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目的:探讨川芎及川芎中起活血作用的两种主要药效成分(阿魏酸钠和川芎嗪)对后肢去负荷大鼠比目鱼肌萎缩的影响与作用。方法:尾部悬吊法建立大鼠废用性肌萎缩模型,用免疫组化技术及血液流变学方法观察药物对比目鱼肌各项指标的影响。结果:与后肢去负荷大鼠相比①高剂量的阿魏酸钠和川芎嗪使比目鱼肌I型肌纤维横截面积分别增加了37.3%和39.4%(P〈0.05);②三种药物均能明显抑制梭外肌纤维MHCII表达水平的升高(P〈0.01);③使肌梭内核袋2纤维MHCII的表达由阳性转变为阴性;④并能明显降低低切变率下的全血粘度。结论:川芎及两种主要药效成分阿魏酸钠与川芎嗪均能不同程度地对抗废用性肌萎缩的发生,以高剂量川芎嗪与阿魏酸钠的药效最为明显。  相似文献   
The function of the src-homology 3 (SH3) domain in class II myosins, a distinct beta-barrel structure, remains unknown. Here, we provide evidence, using electron cryomicroscopy, in conjunction with light-scattering, fluorescence and kinetic analyses, that the SH3 domain facilitates the binding of the N-terminal extension of the essential light chain isoform (ELC-1) to actin. The 41 residue extension contains four conserved lysine residues followed by a repeating sequence of seven Pro/Ala residues. It is widely believed that the highly charged region interacts with actin, while the Pro/Ala-rich sequence forms a rigid tether that bridges the approximately 9 nm distance between the myosin lever arm and the thin filament. In order to localize the N terminus of ELC in the actomyosin complex, an engineered Cys was reacted with undecagold-maleimide, and the labeled ELC was exchanged into myosin subfragment-1 (S1). Electron cryomicroscopy of S1-bound actin filaments, together with computer-based docking of the skeletal S1 crystal structure into 3D reconstructions, showed a well-defined peak for the gold cluster near the SH3 domain. Given that SH3 domains are known to bind proline-rich ligands, we suggest that the N-terminal extension of ELC interacts with actin and modulates myosin kinetics by binding to the SH3 domain during the ATPase cycle.  相似文献   
We have used spin-labeled ADP to investigate the dynamics of the nucleotide-binding pocket in a series of myosins, which have a range of velocities. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy reveals that the pocket is in equilibrium between open and closed conformations. In the absence of actin, the closed conformation is favored. When myosin binds actin, the open conformation becomes more favored, facilitating nucleotide release. We found that faster myosins favor a more closed pocket in the actomyosin•ADP state, with smaller values of ΔH0 and ΔS0, even though these myosins release ADP at a faster rate. A model involving a partitioning of free energy between work-generating steps prior to rate-limiting ADP release explains both the unexpected correlation between velocity and opening of the pocket and the observation that fast myosins are less efficient than slow myosins.  相似文献   
Activation of striated muscle contraction is a highly cooperative signal transduction process converting calcium binding by troponin C (TnC) into interactions between thin and thick filaments. Once calcium is bound, transduction involves changes in protein interactions along the thin filament. The process is thought to involve three different states of actin-tropomyosin (Tm) resulting from changes in troponin's (Tn) interaction with actin-Tm: a blocked (B) state preventing myosin interaction, a closed (C) state allowing weak myosin interactions and favored by calcium binding to Tn, and an open or M state allowing strong myosin interactions. This was tested by measuring the apparent rate of Tn dissociation from rigor skeletal myofibrils using labeled Tn exchange. The location and rate of exchange of Tn or its subunits were measured by high-resolution fluorescence microscopy and image analysis. Three different rates of Tn exchange were observed that were dependent on calcium concentration and strong cross-bridge binding that strongly support the three-state model. The rate of Tn dissociation in the non-overlap region was 200-fold faster at pCa 4 (C-state region) than at pCa 9 (B-state region). When Tn contained engineered TnC mutants with weakened regulatory TnI interactions, the apparent exchange rate at pCa 4 in the non-overlap region increased proportionately with TnI-TnC regulatory affinity. This suggests that the mechanism of calcium enhancement of the rate of Tn dissociation is by favoring a TnI-TnC interaction over a TnI-actin-Tm interaction. At pCa 9, the rate of Tn dissociation in the overlap region (M-state region) was 100-fold faster than the non-overlap region (B-state region) suggesting that strong cross-bridges increase the rate of Tn dissociation. At pCa 4, the rate of Tn dissociation was twofold faster in the non-overlap region (C-state region) than the overlap region (M-state region) that likely involved a strong cross-bridge influence on TnT's interaction with actin-Tm. At sub-maximal calcium (pCa 6.2-5.8), there was a long-range influence of the strong cross-bridge on Tn to enhance its dissociation rate, tens of nanometers from the strong cross-bridge. These observations suggest that the three different states of actin-Tm are associated with three different states of Tn. They also support a model in which strong cross-bridges shift the regulatory equilibrium from a TnI-actin-Tm interaction to a TnC-TnI interaction that likely enhances calcium binding by TnC.  相似文献   
During normal muscle shortening, the myosin heads must undergo many cycles of interaction with the actin filaments sliding past them. It is important to determine what range of configurations is found under these circumstances, and, in terms of the tilting lever arm model, what range of orientations the lever arms undergo. We have studied this using the X-ray interference technique described in the previous article, focusing mainly on the changes in the first order meridional reflection (M3) as compared to isometric. The change in ratio of the heights of the interference peaks indicates how far the mean lever arm angle has moved towards the end of the working stroke; the total intensity change depends on the angle change, on the number of heads now attached at any one time, and on the dispersion of lever arm angles. The latter provides a measure of the distance over which myosin heads remain attached to actin as they go through their working strokes. Surprisingly, the mean position of the attached heads moves only about 1 nm inwards (towards the center of the A-band) at low velocity shortening (around 0.9 T0): their dispersion changes very little. This shows that they must be detaching very early in the working stroke. However, at loads around 0.5 T0, the mean lever arm angle is about half way towards the end of the working stroke, and the dispersion of lever arm angles (with a uniform dispersion) is such as to distribute the heads throughout the whole of the working stroke. At higher velocities of shortening (at 0.3 T0), the mean position shifts further towards the end of the stroke, and the dispersion increases further. The details of the measurements, together with other data on muscle indicate that the force-generating mechanism within the myosin heads must have some unexpected properties.  相似文献   
根据myosin Ⅵ分子马达头部核苷的变化建立一个四态循环,然后利用蒙特卡罗方法模拟分子马达的动力学性质,讨论了myosin Ⅵ速度、滞留时间与溶液中ATP浓度、ADP浓度和负载力F的关系。模拟得到:myosin Ⅵ会在轨道微丝上进行梯跳运动并且每次在微丝上的滞留时间并不相同;另外,myosin Ⅵ的速度会随着ATP浓度的增加而增大,随着ADP浓度和负载力的增加而减小;负载力对myosin Ⅵ在胞内执行输运还是连接功能起一定的调节作用。  相似文献   


Type I cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKGIα) belongs to the family of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases and is one of the main effectors of cGMP. PKGIα is involved in regulation of cardiac contractility, vasorelaxation, and blood pressure; hence, the development of potent modulators of PKGIα would lead to advances in the treatment of a variety of cardiovascular diseases. Aim: Representatives of ARC-type compounds previously characterized as potent inhibitors and high-affinity fluorescent probes of PKA catalytic subunit (PKAc) were tested towards PKGIα to determine that ARCs could serve as activity regulators and sensors for the latter protein kinase both in vitro and in complex biological systems. Results: Structure–activity profiling of ARCs with PKGIα in vitro demonstrated both similarities as well as differences to corresponding profiling with PKAc, whereas ARC-903 and ARC-668 revealed low nanomolar displacement constants and inhibition IC50 values with both cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinases. The ability of ARC-based fluorescent probes to penetrate cell plasma membrane was demonstrated in the smooth muscle tissue of rat cerebellum isolated arteries, and the compound with the highest affinity in vitro (ARC-903) showed also potential for in vivo applications, fully abolishing the PKG1α-induced vasodilation.  相似文献   
EF-hand Ca2+-binding proteins (CBPs), such as S100 proteins (S100s) and calmodulin (CaM), are signaling proteins that undergo conformational changes upon increasing intracellular Ca2+. Upon binding Ca2+, S100 proteins and CaM interact with protein targets and induce important biological responses. The Ca2+-binding affinity of CaM and most S100s in the absence of target is weak (CaKD > 1 μM). However, upon effector protein binding, the Ca2+ affinity of these proteins increases via heterotropic allostery (CaKD < 1 μM). Because of the high number and micromolar concentrations of EF-hand CBPs in a cell, at any given time, allostery is required physiologically, allowing for (i) proper Ca2+ homeostasis and (ii) strict maintenance of Ca2+-signaling within a narrow dynamic range of free Ca2+ ion concentrations, [Ca2+]free. In this review, mechanisms of allostery are coalesced into an empirical “binding and functional folding (BFF)” physiological framework. At the molecular level, folding (F), binding and folding (BF), and BFF events include all atoms in the biomolecular complex under study. The BFF framework is introduced with two straightforward BFF types for proteins (type 1, concerted; type 2, stepwise) and considers how homologous and nonhomologous amino acid residues of CBPs and their effector protein(s) evolved to provide allosteric tightening of Ca2+ and simultaneously determine how specific and relatively promiscuous CBP-target complexes form as both are needed for proper cellular function.  相似文献   
The cytoskeleton is an essential component of the cell and it is involved in multiple physiological functions, including intracellular organization and transport. It is composed of three main families of proteinaceous filaments; microtubules, actin filaments and intermediate filaments and their accessory proteins. Motor proteins, which comprise the dynein, kinesin and myosin superfamilies, are a remarkable group of accessory proteins that mainly mediate the intracellular transport of cargoes along with the cytoskeleton. Like other cellular structures and pathways, viruses can exploit the cytoskeleton to promote different steps of their life cycle through associations with motor proteins. The complexity of the cytoskeleton and the differences among viruses, however, has led to a wide diversity of interactions, which in most cases remain poorly understood. Unveiling the details of these interactions is necessary not only for a better comprehension of specific infections, but may also reveal new potential drug targets to fight dreadful diseases such as rabies disease and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). In this review, we describe a few examples of the mechanisms that some human viruses, that is, rabies virus, adenovirus, herpes simplex virus, human immunodeficiency virus, influenza A virus and papillomavirus, have developed to hijack dyneins, kinesins and myosins.  相似文献   
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