolute sensitivity for these diagnosis was 50.0% and 57.1%, respectively, significantly lower than for other subtypes (P ≤ 0.0001) whereas the difference for complete sensitivity was less but still significant (P = 0.017). Absolute and complete sensitivities were lower for tumours less than 1 cm size compared with more than 1 cm (P ≤ 0.00001). Conclusion: Preoperative FNAC diagnosis of grade 1 breast carcinoma has a high sensitivity, especially in ductal carcinomas. Invasive lobular and tubular carcinomas were less likely to receive a definite preoperative diagnosis. The main reason for not reaching a definitive malignant diagnosis was sampling error due to small tumours less than 1 cm in diameter, irrespective of tumour subtype.  相似文献   
In songbirds, the spatial pattern of song sharing among individuals is influenced by the song learning and dispersal strategies within each species. In birds where females and males sing and create joint acoustic displays (duets), the processes defining the patterns of song sharing become more complex as there might be different selection pressures shaping the behaviour of each sex. To provide further insight into the vocal development and the dispersal strategy of duetting tropical species, we investigated the patterns of individual and pair repertoire sharing, as well as the stability of these repertoires, in a colour-marked population of riverside wrens, Cantorchilus semibadius, located in the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Using data collected over a five-year period, we found considerable variation in the sharing levels of phrase and duet type repertoires among neighbouring individuals coupled with a general decline of repertoire sharing as distance increased between birds’ territories. These results are consistent with a pattern predicted in age-restricted learners that establish preferentially near their tutors. Furthermore, we found no evidence of individuals changing their phrase type repertoires over time, including after remating events. Duet type repertoires were also stable when pairs remained together. However, we observed a surprisingly high turnover rate. When individuals remated, even though the majority of the previous duet type repertoire remained, several new duet types were included. Taken together, our findings suggest that riverside wrens might create their individual repertoires by copying their same-sex parent and neighbouring individuals before dispersal. Additionally, we speculate that even though birds were able to create new duet types after changing partners, a substantial portion of their duet type repertoire might also be copied from their parents and neighbouring pairs during the initial critical period of song learning.  相似文献   
本研究依据《县域生物多样性相关传统知识调查与评估技术规定》, 调查评估了云南省澜沧县和四川省康定市两县域生物多样性相关传统知识的分布数量与特征, 分析了传统知识保护与传承状况, 识别了主要受威胁因素和保护空缺, 旨在为我国传统知识保护和民族地区实施传统知识获取与惠益分享制度提供科学依据, 推动《生物多样性公约》与《名古屋议定书》等国际公约的履行。研究结果如下: 分别调查编目澜沧县、康定市的生物多样性相关传统知识145项、98项; 这些传统知识具有明显的地区气候与自然环境特征、生产生活实践特征、传统文化特征和地区社会经济特征; 相关部门在传统知识保护管理方面做出了积极努力, 同时包括习惯法、传统节庆等传统文化和包括祭祀、神山、神林等宗教方式在内的地方社区行动在传统知识保护与传承方面也发挥了重要作用; 生物多样性相关传统知识、创新和做法已被广泛应用于地方社区脱贫攻坚和产业发展; 传统知识保护立法仍不健全、受到威胁、保护意识薄弱及承载传统知识的生物资源减少是制约传统知识保护传承的主要因素。两县域生物多样性相关传统知识丰富, 并且地方社区有效参与了生物多样性相关传统知识的保护与可持续利用。今后应建立传统知识获取与惠益分享国家制度; 加强宣传教育, 提升保护传承意识; 因地制宜开展传统知识保护; 推动传统知识相关生物资源的保护与可持续利用。  相似文献   

If the entire discipline of diagnostic cytopathology could be distilled into a single theme, it would be the Papanicolaou stain. Yet it was the Romanowsky stain upon which the discipline of cytopathology was founded. Both stains are used today in the cytopathology laboratory, each for a different and complementary purpose. We trace the history of cytopathological stains and discuss the advantages and limitations of Romanowsky-type stains for cytological evaluation. We also provide suggestions for the advantageous use of Romanowsky-type stains in cytopathology.  相似文献   
Detailed finite element modelling of needle insertions into soft tissue phantoms encounters difficulties of large deformations, high friction, contact loading and material failure. This paper demonstrates the use of cohesive elements in high-resolution finite element models to overcome some of the issues associated with these factors. Experiments are presented enabling extraction of the strain energy release rate during crack formation. Using data from these experiments, cohesive elements are calibrated and then implemented in models for validation of the needle insertion process. Successful modelling enables direct comparison of finite element and experimental force–displacement plots and energy distributions. Regions of crack creation, relaxation, cutting and full penetration are identified. By closing the loop between experiments and detailed finite element modelling, a methodology is established which will enable design modifications of a soft tissue probe that steers through complex mechanical interactions with the surrounding material.  相似文献   
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