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This study had several purposes: to define cytomorphological features of thyroid cells that might be modified by alcohol fixation; to optimize May-Grünwald–Giemsa (MGG) staining on ThinPrep® (TP; Cytyc Inc., Bexborough, MA, USA) slides and to compare the diagnostic accuracy of slides prepared by a liquid-based method with those obtained by conventional technique. This study included 120 cases of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) of the thyroid and 55 FNAs performed on surgically resected thyroid specimens. Histological control was available in 80 cases. In the first group of 120 FNAs, a split-sample technique was used for the TP. Three screenings were performed: first, an individual screening of the conventional smears (CS) and of the TP, a second screening to compare cells observed on the TP with the histological control and a third screening to assess the previously defined diagnostic criteria. Twenty-seven TP cases (22%) were considered unsatisfactory for diagnosis compared with 10 in CS (8%). The high rate of unsatisfactory cases with TP is likely to be due to the use of the split-sample technique. The sensitivity was 94% for CS and 81% for TP. The specificity was 67% and 60% for CS and TP, respectively. Two occult papillary carcinomas were missed by both methods. As for the MGG staining, the modified technique used for TP resulted in the same quality as the standard procedure. Conversely, TP did however induce uncommon morphological features. In this study, sensitivity and specificity levels are higher for CS than for TP; the difference may be explained by the fact that the methanol fixative used for TP induces some cytological alterations, especially in oncocytic tumours and lymphocytic thyroïditis.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the assessment of palpable supraclavicular lymph nodes. The material was analysed in 218 cases with enlarged supraclavicular lymph nodes in which FNAC was performed by the conventional method. In all cases cytological examination was performed on-site after staining the smears by the Papanicolaou method. In addition, air-dried smears, fixed smears, filter preparations from needle washings and cell blocks were studied. The FNAC diagnosis was supported by examining cell blocks which added the reliability of histological architecture; further support was obtained by tissue biopsy and/or comparison with the primary tumour in some of the cases. Eleven cases were diagnosed as inflammatory lesions and 41 cases were unsatisfactory because of scanty/acellular samples (despite two to three repeat samplings). However, in five of these, malignant tumours were later found on biopsy, which was done for persistent enlargement of the supraclavicular lymph node(s). Fifty-three cases were diagnosed as negative for malignancy (normal cellular elements, n=15; reactive elements, n=38) and 12 cases were suspicious of malignancy. In 11 cases a diagnosis of lymphoma was made on histology and in 90 cases metastatic tumours were diagnosed. The overall sensitivity was 92.7%, specificity 98.5%, positive predictive value 97.3% and the negative predictive value was 94.8%. Based on our study we feel that FNAC of palpable supraclavicular lymph nodes as a first line of investigation is a cost-effective procedure and is not only useful in the diagnosis of various lesions but can also help in deciding on appropriate management. Furthermore, the histological architecture from cell blocks can be correlated with cytology, and such material can be used for appropriate histochemical and immunomarker studies, which can be useful in enhancing the diagnosis.  相似文献   
The present experiments attempt to find the meridian phenomenon and how the needle feeling propagates along the given meridian channels. The neurobiological mechanisms of the meridian were studied with neuroelectrical recording from the motor neurons and CB-HRP retrograde histochemistry technique in both rats and cats. The results demonstrated that most, but not all, of alpha motor neurons supplying a muscle group of a given meridian were selectively activated by afferent inputs originating not only from homonymous or heterogeneous, but synergistic muscle, but also from the skin nerve overlying the muscle group of the homonymous meridian. However, the afferent inputs from the heterogeneous meridian have very weak or no effect. On the other hand, the labeled motor neurons supplying a given meridian muscles form a discrete longitudinal column with a definite bound in the lateral ventral horn. There are oriented dendro-dendristes projections between the labeled motor neurons.The characteristics of both sel  相似文献   
Wyttenbach  A.  Schleppi  P.  Tobler  L.  Bajo  S.  Bucher  J. 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):305-312
The endogenous concentrations of the essential elements Ca, Cl, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, N, P and Zn, and of the nonessential elements Al, As, Ba, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Hg, I, La, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Si and Sr were determined in 5 successive needle age classes. 40 mature spruce trees from 6 different sites were investigated individually. A given element usually shows smooth changes with the needle age class t. Trees on a given site usually have a similar dynamic behaviour. The same holds for the different site means. The concentrations can be approximated by functions c=f(t). Three different types of functions are required to describe the dynamic behaviour of 3 groups of elements that increase with t, and one for the elements that decrease with t. A given element usually can be described by the same type of function at all sites, even if its concentration differs widely. Exceptions are Mn, Co and Zn, which change from a decreasing function at low concentrations to an increasing function at high concentrations. Further irregulatities are found at some sites with Ca, Sr and Ba. These findings are corroborated by a multivariate statistical analysis.  相似文献   
Routine audit of breast fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology specimens and aspirator inadequate rates In an attempt to improve the quality of the breast FNA specimens we instigated a continuing audit of this procedure in this hospital. All FNAs since 1990 have had the following recorded: mode of aspiration, e.g. freehand or image guided, patient presentation (screening or symptomatic), patient diagnostic category, cytological diagnosis and final histological diagnosis. Aspirator performance was assessed by means of the inadequate aspiration rate (IR) of FNAs performed on patients with a final diagnosis of cancer (FDC) and diagnostic category A patients (clinically or radiologically malignant lesions). An ongoing annual review of the performance of all the aspirators was undertaken, all of whom received individual feedback. Counselling and further training were offered where indicated by poor performance. Over the period 1990–1995 a total of 13 537 FNAs were performed by 27 aspirators. The IR on category A and FDC cases over this period was 16.0% and 18.1%. The best performance achieved by an aspirator in a calendar year was an IR of 3.6% with no inadequate specimens in either FDC or category A lesions, and the best performance over the entire period was an average IR of 11.75% and 14.25% for FDC and category A groups, respectively. The overall IR on category A patients ranged from 15.9% to 23.8% and on FDC cases from 12.2% to 21.7%. There was a significant improvement in individual junior aspirator performance when their first year was compared with their last year on the unit. In some cases a deterioration in intra-aspirator performance was observed, from an IR of 6% to 33%. The overall IR rate of the unit remained stable for FDC patients, 15.5% in 1990 compared with 15.1% in 1995. This appeared to be largely due to a high proportion of the aspirations being performed by experienced personnel with consistent IRs. However, concealed within the overall rate there were some poor performers who benefited from counselling and/or further training. These results indicate an important role for audit in identifying poor aspirators who benefit from targeted training and advice, thereby improving the quality of FNA specimens, and ultimately patient care.  相似文献   
FNA plays an important role in preoperative diagnosis of soft tissue tumours. A close clinical/morphologic cooperation is essential. FNA should be performed on the most accessible part of the tumour, avoiding penetration of the deep portions of the tumour. Needles 0.7 mm (22 G) are recommended. For deep lesions, needles with a stylet should be used. After the FNA, tattooing of the aspiration channel is recommended, and the channel is surgically removed together with the tumour, if a sarcoma. Material from the FNA can be used for additional examinations, i.e. electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, DNA ploidy analysis and chromosomal analysis. Those techniques are of great importance in the differential diagnosis, particularly in the paediatric small/round cell tumours. the majority of sarcomas can be defined as low grade or high grade malignant in FNA. For malignancy grading the following parameters are used: cellularity, pleomorphism, chromatin pattern, nucleolar structure, mitotic figures and necroses. Cytodiagnostic details of the most common soft tissue tumours and their differential diagnoses are presented.  相似文献   
The bcl-2 protein plays a role in the regulation of programmed cell death (PCD), overriding apoptosis. Its expression has been reported in breast ductal cells, where it is believed to be involved in the hormonal regulation of hyperplasia and involution. to date, bcl-2 gene product has not been investigated on breast cancer FNA. the expression of bcl-2 protein was evaluated using an immunoalkaline phosphatase technique in 54 pre-operative breast cancer aspirates and in paraffin-embedded sections from 20 matched surgical specimens. A high rate of bcl-2 protein expression was found on FNA samples (65%) and on the corresponding tissue sections (60%); there was a nearly absolute concordance in the two specimens, with 19/20 (95%) cases showing a concordant staining. These findings concur with the view that bcl-2 gene is frequently expressed in breast cancer, possibly through a hormonal-dependent pathway.  相似文献   
In an attempt to reduce the number of inadequate smears processed by our laboratory and the false negative rate of fine needle aspiration cytodiagnosis, we have introduced a fine needle aspiration cytology service where aspirates are taken by the cytopathologist in a clinic. In the 12 month period since the introduction of this service, the number of inadequate smears fell sharply. Nine per cent of the specimens were inadequate compared with 43% of specimens from other sources. The establishment of the clinic resulted in a threefold reduction in the cost of diagnosing breast lesions.  相似文献   
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