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Benthic component of an ecosystem is considered in ecological status assessment of the key European Directives. Most of the metrics proposed for the benthic quality assessment are biodiversity based. Their robustness and applicability are widely discussed in many recent studies. However an impact of invasive alien species on biotic indices and environmental quality assessments has been largely overlooked by researchers so far. In the current study we assessed Benthic Quality Index (BQI) in a coastal ecosystem, highly affected by the invasive zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha. Zebra mussel is able of modifying benthic habitats and enhancing local biodiversity. In the analyzed ecosystem it affected benthic species richness, abundance and community structure. As a result the calculated BQI values were significantly higher in the presence of zebra mussel with evident outliers in samples with particularly high zebra mussel abundances. Therefore we found that BQI determined in our study was artificially elevated providing false signal of the ecological status improvement. Based on the results presented, we suggested data correction framework that has been tested on the current dataset and proved to be effective minimizing zebra mussel impact on BQI assessment. Our experience could be applied for other coastal ecosystems invaded by the zebra mussel or any other aquatic invasive species with resembling biological traits and bioinvasion impacts.  相似文献   
Limnoperna fortunei is an Asian mussel introduced to South America around 1990. One of the most important impacts of this invader is probably its grazing on the plankton. In this study we evaluate the vulnerability of several planktonic microcrustaceans from the Paraná River floodplain to predation by adult L. fortunei. We conducted 2-h laboratory feeding experiments where the bivalves were offered microcrustaceans differing in overall body shape, size, and locomotive abilities. Ingestion and clearance rates for each taxon were estimated. Results suggest that, in addition to detritus and phytoplankton, microcrustaceans may be a very important food item for this invasive mollusc. Limnoperna fortunei can prey on larger organisms (up to 1100?µm) than Dreissena polymorpha, the European and North American invasive mussel.  相似文献   
We developed and tested 14 new polymorphic microsatellite loci for dreissenid mussels, including the two species that have invaded many freshwater habitats in Eurasia and North America, where they cause serious industrial fouling damage and ecological alterations. These new loci will aid our understanding of their genetic patterns in invasive populations as well as throughout their native Ponto-Caspian distributions. Eight new loci for the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha polymorpha and six for the quagga mussel D. rostriformis bugensis were compared with new results from six previously published loci to generate a robust molecular toolkit for dreissenid mussels and their relatives. Taxa tested include D. p. polymorpha, D. r. bugensis, D. r. grimmi, D. presbensis, the 'living fossil'Congeria kusceri, and the dark false mussel Mytilopsis leucophaeata (the latter also is invasive). Overall, most of the 24 zebra mussel (N = 583) and 13 quagga mussel (N = 269) population samples conformed to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium expectations for the new loci following sequential Bonferroni correction. The 11 loci (eight new, three previously published) evaluated for D. p. polymorpha averaged 35.1 alleles and 0.72 mean observed heterozygosity per locus, and 25.3 and 0.75 for the nine loci (six new, three previously published) developed for D. r. bugensis. All but three of these loci successfully amplified the other species of Dreissena, and all but one also amplified Congeria and Mytilopsis. All species and populations tested were significantly divergent using the microsatellite data, with neighbour-joining trees reflecting their evolutionary relationships; our results reveal broad utility for resolving their biogeographic, evolutionary, population and ecological patterns.  相似文献   

The South American charru mussel, Mytella strigata, was recently recorded in Singapore waters, possibly introduced into Southeast Asia through shipping. The mussels have rapidly spread across estuarine coastal mudflats. Adult mussels were collected, spawned in aquaria and larvae were successfully cultured to the juvenile stage in the laboratory. The larval morphology and development of M. strigata is described in this paper. D-shaped veligers were produced within 20 h of fertilization and were approximately 75 µm in shell length. These larvae were capable of settlement two weeks post fertilization. Given an adequate amount of food, they were able to grow up to 1 mm in shell length within 30 days. The larval shell of M. strigata possesses anterodorsal G2 hinge teeth as distinct wavy ledges, with a pitted resilial ridge clearly evident in the juvenile shell.  相似文献   

The adsorption behavior of the mussel adhesive protein Mytilus edulis foot protein‐1 (Mefp‐1) has been investigated on a negatively charged polar SiO2 surface and an electrically inert non‐polar CH3‐terminated thiolated gold surface. How the structure of adsorbed Mefp‐1 is changed upon chemically and enzymatically induced cross‐linking using sodium periodate (NaIO4) and catechol oxidase, both of which transform DOPA residues in Mefp‐1 into highly reactive o‐quinones, was also investigated. The results are compared with those resulting from addition of Cu2+ to adsorbed Mefp‐1, which forms complexes with and catalyses oxidation of DOPA residues, previously suggested to participate in the cohesive and adhesive properties of the byssus thread of M. edulis. By combining surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and quartz crystal microbalance/dissipation (QCM‐D) measurements, the effects of these agents were investigated with respect to changes in the amount of coupled water, the viscoelastic properties (rigidity) and the hydrodynamic thickness of the protein adlayers. The layer of Mefp‐1 formed on the bare CH3‐terminated surface was elongated, flexible and coupled hydrodynamically a substantial amount of water, whereas Mefp‐1 formed a rigidly attached adlayer on the SiO2 surface. Upon enzymatically and chemically induced cross‐linking of Mefp‐1 formed on the CH3 surface, the rigidity of the adlayer(s) increased significantly. A similar increase in the rigidity was observed also upon addition of Cu2+, suggesting that the high level of metal ions present in the byssus thread might be essential for the cohesive and adhesive properties of this protein. For the mass‐uptake kinetics of enzymatically induced cross‐linking, three different phases were observed and are interpreted as competition between binding of protein and release of coupled water. For the reaction with NaIO4 and Cu2+, only release of water affected the coupled mass. The importance of this type of information for an improved understanding of the strong adhesion and cohesive properties in marine environments is discussed.  相似文献   
Surface colonization by invertebrates can be stimulated or inhibited by cues produced by biofilms, conspecifics or other macroorganisms. To study the effects of living substrata on the attachment of the brown mussel, Perna perna, two different approaches were employed: (1) mussels were distributed in sets of Petri dishes consisting of one sterile set (controls), three sets in which marine biofilms were allowed to develop in aquaria for 1, 7 or 15 days and another set that had been immersed in a natural marine environment for 1-day. There was no significant effect of biofilms on attachment, suggesting that neither age nor the source of the biofilm influenced attachment. (2) Mussels were suspended over PVC panels (controls) and over panels on which Balanus trigonus (Crustacea), Schizoporella errata (Bryozoa), Symplegma rubra or Didemnum speciosum (Ascidiacea) were present. Attachment was significantly higher on the controls and on B. trigonus than on colonial taxa such as S. rubra, S. errata and D. speciosum, probably due to antifouling defenses of these species. The results show that the composition of the biological substratum is an important factor affecting mussel behavior.  相似文献   

The egg masses of the marine muricid gastropod molluscs Chicoreus virgineus, Chicoreus ramosus and Rapana rapiformis were studied for antifouling activities. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of crude extracts for the inhibition of byssal production and attachment of the brown mussel Perna indica were 650 μg ml?1, 1150 μg ml?1 and 925 μg ml?1 from the three muricid gastropods, respectively. Higher LC50 values than EC50 values and 100% recovery of the mussels in the toxicity assay indicated the non-toxic nature of the extracts. The gradient partitioning of the egg mass extracts and subsequent antimicrofouling screening against 40 biofilm bacteria showed wide-spectrum antibacterial activity of the medium polar fraction from C. virgineus; the non-polar fraction from R. rapiformis and both non-polar and medium polar fractions from C. ramosus. The antimicrofouling activity from extracts of the three egg masses was found to be more prominent than antimacrofouling activity. This may be attributed to the targeting of a defence strategy against microbes in order to protect the developing mollusc embryos.  相似文献   
1. Freshwater unionid mussels are a highly imperilled group. Their dispersal abilities depend on the availability and the movement of host fish on which their parasitic mussel larvae develop. 2. We examined the relationship between the dispersal abilities of unionid mussels and their conservation status on a regional (SW Ontario) scale and their distribution and abundance on a catchment scale (Sydenham River, SW Ontario) by determining host specificity and estimating the dispersal abilities of mussels on fish from a review of the literature. 3. On the regional scale, we found that mussels with the most precarious conservation status relied on host fish with short movement distances, whereas vulnerable and more secure mussel species had host fish with 2–3 orders of magnitude larger movement distances. We were not able to detect a clear pattern on the catchment scale. 4. Our results suggest that limited dispersal by host fish affects the abundance and distribution of unionid mussels and ultimately their conservation status on a regional scale. Information on dispersal limitations because of differences in host fish communities should be included in conservation and management decisions to ensure connectivity and maintain functioning mussel metacommunities.  相似文献   
1. Dreissenid mussels (quagga mussels, Dreissena bugensis, and zebra mussels, D. polymorpha) are invasive species that function as ecosystem engineers in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Dreissena are increasingly abundant on silt, sand and other soft substrates; by altering benthic habitat, these mussels can alter benthic community structure. 2. We used laboratory mesocosm experiments to examine the effects of soft‐sediment Dreissena clusters on the habitat preference of Hexagenia, a native burrowing mayfly that is an important food source to fish. We conducted three experiments to test whether Hexagenia: (1) select for bare sediment, soft sediment covered with live Dreissena (added structure and food resources) or soft sediment with clusters made of empty Dreissena shells (added structure only), (2) prefer a specific density of live Dreissena on soft sediment and (3) select for or avoid sediment with an accumulation of empty Dreissena shells. 3. Contrary to initial expectations, we found that Hexagenia selected for sediment covered with live Dreissena clusters, followed by empty Dreissena shells clusters, and lastly what was previously thought to be the preferred habitat, bare sediment. Not only did Hexagenia prefer Dreissena‐covered sediment, but they also preferred high densities of Dreissena. 4. We also experimentally tested the effects of Dreissena‐covered soft sediment on the availability of Hexagenia to fish. We had three treatment levels representing three distinct habitat types: (1) bare sediment (no Dreissena) treatment in which water was turbid because of mayfly activity, (2) Dreissena‐covered sediment treatment in which water was clear because of Dreissena filtration and (3) Dreissena‐covered sediment with added turbidity. We found that in low light conditions, similar to many locations where both organisms are found to co‐occur, both yellow perch and round goby consumption of Hexagenia significantly decreased when Dreissena covered the bottom sediment. 5. These results suggest that by choosing Dreissena‐covered habitat, Hexagenia receive protection from fish predation in turbid/low light systems. However, protection from predation cannot be the only reason Hexagenia select Dreissena‐covered sediments, as Hexagenia selected for live clusters more often than empty clusters and may be a result of additional food resources.  相似文献   
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