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Analysis of soil solution from forest sites dominated by Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus maculata indicates that soluble forms of organic nitrogen (amino acids and protein) are present in concentrations similar to those of mineral nitrogen (nitrate and ammonium). Experiments were conducted to determine the extent to which mycorrhizal associations might broaden nitrogen source utilization in Eucalyptus seedlings to include organic nitrogen. In isolation, species of ectomycorrhizal fungi from northern Australia show varying abilities to utilize mineral and organic forms of nitrogen as sole sources. Pisolithus sp. displayed strongest growth on NH4+, glutamine and asparagine, but grew poorly on protein, while Amanita sp. grew well both on mineral sources and on a range of organic sources (e.g. arginine, asparagine, glutamine and protein). In sterile culture, non-mycorrhizal seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus maculata grew well on mineral sources of nitrogen, but showed no ability to grow on sources of organic nitrogen other than glutamine. In contrast, mycorrhizal seedlings grew well on a range of organic nitrogen sources. These observations indicate that mycorrhizal associations confer on species of Eucalyptus the ability to broaden their resource base substantially with respect to nitrogen. This ability to utilize organic nitrogen was not directly related to that of the fungal symbiont in isolation. Seedlings mycorrhizal with Pisolithus sp. were able to assimilate sources of nitrogen (in particular histidine and protein) on which the fungus in pure culture appeared to grow weakly. Experiments in which plants were fed 15N-labelled ammonium were undertaken in order to investigate the influence of mycorrhizal colonization on the pathway of nitrogen metabolism. In roots and shoots of all seedlings, 15N was incorporated into the amide group of glutamine, and label was also found in the amino groups of glutamine, glutamic acid, γ-aminobutyric acid and alanine. Mycorrhizal colonization appeared to have no effect on the assimilation pathway and metabolism of [15N]H4+; labelling data were consistent with the operation of the glutamate synthase cycle in plants infected with either Pisolithus sp. (which in isolation assimilates via the glutamate synthase cycle) or Elaphomyces sp. (which assimilates via glutamate dehydrogenase). It is likely that the control of carbon supply to the mycorrhizal fungus from the host may have a profound effect on both the assimilatory pathway and the range of nitrogen sources that can be utilized by the association.  相似文献   
Emphasis has increased on accuracy in predicting the effect that anthropogenic stress has on natural ecosystems. Although toxicity tests low in environmental realism, such as standardized single species procedures, have been useful in providing a certain degree of protection to human health and the environment, the accuracy of such tests for predicting the effects of anthropogenic activities on complex ecosystems is questionable. The use of indigenous communities of microorganisms to assess the hazard of toxicants in aquatic ecosystems has many advantages. Theoretical and practical aspects of microbial community tests are discussed, particularly in related to widely cited problems in the use of multispecies test systems for predicting hazard. Further standardization of testing protocols using microbial colonization dynamics is advocated on the basis of previous studies, which have shown these parameters to be useful in assessing risk and impact of hazardous substances in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Mangrove stands in Puttalam lagoon and Dutch bay, two interconnected lagoons situated on the northwestern coast of Sri Lanka have been classified broadly into two groups, i.e., estuarine and island/mainland-fringing stands. Structural diversity of six mangrove stands, representing the two types was studied in terms of floristic composition, density, basal area, mean stand diameter, tree height, standing above-ground biomass and leaf-area index.Rhizophora mucronata andAvicennia marina were the dominant species. Higher mean stand diameters for the mangrove stands in Puttalam lagoon indicated greater maturity than the estuarine mangrove stands in Dutch bay. Nevertheless, estuarine stands in Dutch bay were structurally more complex (complexity indices 8.11–22.7) than the island/mainland-fringing mangrove stands (complexity indices 1.38–6.78). Higher number of species present in the estuarine mangrove stands is the major element that contributes to the higher values for the complexity indices for those stands. This appears to mask the contribution of stand-age to the complexity of a mangrove stand. Therefore complexity indices alone may not be used to explain adequately the structural diversity among mangrove stands.  相似文献   
The impact of domestic and wild Caprini browsing on Quercus ilex has been examined in an area of the Sierra de Cazorla. Vegetation as a herbivore food supply, herbivore feeding regime and density in the study area during six sampling periods throughout two years, has been quantified. Wild Caprini show diets similar to the available vegetation, whereas domestic Caprini tend more towards the trophic specialities (browsing or grazing) of their genus. Nevertheless, this tendency was more pronounced in domestic goats than in sheep. A hypothetical estimate of Q. ilex intake by each species under the study conditions was carried out. It was found that domestic Caprini have a greater impact on the holm oak than wild Caprini, density and feeding-niche deviations being the main factors responsible for this situation.Abbreviations DM= dry matter  相似文献   
Summary Vegetation dynamics after fire was studied in six communities in Bas-Languedoc (Southern France). 47 plots were observed by means of a permanent transect for ten years.In the first part, we describe floristic richness, species fugacity and the way by which, the terminal community (as defined by the last observation) appears. The dynamics of all these communities follows a simple and general model: floristic richness reaches its maximum during the first two years after a fire, then decreases and becomes stable. Fugacity follows a similar model, whereas the mergence of the terminal community is rapid: one year after fire 70% of the plots have already acquired 75% of the species of the terminal community. There is no succession (in the general sense of the word), but a progressive reappearance of the species belonging to the original community.In the second part, we study floristic similarities between our plots and corresponding associations as described in literature. It appears that after a fire the floristic diversity of the landscape remains high; while the communities rapidly reach a relative maturity.In the study area fire seems to be a rather superficial phenomenon; it does not lead to an important modification of the community dynamics, because probably the most frequent species in Bas-Languedoc developed adaptations to withstand fire.  相似文献   
赵爽  王邵军  杨波  张昆凤  张路路  樊宇翔 《生态学报》2022,42(21):8830-8838
为探明“丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhiza, AM)真菌-植物-土壤”耦合作用对石漠化土壤呼吸季节动态的影响,采用LI-6400-09土壤呼吸室和便携式光合作用测量系统,对圆柏(Sabina chinensis)接种摩西斗管囊霉(Funneliformis mosseae,FM)、根内根孢囊霉(Rhizophagus intraradices,RI) 2种AM菌种处理下土壤呼吸季节动态进行野外连续定位观测,并探究AM真菌接种处理下石漠化土壤呼吸速率与植物生长、土壤理化性质之间的关系。结果表明:(1)相较于对照,接种AM真菌对石漠化生境土壤呼吸季节动态产生了显著影响(P<0.01)。AM真菌处理具有较高的土壤呼吸季节变化幅度,即根内根孢囊霉处理土壤呼吸速率(1.55—9.10μmol m-2 s-1)显著高于摩西斗管囊霉(1.62—8.29μmol m-2 s-1)和对照(1.23—4.46μmol m-2 s-1);(2)AM真菌接...  相似文献   
以疏叶骆驼刺为研究对象,设定3个水分梯度正常水分(土壤相对含水量(70±5)%)、干旱胁迫(土壤相对含水量(20±5)%)和复水处理(干旱胁迫60天后恢复至正常水分)与四组接种处理(单接种丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)、单接种根瘤菌、双接种AMF+根瘤菌和不接种),分析不同水分条件下双接种丛枝菌根真菌和根瘤菌对疏叶骆驼刺的生长以及供、受体疏叶骆驼刺之间氮素转移的影响。结果表明,正常水分处理时,双接种疏叶骆驼刺的AMF侵染率、地上生物量、地下生物量、总生物量以及氮含量均要高于单接种处理;根瘤数量、最大荧光(Fm)、初始荧光(Fo)、最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)与单接种处理之间无差异;在遭遇干旱胁迫时,双接种疏叶骆驼刺的AMF侵染率、总生物量、Fv/Fm均小于单接种处理;地上生物量、地下生物量、根瘤数、Fm、Fo以及氮含量与单接种之间无差异。复水后,双接种疏叶骆驼刺的地上生物量、地下生物量、总生物量、根瘤数均优于单接种;AMF侵染率、氮含量低于单接种;Fm、Fo、Fv/Fm均与单接种之间无差异。在氮素转移方面,正常水分时,双接种与单接种的氮素转移率无差异,在遭遇干旱胁迫时,双接种疏叶骆驼刺的氮素转...  相似文献   
以重要植物病原菌为特征的丝核菌是一类在土壤中广泛分布的丝状真菌,通常不产孢,以菌丝或菌核的形式存在,多样性非常丰富。本文基于国内外最新研究进展,对依据菌丝体的细胞核数目、菌丝融合、有性生殖和系统进化等方面的基本特征展开的丝核菌分类体系及分类现状进行了综述。基于菌丝的细胞核数目,丝核菌被分为单核、双核和多核丝核菌三大类群。自然界中单核丝核菌数量极少,多核和双核丝核菌在全球分布广泛,占丝核菌的绝大多数。基于菌丝融合试验的结果,目前多核丝核菌被分为13个菌丝融合群,双核丝核菌被分为18个菌丝融合群。部分融合群内又根据一些稳定的特征分了亚群,但亚群的建立标准并不统一。目前的分子系统学研究结果基本支持丝核菌的菌丝融合群及亚群的分类。基于部分有性世代被发现的菌株的形态特征,多核和双核丝核菌分别被鉴定为亡革菌属和角担菌属。此外,目前已有分属重要植物病原菌和兰科菌根菌类群的至少9个融合群或亚群的17个菌株完成了基因组测序,比较基因组学和线粒体组学开始在丝核菌分类和进化研究中发挥作用。丝核菌分类系统特殊且复杂,作者在文末提出了目前丝核菌分类学研究面临的问题和今后研究的趋势,期待更多的学者参与到这个重要菌...  相似文献   
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