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Although it has become increasingly evident that an adequate theory of obligation must rest on evolutionary biology and human ethology, attempts toward this end need to explore the full range of personal, cultural, and political obligations observed in our species. The new naturalism reveals the complexity of social behavior and the defects of reductionist models that oversimplify the foundations of human duties and rights. Ultimately, this approach suggest a return to the Aristotelian concept of natural justice.  相似文献   
Soliman A. Haroun 《Genetica》1996,98(1):103-106
Cytological studies were carried out on two wild species (L. hirsutum and L. pennellii) and the cultivated species (L. esculentum) of tomato and their F1 hybrids. Both parents and hybrids show a diploid chromosome number of 2n=24. The meiotic behaviour of the cultivated species showed a high degree of chromosome homology resulting in a high level of chiasmata frequency per bivalent. In contrast, the two wild species showed a slight increase in uniyalent frequency and a decrease in bivalent formation and chiasmata frequency. The meiotic behaviour of the hybrids showed a high level of univalents and low levels of bivalents as well as trivalents. Highly significant decreases in chiasmata frequency and increases in meiotic abnormalities, especially in the L. esculentum X L. pennellii hybrid, also were detected. The high meiotic irregularity and low chiasmata frequency recorded in the second hybrid indicated the disharmony and difference between its parental genomes and also served to predict its sterility. With regard to degree of pairing recorded in the hybrids, there is a possibility that sterility in such cases may refer to genetic factors in addition to the previously mentioned reasons. Pollen fertility showed no great difference between L. esculentum and L. hirsutum and their F1 hybrid, but a significant decrease was recorded in the L. esculentum X L. pennellii hybrid, which was clearly associated with high meiotic irregularity, low chiasmata frequency and chromosome association.  相似文献   
为了对‘金牡丹’茶树自然杂交后代进行遗传鉴定,利用EST-SSR毛细管电泳荧光标记技术对65个金牡丹自然杂交后代进行研究。结果表明,28对SSR标记共扩增出192个等位片段,平均等位基因数(Na)、平均观测杂合度(Ho)及遗传多态信息量(PIC)分别为6.86、0.540、0.532。单亲基因型已知时的累积排除概率为0.999,说明选择的28对SSR标记位点具有高度的多态性和较高的排除概率,适用于遗传分析和个体的亲子鉴定。15个‘金牡丹’自然杂交后代的遗传鉴定结果表明,MD44、JMD45、JMD47、JMD32为早生绿茶类型;JMD51、JMD53为闽北肉桂乌龙茶类型;MD2、JMD56为闽南‘铁观音’乌龙茶类型;JMD24、JMD26、JMD29、JMD55、JMD59、JMD27、JMD61为‘黄棪’乌龙茶类型。  相似文献   
普通小麦×东方旱麦草属间杂种的产生及无性系的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究以普通小麦(TriticumaestivumL.;2n=6x=42,AABBDD)为母本,以东方旱麦草(Eremopyrumorientale(L.)Jaub.etSpach;2n=4x=28)为父本,首次成功地获得了属间远缘杂种F1,其平均结实率为0.08%。利用植物细胞工程技术,对杂种幼胚愈伤组织的诱导、胚性无性系的建立、植株再生、壮苗培养等,最终获得了生长正常的杂种F1植株。同时,通过对杂种幼胚愈伤组织、根尖细胞的细胞学观察,结果表明该杂种为真杂种,即2n=5x=35(预期染色体数)的杂种细胞占主体;另外,因组培过程中发生了染色体数目的变异,故也有少量2n=28-34染色体数的细胞。以上杂种的获得为将旱麦草优异基因向小麦的转移奠定了基础。  相似文献   
闫家河  夏明辉  王宏琦 《昆虫知识》2005,42(6):708-710,F0004
恶性席瓢蜡蝉Sivaloka damnosusChouetLu是山东省最近发现的新害虫。首次记述了其幼期形态特征、生物学特性及其天敌种类,首次报道其寄生性天敌宽额螯蜂Dryinus latusOlmi。该虫在山东商河1年发生2代,以卵在寄主枝条内越冬。用吡虫啉和阿维菌素类制剂4 000~5 000倍液喷雾防治若虫,具有较好的防治效果。  相似文献   
Measuring the diffusion of genes between diverging taxa through zones of secondary contact is an essential step to understand the extent and nature of the reproductive isolation that has been achieved. Previous studies have shown that the ocellated lizard (Lacerta lepida Daudin, 1802) has endured repeated range fragmentation associated with the climatic oscillations of the Plio‐Pleistocene that promoted diversification of many different evolutionary units within the species. However, the oldest divergence within the group is estimated to have occurred much earlier, during the Miocene, around 9 Ma and corresponds to the split between the subspecies Lacerta lepida nevadensis Buchholz (1963) and Lacerta lepida lepida Daudin (1802). Although these two evolutionary units have documented genetic and morphological differentiation, most probably accumulated during periods of allopatry, little is known about patterns of gene flow between them. In this study, we performed a population genetic analysis of a putative area of secondary contact between these two taxa, using mtDNA and microsatellite data. We assessed levels of gene flow across the contact zone to clarify to what extent gene flow may be occurring. Hybridization between the subspecies was observed by the presence of genetically introgressed individuals. However, the overall coincidence of mitochondrial and multilocus nuclear clines and generally steep clines support the idea that this contact zone is acting as a barrier to gene flow. Taken together, these results suggest that L. l. lepida and L. l. nevadensis are in independent evolutionary trajectories and should be considered as two different species.  相似文献   
The Bateson–Dobzhansky–Muller model predicts that postzygotic isolation evolves due to the accumulation of incompatible epistatic interactions, but few studies have quantified the relationship between genetic architecture and patterns of reproductive divergence. We examined how the direction and magnitude of epistatic interactions in a polygenic trait under stabilizing selection influenced the evolution of hybrid incompatibilities. We found that populations evolving independently under stabilizing selection experienced suites of compensatory allelic changes that resulted in genetic divergence between populations despite the maintenance of a stable, high‐fitness phenotype. A small number of loci were then incompatible with multiple alleles in the genetic background of the hybrid and the identity of these incompatibility loci changed over the evolution of the populations. For F1 hybrids, reduced fitness evolved in a window of intermediate strengths of epistatic interactions, but F2 and backcross hybrids evolved reduced fitness across weak and moderate strengths of epistasis due to segregation variance. Strong epistatic interactions constrained the allelic divergence of parental populations and prevented the development of reproductive isolation. Because many traits with varying genetic architectures must be under stabilizing selection, our results indicate that polygenetic drift is a plausible hypothesis for the evolution of postzygotic reproductive isolation.  相似文献   
In order to explore the possible physiological mechanism of high temperature induced sterility in rice, we examined the floret sterility and endogenous plant growth regulator contents in pollens of two hybrid rice cultivars Shanyou63 and Teyou559 that are tolerant and susceptible to high temperature, respectively. Indexes of floret sterility, pollen activity, and variation of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acids (GAs), abscisic acid (ABA), free proline and soluble proteins in anthers were measured. We found that during the course of high temperature treatment, both cultivars exhibited a marked decrease in pollen activity, pollen germination and floret fertility; however, the high temperature tolerant Shanyou63 showed a much slower rate of decrease than the high temperature susceptible Teyou559. In addition, anthers of both cultivars displayed a decrease in the contents of IAA, GAs, free proline and soluble proteins but an increase in the ABA content. Yet compared to Teyou559, Shanyou63 retained significantly higher levels of free praline and GAs and a lower level of ABA, along with higher pollen vigour and pollen germination rate even after prolonged high temperature treatment. Our study suggests a possible correlation between pollen viability/floret sterility and high temperature-caused changes in IAA, GAs, ABA, free proline and soluble protein contents. The severity in these changes may reflect the variation of rice cultivars in their heat stress sensitivities for floret development.  相似文献   
Short rotation plantations are often considered as holding vast potentials for future global bioenergy supply. In contrast to raising biomass harvests in forests, purpose‐grown biomass does not interfere with forest carbon (C) stocks. Provided that agricultural land can be diverted from food and feed production without impairing food security, energy plantations on current agricultural land appear as a beneficial option in terms of renewable, climate‐friendly energy supply. However, instead of supporting energy plantations, land could also be devoted to natural succession. It then acts as a long‐term C sink which also results in C benefits. We here compare the sink strength of natural succession on arable land with the C saving effects of bioenergy from plantations. Using geographically explicit data on global cropland distribution among climate and ecological zones, regionally specific C accumulation rates are calculated with IPCC default methods and values. C savings from bioenergy are given for a range of displacement factors (DFs), acknowledging the varying efficiency of bioenergy routes and technologies in fossil fuel displacement. A uniform spatial pattern is assumed for succession and bioenergy plantations, and the considered timeframes range from 20 to 100 years. For many parameter settings—in particular, longer timeframes and high DFs—bioenergy yields higher cumulative C savings than natural succession. Still, if woody biomass displaces liquid transport fuels or natural gas‐based electricity generation, natural succession is competitive or even superior for timeframes of 20–50 years. This finding has strong implications with climate and environmental policies: Freeing land for natural succession is a worthwhile low‐cost natural climate solution that has many co‐benefits for biodiversity and other ecosystem services. A considerable risk, however, is C stock losses (i.e., emissions) due to disturbances or land conversion at a later time.  相似文献   
天敌昆虫利用信息化学物质寻找寄主或猎物的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
魏建荣  杨忠岐  杜家纬 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2563-2573
应用天敌昆虫控制害虫是传统生物防治中的主要内容。信息化学物质是天敌昆虫远距离向寄主或猎物栖息地进行定向,以及近距离对寄主或猎物进行定位所依赖的重要信号。综述了能够引诱天敌昆虫的信息化学物质的产生、分类、作用、异同及背景,并介绍了天敌昆虫对信息化学物质的行为反应和特异性。同时,对这类物质在生物防治中的应用及前景作了介绍与探讨。对不同营养层的种间化学通讯作为研究协同进化时的重要参考也作了简要介绍。  相似文献   
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